A. The Oklahoma Tax Commission is hereby authorized to design and issue appropriate official special license plates to persons wishing to demonstrate support and provide financial assistance as provided by this section.
Special license plates shall not be transferred to any other person but shall be removed from the vehicle upon transfer of ownership and retained. The special license plate may then be used on another vehicle but only after such other vehicle has been registered for the current year with a motor license agent.
Special license plates shall be renewed each year by the Tax Commission or a motor license agent, unless authorized by the Tax Commission to be renewed for a period greater than one (1) year. The Tax Commission shall notify by mail all persons issued special license plates. The notice shall contain all necessary information and shall contain instructions for the renewal procedure upon presentation to a motor license agent or the Tax Commission. The license plates shall be issued on a staggered system.
The Tax Commission is hereby directed to develop and implement a system whereby motor license agents are permitted to accept applications for special license plates authorized under this section. The motor license agent shall confirm the applicant’s eligibility, if applicable, collect and deposit any amount specifically authorized by law, accept and process the necessary information directly into such system and generate a receipt accordingly. For performance of these duties, motor license agents shall retain the fee provided in Section 1141.1 of this title for registration of a motor vehicle. The motor license agent fees for acceptance of applications and renewals shall be paid out of the Oklahoma Tax Commission Reimbursement Fund.
If fewer than one hundred of any type of special license plates authorized prior to January 1, 2004, are issued prior to January 1, 2006, the Tax Commission shall discontinue issuance and renewal of that type of special license plate. Any such authorized special license plate registrant shall be allowed to display the license plate upon the designated vehicle until the registration expiration date. After such time the expired special license plate shall be removed from the vehicle.
For special license plates authorized on or after July 1, 2004, no special license plates shall be developed or issued by the Tax Commission until the Commission receives one hundred prepaid applications therefor. The prepaid applications must be received by the Tax Commission within one hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of the authorization or the authority to issue shall be null and void. In the event one hundred prepaid applications are not received by the Tax Commission within such prescribed time period any payment so received shall be refunded accordingly.
B. The special license plates provided by this section are as follows:
1. University or College Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support to any state-supported or private university or college. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104.1 of this title;
2. Environmental Awareness License Plate - such plates shall be designed, subject to the criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Department of Environmental Quality in consultation with the Oklahoma Arts Council, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support to implement the statewide general public environmental education program created pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Environmental Quality Code. Such plates shall be designed and issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. A dealer’s license plate issued pursuant to Section 1116.1 or 1128 of this title may be designated an Environmental Awareness License Plate upon payment of the fee imposed by this section and any other registration fees required by the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned pursuant to Section 1104.2 of this title;
3. Firefighter License Plate - such plates shall be designed for any career or retired firefighter, volunteer or paid. Firefighters may apply for firefighter plates for up to four vehicles with a rated capacity of one (1) ton or less or for a motorcycle upon proof of a fire department membership by either an identification card or letter from the chief of the fire department. Retirees who are eligible for such plates shall provide proof of eligibility upon initial application, but shall not be required to provide proof of eligibility annually. The surviving spouse of any deceased firefighter, if the spouse has not since remarried, may apply for a firefighter license plate for one vehicle with a rated carrying capacity of one (1) ton or less or for a motorcycle upon proof that the deceased firefighter was a member of a fire department by either an identification card or letter from the chief of the fire department. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Firefighters Association.
As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited to the Oklahoma State Firemen’s Museum Building & Memorial Fund for support of the Oklahoma Firefighters Museum and the Oklahoma Fallen and Living Firefighters Memorial;
4. Wildlife Conservation License Plate - such plates shall be designed, subject to the criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in consultation with the Oklahoma Arts Council, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for wildlife conservation in this state through the Wildlife Diversity Fund, provided for in Section 3-310 of Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Such plates may be designed and issued to any person as for personalized license plates.
As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned pursuant to subsection D of Section 3-310 of Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
5. Child Abuse Prevention License Plate - such plates shall be designed, subject to the criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention in the State Department of Health and the Oklahoma Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the prevention of child abuse.
As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Child Abuse Prevention Fund;
6. United States Olympic Committee Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the United States Olympic Committee. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The plate shall contain the official United States Olympic Committee logo. The Tax Commission shall be authorized, if necessary, to enter into a licensing agreement with the United States Olympic Committee for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the United States Olympic Committee logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment of not more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each license plate issued;
7. Oklahoma History License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate interest in Oklahoma history. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited to the Oklahoma Historical Society Revolving Fund to be used for educational purposes;
8. Historic Route 66 License Plate - such:
9. Heart of the Heartland License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to honor the victims of the terrorist bombing attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Heart of the Heartland Scholarship Fund, as established in Section 2282 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
10. Emergency Medical Technician License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person who is an emergency medical technician. Such persons may apply for an emergency medical technician license plate for each vehicle with a rated carrying capacity of one (1) ton or less upon proof of an emergency medical technician’s license. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the state association of emergency medical technicians. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned to the Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit Revolving Fund created in Section 1-2505.2 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
11. Fight Breast Cancer License Plate - such plates shall be designed to demonstrate support for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer in this state. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned to the Breast Cancer Act Revolving Fund;
12. Crime Victims Awareness License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate awareness of and support for victims of crimes. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Crime Victims Centre. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned to the Attorney General’s Revolving Fund for the Office of the Attorney General, which is hereby directed to use such funds to contract with a statewide nonprofit organization to provide services to crime victims;
13. Oklahoma Safe Kids Association License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support and awareness of the Oklahoma Safe Kids Association. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Safe Kids Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Children’s Hospital - Oklahoma Safe Kids Association Revolving Fund to be distributed to the Oklahoma Safe Kids Association program;
14. Four-H Club License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Four-H Foundation, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support of the Four-H Club. Such plates may be designed and issued to any person as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned to the OSU Extension Service License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.4 of this title;
15. Agricultural Awareness License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission, by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry in consultation with the Oklahoma Arts Council, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support of the Department’s Ag in the Classroom Education Program. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104.3 of this title;
16. Oklahoma Statehood Centennial License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to commemorate the centennial of Oklahoma’s admission to statehood in 1907. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Capitol Complex and Centennial Commemoration Commission Revolving Fund created in Section 98.5 of Title 73 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
17. Support Education License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the State Department of Education in consultation with the Oklahoma Arts Council, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for education in this state. All motor license agents shall display a sample of the Support Education License plate in the area of the business accessed by the public. Twenty-three Dollars ($23.00) of the fee collected shall be apportioned as follows:
However, when the Teachers’ Retirement Benefit Fund attains a seventy percent (70%) funded ratio based on an annual actuarial valuation as required by law, the amount of the fee shall be apportioned equally pursuant to subparagraphs a, b and c of this paragraph;
18. Retired Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officers License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any retired officer of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. The license plate shall have the legend “Oklahoma” and shall contain, in the center of the plate, the Highway Patrol Officers patch using the same colors and pattern as used in the patch. Centered on the bottom of the license plate shall be the word “Retired”. The letters “TRP” shall be used in combination with three numbers on either side of the insignia or emblem. The color of the letters and numbers shall be brown. Retirees who are eligible for such plates shall provide proof of eligibility upon initial application, but shall not be required to provide proof of eligibility annually. The surviving spouse of any deceased retired officer of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, if the spouse has not since remarried, or if remarried, the remarriage is terminated by death, divorce, or annulment, may apply for a Retired Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officers license plate. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited into the Law Enforcement Retirement Fund;
19. Boy Scouts of America Supporter License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Boy Scouts of America. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The plate shall contain the official Boy Scouts of America logo. The Tax Commission shall be authorized, if necessary, to enter into a licensing agreement with the Boy Scouts of America for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Boy Scouts of America logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Boy Scouts of America of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
20. Urban Forestry and Beautification License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission, by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry in consultation with nonprofit organizations in this state that develop and operate programs to encourage urban forestry and beautification, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support of such programs. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104.5 of this title;
21. Oklahoma State Parks Supporter License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma state parks system. Twenty-three Dollars ($23.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department Revolving Fund. Such money shall be designated for and may only be expended for the support of Oklahoma state parks;
