Oklahoma Statutes
Title 59. Professions and Occupations
§59-1264.3. Use of LSW-ADM title.

Any person who has received a license as a licensed social worker with administration specialty shall have the right to use the title licensed social worker with administration specialty, and the abbreviation LSW-ADM. No other person shall assume such title, use such abbreviation, or any word or letters, signs, figures or devices to indicate that the person using the same is a licensed social worker.

Added by Laws 2011, c. 146, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 59. Professions and Occupations

§59-15.1. Short title - Declaration of policy.

§59-15.1A. See the following versions:

§59-15.2. Oklahoma Accountancy Board - Membership - Qualifications - Terms.

§59-15.3. Vacancies - Disqualification - Removal.

§59-15.4. Officers - Meetings - Duties.

§59-15.5. Quorum - Seal - Records - Staff - Expenditures - Rules and regulations – Delegation of authority.

§59-15.6A. Confidentiality of investigations - Use as evidence – Disclosure of information.

§59-15.7. Disbursement of fees and monies.

§59-15.8. Application to take examination - Format - Fees - Qualifications.

§59-15.9. Issuance of certificate.

§59-15.10. Examinations.

§59-15.10A. Fees – Application and test.

§59-15.11. Use of titles or abbreviations.

§59-15.12. Employees and assistants without certification or permit.

§59-15.12A. Holders of certificate or license from another state - Consent to jurisdiction – Compliance with Board rules - State licensees practicing in another state.

§59-15.13. Issuance of certificate to applicant authorized to practice in another jurisdiction - Reciprocity.

§59-15.13A. Issuance of certificate to applicant authorized to practice in foreign country - Reciprocity.

§59-15.14. Registration - Expiration and renewal - Fee.

§59-15.14A. Permits.

§59-15.14B. Acts subject to penalty.

§59-15.15. Registration - Annual fee - Expiration date - Renewal - Interim registration - Revocation and reinstatement.

§59-15.15A. Firm permits.

§59-15.15B. Designated manager - Succession of business.

§59-15.15C. Services provided by unregistered firm.

§59-15.16. Revocation or suspension of registration and permits of firm.

§59-15.1Av1. Definitions.

§59-15.1Av2. Definitions.

§59-15.23. Hearings.

§59-15.24. Penalties - Reinstatement or termination of suspension.

§59-15.25. Misrepresentation or fraud - Violations of act - Penalty.

§59-15.26. False reports or statements - Penalty.

§59-15.27. Cease and desist order – Fine - Injunction.

§59-15.28. Prima facie evidence.

§59-15.29A. Unlawful use of titles or abbreviations - Injunction, restraining order, or other order.

§59-15.29B. Enforcement actions - Evidence of single act sufficient.

§59-15.30. Peer reviews.

§59-15.35. Continuing professional education.

§59-15.36. Persons who may perform assurance services and audits or issue reports.

§59-15.37. Acts and instruments not to provide for audit services by other than registrant holding valid permit.

§59-15.38. Filing, fees, and continuing professional education requirements waived for license or certificate holder called to active military service.

§59-46.1. Short title - State Architectural and Registered Commercial Interior Designers Act.

§59-46.2. Purpose of act.

§59-46.3. Definitions.

§59-46.4. Board of Governors of the Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects and Registered Commercial Interior Designers of Oklahoma.

§59-46.6. Meetings - Officers - Salary - Quorum.

§59-46.7. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-46.8a. Unlawful practice or use of title - License—Reciprocity.

§59-46.9. Practice through partnership, firm, association, corporation, limited liability company or limited liability partnership - Certificates of authority or title - Foreign entities - Registration of trade name or service mark.

§59-46.10. Dues - Cancellation of license or registration for nonpayment.

§59-46.11. Renewal of license or certificate - Display.

§59-46.12. Reinstatement of license, registration or certificate.

§59-46.14. Grounds for suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of license or certificate – Hearing – Definitions.

§59-46.15. Appeals from Board - Jurisdiction of District Court of Oklahoma County.

§59-46.17. Criminal penalties.

§59-46.18. Civil penalties.

§59-46.19. Board of Architects' Fund.

§59-46.20. Annual report.

§59-46.21. Persons, firms, corporations, limited liability companies or limited liability partnerships excepted from act.

§59-46.21b. Architects required for certain buildings - Code Use Groups - Exempted buildings.

§59-46.24. Issuance of architecture license - Qualifications - Examination - License certificate - Confidential records.

§59-46.25. Seal of architect.

§59-46.26. Acceptance of compensation from other than client - Unlawful.

§59-46.27. Prohibition against architects bidding or holding financial interests in bidding entities for certain contracts.

§59-46.28. Scope of act.

§59-46.29. Landscape architecture license required.

§59-46.30. Licensing of landscape architects - Temporary licenses - Certificate of qualification.

§59-46.31. Examination of landscape architects - License certificate - Issuance of license without examination.

§59-46.32. Practice of landscape architecture - Not transferable.

§59-46.33. Restoration of license - Application.

§59-46.34. Seal of landscape architect.

§59-46.35. Unlawful compensation.

§59-46.36. Prohibition against landscape architects bidding or holding financial interests in bidding entities for certain contracts.

§59-46.38. Registration of commercial interior designers - Certificate of title.

§59-46.39. Alternative requirements for commercial interior designer registration.

§59-46.40. Waiver of educational and examination requirements for commercial interior designer registration.

§59-46.41. Unlawful use of commercial interior designer title.

§59-46.42. Registered commercial interior designer seal.

§59-46.43. Unlawful to receive compensation except from client.

§59-46.44. Unlawful to bid or hold financial interest in entities competitively bidding.

§59-46.45. Personal privilege – Registration nontransferable.

§59-46.46. Application for reissuance of registration.

§59-46.47. No authority to engage in practice of architecture or landscape architecture.

§59-61.5. Practice of barbering defined.

§59-61.6. Board of Barber Examiners - Licenses.

§59-135.1. Short title.

§59-136. Definitions.

§59-137. Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners - Membership - Qualifications - Terms - Removal.

§59-138. Application of act.

§59-139. Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners - Organization - Meetings - Compliance with other acts - Bonding

§59-140. Employees of Board - Prosecutions - Materials and supplies - Bonds - Seal.

§59-141. Powers and duties.

§59-142. Acts constituting practice of podiatric medicine - Exceptions.

§59-143. Unlawful practices - Penalty.

§59-144. Examination - Fee - Qualifications of applicants – Definitions – License - Temporary license.

§59-144.1. Training license - Eligibility - Restrictions.

§59-145. Renewal of licenses - Fees - Suspension on nonpayment - Reinstatement - Records.

§59-145.1. Continuing education requirement for renewal of license - Exemptions.

§59-147. Penalties - Guidelines.

§59-148. Violations – Definitions.

§59-149. Complaint.

§59-149.1. Guidance to podiatric physicians for recommending medical marijuana – Disciplinary action.

§59-152. Reciprocity - Fees.

§59-154. Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners' Revolving Fund.

§59-155. Investigations and hearings.

§59-156. Annual report.

§59-158. Restraining orders and injunctions.

§59-159.1. Rules and regulations concerning casts for individual shoes.

§59-159.2. Unlawful acts.

§59-159.4. Inapplicability to manufacture or sale to persons generally.

§59-159.5. Penalties.

§59-160.1. Interpretation of "podiatry" and "podiatric medicine".

§59-160.2. DPM - Meaning.

§59-161.1. Short title.

§59-161.2. Scope of practice of chiropractic.

§59-161.3. Definitions.

§59-161.4. Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

§59-161.5. Meetings of Board – Duties of officers - Bonding and liability.

§59-161.6. Powers of Board - Advisory Committee.

§59-161.7. Application for original license by examination – Definitions.

§59-161.8. Subjects covered by examination.

§59-161.9. Application for original license by relocation of practice.

§59-161.10a. Continuing education.

§59-161.11. Annual renewal license - Fee - Suspension and reinstatement - Disciplinary guidelines.

§59-161.12. Penalties - Grounds for imposition.

§59-161.12a. Certificate – Chiropractic claims consultant.

§59-161.13. Suspension of license because of mental illness.

§59-161.14. Practice without license - Penalties – Injunction.

§59-161.15. Doctors of chiropractic governed by public health laws.

§59-161.16. Chiropractic Education Scholarship Program.

§59-161.17. Chiropractic Undergraduate Preceptorship Program.

§59-161.18. Listing in publications.

§59-161.20. Board of Chiropractic Examiners' Revolving Fund.

§59-199. Short title – Oklahoma Cosmetology and Barbering Act.

§59-199.1. Definitions.

§59-199.2. State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering.

§59-199.3. Powers of Board.

§59-199.4. Executive director.

§59-199.5. Positions and salaries.

§59-199.6. Rules - Implementation - Unlawful acts - Penalties.

§59-199.7. Cosmetology and barber schools.

§59-199.8. Apprentices.

§59-199.9. Inspection of facilities – Licensure required.

§59-199.10. Expiration and renewal of licenses

§59-199.11. Grounds for denial of license, certificate or registration – Definitions.

§59-199.13. Reciprocity licenses - Criteria for issuing licenses without examination.

§59-199.14. Fees.

§59-199.15. State Cosmetology and Barbering Fund.

§59-199.18. Services provided in a private residence.

§59-328. Designation of parts.

§59-328.1. Citation - Subsequent enactments.

§59-328.2. Declarations.

§59-328.3. Definitions.

§59-328.7. Board of Dentistry - Membership - Tenure - Nomination and election districts - Vacancies.

§59-328.10. Officers - Election - Tenure - Meetings - Bond - Liability - Expenses.

§59-328.15. Powers of Board.

§59-328.15A. Board investigators - Powers.

§59-328.15B. Executive Director - Authority.

§59-328.17. Standing committees – Composition - Functions.

§59-328.19. Acts constituting practice of dentistry - Acts not prevented.

§59-328.21. Application for license – Qualifications - Examination.

§59-328.22. Specialty license.

§59-328.23. Emergency temporary licenses for dentistry or dental hygiene.

§59-328.23a. Special volunteer licenses.

§59-328.23b. Retired volunteer licenses.

§59-328.24. Dental assistant permits - Expanded duty permits.

§59-328.25. Oral maxillofacial surgery assistant permits.

§59-328.26. Dental student intern, resident or fellowship permits.

§59-328.27. Faculty licenses and faculty specialty licenses.

§59-328.28a. Applicant criminal background check.

§59-328.29a. Dental assistant – Revocation or suspension of permit, probation or censure – Reinstatement – Definitions.

§59-328.31. Professional entities formed for practice of dentistry.

§59-328.31a. Use of trade names – Rules regulating advertisements.

§59-328.31b. Patient record keeping requirements.

§59-328.32. Dentists - Grounds for penalties.

§59-328.33. Revocation or suspension of license of dental hygienist or discipline by probation or reprimand.

§59-328.34. Practice of dental hygiene under supervision of dentist – Delegation of duties to dental hygienist – Authorization of advanced procedures.

§59-328.36. Permit to operate dental laboratory.

§59-328.36a. Laboratory prescriptions.

§59-328.39. Dental laboratory permit holders or technicians - Grounds for penalties.

§59-328.39a. Dental laboratory permit holders - Grounds for penalties.

§59-328.40a. Registration for mobile dental clinics.

§59-328.41. Renewal certificate - Continuing education requirements – Fee - Automatic cancellation.

§59-328.42. State Dental Fund.

§59-328.43a. Complaints - Review and investigative panels - Panel authority.

§59-328.43b. Patient fatalities - Adverse Outcomes Review and Investigation Panel.

§59-328.44a. Penalties - Judicial review.

§59-328.44b. Surrender of license, permit or certificate.

§59-328.48. Annual statement of receipts and expenditures.

§59-328.49. Unlawful practices - Criminal and civil actions.

§59-328.51a. Fees.

§59-328.53. Dentists - Professional malpractice liability insurance.

§59-328.54. Dental practice - Diagnosis via the Internet.

§59-328.55. Death of patient - Notification of Board.

§59-328.56. Unauthorized or forged prescribing of controlled dangerous substances.

