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Extra - Chapter Notes - Enactment. Chapter 45 was added March 24, 1998, P.L.217, No.39,...
Section 4501 - Short title of chapter - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 4502 - Definitions - The following words and phrases when used in this chapter...
Section 4503 - Powers and duties of secretary - (a) Administration and enforcement of chapter.--Subject to the provisions contained...
Section 4504 - Commodity marketing board - (a) Establishment of commodity marketing board.-- (1) Each marketing program...
Section 4505 - Provisions of marketing programs - Subject to the legislative restrictions and limitations set forth in...
Section 4506 - Effecting marketing programs - (a) Referendum required.--No marketing program or amendment thereto shall become...
Section 4507 - Terminating marketing programs - Subject to approval of the appropriate commodity marketing board, the...
Section 4508 - Marketing program review and amendments - (a) Review.--Every five years the secretary shall call a referendum...
Section 4509 - Notice of issuance - Upon the issuance of any marketing program or any suspension,...
Section 4510 - Collection of fees - (a) General rule.--Any marketing program issued pursuant to this chapter...
Section 4511 - Rules and regulations for enforcement - The secretary shall, with the advice of the commodity marketing...
Section 4512 - Advance deposits - Prior to the issuance of any marketing program, the secretary...
Section 4513 - Severability - The provisions of this chapter are severable. If any provision...