22. Adoption Creates Families License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support of pregnant women who are committed to placing their children for adoption and wishing to provide assistance to guardians, adoptive parents and other created families to assist in the adoption and placement of children in permanent, safe homes. The license plates shall be designed and final terminology delivered in consultation with the Oklahoma Adoption Coalition and the Department of Human Services. Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in a revolving fund established in the State Treasury for and to be used by the Department of Human Services for the implementation of the Investing in Stronger Oklahoma Families Act specifically for created families;
23. Choose Life License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria presented to the Tax Commission, by Choose Life, Inc., and issued to any person who wishes to demonstrate support of organizations that encourage adoption as a positive choice for women with unplanned pregnancies. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Choose Life Assistance Program Revolving Fund established in Section 1104.6 of this title;
24. Future Farmers of America License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to persons wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma FFA (formerly known as Future Farmers of America). The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma FFA Foundation Board of Directors. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104.7 of this title;
25. Lions Club License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to persons wishing to demonstrate support for the Lions Club of Oklahoma. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Lions Service Foundation and shall contain the official logo of the International Association of Lions Clubs. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Lions Service Foundation. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Lions Service Foundation of not more than Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each license plate issued;
26. Color Oklahoma License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission by the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for preserving and planting wildflowers and native plants in Oklahoma and to promote Oklahoma’s wildflower heritage through education. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104.8 of this title;
27. Girl Scouts of the United States of America Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The plate shall contain the official Girl Scouts of the United States of America logo. The Tax Commission shall be authorized, if necessary, to enter into a licensing agreement with the Girl Scouts of the United States of America for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Girl Scouts of the United States of America logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Girl Scouts of Magic Empire Council, acting on behalf of all Oklahoma Girl Scout councils, of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
28. Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. The plate shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
29. Oklahoma Scenic Rivers License Plate – such plates shall be designed to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers. The plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission. Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of the fee shall be apportioned to the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission;
30. Fight Cancer License Plate – such plates shall be designed to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry. The plate shall contain the American Cancer Society logo. The American Cancer Society logo shall be used in accordance with the American Cancer Society’s branding guidelines and shall only be utilized to support the Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) of the fee shall be apportioned to the Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry Revolving Fund;
31. Animal Friendly License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for controlling the overpopulation of dogs and cats through educational and sterilization efforts. The plates shall be designed in consultation with the Veterinary Medical Association. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) of the fee collected shall be designated by the purchaser of the plate to be deposited in the Oklahoma Pet Overpopulation Fund created in Section 2368.13 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes or the Animal Friendly Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.10 of this title;
32. Patriot License Plate - such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Military Department of Oklahoma and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Oklahoma residents who are members of the Oklahoma National Guard and deployed on active duty. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, a portion of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Patriot License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.11 of this title;
33. Global War on Terrorism License Plate - such plate shall be designed in consultation with the Military Department of Oklahoma and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Oklahoma residents who are members of the Armed Forces of the United States or Oklahoma National Guard that have served in the Global War on Terrorism. The plate shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of six. As provided in this section, a portion of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma National Guard Museum Fund created in Section 235.1 of Title 44 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
34. Boys and Girls Clubs of America Supporter License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The plate shall contain the official Boys and Girls Clubs of America logo. The Tax Commission, if necessary, may enter into a licensing agreement with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Boys and Girls Clubs of America logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
35. Oklahoma Quarter Horse License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the American Quarter Horse in Oklahoma. The plate shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association. As provided in this section, a portion of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.12 of this title;
36. Oklahoma Association for the Deaf License Plate – such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Association for the Deaf and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Oklahoma residents who are deaf. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, a portion of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Association for the Deaf License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.15 of this title;
37. Oklahoma City Zoo License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma City Zoo. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Zoological Society, Inc. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Zoological Society Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.13 of this title;
38. March of Dimes License Plate – such plates shall be issued to persons wishing to demonstrate support for the March of Dimes mission to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Chapter March of Dimes. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Prevent Birth Defects, Premature Birth and Infant Mortality Fund established in Section 1104.14 of this title;
39. Support Our Troops Supporter License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Support Our Troops Incorporated. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of six. The plate shall contain the official Support Our Troops Incorporated logo which includes the mark “Support Our Troops” across the bottom of the plate. The Tax Commission, if necessary, may enter into a licensing agreement with Support Our Troops Incorporated for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Support Our Troops Incorporated logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to Support Our Troops Incorporated of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each license plate issued;
40. Folds of Honor Supporter License Plate – such plates shall be authorized to be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma City Chapter of Folds of Honor Incorporated, a nonprofit charitable organization exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c)(3), providing educational scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled military service members. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of six. Such person may apply for a Folds of Honor Supporter license plate for a motorcycle; provided, the license plate for motorcycles may be of similar design to the license plate for motor vehicles or may be a new design in order to meet space requirements for a motorcycle license plate. The plate shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma City Chapter of Folds of Honor Incorporated and shall contain the official Folds of Honor Incorporated logo which includes the mark “Folds of Honor” across the bottom of the plate. The Tax Commission, if necessary, may enter into a licensing agreement with Folds of Honor Incorporated for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Folds of Honor Incorporated logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to Folds of Honor Incorporated of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each license plate issued. Subject to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Folds of Honor Supporter License Plate is hereby reauthorized effective November 1, 2019;
41. Downed Bikers Association License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Downed Bikers Association, a nonprofit charitable organization exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c)(3), which provides emotional and financial support for downed bikers. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Central Oklahoma Chapter of the Downed Bikers Association and shall contain any official logo or design of the organization. The Tax Commission, if necessary, may enter into a licensing agreement with the Downed Bikers Association for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the organization’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Downed Bikers Association of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate;
42. Armed Forces Veterans Motorcycle License Plate – such plates shall be designed for use on a motorcycle in consultation with A Brotherhood Aiming Toward Education of Oklahoma, Inc. (ABATE), and issued to any honorably discharged former member of the United States Armed Forces wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma National Guard Museum. Persons applying for such license plate must show proof of past military service. As provided in this section, a portion of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma National Guard Museum Fund created in Section 235.1 of Title 44 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
43. Buffalo Soldier License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to honor and celebrate the history and contribution of the Buffalo Soldiers. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Lawton-Fort Sill Chapter of the Buffalo Soldiers 9th and 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Buffalo Soldier License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.16 of this title;
44. Prevent Blindness Oklahoma License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for vision screening of school age children in this state. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with Prevent Blindness Oklahoma. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Prevent Blindness Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.17 of this title;
45. Oklahoma State Capitol Restoration License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for restoration of the Oklahoma State Capitol building. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Friends of the Capitol corporation, created pursuant to Section 15.4 of Title 73 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the State Capitol Preservation Commission created pursuant to Section 4102 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Friends of the Capitol License Plate Revolving Fund established in Section 1104.18 of this title;
46. Eastern Red Cedar Tree License Plate – such plates shall be designed, subject to criteria to be presented to the Tax Commission and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the removal of Eastern Red Cedar trees from lands in the state and to develop marketable uses for the harvested trees. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Eastern Red Cedar Registry Board. Twenty-three Dollars ($23.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Eastern Red Cedar Revolving Fund created in Section 18-407 of Title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes. The money shall be designated for and may only be expended for the purposes as set forth in the Eastern Red Cedar Registry Board Act;
47. Pancreatic Cancer Research License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the University of Oklahoma Foundation, Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of six. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the University of Oklahoma Foundation, Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Pancreatic Cancer Research License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.19 of this title;