§59-328.57. Providing care during a pandemic, disaster or emergency – Administering vaccinations.

§59-328.60. Citation - Subsequent enactments.

§59-328.61. Declaration of public policy.

§59-328.62. Definitions - Mediation committee - Powers.

§59-328.63. Voluntary status - Protections from liability.

§59-328.64. Proceedings of mediation committee privileged - Exceptions.

§59-328.65. Review of course of treatment rendered by a dentist - Election by patient - Submission of statement by dentist.

§59-328.66. Recommendations of mediation committee.

§59-328.67. Appeal to state mediation appeals committee.

§59-328.68. Request for final appeal.

§59-328.69. Review and hearing by the Board of Governors of Registered Dentists.

§59-328.70. Reasonable procedural rules to be followed.

§59-328.71. Appeals proceedings privileged and protected from liability - Admissibility of findings or recommendations during hearing or trial of litigation.

§59-328.72. Implied repeal by subsequent legislation - Election out from federal coverage and reporting requirements.

§59-328.73. Election of remedies - Patient's rights.

§59-353. Short title - Purpose - Declaration of pharmacy as profession.

§59-353.1. Definitions.

§59-353.1a. Advanced practice nurses - Prescribing authority.

§59-353.1b. Certified registered nurse anesthetist - Prescribing authority.

§59-353.3. Board of Pharmacy - Membership - Qualifications - Terms of office - Appointments.

§59-353.5. State Board of Pharmacy – Elections and terms - Executive Director.

§59-353.7. State Board of Pharmacy - Powers.

§59-353.7a. Licensure fees for certain entities.

§59-353.9. Licensed pharmacists - Qualifications - Applications for examination - Fees - Certification.

§59-353.10. Assistant pharmacists.

§59-353.11. License renewal - Fee

§59-353.11a. Continuing education requirements - Inactive renewal certificates

§59-353.12. Display of certificate of licensure - Discontinuance or change of place of business - Confiscation of certificates.

§59-353.16A. Incapacity of pharmacist - Effect on license.

§59-353.17. Unlawful use of titles relating to pharmacy.

§59-353.17A. Unlawful impersonation of a pharmacist.

§59-353.18. Sale, manufacturing or packaging of dangerous drugs, medicines, chemicals or poisons – Qualifications for licensure - Violations – Penalties.

§59-353.18A. Pharmacy technicians - Permits.

§59-353.20. Pharmaceutical equipment and library required - Scales and balances - Sanitary appliances and conditions - Pharmaceutical records.

§59-353.20.1. Recording of prescriptions - Prescription label requirements.

§59-353.20.2. Varying amounts of prescription refills - Pharmacist discretion – Permissible dispensing without a prescription.

§59-353.22. Sale of poisons.

§59-353.24. Unlawful acts.

§59-353.25. Violation of act - Penalty - Perjury.

§59-353.26. Reprimand, revocation or suspension of certificate, license or permit - Grounds – Procedure.

§59-353.29.1. Veterinary prescription drugs.

§59-353.29.2. Prescriptions for ocular abnormalities.

§59-353.30. Use of agreements - Training requirements and administration of immunizations and therapeutic injections.

§59-354. Prescription as property right of patient - Duty to provide reference copies and transfer prescriptions.

§59-355.1. Dispensing dangerous drugs - Procedure - Registration - Exemptions.

§59-355.2. Violations of act – Adoption of rules.

§59-355.4. Substituting interchangeable biological products for prescribed biological products.

§59-356. Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act.

§59-356.1. Definitions – Purpose - Application.

§59-356.2. Pharmacy audit requirements - Computerized medical records - Written report - Copy - Recoupment.

§59-356.3. Appeals process - Dismissal - Fraud or willful misrepresentation - Application of act.

§59-356.4. Extrapolation audit prohibited.

§59-356.5. Retrospective application – Audits not covered by act.

§59-357. Definitions

§59-358. Pharmacy benefits management licensure – Procedures – Penalties for noncompliance.

§59-359. Information regarding difference in amount paid for prescription services rendered and amount billed.

§59-360. Pharmacy benefits manager – Contractual duties to provider.

§59-367.1. Short title.

§59-367.2. Definitions.

§59-367.3. Program for utilization of unused prescription drugs.

§59-367.4. Criteria for accepting unused prescription drugs.

§59-367.5. Participation in program voluntary – Acts and obligations of participating organization – Government reimbursement not considered resale.

§59-367.5.1. Pharmacies operated by or under contract with Department of Corrections – Resale or redispensing of prescription drugs.

§59-367.6. Liability of participating organizations and manufacturers – Bad faith or gross negligence.

§59-367.7. Promulgation of rules – Donation of unused prescription drugs.

§59-367.8. Maintenance of drugs in emergency kits by pharmacies.

§59-368. Access to prescription drugs for low income Oklahomans.

§59-369. Emergency contraceptive prescription.

§59-374. Medication services procedures.

§59-375.1. Short title - Oklahoma Durable Medical Equipment Licensing Act.

§59-375.2. Definitions.

§59-375.3. Supplier license – Inspections – Promulgation of rules.

§59-375.4. Application for license – Fee – Out-of-state supplier – Safety standards – Revocation or suspension.

§59-375.5. Application of act.

§59-395.1. Short title.

§59-396. Oklahoma Funeral Board - Appointment - Term - Qualifications.

§59-396.1. Oath of office.

§59-396.1A. Removal of Board members.

§59-396.1B. Expenses of Board members - Executive director - Other personnel.

§59-396.1C. Executive director of Board - Powers and duties – Collection and disposition of funds.

§59-396.2. Definitions.

§59-396.2a. Board - Additional powers and duties.

§59-396.3. Qualifications and examination of funeral directors and embalmers - Approved schools – Licenses.

§59-396.3a. Persons and businesses required to be licensed.

§59-396.4. Fees.

§59-396.5. Expiration of license - Renewal.

§59-396.5a. Inactive military service list - Not subject to renewal fees - Reinstatement on discharge.

§59-396.5b. Continuing education courses.

§59-396.6. License required - Employment of licensed embalmer – Display of license or certificate.

§59-396.8. Reciprocity – Definitions.

§59-396.10. Application - Rules of Board - Publication of changes in rules.

§59-396.11. Apprenticeship - Application - Certificate - Rules.

§59-396.12. Funeral establishment required to be licensed – Display of license - Inspection of premises - Sanitary rules – Commercial embalming establishments.

§59-396.12a. Embalming to be performed by licensed embalmer or apprentice - Holding out as funeral director, embalmer, etc. without license prohibited.

§59-396.12b. Conducting funeral, persons authorized - Embalming, persons authorized - Transfer or removal of remains.

§59-396.12c. Refusal to issue or renew, revocation or suspension of license – Grounds – Definitions.

§59-396.12d. Violations - Penalties - Liabilities.

§59-396.12e. Administrative penalty and costs - Surrender of license in lieu of penalty.

§59-396.12f. Complaints - Investigation - Hearing - Emergencies - Orders - Appeal - Service of instruments.

§59-396.16. Records of Board - Contents - Public inspection.

§59-396.17. Board - Officers - Rules.

§59-396.19. Act inapplicable when.

§59-396.20. Suspicion of crime - Embalming body without permission unlawful.

§59-396.22. Meetings of Board.

§59-396.23. Schools - Privileges.

§59-396.24. Violations - Penalties.

§59-396.26. Partial invalidity.

§59-396.27. Risk of transmission of communicable disease - Precautions.

§59-396.28. Funeral directors and embalmers from other states – Temporary permit.

§59-396.29. Cremation – Intermingling – Liability for final disposition or cremation – Identification system – Disposition of unclaimed remains – Military veteran.

§59-396.30. Licenses – Requirements – Records and reports – Compliance with state and federal health and environmental laws – Inspections.

§59-396.31. Rules for licensing, inspection, and regulation of crematories.

§59-396.32. Residue of cremated body.

§59-396.33. Cremation without license and permit a felony.

§59-475.1. Registration as engineer or land surveyor - Privilege.

§59-475.2. Definitions.

§59-475.3. State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.

§59-475.4. Qualifications of Board members.

§59-475.6. Removal of Board members - Vacancies.

§59-475.7. Meetings - Officers - Quorum.

§59-475.8. Powers and authority of Board.

§59-475.9. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Fund - Expenditures - Audits.

§59-475.10. Record of proceedings and applications - Evidentiary use - Annual reports - Confidentiality.

§59-475.11. Rosters.

§59-475.12a. Licensure or certification as professional engineer.

§59-475.12b. Licensure or certification as professional land surveyor.

§59-475.12c. Qualifications to use title Professional Structural Engineer.

§59-475.13. Application form - Certified council record in lieu of form - Fees.

§59-475.14. Examinations.

§59-475.15. Certificate of licensure - Seal - Intern certificate.

§59-475.16. Terms of certificates – Maintaining certificates.

§59-475.17. Lost or destroyed certificates - Replacement.

§59-475.18. Disciplinary actions - Grounds - Rules of Professional Conduct – Definitions.

§59-475.19. Allegations of violations - Notice and hearing - Appeal.

§59-475.20. Criminal and administrative penalties - Legal counsel.

§59-475.21. Condition for practice of engineering or land surveying by firm.

§59-475.22. Exceptions.

§59-475.22a. Land surveying documents - Conditions of filing.

§59-475.40. XXX.

§59-478. Definitions.

§59-478.1. Establishment of physician-patient relationship through telemedicine.

§59-480. Short title - Intent - Definitions.

§59-481. State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision - Members.

§59-481.1. Statutory references.

§59-482. Tenure - Appointment list - Persons ineligible.

§59-484. Oath.

§59-485. Organization - Officers.

§59-487. Secretary - Duties.

§59-488. Meetings of Board - Determining qualifications of applicants.

§59-489. Rules - Fees - Increasing or changing educational requirements.

§59-490. Administration of oaths - Evidence and witnesses.

§59-491. Practicing without a license - Penalties.

§59-492. Designation of physicians - Employment by hospitals - Practice of medicine defined - Services rendered by trained assistants - Persons practicing nonallopathic healing.

§59-492.1. Application forms - Requirements for practicing medicine - Agent or representative of applicant.

§59-493.1. Contents of application - Requirements for licensure.

§59-493.2. Foreign applicants - Requirements for licensure.

§59-493.3. Licensure by endorsement - Temporary and special licensure.

§59-493.4. Special licenses.

§59-493.5. Special volunteer license.

§59-493.5a. Temporary critical need license.

§59-493.6. Enactment of Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.

§59-493.7. Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.

§59-494.1. Medical licensure examinations.

§59-495. Issuance of licenses.

§59-495a.1. License reregistration.

§59-495b. Practice without renewal license prohibited - Punishment - Revocation or suspension of license.

§59-495c. Reregistration fees - Depository funds - Disposition.

§59-495d. Suspension in absence of reregistration - Reinstatement.

§59-495e. Appeal from rejection of reregistration.

§59-495h. Reinstatement of license or certificate - Satisfactory evidence of professional competence.

§59-497. Duplicate licenses.

§59-500. Notice of practice location and address - Proof of licensure.

§59-503. Sanctions for unprofessional conduct.

§59-503.1. Emergency suspension of licensure.

§59-503.2. Authority to prescribe administrative remedies for licensee violations.

§59-504. Process - How served - Depositions - Subpoenas.

§59-505. State as party to actions - Board as trial body - Rulings - Record.

§59-506. Decisions of Board - Suspension and reinstatement - Narcotics conviction.

§59-508. Revocation for fraud, misrepresentation or mistake - Misdemeanor.

§59-508.1. Reinstatement on Board's own motion.

§59-508.2. Reinstatement on application of person whose license is suspended or revoked.

§59-509. Unprofessional conduct - Definition.

§59-509.1. Disciplinary actions.

§59-510. Corporations - Firms - Practice of medicine.

§59-510.1. Guidance to allopathic physicians for recommending medical marijuana – Disciplinary action.

§59-511. Deposit of fees and other monies - Payments from fund - Disposition of balance.

§59-512. Salary of secretary - Personnel - Investigators - Travel expenses.

§59-513. Quasi-judicial powers of Board - Appeals to Supreme Court - Revocation on conviction of felony - Fugitive from justice.

§59-514. Partial invalidity.

§59-518. Emergency care or treatment - Immunity from civil damages or criminal prosecution.

§59-518.1. Allied Professional Peer Assistance Program – Committees - Records.

§59-519.1. Short title.

§59-519.2. Definitions.

§59-519.3. Physician Assistant Committee - Powers and duties.

§59-519.4. Licensure requirements.

§59-519.6. Filing of application to practice - Services performed – Display and inspection of license.

§59-519.7. Temporary approval of a license and application to practice.

§59-519.7a. Temporary critical need license.

§59-519.8. License renewal - Fees.

§59-519.9. Preexisting certificates.

§59-519.10. Violations - Penalties.

§59-519.11. Construction of act.

§59-521. Exceptions.

§59-521.1. Primary care provider.

§59-521.2. Billing and payment.

§59-521.3. Emergency or state or local disaster medical care – Liability immunity.

§59-521.4. Physician supervision required – Practice agreement with delegating physician.

§59-524. Abortion - Infant prematurely born alive - Right to medical treatment.

§59-525. Short title.

§59-526. Definitions.

§59-527. License required.

§59-528. Board - Powers and duties.

§59-529. Athletic Trainers Advisory Committee.

§59-530. Qualifications of applicants - Applications - Examination fee - Apprentice athletic trainers license.

§59-531. Expiration of license - Renewal - License fees.

§59-532. Denial, suspension or revocation of license – Definitions.

§59-533. Violation of act - Penalty.

§59-534. Persons actively engaged as athletic trainers exempted from qualifications - Misrepresentations - Voluntary prevention, emergency care or first aid services.

§59-535. Practice of medicine unauthorized - Exemptions from act.

§59-536.1. Short title.

§59-536.2. Definitions.

§59-536.3. Transfer of funds, records, etc.

§59-536.4. Board - Powers and duties.

§59-536.5. Advisory Committee of Registered Electrologists.

§59-536.7. Qualifications for licensure - Evidence - Examination - Nonresidents - Continuing education - Renewal of license.

§59-536.8. Registration of license - Display - Surrender.

§59-536.9. Suspension or revocation of license.

§59-536.10. Personnel and facilities.

§59-536.11. Violation of act - Penalties.

§59-540. Short title.

§59-540.1. Purpose of act.

§59-540.2. Definitions.

§59-540.3. License required.

§59-540.4. Therapeutic Recreation Committee - Membership - Powers and duties.

§59-540.5. State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision - Powers and duties.

§59-540.6. Licensure requirements.

§59-540.7. License renewal.

§59-540.8. Restrictions on the use of certain words and the letters TRS/L or CTRS/L in connection with a name or business.

§59-540.9. Services requiring a referral - Exceptions.

§59-540.10. Restriction on delegation compromising client safety.

§59-540.11. License without examination - Temporary licenses.

§59-540.12. Violation of act - Penalties.

§59-541. Short title.

§59-541.1. Services of assistant – Scope of practice – Certification and registration – Acts prohibited.

§59-541.2. Radiologist Assistant Advisory Committee.

§59-541.3. Board – Powers and duties.

§59-541.4. Examination – Licensure by endorsement.

§59-541.5. Title and abbreviation – Presentation of license.

§59-541.6. License renewal, reinstatement or replacement – Written notice of intent not to practice or to resume practice – Continuing education.

§59-541.7. Fees.

§59-541.8. Revocation or suspension of license – Refusal to renew – Probation.

§59-541.9. Radiology technologists and technicians exempt.

§59-567.1. Title of act.

§59-567.2. Declaration of public interest - Liberal construction of act.

§59-567.3a. Definitions.

§59-567.4. Oklahoma Board of Nursing.

§59-567.4a. Prescriptive authority recognition - Rules.

§59-567.4b. Formulary Advisory Council.

§59-567.5. Registered nurses, licensing - Applications - Qualifications - Examinations - Licensure without examination - Use of titles and abbreviations - Violations – Definitions.

§59-567.5a. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse - License - Application.

§59-567.6. Practical nurses, licensing - Applications - Qualifications - Examinations - Licensure without examination - Use of titles and abbreviations - Violations – Definitions.

§59-567.6a. Advanced Unlicensed Assistant - Certificate - Qualifications – Definitions.

§59-567.7. Renewal or reinstatement of license or certificate - Temporary retirement from practice - Fees.

§59-567.8. Denial, revocation or suspension of license or certification - Administrative penalties.

§59-567.8a. Corrective actions for violations.

§59-567.9. Violation of act - Penalty.

§59-567.11. Exceptions to application of act.

§59-567.12. Approved programs for registered and practical nurses.

§59-567.12a. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse education programs - Requirements.

§59-567.13. Survey of nursing programs - Reports - Failure of approved program to maintain standards.

§59-567.14. Practice without compliance with act prohibited - Insignia or badge.

§59-567.15. Temporary licenses to nurses from other states - Temporary critical need license for nurses.

§59-567.16a. Establishing advisory committees.

§59-567.17. Peer assistance program.

§59-567.18. Criminal history records and background checks.

§59-567.19. Rescission or withdrawal of license.

§59-567.20. Nursing education programs for veterans.

§59-567.21. Nurse Licensure Compact.

§59-567.22. Licenses issued by other states that are a party to the Nurse Licensure Compact – Same rights and obligations.

§59-567.23. Licenses issued by other states that are a party to the Nurse Licensure Compact – Oklahoma Board of Nursing responsible for taking action.

§59-567.24. Copy of nurse information available in the coordinated licensure information system.

§59-567.25. Personal identification information in the coordinated licensure information system – Sharing with nonparty states.

§59-567.26. Grant funding from the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc.

§59-581. Practice of optometry - Definition.

§59-582. Board of Examiners in Optometry - Re-creation - Vacancies - Qualifications - Term of members.

§59-583. Rules and regulations - Administering oaths and taking testimony - Officers - Meetings - Quorum - Code of ethics - Branch offices.

§59-584. Qualifications of applicants - Examination - Registration - Certificates to practice to persons from other states – National criminal history record check.

§59-585. Revocation or suspension of certificate - Grounds - Unprofessional and unethical conduct defined - Practice under own name - Notice and hearing of revocation or suspension - Reissuance of certificate - Out-of-state revocation or suspension.

§59-586. Display of certificates - Exhibition upon demand.

§59-587. Examinations - Fees - Compensation and expenses - Optometry Board Revolving Fund.

§59-588. Practice by unauthorized person - Impersonating optometrist - Evidence of violations - Criminal and civil penalties - Students and instructors.

§59-589. Persons excepted from statute.

§59-591. Certificates previously issued valid.

§59-592. Partial invalidity.

§59-593. Public policy.

§59-595. Certain agreements, contracts, understandings, etc. prohibited.

§59-597. Penalties.

§59-598. Provisions cumulative.

§59-601. Appropriations from Optometry Board Fund.

§59-602. Use of appropriations.

§59-603. Positions and salaries.

§59-604. Attendance on educational or postgraduate program.

§59-605. Cumulative character of act.

§59-606. Partial invalidity.

§59-620. Short title - Practice a privilege.

§59-621. Osteopathic medicine defined.

§59-622. License required - Submission to jurisdiction of courts - Employing hospitals not regarded as practitioners.

§59-623. Medicine and surgery - Not affected by this act.

§59-624. State Board of Osteopathic Examiners - Members - Seal - Rules – Per diem and travel expenses.

§59-625. Oath of members - Qualifications.

§59-626. Organization - Officers - Duties - Bond - Expenditures - Employees - Inspection of records and facilities of licensee or applicant for license.

§59-627. Record of proceedings - Contents - Copy submitted to Secretary of State - Certified copy as evidence.

§59-629. Standards of preliminary education required.

§59-630. Education and training required.

§59-631. School or college of osteopathic medicine defined.

§59-632. Examination - National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners.

§59-633. Licensure.

§59-634. Reciprocal license.

§59-635.1. Special volunteer medical license.

§59-635.2. Temporary license for out-of-state residents for training rotations - Requirements.

§59-635.3. Resident training license – Prescribing privileges - Requirements.

§59-636. Osteopathic physicians - Reports.

§59-637. Refusal to issue or reinstate, suspension or revocation of license - Hearing, witnesses and evidence - Judicial review.

§59-637.1. Alternatives to revoking, conditioning, suspending, reinstating or refusing to renew license.

§59-638. Acts punishable by fine or imprisonment – Separate criminal offense - False oath or affirmation as perjury.

§59-638.1. Guidance to osteopathic physicians for recommending medical marijuana – Disciplinary action.

§59-641. Osteopaths - Annual renewal of certificate - Fee - Attendance at educational program - Notice to licensee.

§59-642. Failure to comply with license renewal requirements - Cancellation of license - Reinstatement - Inactive status prohibited - Voluntary cancellation of license.

§59-643. Use of fund.

§59-644. State Board of Osteopathic Examiner's Revolving Fund.

§59-645. Rules - Fees.

§59-646.1. Definitions.

§59-646.2. Requirements for assessment mechanisms.

§59-646.3. Contact lens prescription requirements.

§59-646.4. Twelve-month minimum for contact lens prescriptions.

§59-646.5. Verification of contact lens prescription by authorized sellers.

§59-646.6. Liability for dispensing contact lenses or visual aid glasses.

§59-646.7. Completion of contact lens fitting.

§59-650. Interventional pain management license.

§59-698.1. Short title.

§59-698.2. Definitions.

§59-698.3. State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners - Purpose - Conflicts of interest - Liability.

§59-698.4. Appointment - Qualifications - Terms - Removal for cause.

§59-698.5. Oath of office - Officers, powers and duties - Reports - Standing or ad hoc committees.

§59-698.5a. Authority and duties.

§59-698.6. Meetings - Notice - Emergency meetings - Travel expenses - Revenues and funds - Increases in fees, charges, etc.

§59-698.7. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-698.8. Licenses - Evidence of suitability to practice - Practice without license - Certificate in lieu of license.

§59-698.8a. Veterinary faculty license.

§59-698.9a. Reinstatement of suspended, revoked or nonrenewed licenses or certificates.

§59-698.10a. Renewal certificate of registration - Application - Failure to renew - Fee - Automatic suspension.

§59-698.11. Practice defined.

§59-698.12. Acts not prohibited.

§59-698.14a. Sanctions – Enforcement actions – Injunctions – Suspension or revocation of license or certificate – Complaints – Hearings – Penalties.

§59-698.14b. Inability to practice due to mental illness or drug abuse - Required submission to alcohol or drug testing - Actions of Board - Reporting of impaired performance.

§59-698.15. Report of contagious or infectious diseases.

§59-698.16. Abandoned animals.

§59-698.16a. Animal health records – Disclosure – Liability.

§59-698.16b. Persons reporting information or investigating – Liability.

§59-698.17. Good faith rendering of emergency care or treatment to animal or human victim – Liability.

§59-698.18. Penalties.

§59-698.19A. Field citation – Probable cause committee – Contest hearing – Fine.

§59-698.21. Certified veterinary technician – Use of terms and titles - Person not considered to be veterinary technician.

§59-698.22. Candidates for examination - Employment by veterinarian of registered veterinary technician not required.

§59-698.23. Issuance of certificate.

§59-698.25. Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew - Probation.

§59-698.26. Unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine – Emergency treatment – Improper use of title - Penalties.

§59-698.28. Veterinary Medical Examiners Fund.

§59-698.29. Confidentiality of information.

§59-698.30. Nonveterinary equine dental care provider certification.

§59-698.30a. Nonveterinary reproductive services technician - Certification requirements.

§59-698.30b. Animal Technology Advisory Committee - Oversight - Members.

§59-698.31. Short title.

§59-698.32. Definitions.

§59-698.33. Veterinary training program for rural Oklahoma.

§59-725.1. Branch of healing art indicated by appending words or letters to name.

§59-725.2. Designations to be used and by whom.

§59-725.3. Violations – Administrative penalties – Investigation and prosecution by Attorney General.