48. Alzheimer’s Research License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Oklahoma Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Alzheimer’s Research License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.20 of this title;
49. Hospice and Palliative Care License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Oklahoma Hospice and Palliative Care Association. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Hospice and Palliative Care Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Hospice and Palliative Care License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.21 of this title;
50. Juvenile Diabetes Research License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Oklahoma Chapters of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Chapters of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Juvenile Diabetes Research License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.22 of this title;
51. Deer Creek Schools Foundation License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Deer Creek Schools Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Deer Creek Schools Foundation. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Deer Creek Schools Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.23 of this title;
52. Lupus Awareness and Education License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Lupus Foundation of Oklahoma. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Lupus Foundation of Oklahoma. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Lupus License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.24 of this title. Subject to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Lupus Awareness and Education License Plate is hereby reauthorized effective November 1, 2018;
53. Chiefs of Police License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police for a vehicle or motorcycle in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police. The license plate for a motorcycle may be of similar design as space permits or a new design in order to meet the space requirements of a motorcycle license plate. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the association’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued. Subject to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Chiefs of Police License Plate is hereby reauthorized effective November 1, 2015;
54. Crossings Christian School License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Crossings Christian School located in Oklahoma City. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of Crossings Christian School. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with Crossings Christian School for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Crossings Christian School of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
55. Hilldale Education Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Hilldale Education Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Hilldale Education Foundation. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Hilldale Education Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Hilldale Education Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
56. Oklahoma Nurses License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person licensed pursuant to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act and providing such documentation of current licensure as may be required by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Nurses Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Nurses License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.26 of this title;
57. Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Hall of Fame’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
58. Childhood Cancer Awareness License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
59. Oklahoma Educational Television Authority License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority and such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Authority. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Educational Television Authority Revolving Fund created in Section 156 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
60. Remembering Fallen Heroes License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Concerns of Police Survivors License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.27 of this title;
61. Disabled American Veterans License Plate – such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Disabled American Veterans Department of Oklahoma and issued to any member of the organization wishing to demonstrate support. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Disabled American Veterans Department of Oklahoma for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the organization’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Disabled American Veterans Department of Oklahoma of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued. The plates shall incorporate a numbering system agreed upon by the Disabled American Veterans Department of Oklahoma and the Tax Commission;
62. Owasso Rams Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Owasso Rams, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of Owasso Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
63. Collinsville Cardinals Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Collinsville Cardinals, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of Collinsville Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
64. Sperry Pirates Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Sperry Pirates, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of Sperry Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
65. Skiatook Bulldogs Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Skiatook Bulldogs, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of Skiatook Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
66. Rejoice Christian Eagles Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Rejoice Christian Eagles, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of Rejoice Christian Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
67. East Central Cardinals Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the East Central Cardinals, and shall be designed in consultation with representatives of East Central Schools. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
68. Southeast Spartans Supporter License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Southeast Spartans, and shall be designed in consultation with the Southeast High School Alumni Association. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Education Reform Revolving Fund created in Section 34.89 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
69. Sooner State ABATE License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for Sooner State ABATE. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with Sooner State ABATE. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. The license plate for a motorcycle may be of similar design as space permits or a new design in order to meet the space requirements of a motorcycle license plate. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with Sooner State ABATE for any licensing fees, which may be required in order to use the association’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to Sooner State ABATE of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued. Subject to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Sooner State ABATE License Plate is hereby reauthorized effective November 1, 2019;
70. Oklahoma License to Educate License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Oklahoma educators. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the State Department of Education. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Teacher Recruitment Revolving Fund created in Section 6-132 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
71. Piedmont Education Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Piedmont Public Schools Education Foundation. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Foundation. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Piedmont Public Schools Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.28 of this title;
72. The Pride of Oklahoma License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the University of Oklahoma Marching Band and shall be designed in consultation with the University of Oklahoma Marching Band. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the University of Oklahoma or the University of Oklahoma Marching Band for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the applicable logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Pride of Oklahoma Fund at the University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
73. Jenks Trojans License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Jenks School District. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Jenks School District. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Jenks School District for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school district’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Jenks School District of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
74. Bixby Spartans License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Bixby School District. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Bixby School District. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Bixby School District for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school district’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Bixby School District of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
75. Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma aviation industry and to promote awareness of aviation and aerospace. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission and shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission Revolving Fund, for expenditure as provided in Section 91 of Title 3 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
76. Ducks Unlimited License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for Ducks Unlimited. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with Ducks Unlimited. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with Ducks Unlimited for any licensing fee which may be required in order to use the Ducks Unlimited logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to Ducks Unlimited of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
77. Prisoner of War and Missing in Action License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to increase awareness of those who are currently prisoners of war or missing in action and provide financial support for current veterans. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with Rolling Thunder Oklahoma. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Prisoner of War and Missing in Action License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.29 of this title;
78. Woodward Boomers License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Woodward School District. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Woodward School District. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Woodward School District for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school district’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Woodward School District of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
79. Clinton Public School Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Clinton Public School Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Clinton Public School Foundation. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Clinton Public School Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Clinton Public School Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
80. Navajo School Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Navajo School Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Navajo School Foundation. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Navajo School Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Navajo School Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
81. Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. License Plate – such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. and issued to any member of the organization wishing to demonstrate support. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the organization’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued. The plates shall incorporate a numbering system agreed upon by the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. and the Tax Commission. Subject to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame Inc. License Plate is hereby reauthorized effective November 1, 2019;
82. Techlahoma Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for the Techlahoma Foundation. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Techlahoma Foundation. The plate shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Techlahoma Foundation for any licensing fees, which may be required in order to use the association’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Techlahoma Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