§59-725.4. Referral of patients or clients to testing center or laboratory - Disclosure of financial interest or remuneration - Disciplinary actions - Injunctions.

§59-725.5. Limitation of liability for doctors rendering medical care on volunteer basis.

§59-731.1. Definitions.

§59-731.2. Use of word "Doctor" or abbreviation "Dr.", etc. as evidence.

§59-731.3. Unlicensed person not to hold himself out as qualified.

§59-731.4. Punishment for violations.

§59-731.5. Application of law.

§59-731.6. Partial invalidity.

§59-731.7. Spinal manipulation.

§59-736.2. Injunction.

§59-738.1. Injunctions granted without bond to specified boards.

§59-738.2. Consent of Board issuing license - Laws governing - Duty of Attorney General.

§59-738.3. Attorneys, employment of.

§59-738.4. District attorney's right not abrogated.

§59-738.6. Actions for declaratory rulings.

§59-858-101. Title and construction.

§59-858-102. Definitions.

§59-858-201. Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.

§59-858-202. Appointment - Tenure - Vacancies - Removal.

§59-858-204. Officers - Employees - Duties and compensation - Meetings.

§59-858-205. Oklahoma Real Estate Commission Revolving Fund.

§59-858-206. Suits - Service - Seal - Certified copies - Location of office.

§59-858-207. Annual report of fees.

§59-858-208. Powers and duties of Commission.

§59-858-209. Compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act.

§59-858-301. License required – Exceptions.

§59-858-301.1. Eligibility for license - Applicants convicted of criminal offenses - Time periods for disqualification - Procedure – Definitions.

§59-858-301.2. Notification of Commission of conviction or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to felony offense.

§59-858-302. Eligibility for license as provisional sales associate - Qualifications - Examination - Posteducation requirement.

§59-858-303. Eligibility for license as real estate broker - Examination.

§59-858-303A. Eligibility for license as a broker associate.

§59-858-303B. Accounting of expenditure for services.

§59-858-304. Evidence of successful completion of basic or advanced real estate instruction - Syllabus of instruction.

§59-858-305. Licensing of associations, corporations and partnerships - Registration of brokerage teams.

§59-858-306. Licensing of nonresidents.

§59-858-307.1. Issuance of license - Term - Fees.

§59-858-307.2. Renewal of license - Continuing education requirement.

§59-858-307.3. Application for reissuance of license after revocation.

§59-858-307.4. Criminal history record - Investigation - Costs.

§59-858-308. Current list of licensees.

§59-858-309. Inactive status for licensees.

§59-858-310. Location of office - Licenses for branch offices.

§59-858-311. Action not maintainable without allegation and proof of license.

§59-858-312. Investigations - Cause for suspension or revocation of license.

§59-858-312.1. Certain persons prohibited from participation in real estate business.

§59-858-313. Confidential materials of the Commission.

§59-858-351. Definitions.

§59-858-353. Broker duties and responsibilities.

§59-858-355.1. Brokerage services to both parties in transaction - Disclosure.

§59-858-356. Disclosures – Confirmation in writing.

§59-858-358. Duties of broker following termination, expiration or completion of performance.

§59-858-359. Payment to broker not determinative of relationship.

§59-858-360. Abrogation of common law principles of agency – Remedies cumulative.

§59-858-361. Use of word “agent” in trade name and as general reference.

§59-858-362. Vicarious liability for acts or omissions of real estate licensee.

§59-858-363. Associates of real estate broker - Authority.

§59-858-401. Penalties - Fines - Injunctions and restraining orders - Appeals.

§59-858-402. Administrative fines.

§59-858-503. Headings.

§59-858-513. Psychologically impacted real estate - Factors included - Nondisclosure of facts - Certain actions prohibited - Disclosure in certain circumstances.

§59-858-514. Registered sex offenders or violent crime offenders - No duty to provide notice regarding.

§59-858-515.1. Size of property for sale.

§59-858-515.2. Violation of duty to disclose source of information - Damages.

§59-858-601. Creation - Status - Appropriation - Expenditures - Use of funds - Eligibility to recover.

§59-858-602. Additional fee - Disposition.

§59-858-603. Eligibility to recover from fund - Ineligibility.

§59-858-604. Application for payment - Amount - Assignment of rights, etc. - Insufficient funds - Revocation of licenses.

§59-858-605. Expenditure of funds.

§59-858-621. Short title.

§59-858-622. Definitions.

§59-858-623. Exemptions.

§59-858-624. Committee of Home Inspector Examiners.

§59-858-625. Fees.

§59-858-626. Home Inspection Licensing Act Revolving Fund.

§59-858-627. Rule promulgation - Disciplinary measures - Injunctive relief and restraining orders.

§59-858-628. Home inspection instruction.

§59-858-629. Home inspector examination - Application and qualifications - Issuance of license.

§59-858-630. Documentation and fees - Issuance, renewal and reactivation of license - Insurance.

§59-858-631. License term - Continuing education requirement - Inactive status.

§59-858-632. Criminal actions - Injunctions or restraining orders.

§59-858-633. Investigations and hearings - Good cause.

§59-858-634. Administrative fines.

§59-858-700. Short title.

§59-858-701. Legislative intent - Purpose of act.

§59-858-702. Application of act.

§59-858-703. Definitions.

§59-858-704. Use of term "state certified" – Injunctive proceedings.

§59-858-705. Real Estate Appraiser Board - Members - Appointment - Qualifications - Terms - Removal - Meetings - Chairperson - Quorum.

§59-858-705.1. Board – Ex-officio Chairperson - Duties.

§59-858-706. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-858-707. Powers and duties of Insurance Department.

§59-858-708. Fees.

§59-858-709. Applications for certification, renewal and examination - Fees - Pledge of compliance with Board standards - Temporary appraisers - Consent to suits and actions.

§59-858-709A. Criminal history records check.

§59-858-710. Classifications of certification.

§59-858-711. Areas of knowledge required for original certification.

§59-858-712. Examination for certification - Prerequisites.

§59-858-713. Experience required for certification - Qualifications.

§59-858-714. Term of certificate - Expiration.

§59-858-715. Nonresident applicants - Consent of service of process - Reciprocal license.

§59-858-716. Nonresident applicants from states with substantially equivalent certification requirements.

§59-858-717. Denial of certificate.

§59-858-718. Address of appraiser's principal place of business - Notification of change - Residence addresses.

§59-858-719. Certificate signatures and numbers.

§59-858-720. Issuance of certificate to corporation, partnership, firm or group prohibited.

§59-858-721. Renewal certificate - Late renewal fee.

§59-858-722. Continuing education requirements - Board regulations - Requirement for reinstatement.

§59-858-723. Disciplinary proceedings – Penalties - Grounds - Civil judgment as basis - Complaints – Definitions.

§59-858-724. Notice and hearing - Subpoenas and depositions.

§59-858-725. Time and place of hearing - Final order of Board - Review.

§59-858-726. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice - Compliance required.

§59-858-727. Employment of certified real estate appraiser - Compliance with Act.

§59-858-728. Contingent fees.

§59-858-729. Retention of records - Inspection by Board.

§59-858-730. Oklahoma Certified Real Estate Appraisers Revolving Fund.

§59-858-732. Code of ethics.

§59-858-801. Oklahoma Appraisal Management Company Regulation Act.

§59-858-802. Purpose of act.

§59-858-803. Definitions.

§59-858-804. Application for registration.

§59-858-805. Applicability of act.

§59-858-806. Duration of registration.

§59-858-807. Uniform Consent to Service of Process.

§59-858-808. Registration fees.

§59-858-809. Ownership of AMC applying for, holding, or renewing a registration.

§59-858-810. AMC controlling person.

§59-858-811. AMC prohibited actions.

§59-858-812. AMC verification that an appraiser holds a credential in good standing.

§59-858-813. Credentials of employees or contractors of an AMC.

§59-858-814. Prohibition of contracts or agreements with uncredentialed appraisers.

§59-858-815. Annual certification of system or process to verify an appraiser's credentials.

§59-858-816. Annual certification of system to validate an appraiser's performance.

§59-858-817. Annual certification of each service request.

§59-858-818. Disclosure of fees paid for appraiser management services and the appraisal assignment.

§59-858-819. Violations of act.

§59-858-820. Prohibited acts.

§59-858-821. Payment within sixty days of transmitted appraisal.

§59-858-822. Altering, modifying, or changing completed appraisal.

§59-858-823. AMC registration number.

§59-858-824. Appraiser removed from appraiser panel.

§59-858-825. Authority to deny registration.

§59-858-826. Grounds for denial of registration.

§59-858-827. Penalties - Censure, suspension or revocation of registration, fine.

§59-858-828. Violation of act or rules.

§59-858-829. Promulgation of rules.

§59-858-830. Report to Real Estate Appraiser Board required for federally regulated AMC.

§59-887.1. Short title.

§59-887.2. Definitions.

§59-887.3. License requirements.

§59-887.4. Physical Therapy Committee - Membership - Powers and duties.

§59-887.5. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-887.6. Qualifications for license.

§59-887.7. Application for licenses - Fees.

§59-887.8. Issuance of license - Reexamination.

§59-887.9. License without examination.

§59-887.10. Temporary permit without examination.

§59-887.12. Renewal of licenses.

§59-887.13. Refusal, suspension or revocation of license – Definitions.

§59-887.14. Titles and abbreviations.

§59-887.15. Obtaining license by misrepresentations - Penalty.

§59-887.16. Misrepresentations - Penalties and actions.

§59-887.17. Referrals by physicians, surgeons, or assistants thereof - Exceptions.

§59-887.18. Fees.

§59-887.19. Physical Therapy Licensure Compact.

§59-888.1. Short title.

§59-888.2. Purpose.

§59-888.3. Definitions.

§59-888.4. License required - Application of act - Plan of care.

§59-888.5. Practices, services and activities not prohibited.

§59-888.6. See the following versions:

§59-888.6v1. Application for license - Information required.

§59-888.6v2. Application for license - Information required.

§59-888.7. Application for license - Form - Examination and reexamination.

§59-888.8. Waiver of examination, education or experience requirements.

§59-888.9. Denial, refusal, suspension, revocation, censure, probation and reinstatement of license – Definitions.

§59-888.10. Renewal of license - Continuing education.

§59-888.11. Fees.

§59-888.12. Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Advisory Committee - Creation - Membership - Term - Vacancies - Removal - Liability.

§59-888.13. Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Advisory Committee - Officers - Meetings - Rules - Records - Expenses.

§59-888.14. Powers and duties of Committee.

§59-888.15. Titles and abbreviations - Misrepresentation - Penalties.

§59-889. Short title - Music Therapy Practice Act.

§59-889.1. Definitions.

§59-889.2. License required to practice.

§59-889.3. Music Therapy Committee.

§59-889.4. State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision duties.

§59-889.5. License requirements.

§59-889.6. License renewal – Inactive status.

§59-889.7. Acceptable uses of music-therapy-related acronyms and names.

§59-889.8. When referral is required.

§59-889.9. Delegation of activities or tasks.

§59-889.10. License required to advertise or represent – Violations of act - Penalties.

§59-889.11. Refusal to issue or renew, or suspension or revocation of, license – Definitions.

§59-889.12. License fees.

§59-941. Declaration of policy.

§59-942. Acts by unlicensed persons prohibited - Permissible acts on prescription - Repairs.

§59-943.1. Advertisement of ophthalmic lenses, frames, eyeglasses, spectacles or parts.

§59-943.2. Prescriptions for spectacles or eyeglasses - Copies.

§59-943.3. Standards - Eyeglasses, spectacles, lenses or other optical devices or parts.

§59-944. Rebates, kickbacks, etc. - Permitting solicitation - Acts as employee or associate - Renting space or subleasing departments.

§59-945. Discrimination between licensees by public officers and agencies - Sending resident out of state for services.

§59-946. Violations - Punishment - Injunction.

§59-947. Provisions inapplicable to osteopaths.

§59-981. Citation.

§59-982. Definitions.

§59-983. Sale of new goods, wares or merchandise at public auction - License.

§59-984. Application for license - Contents.

§59-985. Bonds - Service of process.

§59-986. License fee.

§59-987. Issuance of license.

§59-988. Filing of inventory of merchandise sold - Prices.

§59-989. Penalties.

§59-990. Sales exempt.

§59-991. Regulation by cities and towns.

§59-992. Law governing.

§59-993. Partial invalidity.

§59-1000.1. Short title.

§59-1000.2. See the following versions:

§59-1000.2v1. Construction Industries Board.

§59-1000.2v2. Construction Industries Board.

§59-1000.3. Board meetings.

§59-1000.4. Rules - Powers and duties - Fines, penalties, and fees - Appeals.

§59-1000.4a. Additional powers - Skilled Trade Education and Workforce Development Fund.

§59-1000.5. Fees - Licenses and permits - Issuance and renewal.

§59-1000.5a. License without examination - Reciprocity.

§59-1000.5b. Temporary license examinations.

§59-1000.6. Construction Industries Administrator.

§59-1000.9. Orders requiring compliance with standards and rules - Penalty.

§59-1000.20. Short title.

§59-1000.21. Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission members.

§59-1000.22. Commission - Meetings - Duties.

§59-1000.23. Codes and standards - Training and certification of building inspectors.

§59-1000.24. Rules - Powers and duties.

§59-1000.25. System of fees - Construction permits.

§59-1000.26. Chief Executive Officer - Hire and terminate - Majority of vote.

§59-1000.27. Attorney General - Legal advisor - Discharge of duties.

§59-1000.28. Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission Revolving Fund.

§59-1000.29. State agencies or political subdivisions - Enactment of codes and rules.

§59-1001. Citation.

§59-1002. Rules - State bond, cash or deposit in lieu of bond.

§59-1002.1. Voluntary review of project plans and specifications.

§59-1003. Definitions.

§59-1004. Oklahoma State Committee of Plumbing Examiners - Membership - Tenure - Qualifications and duties - Travel expenses.

§59-1005. Examinations.

§59-1006. Licenses – Transferability – Armed forces candidates.

§59-1006.1. Temporary licenses.

§59-1007. Applications.

§59-1009. Duration of licenses - Expiration date - Renewals.

§59-1010. Plumbing Hearing Board - Investigations and hearings - Suspensions - Jurisdiction of political subdivisions.

§59-1010.1. Administrative fines - Injunctions.

§59-1011. Appeals from decisions of Board.

§59-1012. Necessity for licenses - Penalty.

§59-1013. Plumbers apprentice - Certificates.

§59-1014. Change of business address.

§59-1015. Municipal water and sewage systems - Rules and regulations.

§59-1016. Municipal plumbing inspector - Combining plumbing inspector and electrical inspector.

§59-1017. Inapplicability.

§59-1018. Fees paid to State Treasury - Disposition.

§59-1019. Violations and penalties.

§59-1020. Local regulation by municipalities not prohibited.

§59-1021.1. Oklahoma State Plumbing Installation Code Variance and Appeals Board.

§59-1023.1. Issuance of citation for certain work prohibited.

§59-1031. Short title.

§59-1032. Rules - Promulgation by Construction Industries Board.

§59-1033. Definitions.

§59-1034. Oklahoma Inspector Examiners Committee - Members - Appointment - Qualifications - Travel Expenses.

§59-1035. Oklahoma Inspector Examiners Committee - Powers and duties.

§59-1036. Application for certification and license – Requirements - Provisional license – Examination - Nontransferability.

§59-1037. Application forms - Fee - Renewal.

§59-1038. License - Expiration - Late renewal - Fee - Exemption for military service.

§59-1039. Complaints - Investigation - Individual proceeding - Finding - Suspension or revocation of license - Other administrative penalties - Reapplication for license.

§59-1040. Acting as or performing work of building and construction inspector without a license - Violation - Effective date.

§59-1041. Employment of inspectors by municipality or other governmental entity - Notification of Commissioner - Exemption of municipalities under 10,000.

§59-1042. Oklahoma Inspectors Revolving Fund.

§59-1043. Nonapplicability to unincorporated areas of state.

§59-1044. Violations - Penalties.

§59-1045. Access to premises to be granted - Violation.

§59-1046. Authorized agent inspector license.

§59-1101. Short title - Declaration.

§59-1102. Definitions.

§59-1104. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-1105. Powers and duties of Department.

§59-1106. Unlawful acts - Necessity for certificate.

§59-1107. Application for certificate - Qualifications - Renewals, expiratrion.

§59-1108. Temporary permit for operation of waterworks or wastewater works.

§59-1109. Certificates may contain conditions or restrictions.

§59-1110. Certificate issued to individuals only.

§59-1111. Refusal to issue, renew, reinstate, reactivate or to revoke or suspend certificate - Grounds - Notice and proceedings.

§59-1112. Renewal, reactivation or reinstatement of certificate.

§59-1113. Certification Fund - Created - Receipts - Disbursements - Use of fund for training program.

§59-1114. Powers of Commissioner subject to rules and regulations of Board.

§59-1115. Violations and penalties.

§59-1117. Registration of helpers - Reporting list of helpers.

§59-1118. Hiring or contracting of licensed public water supply or wastewater operators.

§59-1150.1. Short title.

§59-1150.2. Definitions.

§59-1150.3. Promulgation of rules.

§59-1150.4. Intent of Legislature - Disposition of fees collected.

§59-1150.5. Sanitarian and Environmental Specialist Registration Advisory Council.

§59-1150.6. Powers and duties of Council.

§59-1150.7. Certificate of registration - Qualifications - Issuance - Sanitarian- or environmental specialist-in-training.

§59-1150.8. Examinations.

§59-1150.9. Criteria for issuance of registration - Nontransferability - Registration without examination or additional fees.

§59-1150.12. Use of title and abbreviation R.P.S. or R.P.E.S.

§59-1150.13. Revocation or suspension of registration.

§59-1150.14. Soil tests to design sewage disposal systems for compensation.

§59-1151.1. Short title.

§59-1151.2. Definitions.

§59-1151.2a. Authority of Board to administer and enforce commercial roofer endorsement provisions.

§59-1151.3. Roofing contractor registration – Violations – Penalties – Enjoinment of prohibited acts or practices.

§59-1151.4. Construction Industries Board.

§59-1151.5. Obtaining a roofing contractor registration - Refusal of registration - Registrar.

§59-1151.6. Application questions - Criminal history records search or background check.

§59-1151.7. Roofing contractor registration certificate - Business limitations.

§59-1151.8. Registration fee.

§59-1151.9. Public contracts - Applicability of Roofing Contractor Registration Act.

§59-1151.10. Issuance or denial of registration or endorsement – Renewal – Denial hearing.

§59-1151.11. Change in roofing contractor's name, address, legal service agent, or cease of business - Notification of registrar.

§59-1151.12. Certificate of renewal.

§59-1151.13. Indexed record of roofing contractors.

§59-1151.14. Filing of complaint.

§59-1151.15. Investigation of complaints by the Board - Notification of contractor - Referral of complaint to district attorney.

§59-1151.16. Contractor's agent for service of process.

§59-1151.17. Application for building permits - Disclosure of registration certificate number.

§59-1151.18. Verification of contractor's certificate number to enforcement officials and the public.

§59-1151.19. Construction of act.

§59-1151.20. Roofing Contractor Registration Revolving Fund.

§59-1151.21. Contract cancellation.

§59-1151.22. Workers compensation insurance coverage

§59-1151.23. Subcontractor and independent contract liability insurance.

§59-1151.24. Additional registration prohibited.

§59-1151.25. Commercial roofing endorsement examination.

§59-1151.26. Committee of Roofing Examiners.

§59-1151.27. Powers and duties of Committee.

§59-1151.28. Roofing Hearing Board.

§59-1151.29. Oklahoma State Roofing Installation Code Variance and Appeals Board.

§59-1151.30. Offer to pay insurance deductible or to compensate for providing service.

§59-1158. Installers of individual sewage disposal systems – Certification - Penalties.

§59-1201. License required - Purpose of act.

§59-1202. Definitions.

§59-1210. Record of proceedings - Register of applications.

§59-1211. Roster of registered foresters.

§59-1212. Ineligibility for registration.

§59-1213. Applications for registration - Forms - Fees

§59-1214. Examinations.

§59-1215. Licenses - Endorsement of plans, maps, etc.

§59-1216. Expiration of licenses - Renewals.

§59-1217. Individual personal qualifications.

§59-1218. Reciprocity.

§59-1219. Revocation of licenses - Reissuance.

§59-1220. Violations - Penalties.

§59-1250. Short title.

§59-1250.1. Definitions.

§59-1251. License required - Exemptions.

§59-1253. State Board of Licensed Social Workers - Membership - Qualifications.

§59-1254. Appointment - Term - Vacancies - Removal - Compensation - Staff.

§59-1255. Officers – Meetings.

§59-1256.1. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-1256.2. Reports to Board - Conduct by applicant or license.

§59-1261.1. Issuance of licenses - Qualifications - Types of license - Private practice – Definitions.

§59-1261.1a. License renewal - Continuing education - Reapplication.

§59-1261.4. Reciprocity - Qualifications.

§59-1261.5. Provisional licenses.

§59-1261.6. Information confidential - Disclosure.

§59-1262. Licensure and identification as licensed social worker or licensed social worker associate.

§59-1263. Fees - Licensed Social Workers' Revolving Fund.

§59-1264. Title and abbreviation as licensed social worker.

§59-1264.1. Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Use of Title.

§59-1264.2. Licensed Master’s Social Worker - Use of Title.

§59-1264.3. Use of LSW-ADM title.

§59-1265. Title and abbreviation as Licensed Social Worker Associate.

§59-1266.1. Refusal to issue or renew, suspend, revoke, censure, reprimand, restrict or limit license – Fines - Judicial review – Definitions.

§59-1267. Notice and hearing.

§59-1268. Rules for proceedings - Subpoenas.

§59-1270. Unlawful acts - Penalties.

§59-1271.1. Temporary suspension of license.

§59-1272. Use of title.

§59-1273. Enforcement of act - Surety for costs.

§59-1301. Definitions.

§59-1302. Power of Commissioner - Written instruments as evidence - Investigative files confidential.

§59-1303. License required - Acts exempt - Individual license - Renewal - Corporations - Attorneys.

§59-1304. Expiration date.

§59-1305. Applications - Contents - Interrogatories and investigation - Fee - Second and subsequent applications – Definitions.

§59-1306. Cash bondsman - Professional bondsman.

§59-1306.1. Multicounty agent bondsman – Application – Contents – Deposit – Transfer - Agents.

§59-1308. Examinations - Fees.

§59-1308.1. Examination - Educational requirements - Fee - Penalties.

§59-1309. Renewal licenses.

§59-1310. Denial, censure, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license - Grounds – Definitions.

§59-1311. Violation of laws or rules and regulations relating to bond - Notice - Temporary suspension of license.

§59-1311.1. Hearings - Record.

§59-1311.2. Denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license - Effect.

§59-1311.3. Unlawful acts.

§59-1311.4. Assisting other licensed bondsmen.

§59-1312. Appeals.

§59-1314. Written receipt for collateral - Description of collateral - Fiduciary duties - Monthly reports - Records - Reviewal fee.

§59-1315. Persons or classes prohibited as bondsmen – Exemptions.

§59-1315.1. Owners of certain restaurant establishments permitted to be bondsmen - ABLE Commission investigations.

§59-1316. Signing of bonds - Submission of agreements for approval - Suspension of bail agents - Receipt - Power of attorney.

§59-1317. Insurers to give notice of appointment of bondsmen or managing general agent - Filing fee - Termination of appointment - Affidavit - Authority of bondsmen.

§59-1318. Discontinuance of writing bail bonds.

§59-1320. Registration of license and fee – County list of bondsmen – Certified copy of appointment.

§59-1321. Qualifications of sureties.

§59-1322. Affidavit as to undertaking.

§59-1323. Cash bond.

§59-1324. Property bond.

§59-1325. Substitution of bail.

§59-1326. Defects, omissions, irregularities, etc.