83. Bethany Public Schools Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Bethany Public Schools Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Bethany Public Schools Foundation. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Bethany Public Schools Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Bethany Public Schools Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
84. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the Foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
85. Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Association. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.30 of this title;
86. Elk City Education Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Elk City Education Foundation. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Foundation. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Elk City Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.31 of this title;
87. A Brotherhood Aiming Toward Education of Oklahoma (ABATE) License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for ABATE of Oklahoma. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with ABATE of Oklahoma. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. The license plate for a motorcycle may be of similar design as space permits or a new design in order to meet the space requirements of a motorcycle license plate. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with ABATE of Oklahoma for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the ABATE of Oklahoma logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to ABATE of Oklahoma of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
88. Downed Bikers Association License Plate - such plates shall be designed for a vehicle or motorcycle in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates, and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Downed Bikers Association, a nonprofit charitable organization exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c)(3), which provides emotional and financial support for downed bikers. The license plate shall be designed in consultation with the Central Oklahoma Chapter of the Downed Bikers Association and shall contain any official logo or design of the organization. The license plate for a motorcycle may be of similar design as space permits or a new design in order to meet the space requirements of a motorcycle license plate. The Tax Commission, if necessary, may enter into a licensing agreement with the Downed Bikers Association for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the organization’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Downed Bikers Association of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate;
89. Eagle Scout License Plate – Such plates shall be designed to demonstrate support for Eagle Scouts and shall include the Eagle Scout logo. Plates may be issued to any person who can show proof of having obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the various Oklahoma local councils for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the applicable logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued to the specific Oklahoma local area Council designated by the applicant;
90. Extraordinary Educators License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to provide financial support for common education in Oklahoma. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the State Department of Education. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized plates. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Extraordinary Educators License Plate Revolving Fund created in Section 1104.32 of this title;
91. Former Oklahoma Legislator License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person who previously served as a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives or Oklahoma State Senate. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Historical Society. As provided in this section, an amount of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Historical Society Capital Improvement and Operations Revolving Fund created in Section 1.10a of Title 53 of the Oklahoma Statutes. The Tax Commission shall create and maintain a list of former members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Oklahoma State Senate eligible to be issued such plates; provided, that no former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and Oklahoma State Senate shall be eligible to possess more than two of such plates at any one time. The Tax Commission shall confer as needed with the Chief Clerk of the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Oklahoma State Senate to confirm that such list is complete and accurate;
92. Monarch Butterfly License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the operations of the Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma. Such plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
93. Oklahoma Tennis Foundation License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Tennis Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Tennis Foundation. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Tennis Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Tennis Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
94. Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plate - such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
95. Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any female veteran of any branch of the United States Armed Forces wishing to demonstrate support for the Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with the Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the organization’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Oklahoma Women Veterans Organization of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
96. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) License Plate - such plates shall be issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for FIRST Robotics Programs. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the administration of FIRST. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with FIRST for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the FIRST logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to FIRST of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued;
97. Pittsburg State University License Plate – such plates shall be designed and issued to any person wishing to demonstrate support for the Pittsburg State University. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with Pittsburg State University. The Tax Commission shall be authorized to enter into a licensing agreement with Pittsburg State University for any licensing fees which may be required in order to use the school foundation’s logo or design. The licensing agreement shall provide for a payment to the Pittsburg State University of not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each license plate issued; and
98. Historic Greenwood District License Plate – such plates shall be issued to persons wishing to demonstrate support for the Historic Greenwood District Juneteenth Festival held in the Historic Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The plates shall be issued to any person in any combination of numbers and letters from one to a maximum of seven, as for personalized license plates. The license plates shall be designed in consultation with the Black Wall Street Chamber of Commerce. Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Historic Greenwood District/Juneteenth Festival Revolving Fund established in Section 5 of this act. Two Dollars ($2.00) of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Public School Classroom Support Revolving Fund, for expenditure as provided in Section 1-123 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
C. The fee for such plates shall be Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) per year of renewal and shall be in addition to all other registration fees provided by the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act. The fee shall be apportioned as follows:
1. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per year of renewal or any other amount as provided in this title of the fee shall be apportioned as provided or deposited in a fund as specified within the paragraph authorizing the special license plate;
2. Eight Dollars ($8.00) per year of renewal of the fee shall be deposited in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Reimbursement Fund to be used for the administration of the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; and
3. Any remaining amounts of the fee shall be apportioned as provided in Section 1104 of this title.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 504, § 14, eff. July 1, 2004. Amended by Laws 2005, c. 416, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2006, c. 200, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2006; Laws 2006, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 44, § 25, eff. July 1, 2007; Laws 2009, c. 311, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2009; Laws 2010, c. 2, § 19, emerg. eff. March 3, 2010; Laws 2010, c. 190, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2010, c. 366, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2011, c. 1, § 25, emerg. eff. March 18, 2011; Laws 2011, c. 248, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws 2013, c. 197, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2013, c. 365, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2014, c. 351, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2015, c. 54, § 16, emerg. eff. April 10, 2015; Laws 2015, c. 378, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2015; Laws 2016, c. 210, § 25, emerg. eff. April 26, 2016; Laws 2017, c. 284, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2017; Laws 2017, c. 331, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2017; Laws 2018, c. 69, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2018; Laws 2018, c. 293, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2018; Laws 2019, c. 25, § 26, emerg. eff. April 4, 2019; Laws 2019, c. 434, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2019; Laws 2021, c. 143, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2021.
NOTE: Laws 2006, c. 152, § 2 repealed by Laws 2006, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 44, § 26, eff. July 1, 2007. Laws 2006, c. 311, § 25 repealed by Laws 2006, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 44, § 27, eff. July 1, 2007. Laws 2006, c. 275, § 3 repealed by Laws 2006, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 44, § 28, eff. July 1, 2007. Laws 2009, c. 256, § 1 repealed by Laws 2010, c. 2, § 20, emerg. eff. March 3, 2010. Laws 2010, c. 454, § 11 repealed by Laws 2011, c. 1, § 26, emerg. eff. March 18, 2011. Laws 2014, c. 372, § 3 repealed by Laws 2015, c. 54, § 17, emerg. eff. April 10, 2015. Laws 2015, c. 372, § 2 repealed by Laws 2016, c. 210, § 26, emerg. eff. April 26, 2016. Laws 2017, c. 97, § 2 repealed by Laws 2017, c. 331, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2017 and by Laws 2017, c. 339, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2017. Laws 2017, c. 273, § 1 repealed by Laws 2017, c. 331, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2017 and by Laws 2017, c. 339, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2017. Laws 2018, c. 181, § 1 repealed by Laws 2019, c. 25, § 27, emerg. eff. April 4, 2019. Laws 2018, c. 226, § 2 repealed by Laws 2019, c. 25, § 28, emerg. eff. April 4, 2019. Laws 2018, c. 304, § 15 repealed by Laws 2019, c. 25, § 29, emerg. eff. April 4, 2019.
NOTE: Laws 2017, c. 339, § 1 was purportedly repealed by Laws 2018, c. 304, § 16, but without reference to Laws 2018, c. 226, § 2, which amended that section.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§47-1-101. Definition of words and phrases.
§47-1-103. Authorized emergency vehicles - Equipment.
§47-1-104. Bicycle, electric-assisted bicycle, and motorized bicycle.
§47-1-107. Cancellation of driver license.
§47-1-107.1. Class A commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.2. Class B commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.3. Class C commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.4. Class D motor vehicle.
§47-1-108. Commercial operator or driver.
§47-1-110. Controlled - Access highway.
§47-1-114. Driver and driver license.
§47-1-114A. Electric personal assistive mobility device.
§47-1-116. Established place of business.
§47-1-119. Flammable substance.
§47-1-120.1. Gross combination weight rating (GCWR).
§47-1-121. Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
§47-1-124. Identifying number.
§47-1-125. Implement of husbandry.
§47-1-128. License to operate a motor vehicle.
§47-1-133.1a. Military surplus vehicle.
§47-1-133.1b. Military surplus vehicle collector.
§47-1-133.3. Motorized scooter.
§47-1-134.1. Low-speed electrical vehicle.
§47-1-136. Motor-driven cycle.
§47-1-136.3. Motorized wheelchair.
§47-1-138. Nonresident's operating privilege.
§47-1-139. Official traffic - Control devices.
§47-1-140. Operator or driver.
§47-1-140.1. “Other intoxicating substance” defined.
§47-1-142. Park, parking, and public parking lot.
§47-1-148. Private road or driveway.
§47-1-150. Railroad sign or signal.
§47-1-152.1. Recreational vehicle.
§47-1-154. Residence district.
§47-1-155. Revocation of driving privilege.
§47-1-158. Roadway and shoulder.
§47-1-165. Special mobilized machinery.
§47-1-171.1. Street-legal utility vehicle.
§47-1-173. Suspension of driving privilege.
§47-1-178. Traffic control signal.
§47-1-184. Turnpike and turnpike authority.