§59-1327. Surrender of defendant prior to breach - Defendant in custody in another jurisdiction - Recommitment of defendant - Exoneration of bond in original court.

§59-1328. Procedure for surrender of defendant - Recommitment procedure.

§59-1329. Arrest - Commitment.

§59-1331. Property bond - Forfeiture - Filing fee - Collection of forfeiture.

§59-1332. Forfeiture procedure.

§59-1332.1. Persons permitted to return defendant to custody.

§59-1333. Enforcement of liability.

§59-1334. Bail on personal recognizance.

§59-1335. Penalty for incurring forfeiture or failing to comply with personal recognizance.

§59-1335.1. Penalty for providing false information on undertaking or indemnification agreement.

§59-1336. Penalty.

§59-1337. Issuance of receipt for funds payable.

§59-1338. Use of telephone.

§59-1339. Access to jails.

§59-1340. Persons excluded.

§59-1341. Electronic filing.

§59-1350. Short title - Bail Enforcement and Licensing Act.

§59-1350.1. Definitions.

§59-1350.2. Bail enforcement license requirement.

§59-1350.3. Persons or classes prohibited as enforcers.

§59-1350.4. Unlicensed bond enforcement

§59-1350.5. Prohibition of unnecessary force - Training.

§59-1350.6. Prohibition of breaking and entering.

§59-1350.7. Enforcement of act.

§59-1350.8. Psychological evaluation.

§59-1350.9. Qualifications - Publication of address - Liability insurance.

§59-1350.10. Application.

§59-1350.11. Denial, suspension, or revocation and disciplinary action.

§59-1350.12. Impersonation of a government official or a bail enforcer

§59-1350.13. Restrictions on bail enforcers.

§59-1350.14. Disclosure of application information.

§59-1350.15. Identification requirement - Discharge of firearm.

§59-1350.16. Identifying markings on clothing and vehicles.

§59-1350.17. Bail enforcement training schools.

§59-1350.18. Firearm training.

§59-1350.19. Jail access.

§59-1350.20. CLEET Bail Enforcement Revolving Fund.

§59-1351. Citation.

§59-1352. Definitions.

§59-1352.1. Powers and duties of State Board of Examiners of Psychologists.

§59-1353. License required - Activities exempt.

§59-1354. Board of Examiners of Psychologists - Membership - Tenure - Oath.

§59-1355. Qualifications of examiners.

§59-1357. Removal from Board - Vacancies.

§59-1358. Meetings - Officers - Employees - Office space - Seal.

§59-1360. Psychologists Licensing Fund.

§59-1361. Code of ethics.

§59-1362. Qualifications of applicants for examination.

§59-1362.1. Health service psychologists - Certification - Demonstration of prior service - Conditions.

§59-1363. Application form.

§59-1364. Documentary evidence as to experience.

§59-1365. Examinations - Time - Scope - Reexaminations.

§59-1366. Issuance of license - License without examination.

§59-1367. Amount of fees.

§59-1368. Licenses - Contents - Renewals - Inactive status.

§59-1368.1. Continuing education.

§59-1369. List of licensed psychologists.

§59-1370. Standards of conduct - Suspension, probation, remediation, revocation of license - Notice of hearing - Orders - Service - Restoration of license, reduction of suspension or probation period, withdrawal of reprimand – Definitions.

§59-1370.1. Hearing on suspension or revocation of license.

§59-1370.2. Temporary suspension of license.

§59-1370.3. Duty to report psychologist suspected of practicing while impaired or incapacitated.

§59-1373. Injunction.

§59-1374. Violations and penalties.

§59-1375. Annual reports.

§59-1376. Confidential communications - Disclosure - Exceptions - Threats of patient to self or others - Patient in custody of Department of Corrections - Law enforcement purposes.

§59-1377. Short title - Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact.

§59-1378. Legislative findings.

§59-1379. Definitions.

§59-1380. Home state licensure.

§59-1381. Right to practice telepsychology.

§59-1382. Right to temporarily practice in other compact states.

§59-1383. Scope of telepsychology practice.

§59-1384. Adverse actions against psychologists.

§59-1385. Regulatory authority.

§59-1386. Coordinated Licensure Information System/Coordinated Database.

§59-1387. Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Commission.

§59-1388. Commission rulemaking powers.

§59-1389. Compact oversight – Dispute resolution - Enforcement.

§59-1390. Effective date – Withdrawal - Amendments.

§59-1391. Injunction.

§59-1392. Misrepresentation – Consulting – Teaching - Students.

§59-1393. Construction and severability.

§59-1451. Short title.

§59-1452. Purpose.

§59-1453. Definitions.

§59-1454. Minimum instrumentation requirements.

§59-1455. Polygraph Examiners Board.

§59-1456. Regulations and orders - Disposition of fees collected - Expenses.

§59-1457. License required.

§59-1458. Minimum qualifications for registration – Definitions.

§59-1460. Applications.

§59-1461. Nonresident applicants - Consent to suit.

§59-1462. Reciprocity.

§59-1463. Internship license.

§59-1464. Fees.

§59-1465. Display of license - Signatures and seal.

§59-1466. Change of business location.

§59-1467. Term of license - Renewal - Expired licenses.

§59-1468. Suspension or revocation of license – Definitions.

§59-1469. Violations on part of polygraph examiner or trainee - Effect on employer.

§59-1470. Administrative hearing.

§59-1471. Appeal to district court.

§59-1472. Surrender of license - Restoration.

§59-1473. Injunction.

§59-1474. Penalties.

§59-1475. Administrative Procedures Act.

§59-1501. Short title.

§59-1502. Definitions.

§59-1503. License required.

§59-1503A. Eligibility for license - Felons - Verifying net assets requirement – Definitions.

§59-1504. Applications - Contents - Bonds - Statutory agent.

§59-1505. Issuance or denial of license - Fees.

§59-1506. Effect of license - Annual fee.

§59-1507. Administrative hearings - Revocation, suspension, reinstatement and surrender of license.

§59-1508. Examination, investigations and access to records.

§59-1509. Disclosure and advertising.

§59-1510. Pawn finance charge.

§59-1511. Limitation on agreements and practices.

§59-1512. See the following versions:

§59-1512v1. Administration and enforcement.

§59-1512v2. Administration and enforcement.

§59-1514. Municipal regulation.

§59-1515. Copy or report of buy transaction or pawn transaction to be made available to local law enforcement officials - Items bought to be held for specified time - Written declaration of ownership required of seller or pledgor.

§59-1521. Short title.

§59-1522. Definitions.

§59-1523. License required.

§59-1524. Application for license - Bond - Fingerprints and photograph - Agent for service of process.

§59-1525. Fees - Investigations - Grant or denial of license - Exemptions.

§59-1526. Annual license renewal fee.

§59-1527. Municipalities - Additional license requirements or fees prohibited - Ordinances.

§59-1528. Denial, suspension or revocation of license - Hearing.

§59-1529. Violations.

§59-1530. Records.

§59-1531. Certain goods to be kept by dealer - Stolen or embezzled property - Time period - Procedure.

§59-1532. Reports of theft of precious metal.

§59-1533. Advertisements.

§59-1534. Implementation.

§59-1575. Purpose of Compact.

§59-1576. Definitions.

§59-1577. State participation in the Compact.

§59-1578. Compact privilege.

§59-1579. Privilege to practice via telehealth.

§59-1580. Active duty military personnel.

§59-1581. Adverse actions.

§59-1582. Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Compact Commission.

§59-1583. Coordinated database and reporting system.

§59-1584. Rulemaking.

§59-1585. Dispute resolution - Enforcement.

§59-1586. Effective date of Compact – Withdrawal - Amendment.

§59-1587. Construction and severability.

§59-1588. Binding effect of Compact – Relation to other laws.

§59-1601. Short title.

§59-1602. Purpose.

§59-1603. Definitions.

§59-1604. License required - Exceptions and exemptions.

§59-1605. Qualifications for licensure.

§59-1606. Waiver of examination requirement.

§59-1607. Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology – Members – Duties - Reimbursement.

§59-1608. Removal of Board members.

§59-1609. Meetings - Quorum - Executive secretary - Employees - Space.

§59-1610. Powers and duties of Board.

§59-1611. Code of ethics.

§59-1612. Seal - Official records as prima facie evidence.

§59-1613. Rules.

§59-1614. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Licensing Fund.

§59-1615.1. Fees.

§59-1616. License certificates - Renewals - Inactive status.

§59-1616.1. Continuing education programs.

§59-1617. List of licensees - Publication - Distribution.

§59-1618. Fees as exclusive.

§59-1619. Disciplinary actions - Grounds - Notice and hearing - Appeal - Restoration – Definitions.

§59-1620. Jurisdiction of district court.

§59-1621. Penalties.

§59-1622. Annual reports.

§59-1624. Citation.

§59-1625. Description and legislative intent.

§59-1626. Definitions.

§59-1627. Welding inspectors - Powers and duties.

§59-1628. Applicants for certification - Qualifications.

§59-1629. Certification of applicants.

§59-1630. Standards of skills, practice and conduct of welding inspectors.

§59-1631. Unauthorized practive - Suspension, refused renewal or revocation of certification.

§59-1632. Reinstatement.

§59-1633. Recertification.

§59-1634. Adoption of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Codes - Certification of welders - Penalties.

§59-1634.1. Weldments subject to certain codes.

§59-1635. Commission of Labor - Additional power and duties.

§59-1636. Fees and certificates.

§59-1637. Disposition of revenues.

§59-1638. Exemptions.

§59-1639. Owner may require welder to qualify with appropriate code - Exempt equipment.

§59-1640. Violations - Misdemeanor - Penalties.

§59-1641. Construction of act.

§59-1680. Short title.

§59-1681. Rules.

§59-1681.1. Voluntary review of project plans and specifications.

§59-1682. Definitions.

§59-1683. Committee of Electrical Examiners - Membership - Term - Vacancies - Rules, regulations and examinations - Compensation - Quorum.

§59-1684. Examinations for licenses.

§59-1685. Issuance of license - Qualification - Transferability and use.

§59-1685.1. Temporary licenses.

§59-1686. Registration as electrical apprentice or student electrical intern - Qualifications - Applications - Fees.

§59-1686.1. Poultry house contractor license.

§59-1688. Term of license and apprentice or student intern registration certificates - Renewal or reregistration - Late renewal penalty.

§59-1689. Electrical Hearing Board - Investigations - Revocation or suspension of licenses - Jurisdiction of political subdivisions.

§59-1690. License required - Violation - Penalty.

§59-1691. Change of address - Notice.

§59-1692. Application and construction.

§59-1693. Municipal regulation of electrical work - Electrical inspector - Combined electrical and plumbing inspector.

§59-1694. Electrical Revolving Fund.

§59-1695. Violations - Fines - Injunctions.

§59-1696. Municipal supervision and inspection of electrical facilities.

§59-1697. Oklahoma State Electrical Installation Code Variance and Appeals Board.

§59-1698. Limit on apprentice electricians working under a journeyman or contractor.

§59-1699. Limit on student electrical interns working under a journeyman or contractor.

§59-1701. Minimum prices and fess - Establishing.

§59-1721. Short title.

§59-1722. Definitions

§59-1723. Advisory Committee on Dietetic Registration.

§59-1724. Initial appointments to Committee.

§59-1725. Removal from Committee - Grounds.

§59-1726. Committee - Chairman - Meetings.

§59-1727. Board - Powers and duties.

§59-1728. Personnel and facilities - Executive secretary.

§59-1729. Fees.

§59-1730. Application for license - Fee - Form - Filing date - Qualifications for licensing examination - Notice of receipt.

§59-1731. Examinations.

§59-1732. Issuance of license - Duties of licensee - Surrender of license.

§59-1733. Renewal of license.

§59-1734. Provisional license.

§59-1735. Waiver of examination requirement.

§59-1736. Titles and abbreviations.

§59-1737. Complaints - Information file - Notice of status.

§59-1738. Probation, reprimand, suspension or revocation of license – Definitions.

§59-1739. Currently registered dietitions exempted from examination requirement.

§59-1741. Violation of provisions - Penalties and fines

§59-1750.1. Short title.

§59-1750.2. Definitions.

§59-1750.2A. Noncompliance with act – Injunction and enforcement.

§59-1750.3. Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training - Powers and Duties.

§59-1750.3A. Psychological evaluation of applicants for armed security guard or private investigator license - Exemption.

§59-1750.4. License required.

§59-1750.4a. License required - Armed Security Guard.

§59-1750.5. See the following versions:

§59-1750.5v1. Licenses authorized - Combination license - Firearms - Identification cards - Conditional license - Qualifications for issuance - Agency license - Insurance coverage.

§59-1750.5v2. Licenses authorized - Combination license - Firearms - Identification cards - Conditional license - Qualifications for issuance - Agency license - Insurance coverage – Definitions.

§59-1750.6. Application for license, renewal of license and reinstatement of license - Forms - Information required - Criminal history data - Fees - Term of license - Special event licenses - System for issuance - Duplicate licenses.

§59-1750.7. Denial, suspension or revocation of license and/or disciplinary penalty or fine – Definitions.

§59-1750.8. Prohibited acts - Penalties - Disclosure of application information.

§59-1750.9. Carrying driver license and identification card - Display of license - Misrepresentation as state or federal agent - Discharge of firearm.

§59-1750.10. Display or use of certain words on badges, vehicles and uniforms prohibited.

§59-1750.10A. Firearm training.

§59-1750.10B. Private security training schools - Certificate of approval - Application - Renewal - Fee.

§59-1750.11. Violations - Penalty.

§59-1750.14. Nonresidents apprehending persons who have forfeited bail to be accompanied by peace officer or bail bondsman.

§59-1800.1. Short title - Alarm, Locksmith and Fire Sprinkler Industry Act.

§59-1800.2. Definitions.

§59-1800.3. Exemptions.

§59-1800.3a. Installation or repair of certain electrical circuits - Exemption from Electrical Licensing Act.

§59-1800.4. Alarm, Locksmith and Fire Sprinkler Industry Committee.

§59-1800.5. Powers and duties of Committee.

§59-1800.6. License required.

§59-1800.6a. Retail counter sales agents - Criminal history records - Access to confidential information - Penalties.

§59-1800.7. Qualifications of applicants - Information concerning felonies or crimes involving moral turpitude - Photographs - Fingerprints – Definitions.

§59-1800.8. Application for company or individual license - Fees.

§59-1800.9. Issuance of license - Term - Renewal and disciplinary proceedings - Expiration dates.

§59-1800.10. Alteration or assignment of license - Posting - Change of information - False representation as licensee violation - Records.

§59-1800.11. Responsibility for business activities and actions of employees.

§59-1800.12. Municipalities or counties may levy charges for alarm installation connections - Disconnection of faulty systems - Ordinances prohibited.

§59-1800.13. Suspension or revocation of license.

§59-1800.14. Alarm, Locksmith and Fire Sprinkler Industry Revolving Fund.

§59-1800.15. Costs of administration of act - Claims for payment.

§59-1800.16. Violations - Penalties.

§59-1800.17. Rules.

§59-1800.18. Residential alarm industry monitoring or services – Contract requirements.

§59-1800.19. Battery-charged security fences.

§59-1820.1. Short title.

§59-1820.2. Purpose of act - Certain actions exempted.

§59-1820.3. Definitions.

§59-1820.4. Exemptions.

§59-1820.5. Applicability.

§59-1820.6. Fire Extinguisher Industry Committee.

§59-1820.7. Powers and duties of committee.

§59-1820.8. License required - Time limit for applications for persons currently engaged in business.

§59-1820.9. Marketing, distribution or sale of portable fire extinguisher or fire suppression systems - Requirements - Exceptions.

§59-1820.10. Service work tag required.

§59-1820.11. License application - Evidence of qualifications for business supervisor - Required criminal history, photograph and fingerprints – Definitions.

§59-1820.12. Requirements for licenses application - Fees.

§59-1820.13. Issuance and term of license - Disciplinary proceedings - Expiration of license.

§59-1820.14. Prohibited acts - Duties of licensee.

§59-1820.15. Conduct of business activities.

§59-1820.16. Suspension, revocation, denial or nonrenewal of license - Reprimand of licensee.

§59-1820.17. Fire Extinguisher Industry Revolving Fund.

§59-1820.18. Payment of costs of administration of act.

§59-1820.19. Administrative fines, examination and licensure - Rules authorized.

§59-1820.20. Violation and penalties - Administrative fine.

§59-1850.1. Mechanical Licensing Act.

§59-1850.2. Definitions.

§59-1850.3. Construction Industries Board - Rulemaking authority.

§59-1850.3a. Voluntary review of project plans and specifications.

§59-1850.4. Committee of Mechanical Examiners - Membership - Terms - Removal - Vacancies - Quorum - Duties.

§59-1850.5. Construction Industries Board - Powers and duties.

§59-1850.6. Examinations.

§59-1850.7. License required - Contractor required for mechanical work.

§59-1850.8. Qualifications for licensure as mechanical journeyman or mechanical contractor - Licenses - Limited license.

§59-1850.8A. Temporary licenses.

§59-1850.9. Apprentice registration.

§59-1850.10. Application of act - Exemptions.

§59-1850.11. Violations - Penalties - Administrative fines - Injunctions.

§59-1850.12. Political subdivisions - Inspections - Permits - Registration.

§59-1850.13. Oklahoma Mechanical Licensing Revolving Fund.

§59-1850.14. Mechanical Hearing Board - Investigations - Suspension, revocation or refusal to issue or renew license - Jurisdiction of political subdivisions.

§59-1850.15. Statewide validity of license - Persons not required to be licensed under act.

§59-1850.16. Oklahoma State Mechanical Installation Code Variance and Appeals Board.

§59-1850.17. Petroleum refinery mechanical journeyman license – Examinations – Maximum apprentice-to-journeyman ratio.

§59-1870. Short title.

§59-1871. Definitions.

§59-1872. Other professionals – Use of title “licensed alcohol and drug counselor” – Practice of other profession by licensee.

§59-1873. Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors.

§59-1874. Chair, vice-chair, and officers - Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors – Meetings.

§59-1875. Powers and duties - Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors.

§59-1876. Certificate or license to practice as alcohol or drug counselor - Application - Requirements - Scope of practice.

§59-1877. Alcohol and drug counselor license – Examination.

§59-1878. Alcohol and drug counselor license – Term – Fees – Renewal – Reapplication after expiration – Retirement.

§59-1879. Disclosure of information received as alcohol and drug counselor.

§59-1880. Acting as alcohol and drug counselor and use of title without license – Exemptions – Penalty.

§59-1881. Denial, revocation, suspension, or probation of alcohol and drug counselor license - Other discipline - Misconduct of licensee.

§59-1882. Promulgation of rules and regulations.

§59-1883. Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors Revolving Fund.

§59-1884. Fees for certification, licensure, annual renewal of license as certified or licensed alcohol and drug counselor - Administration fees and revolving fund.

§59-1885. Reimbursement under health insurance or nonprofit hospital or medical service plan.

§59-1901. Short title.

§59-1902. Definitions.

§59-1903. Construction and application of act - Exemptions.

§59-1905. Duties and responsibilities of State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure.

§59-1906. License - Application - Form and manner - Fee - Qualifications.

§59-1907. Examinations.

§59-1908. Issuance of license - Expiration - Renewal - Suspension - Retirement.

§59-1909. Licenses by endorsement.

§59-1910. Information acquired in professional capacity -Disclosure - Privileges and immunities - Court proceeding.

§59-1911. Failure to comply with act - Penalties.

§59-1912. Denial, revocation, suspension or probation of license – Administrative hearing for applicant with felony conviction – Definitions.

§59-1913.1. Rules and orders - Penalty.

§59-1914. Application of Administrative Procedures Act.

§59-1915.1. Exemption from education requirements.

§59-1916.1. Statement of Professional Disclosure - Copy to be furnished to client.

§59-1917. Specialty designation.

§59-1918. Licensed Professional Counselors Revolving Fund.

§59-1919. License fee and annual renewal fee - Fixing amount.

§59-1920. Reimbursement under health insurance and nonprofit hospital or medical service plan not required.

§59-1925.1. Short title.

§59-1925.2. Definitions.

§59-1925.3. Application to other professionals - Exemptions.

§59-1925.5. Duties of State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure.

§59-1925.6. License - Application - Qualifications - Examinations.

§59-1925.7. Examinations.

§59-1925.8. Issuance of license - Renewal - Reinstatement.

§59-1925.9. Reciprocal licenses.

§59-1925.10. Advertisement, self description or practice of marital or family therapy without license.

§59-1925.11. Confidentiality - Exceptions - Professional privilege - Court testimony.

§59-1925.12. Alimony or divorce actions - Custody actions - Testimony by therapist.

§59-1925.14. Application of Administrative Procedures Act.

§59-1925.15. Denial, revocation, suspension or probation of license – Administrative hearing for applicant with felony conviction – Definitions.

§59-1925.16. False representation as licensed marital and family therapist - Penalty - Injunction.

§59-1925.17. Licensed Marital and Family Therapist Revolving Fund.

§59-1925.18. License fee and annual renewal fee - Fixing by Board.

§59-1928. Behavior analysts - Definitions - Licensing.

§59-1930. Short title.

§59-1931. Definitions.

§59-1932. Professions excluded from application of act - Practice of other professions by LBP forbidden - Exemptions from licensure requirements.

§59-1934. Powers of State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure.

§59-1935. Application for license - Qualifications - Educational requirements.

§59-1936. Examinations.

§59-1937. Issuance of license – Renewal – Forfeiture - Expiration.

§59-1938. License by endorsement.

§59-1939. Disclosure of information - Exceptions.

§59-1940. Representing to be a "Licensed Behavioral Practitioner" or "LBP" – Advertisement or offer to perform behavioral health services without license – Penalties - Injunction.

§59-1941. Denial, revocation, suspension, or placement on probation of license – Administrative hearing for applicant with felony conviction – Definitions.

§59-1942. Rules – Violations - Administrative penalties.

§59-1943. Hearings and records of hearings - Conformity with statute.

§59-1944. Statement of Professional Disclosure - Furnishing to client.

§59-1945. Professional specialty designation.

§59-1946. Licensed Behavioral Practitioners Revolving Fund.

§59-1947. Fees.

§59-1948. Continuing education requirement.

§59-1949. Licensing of persons practicing since before January 1, 2002 - Waiver of supervised experience requirement.

§59-1949.1. Reimbursement under medical or hospital insurance plan - Construction of act.

§59-1950. Short title.

§59-1951. Definitions

§59-1952. License required - Contents - Display - Transferability - Multiple licenses - Exemptions - Applications - Contents - Modifications - Forms.

§59-1953. Investigation, license, and annual renewal fee.

§59-1954. Disclosures required - Prohibited provisions - Reinstatement rights - Advertisement contents

§59-1955. Consumer right to damages - Enforcement - Assessment of cost of examination - Hearings - Application of Administrative Procedures Act - Recovery by multiple lessees - Lessor adjustment of error - Bona fide errors.

§59-1957. Application of act - Violations - Penalties.

§59-2000. Short title.

§59-2001. Definitions.

§59-2002. Registration of health or health spa services.

§59-2003. Presale contracts or membership agreements - Notification of location - Deposit of funds - Withdrawal of funds - Refunds - Exemptions.

§59-2004. Provisions to be included in contract or membership agreement.

§59-2005. Delivery of contract or membership agreement to buyer - Form and contents of contracts or membership or agreement - Term - Other laws - Void or voidable contract or membership agreement - Waiver - Notice of liability.

§59-2006. Notes for payments to third parties upon breach prohibited - Rights of actions and defenses not cut off by assignment.

§59-2007. Bond or letter of credit required.

§59-2008. Change in ownership - Bond or letter of credit.

§59-2009. Violations - Penalties - Other consumer protection laws - Acts covered - Administrative hearings.

§59-2010. Rules and regulations.

§59-2026. Short title.

§59-2027. Definitions.

§59-2028. Respiratory Care Advisory Committee - Members - Qualifications - Terms - Vacancies - Removal.