§47-2-103. Organization of Department.
§47-2-104. Commissioner to appoint subordinates - Salaries.
§47-2-105.2. Highway Patrol Academies.
§47-2-105.3a. Executive security.
§47-2-105.4B. Bomb Squad Section.
§47-2-105.4C. Authorization to engage in part-time employment.
§47-2-105.5. Controlled substance screenings of applicants.
§47-2-105.6. Marine Enforcement Section - Powers, duties, responsibilities and authority - Salaries.
§47-2-105.7. Capitol Patrol Section - Authority - Reclassification - Salaries - Application.
§47-2-105.8. Communications Section - Salaries.
§47-2-105B. Position of Chaplain.
§47-2-106. Driver License Services Division - Driver Compliance Division.
§47-2-106.1. Transfer of Size and Weights Permits Division to Department of Transportation.
§47-2-106.2A. Transfer of powers and duties.
§47-2-106.2B. Transfer of powers and duties to Department of Public Safety.
§47-2-106.2C. Traffic safety-related projects - Incentives.
§47-2-106.3. Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit.
§47-2-107. Traveling expenses of assistants and other employees - Equipment.
§47-2-108. Powers and duties of commissioner.
§47-2-108.1. Interlocal agreements.
§47-2-108.2. Contracts incident to real estate gifted to state – Construction of gun range.
§47-2-108.3. Vehicle ownership and registration information.
§47-2-108.4. Oklahoma Incident Management Team Advisory Committee
§47-2-108.5. Oklahoma State Award Program Committee.
§47-2-109. Commissioner to prescribe forms.
§47-2-109.1. Charging and collection of fees - Forms of payment.
§47-2-110. Release of records.
§47-2-111. Records of Department.
§47-2-112. Authority to grant or refuse applications - Confiscation of documents.
§47-2-113. Seizure of documents and plates.
§47-2-114. Distribution of synopsis of laws.
§47-2-115. Department may summon witnesses and take testimony.
§47-2-118. Administration of Division of Highway Patrol.
§47-2-119. Badge of authority - Penalties.
§47-2-120. Transportation for Attorney General.
§47-2-122.1. Acquisition of federal funds.
§47-2-122.2. Employee performance program – Recognition awards.
§47-2-122.3. Ownership, training and use of canines.
§47-2-124. Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems Division - Creation.
§47-2-124.1. Arrest warrant identification information - Dissemination.
§47-2-125. Deposit and expenditure of funds.
§47-2-128. Transfer of personnel and assets.
§47-2-129. Custody and dissemination of confidential and privileged information.
§47-2-130. Expense allowance for certain employees.
§47-2-130.1. Additional compensation for irregular shift hours and twenty-four-hour call employees.
§47-2-133. Psychological Services Division - Director - Internship program.
§47-2-142. Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund.
§47-2-143. Department of Public Safety Patrol Vehicle Revolving Fund.
§47-2-144.1. Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund.
§47-2-145. Department of Public Safety Restricted Revolving Fund.
§47-2-146. Department of Public Safety Patrol Academy Revolving Fund.
§47-2-147. State Public Safety Fund.
§47-2-150. Weapons, badges and official license plates - Retention after retirement.
§47-2-301.1. Termination or partial termination of System.
§47-2-303. Law Enforcement Retirement Board.
§47-2-303.2. Duties of fiduciaries.
§47-2-303.3. Certain benefits exempt from legal process.
§47-2-303.4. Deposits of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§47-2-303.5. Acceptance of gifts or gratuities.
§47-2-304. Contributions to fund - Amount - Deduction by employer - Pick-up of member contributions.
§47-2-305. Retirement and retirement pay - Reemployment - Disability benefits.
§47-2-305.1. Computation of benefits - Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.1A. Direct rollover of distribution - Definitions - Notice - Election.
§47-2-305.1B. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Treatment of trust - Rules.
§47-2-305.1C. Direct payments for qualified health insurance premiums - Definitions - Rules.
§47-2-305.2. Deferred option plans.
§47-2-305.3. Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.5. Additional retirement benefit.
§47-2-305.6. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§47-2-305.7. Benefit increase - Offset.
§47-2-305.8. Increase in benefits – Amount - Offset.
§47-2-305.9. Law Enforcement Retirement System - Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.10. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006.
§47-2-305.11. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§47-2-305.12. Increase in benefits – July 1, 2020 - Offset.
§47-2-306. Payments in case of death.
§47-2-306.2. Unpaid accumulated contributions - Payment to beneficiary or next of kin.
§47-2-307.3. Prior law enforcement service credit - Time of application.
§47-2-307.4. Military service credit.
§47-2-307.5. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§47-2-307.7. Reduction-in-force termination credit.
§47-2-308. Payments on termination of membership - Reemployment.
§47-2-308.1. Election to defer commencement of retirement benefits.
§47-2-309. Proceedings on claims - Appeal to district court.
§47-2-309.4. Park rangers - Transfer to System.
§47-2-309.5. Pharmacy board inspectors - Transfer to System.
§47-2-314. Election for limited participation by certain universities.
§47-2-315. Certain employees of Grand River Dam Authority - Election to participate
§47-2-316. Oklahoma Blue Alert Act.
§47-3-101. Creation of Service Oklahoma.
§47-3-103. Director of Service Oklahoma.
§47-3-104. Service Oklahoma Operator Board.
§47-3-105. Licensed Operator Advisory Committee.
§47-3-106. Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund.
§47-3-107. Records – Confidentiality - Maintenance.
§47-3-108. Interagency agreements.
§47-3-109. Administrative rules.
§47-3-110. Authority to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures – Release of records.
§47-4-101. Exceptions from provisions of this chapter.
§47-4-102. Unauthorized use of vehicle - Punishment.
§47-4-103. Unauthorized use of a vehicle known to be stolen - Punishment.
§47-4-104. Damaging or tampering with vehicle or implement of husbandry.
§47-4-105. Stolen, converted, recovered and unclaimed vehicles.
§47-4-106. False report of theft or conversion.
§47-4-107. Removed, falsified or unauthorized identification.
§47-4-108. False statements of material facts - Punishment.
§47-4-109. Altering or forging certificate of title - Punishment.
§47-4-110. Offenses in connection with certificates of title.
§47-6-101. See the following versions:
§47-6-101.1. Licenses for persons under twenty-one years of age.
§47-6-102. See the following versions:
§47-6-102.1. Operation by persons with an agricultural exemption permit.
§47-6-102v1. Persons exempt – Reciprocity agreements with foreign countries.
§47-6-102v2. Persons exempt – Reciprocity agreements with foreign countries.
§47-6-103. Persons not to be licensed - Appeal.
§47-6-103.1. Parental objection to licensing of unemancipated child.
§47-6-105. Graduated Class D licenses — Motorcycle-only licenses — Farm vehicle special permits.
§47-6-105.2. Instructor permit.
§47-6-105.3. See the following versions:
§47-6-105.3v1. Issuance of identification card – Fees.
§47-6-105.3v2. Issuance of identification card – Fees.
§47-6-106. Application for license.
§47-6-110. Examination of applicants.
§47-6-110.2. Computerized finger imaging system.
§47-6-110.5. Training and education for compliance with the REAL ID Act.
§47-6-111. See the following versions:
§47-6-112. License to be carried and exhibited on demand.
§47-6-113. Restricted licenses.
§47-6-114. Replacement license – Proof of identity - Removal of endorsements or restrictions.
§47-6-115. Expiration and renewal of driver licenses.
§47-6-116. Notice of change of address or name.
§47-6-117. Records to be kept by Department.