§59-2029. Respiratory Care Advisory Committee - Meetings - Officers - Quorum - Duties.

§59-2030. Duties of State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

§59-2031. Powers of State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision - Rules.

§59-2032. Reimbursement of expenses - Protection from liability.

§59-2033. License - Examination - License by endorsement.

§59-2034. Provisional license.

§59-2034.1. Temporary critical need license.

§59-2035. License - Applicants who have not passed CRTT or RRT examination.

§59-2036. Use of title permitted - Presentation of license.

§59-2037. Renewal of license - Lapse and reinstatement - Inactive status - Continuing education requirements.

§59-2038. Deposit of fees - Appropriation to pay expenses.

§59-2039. Where respiratory practice may be performed.

§59-2040. Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew license - Probation, reprimand or denial of license.

§59-2041. Investigation of complaints - Notice of hearing - Subpoenas - Publication of names and addresses of suspended, etc. practitioners.

§59-2042. Practice of respiratory care without license prohibited - Exceptions - Practices of other health care personnel not to be limited - Performance of specific functions qualified by examination not prohibited.

§59-2043. Act not to be construed to permit practice of medicine.

§59-2044. Misdemeanor violations - Penalties.

§59-2045. Use of other earned professional designations or credentials.

§59-2051. Short title.

§59-2052. Definitions.

§59-2053. State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists - Membership.

§59-2054. State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists - Officers - Meetings.

§59-2055. State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists - Powers and duties.

§59-2056. State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists - Employees and property - Executive Secretary.

§59-2057. State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists - Compensation - Liability.

§59-2058. Perfusionists Licensure Fund.

§59-2059. License - Requirements - Application - Education programs - Notice of qualification or nonqualification.

§59-2060. Licenses - Examination.

§59-2061. Licenses - Waiver of examination.

§59-2062. Licenses - Provisional license.

§59-2062.1. Temporary critical need license.

§59-2063. Licenses - Issuance.

§59-2064. Licenses - Title - Display - Copy in records - Change of address - Surrender on demand.

§59-2065. Licenses - Renewal.

§59-2066. Exempt persons.

§59-2067. Disciplinary proceedings - Penalties.

§59-2068. Disciplinary proceedings - Investigation - Hearing - Costs - Publication of names and addresses.

§59-2069. Criminal violations.

§59-2070. Penalties for violation.

§59-2071. Fees.

§59-2095. Short title.

§59-2095.1. Legislative findings.

§59-2095.2. Definitions.

§59-2095.3. Exemptions.

§59-2095.4. Unique identifier required on documents.

§59-2095.5. License and registration requirements - Independent contractors - Rules and procedures.

§59-2095.6. License and registration - Application and renewal - Fees.

§59-2095.7. Findings required for issuance of a mortgage loan originator license – Definitions.

§59-2095.8. Prelicense education requirements - Course approval.

§59-2095.9. Written test requirement.

§59-2095.10. Minimum standards for mortgage loan originator license renewal.

§59-2095.11. Findings required for issuance of a mortgage broker license – Definitions.

§59-2095.11.1. Findings required for issuance of a mortgage lender license.

§59-2095.12. Minimum standards for mortgage broker license renewal.

§59-2095.12.1. Minimum standards for license renewal of mortgage lenders.

§59-2095.13. Participation in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry.

§59-2095.14. Rules for challenging information.

§59-2095.15. Written agreement with a lender - Disclosures - Copies and forwarding of appraisals and reports - Rules.

§59-2095.16. Trust account.

§59-2095.17. Penalties authorized - Cease and desist orders - Administrative hearings.

§59-2095.18. Specific violations.

§59-2095.19. Fines - Injunctions and restraining orders.

§59-2095.20. Oklahoma Mortgage Broker and Mortgage Loan Originator Recovery Fund - Reimbursement and payments.

§59-2095.21. Licensed mortgage loan originator continuing education requirements.

§59-2095.22. Supervisory information sharing.

§59-2095.23. Authority to conduct investigations and examinations.

§59-2095.24. Submission of reports of condition.

§59-2095.25. Reporting of violations and enforcement actions.

§59-2301. Short title.

§59-2302. Definitions.

§59-2303. Persons to whom act does not apply.

§59-2304. Powers of Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

§59-2305. Advisory Committee on Pedorthics – Members - Duties.

§59-2306. Licensure and registration – Qualifications - Alternative qualification contracts - Licensure and registration without examination.

§59-2307. Circumstances under which care or services may be provided - Practice without license or registration - Fines.

§59-2308. Public roster of names and addresses.

§59-3001. Short title.

§59-3002. Definitions.

§59-3003. Persons to whom act does not apply.

§59-3004. Rules – Investigations - Injunctions.

§59-3005. Advisory Committee on Orthotics and Prosthetics - Assistance and advice to the Board.

§59-3006. Qualifications for licensure and registration - Alternative requirements – Temporary licensure without examination.

§59-3007. Prescription from licensed physician required - Penalties for practicing without license.

§59-3008. Roster of names and addresses.

§59-3020. Short title.

§59-3021. Legislative findings - Elevator mechanic's license required - Temporary cessation of operation - Hearings - Registration of elevator - Exemptions - Other laws - Interference with Commissioner.

§59-3022. Definitions.

§59-3023. Elevator Inspection Bureau - Adoption and promulgation of rules – Inspections.

§59-3023.1. Application for Elevator Inspector

§59-3023.2. Private residences - Inspection - Certificate of operation fee.

§59-3023.3. Liability insurance required

§59-3023.4. Enforcement program - Investigations

§59-3023.5. Scope of responsibility or liability

§59-3023.6. Initial and annual inspections.

§59-3024. Commissioner of Labor, powers and duties - Fees - Deposit of revenues - License and certification renewal

§59-3040.1. Short title – Shepherd's Law.

§59-3040.2. Definitions.

§59-3040.3. Application.

§59-3040.4. Promulgation of rules.

§59-3040.5. Advisory Committee on Midwifery.

§59-3040.6. Application for licensure.

§59-3040.7. Prohibited practices.

§59-3040.8. Limits on advertising, identification statements and titles.

§59-3040.9. Violations – Administrative fines.

§59-3040.10. Informed choice and disclosure statement.

§59-3040.11. Advising clients to seek medical care – Emergency situations.

§59-3040.12. Liability immunity for physicians or Certified Nurse-Midwives.

§59-3040.13. State roster of licensed midwives.

§59-3101. Short title.

§59-3101.1. Termination of licenses upon implementation of Oklahoma Small Lenders Act.

§59-3102. Definitions.

§59-3103. Application of act.

§59-3103.1. Confidential information - Disclosure exemption.

§59-3104. Loan agreement - Disclosure of credit terms - Payment of proceeds - Notices.

§59-3105. Right of rescission.

§59-3106. Prohibited acts.

§59-3107. Nonpayment on account - Collection practices.

§59-3108. Finance charges - Dishonored instruments.

§59-3109. Renewal of deferred deposit loan transaction - Determination of outstanding loans - Completion of transaction - Repayment plan - Redemption of instrument.

§59-3110. Limit on number of loans - Payment in full required.

§59-3111. Advertising.

§59-3112. License required - Separate license required for each business location.

§59-3113. License qualifications - Application - Investigation of qualifications - Issuance or denial - Appeal - Fees.

§59-3114. Examination of locations, loans, records, etc. - Assessments - Investigation of possible violations - Orders compelling compliance.

§59-3115. Investigations - Powers of Administrator - Subpoenas - Orders compelling compliance - Censure, probation, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license - Injunction - Notice and hearing - Cease and desist orders - Judicial review.

§59-3116. Additional powers of Administrator.

§59-3117. Civil penalties - Repayment of fees.

§59-3118. Consumer Credit Counseling Revolving Fund.

§59-3150. Short title - Oklahoma Small Lenders Act.

§59-3150.1. Definitions.

§59-3150.2. License required – Eligibility for licensure.

§59-3150.3. Applicant requirements.

§59-3150.4. Application for licensure.

§59-3150.5. Application fees – Audited financial statement – Surety bond – Criminal history records check.

§59-3150.6. Application approval – Posting of license.

§59-3150.7. Application denial - Hearing.

§59-3150.8. License expiration - Renewal.

§59-3150.9. Transferability and assignability – Change of control requests.

§59-3150.10. Limits on loan fees, interest rates, loan to income ratios – Payment methods.

§59-3150.11. Written explanation to customers of fees and charges – Right of rescission.

§59-3150.12. Keeping and maintaining records – Unfair or deceptive acts – Device or agreement to obtain greater charges – Compliance with other laws – Jurisdiction and venue.

§59-3150.13. Applicability with other laws.

§59-3150.14. Promulgation of administrative rules – Examination and investigation of books, records and persons – Examination or investigation fees.

§59-3150.15. Independent hearing examiner – Suspension or revocation of license.

§59-3150.16. Violations – Actions Department may take.

§59-3150.17. Violations – Censure, suspension or bar of employment, management or control of a licensee.

§59-3150.18. Consent orders – Enforcement action without prior hearing.

§59-3150.19. Written complaints – Investigation – Exclusive administrative power.

§59-3150.20. Written report by licensee after occurrence of certain events.

§59-3150.21. Annual report by licensees.

§59-3150.22. Multistate automated licensing system – Administrator authority - Costs.

§59-3150.23. Authority to use multistate automated licensing system for channeling information.

§59-3150.24. Application of federal or state laws to information provided to a multistate automated licensing system – Agreements with other government agencies.

§59-3150.25. Local government units – Authority to regulate small loans.

§59-3150.26. Information not to be disclosed by Administrator or employees.

§59-3150.27. Garnishing wages for debt collection.

§59-3201. Short title.

§59-3202. Definitions.

§59-3203. Duties of State Board Medical Licensure and Supervision.

§59-3204. Powers of State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

§59-3205. Application for licensure.

§59-3206. Application requirements - Exam score - Certification - Notarized statements.

§59-3207. Supervisory protocol - Authorized assistant duties.

§59-3208. Malpractice insurance.

§59-4000. Exemptions.

§59-4000.1. Grounds for denial of a license or certification to practice an occupation - Request for determination on criminal history record – State oversight entities to list disqualifying offenses.

§59-4001. Participation in execution of death sentence barred as basis for revoking, suspending, or denying professional license.

§59-4002. Liability for acts of licensed profession or trade.

§59-4003. Waiver of fees for low-income individuals.

§59-4100. Short title - Military Service Occupation, Education and Credentialing Act.

§59-4100.1. Legislative findings.

§59-4100.2. Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

§59-4100.3. Award of educational credits.

§59-4100.4. Satisfactory evidence of equivalent education.

§59-4100.5. Expediting endorsement of licenses or certifications for military spouses.

§59-4100.6. Automatic extension of licensure or certification.

§59-4100.7. Interpretation of act.

§59-4100.8. Personnel in other states – Expedited temporary, reciprocal or comity license or certification.

§59-4150. Short title - Universal Licensing Recognition Act.

§59-4150.1. Professional and occupational licensing recognition for applicants moving to and residing in Oklahoma.

§59-4200.1. Short title - Massage Therapy Practice Act

§59-4200.2. Definitions

§59-4200.3. Licensed massage therapist - When license is required - Restrictions on practicing massage therapy

§59-4200.4. Authority of State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering - Advisory Board on Massage Therapy - License fees

§59-4200.5. License requirements – Definitions.

§59-4200.6. License posting required - License not assignable or transferable

§59-4200.7. Massage therapy schools - License required - Instruction as massage therapist

§59-4200.8. Examination for licensure - Standardized national examination

§59-4200.9. Out-of-state license holders - License renewal - Inactive status - Fees

§59-4200.10. Preemption

§59-4200.11. Disciplinary actions and proceedings

§59-4200.12. Immunity

§59-4200.13. Violations

§59-6001. State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure.

§59-6002. Prescriptions for epinephrine auto-injectors at Emergency Public Access Stations - Use of auto-injectors--Immunity from liability.

§59-6005. Franchises - Employer/employee relationships

§59-6011. Temporary critical need license – Conditions - Application.