§47-6-118. Driver's License Medical Advisory Committee.
§47-6-119A. Bioptic driving - Restricted license.
§47-6-120. Cancellation, denial, or disqualification.
§47-6-124. Issuance of license or identification card - Veteran designation.
§47-6-201.2. Report of conviction from tribal or federal courts.
§47-6-202. Suspending privileges of nonresidents and reporting convictions.
§47-6-203. Suspension of resident's license or driving privilege upon conviction in another state.
§47-6-204. Order by court to surrender license to Department - Report of conviction.
§47-6-205. Mandatory revocation of driving privilege.
§47-6-205.1. Periods of revocation - Denial of driving privileges.
§47-6-205.2. See the following versions:
§47-6-206. Authority of Department to suspend license or privilege.
§47-6-206.1. Driver improvement or defensive driving course.
§47-6-208. Period of suspensions - Renewal or restoration of license.
§47-6-209. Surrender and return of license - Seizure of license.
§47-6-210. No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state.
§47-6-211. See the following versions:
§47-6-211v1. Right of appeal to district court.
§47-6-211v2. Right of appeal to district court.
§47-6-212. Reinstatement fees - Conditions for reinstatement - Provisional license.
§47-6-212.2. Required completion of alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation.
§47-6-212.3. Ignition interlock device - Duration - Violations.
§47-6-212.4. Revocation, suspension, cancellation or denial of driving privileges.
§47-6-212.5. Impaired Driver Accountability Program.
§47-6-301. Unlawful use of license or identification card.
§47-6-302. Making false affidavit perjury.
§47-6-304. Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.
§47-6-305. Permitting unauthorized person to drive.
§47-6-306. Employer permitting unlicensed or improperly licensed person to drive.
§47-6-307. Liability for knowingly permitting the operation by a person not qualified.
§47-6-308. Penalty for misdemeanor.
§47-6-309. Operation of Class D motor vehicle under Class A, B or C commercial license.
§47-7-101. Commissioner of public safety to administer chapter.
§47-7-116. Damage limitation - Compulsory Insurance Law.
§47-7-201. Application of Article II.
§47-7-202. Department to determine amount of security required - Notices.
§47-7-203. Exceptions to requirement of security.
§47-7-204. Policy requirements.
§47-7-205. Form and amount of security.
§47-7-206. Failure to deposit security and file proof of financial responsibility.
§47-7-207. Release from liability.
§47-7-208. Adjudication of nonliability.
§47-7-209. Agreements for payment of damages.
§47-7-210. Payment upon judgment.
§47-7-211. Termination of security requirement.
§47-7-212. Duration of suspension.
§47-7-214. Authority of Department to decrease amount of security.
§47-7-215. Correction of action of Department.
§47-7-216. Custody of security.
§47-7-217. Disposition of security.
§47-7-219. Matters not to be evidence in civil suits.
§47-7-308. When courts to report nonpayment of judgments.
§47-7-309. Further action with respect to nonresidents.
§47-7-310. Suspension for nonpayment of judgments.
§47-7-311. Exception in relation to government vehicles.
§47-7-312. Exception when consent granted by judgment creditor.
§47-7-313. Exception when insurer liable.
§47-7-314. Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given.
§47-7-315. Discharge in bankruptcy.
§47-7-316. Payments sufficient to satisfy requirements.
§47-7-317. Installment payment of judgments - Default.
§47-7-318. Action if breach of agreement.
§47-7-320. Alternate methods of giving proof.
§47-7-324. Motor vehicle liability policies - Contents and coverages.
§47-7-330. Cash or certificate of deposit as proof.
§47-7-331. Application of deposit.
§47-7-333. Substitution of proof.
§47-7-335. Duration of proof - When proof may be canceled or returned.
§47-7-402. Surrender of license.
§47-7-502. Exception in relation to vehicles insured under other laws.
§47-7-504. Chapter not to prevent other process.
§47-7-505. Relief by court in cases of hardship.
§47-7-506. Driving privilege reinstatement fee.
§47-7-600.2. Online verification system — Rules — Exception.
§47-7-601. Liability requirements - Proof of compliance - Nonresidents.
§47-7-601.1. Owner's and operator's security verification forms - Contents.
§47-7-602. Certification of existence of security — Online verification system — Exemptions.
§47-7-602.1. Possession of security verification form while operating or using certain vehicles.
§47-7-603. Verification of security.
§47-7-606. Failure to maintain insurance or security — Penalties.
§47-7-606.1. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program.
§47-7-606.2. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Diversion Program.
§47-7-612. Security verification forms - Violations of law - Penalties.
§47-7-621. Oklahoma Temporary Motorist Liability Plan.
§47-7-623. Temporary Insurance Premium Pool.
§47-7-624. Secondary coverage.
§47-7-626. Plan administrator – Rates – Premiums.
§47-7-700. Reinstatement of driving privileges following subsequent withdrawal – Liability for fees.
§47-8-101. Owner of for-rent vehicle to give proof of financial responsibility.
§47-8-102. Owner of for-rent vehicle liable when no policy obtained.
§47-8-103. Renting motor vehicle to another.
§47-8-104. Financial responsibility of taxicab operators.
§47-10-101. Provisions of chapter apply throughout state.
§47-10-102. Accidents involving nonfatal injury.
§47-10-102.1. Accidents involving death.
§47-10-103. Accidents involving damage to vehicle.
§47-10-104. Duty to give information and render aid - Drug and alcohol testing.
§47-10-105. Duty upon striking unattended vehicle.
§47-10-106. Duty upon striking fixtures upon a highway.
§47-10-107. Immediate notice of accident.
§47-10-108. Written report of accident - Notice to other parties - Ancillary proceedings.
§47-10-110. Additional information.
§47-10-111. When driver unable to report.
§47-10-113. Accident report forms.
§47-10-114. Penalty for failure to report.
§47-10-115. Confidentiality of reports relating to collisions.
§47-10-116. Department to tabulate and analyze accident reports.
§47-10-117. Any incorporated city may require accident reports.
§47-10-118. Accident response fee prohibited.
§47-11-101. Provisions of chapter refer to vehicles upon the highways - Exceptions.
§47-11-102. Required obedience to traffic laws.
§47-11-103. Obedience to police officers.
§47-11-104. Persons riding animals or driv-animal-drawn vehicles.
§47-11-105. Persons working on highways - Exceptions.
§47-11-106. Authorized emergency vehicles.
§47-11-107. Military convoys exempt from municipal traffic regulation - Right of way - Exceptions.
§47-11-201. Obedience to and required traffic-control devices.
§47-11-202. Traffic-control signal legend.
§47-11-202.1. Bicycles – Stops signs and traffic control signals.
§47-11-203. Pedestrian-control signals.
§47-11-204.1. Lane use control signals.
§47-11-205. Pedestrian-catuated school crossing signals.
§47-11-206. Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings.
§47-11-208. Traffic signal preemption device – Possession, use, interference with, or sale.
§47-11-301. Drive on right side of roadway - Exceptions.
§47-11-302. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
§47-11-303. Overtaking a vehicle on the left - Signal.
§47-11-304. When overtaking on the right is permitted.
§47-11-305. Limitations on overtaking on the left.
§47-11-306. Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway.
§47-11-308. One-way roadways and rotary traffic island.
§47-11-309. Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
§47-11-310. Following too closely.
§47-11-311. Driving on divided highways.
§47-11-312. Restricted access.
§47-11-313. Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway.
§47-11-315. Driving between vehicles in funeral procession prohibited.
§47-11-401. Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
§47-11-402. Vehicle turning left.
§47-11-403. Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection.
§47-11-403.1. Failure to yield causing fatality or serious bodily injury - Assessment of fee.
§47-11-404. Vehicle entering highway from private road or driveway.
§47-11-405. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
§47-11-501. Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations.
§47-11-501.1. Rights and duties of persons operating wheelchair or motorized wheelchair.
§47-11-502. Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalks.
§47-11-503. Crossing at other than cross walks.
§47-11-504. Drivers to exercise due care.
§47-11-505. Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks.
§47-11-506. Pedestrians on roadways or bridges.
§47-11-507. Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.
§47-11-601. Required position and method of turning at intersections.
§47-11-603. Starting parked vehicle.
§47-11-604. Turning movements and required signals.
§47-11-605. Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps.
§47-11-606. Method of giving hand-and-arm signals.
§47-11-701. Obedience to signal indicating approach of train.
§47-11-702. Commercial motor vehicles and buses - Railroad crossing.
§47-11-703. Stop signs and yield signs.
§47-11-704. Emerging from alley, driveway or building.
§47-11-705.1. Church buses - Definition - Meeting and overtaking stopped bus - Signs and signals.
§47-11-801. Basic rule - Maximum and minimum limits – Fines and penalties.
§47-11-801e. Speeding violations – Distribution of fines, fees and costs.
§47-11-802. Establishment of state speed zones.
§47-11-803. When local authorities may and shall alter maximum limits.
§47-11-804. Minimum speed regulation.
§47-11-805. Speed limitation on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized scooters.
§47-11-805.1. Low-speed electrical vehicles – Restrictions on operation.
§47-11-805.4. Electric gopeds.
§47-11-806. Special speed limitations.
§47-11-806.1. Reduced speed limit at certain times in school zone.
§47-11-806.2. Reduced speed limit in toll booth zone.
§47-11-807. Charging violations and rule in civil actions.
§47-11-808.1. Unlawful acts - Radar detectors.
§47-11-810. Points - Convictions for speeding.
§47-11-901b. Full time and attention to driving.
§47-11-901c. Unlawful use of cellular telephone.
§47-11-901d. Text messaging - Penalties.
§47-11-902a. Allowing use of motor vehicle without ignition interlock device.
§47-11-902b. Forfeiture of motor vehicle.
§47-11-902d. Impaired driver database - Oklahoma Impaired Driver Database Revolving Fund.
§47-11-903. Negligent homicide.
§47-11-906.1. Drunk Driving Prevention Act - Short title.
§47-11-906.3. Oklahoma Driver's Manual - Contents.
§47-11-1001. Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district - Penalties.
§47-11-1002. Officers authorized to remove illegally stopped vehicle.
§47-11-1003. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
§47-11-1004. Additional parking regulations.
§47-11-1006. Parking of vehicles on posted private property - Penalty - Liability of land owner.
§47-11-1007. Parking areas for physically disabled persons - Violations and penalties.
§47-11-1009. Parking on certain state property prohibited - Procedure for enforcement and appeal.
§47-11-1012. Parking meters - Exemption.
§47-11-1101. Unattended motor vehicle.
§47-11-1102. Limitations on backing.
§47-11-1104. Obstruction to driver's view or control - Overloading school bus.
§47-11-1105. Opening and closing vehicle doors.
§47-11-1106. Driving on mountain highways.
§47-11-1107. Coasting prohibited.
§47-11-1108. Following fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles prohibited.
§47-11-1109. Crossing fire hose.
§47-11-1110. Destructive or injurious items on highways.
§47-11-1111. Throwing or dropping object on or at moving vehicles.
§47-11-1112. Child passenger restraint system required for certain vehicles - Exemptions.
§47-11-1113. Child passenger restraint system education program.
§47-11-1114. Allowing passenger to ride outside passenger compartment.
§47-11-1118. Forget-Me-Not Vehicle Safety Act - Short title.
§47-11-1120. Removing a child from a vehicle - Immunity.
§47-11-1201. Effect of regulations.
§47-11-1202. Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles or motorized scooters.
§47-11-1203. Riding on bicycle or motorized scooter.
§47-11-1204. Clinging to vehicles.
§47-11-1205. Riding on roadway, one-way street or highway.
§47-11-1206. Carrying articles.
§47-11-1208. Overtaking and passing bicycle - Violations - Fines and penalties.
§47-11-1210. Throwing objects at riders - Penalties.
§47-11-1301. Driving through safety zones prohibited.
§47-11-1302. Maintenance and construction zones.
§47-11-1303. Endangerment of a highway worker.
§47-11-1304. Operation Work Zone Awareness.
§47-11-1401. Unlawful acts - Signs - Violations.
§47-11-1401.1. Oklahoma Electronic Toll Collection Act - Short title.
§47-11-1402. Enforcement of laws – Costs – Authority of other entities.
§47-11-1403. Agreements as to law enforcement - Equipment - Charges - Payments - Funds.
§47-11-1404. Flashing and signal lights.
§47-12-101.2. Construction of act - Severability.
§47-12-202. Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps.
§47-12-203. Head lamps on motor vehicles.
§47-12-203.1. Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
§47-12-203.2. Use of distribution of light or composite beam lighting equipment.
§47-12-203.4. Lighting equipment upon motor vehicles operated below certain speed.
§47-12-204.1. Lamps illuminating rear license plate.
§47-12-206.1. Turn signal lamps.
§47-12-208. Vehicles of certain width - Clearance lamps - Side marker lamps - Reflectors.
§47-12-211. Visibility of reflectors, clearance lamps and marker lamps.
§47-12-213. Lamps, reflectors, and flags on projecting load.
§47-12-214. Lamps on parked or stopped motor vehicles.
§47-12-215. Lamps on farm tractors - Farm equipment and implements of husbandry.
§47-12-216. Lamps, lighting devices, or reflectors on animal-drawn and certain other vehicles.
§47-12-217. Auxiliary, fog, and off-road lamps.
§47-12-218. Emergency vehicles - Flashing lights.
§47-12-218.1. Use of lights on wreckers and tow vehicles.
§47-12-220. Back-up and vehicular hazard warning lamps.
§47-12-224. Renumbered as § 12-602.1 of this title by Laws 2003, c. 411, § 85, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.
§47-12-227. Special restriction on lamps.
§47-12-228. Special lighting equipment and warning devices on school buses and church buses.
§47-12-233. Commercially registered road-service vehicles.
§47-12-301. Brake equipment required.
§47-12-302. Performance ability of brakes.
§47-12-401. Horns and warning devices.
§47-12-402. Mufflers or other noise-suppressing systems - Prevention of excessive or unusual noise.
§47-12-405. Tires and wheels - Peripheral equipment - Unsafe operating condition.
§47-12-405.1. Coupling devices - Stay chains, cables or other safety devices.
§47-12-407. Certain vehicles to be equipped with flares and other emergency equipment.
§47-12-408. Display of warning devices when vehicle disabled.
§47-12-409. Vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
§47-12-410. Air-conditioning equipment.
§47-12-411. Television-type receiving equipment visible from operator's seat prohibited.
§47-12-413. Seat belts or shoulder harnesses.
§47-12-419. Educational program - Evaluating effectiveness of act - Reports.
§47-12-420. Civil proceedings - Effect of act.
§47-12-423. Emission control system - Disconnection, alteration, modification, or replacement.
§47-12-424. Obstruction to turning of steering control - Definitions.
§47-12-425. Absent, disconnected, or broken parts of suspension system.
§47-12-426. Properly operating speedometer.
§47-12-427. Official slow-moving vehicle emblem.
§47-12-428. Converted school buses - Color.
§47-12-504. Service, repair or replacement of odometer.
§47-12-505. Transfer of ownership of motor vehicle - Information required.
§47-12-506. Violation - Penalty.
§47-12-507. Actions - Jurisdiction - Venue - Duty to prosecute.
§47-12-601. Headlamps and other illuminating devices on certain motorcycles - Definition.
§47-12-602. Headlamps required - Permissible auxiliary lighting.
§47-12-602.1. Headlamps upon motorcycles - Minimum requirements.
§47-12-606. Electric flashing turn signal lamps.
§47-12-608. Brakes on motorcycles.
§47-12-609. Motorcycles - Required equipment.
§47-12-701. Provisions in chapter applicable to bicycles.
§47-12-706. Reflective material.
§47-12-707. Additional lights and reflectors.
§47-13-101. Vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition.
§47-13-102. Officers may inspect a vehicle and its equipment.
§47-13-103. Owner and drivers to submit vehicles for inspection.
§47-14-103. Width, height and length of vehicle and load.
§47-14-103B. Automobile transporters - Extension of load - Height.
§47-14-103C. Special permits - Movement of houses or buildings.
§47-14-103D. Permit to transport or move manufactured home.
§47-14-103E. Notification of issuance of permit.
§47-14-105. Loads on vehicles.
§47-14-106. Trailers and towed vehicles.
§47-14-109.2. Weighing as single draft.
§47-14-109.3. Exemption for vehicles fueled by compressed or liquefied natural gas
§47-14-109.4. Exemption for vehicles fueled by electricity or hydrogen.
§47-14-110. Carrying registration certificate - Inspection.
§47-14-113. When the department of highways or local authorities may restrict right to use highways.
§47-14-114. Liability for damage to highway or structure.
§47-14-116a. Transportation of manufactured home without permit - Penalties.
§47-14-118.1. Multi-state oversize and overweight permits.
§47-14-119. Load capacity violations - Penalties.
§47-14-120. Movement of certain manufactured items - Limitations - Permits - Fees - Escorts.
§47-14-120.1. Vehicles 12 or more feet wide to be escorted.
§47-14-121. Special combination vehicles - Permits.
§47-14-122. Apportionment of fees.
§47-14-123. Roads and highways - Size, weight, and speed regulations.
§47-14-124. Commercial class A license - Hazardous material endorsement exception.
§47-14-125. Agricultural vehicles – Exempt from electronic logging devices.
§47-14-126. High-wide corridors.
§47-15-101. Provisions uniform throughout state.
§47-15-101.1. Jurisdiction of cities and towns to regulate traffic on boundary lines.
§47-15-102. Powers of local authorities.
§47-15-102.1. Cellular phone usage – State preemption of orders, ordinances or regulations.
§47-15-103. Rights of owners of real property.
§47-15-104. State highway commission to adopt sign manual.
§47-15-105. Department of highways to sign all state and federal highways.
§47-15-106. Local traffic-control devices.
§47-15-107. Authority to require pedestrian obedience to traffic-control signs.
§47-15-108. Authority to designate through highways and "stop" and "yield" intersections.
§47-15-109. Regulations relative to school buses.
§47-15-110. Model Traffic Ordinance - Authorization to adopt.
§47-15-111. Special parking privileges for physically disabled persons.
§47-15-112. Physical disability temporary placard - Definitions.
§47-15-114. Operation of motorized scooters – Ordinances or regulations.
§47-15-115. Civilian volunteer disabled parking violation units.
§47-15-116. Power of municipality or political subdivision to enforce act.
§47-15-131. Speed limits - Traffic control regulations - Violations.
§47-15-132. Public trusts - Contracts and agreements - Enforcement of speed limits and regulations.
§47-16-101. Parties to a crime.
§47-16-102. Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles.
§47-16-103. Public officers and employees - Exceptions.
§47-16-104. Procedure upon arrest for felony.
§47-16-108. Misdemeanor violations - Procedure.
§47-16-109.1. Authority of officer at scene of accident.
§47-16-112. Failure to obey notice to appear.
§47-16-113. Procedure prescribed herein not exclusive.
§47-16-114. Arrest of traffic violators without warrant.
§47-17-101. Misdemeanor violations - Penalties.
§47-17-102. Felony violations – Penalties.
§47-18-101. Record of traffic cases - Report of convictions to department.
§47-20-101. Uniformity of interpretation.
§47-20-102. Effect of headings.
§47-20-105. Constitutionality.
§47-20-107. Time of taking effect.
§47-40-101. Accident report forms.
§47-40-107. Federal Highway Safety Act of 1966 - Securing of benefits under.
§47-40-121. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program.
§47-40-122. Advisory Committee for Motorcycle Safety and Education.
§47-40-123. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program Revolving Fund.
§47-116.2a. Closing particular highways.
§47-116.13. Assignment as enforcement officer - Uniforms and badges - Use without authority.
§47-116.14. Vehicles not registered or improperly registered.
§47-121.11. Commercial vehicles to have copy of reports as to defects.
§47-151. Marking of automobiles owned or leased by state.
§47-153. Driving of unmarked automobiles prohibited - Exception.
§47-153.1. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Unmarked automobiles.
§47-155. Misdemeanor - Violations of Act - Penalty.
§47-156. Purchase of passenger automobiles or bus with public funds prohibited - Exceptions.
§47-157.3. Actions to be brought against insurer.
§47-158.2. Maintenance of actions.
§47-161A. Household Goods Act of 2009 - Definitions.
§47-162. Powers and duties of Commission.
§47-162.1. Participation in Unified Carrier Registration System.
§47-163. Certification to transport household goods.
§47-165. Application and filing fees.
§47-166. Certificates or permits.
§47-166.5. Conflicting constitutional provisions - Amendment and alteration.
§47-169.1. Motor carriers - Liability for loss, damage or injury to goods or property.
§47-169.2. Claims - Procedure.
§47-169.3. Nonliability - Burden of proof.
§47-169.4. Concealed loss or damage - Claim - Inspection - Evidence.
§47-169.5. Failure to process claim or express declination of claim in writing - Penalty.
§47-169.6. Other remedies and rights of action - Attorney fees - Costs.
§47-169.7. Statements of liability or indemnity agreements not required - Exceptions.
§47-171. Appropriation - Extra help for Corporation Commission.
§47-171.1. Expenditure of Corporation Commission Revolving Funds - Uses.
§47-171.2. Motor carrier enforcement officers.
§47-172.1. Qualifications for enforcement officers.
§47-173. Venue of actions against motor carriers - Issuance of summons.
§47-177.3. Violations - Penalties.
§47-180a. Display of identification device on motor carriers.
§47-180b. Device subject to seizure.
§47-180c. Seizure and confiscation of devices - Grounds.
§47-180d. Rules and regulations.
§47-180e. Commission to provide for suitable methods of identification.
§47-180f. Purchase of devices and other equipment.
§47-180g. Issuance of identification devices.
§47-180h. Fee for registration.
§47-180l. Reciprocal compacts and agreements with other states.
§47-226.1. Power of city or town to grant franchise.
§47-226.2. Operation without franchise unlawful when franchise granted to another.
§47-226.4. Definition of franchise.
§47-226.5. Validation of existing franchises.
§47-228.3. Intrastate motor transportation fuel surcharge.
§47-228.4. Application of Sections 161 through 180m.
§47-230.2. Legislative intent.
§47-230.4. Powers and duties of Commissioner.
§47-230.5. Examination and inspection of record, equipment, etc.
§47-230.6. Certain uses and activities of vehicles and containers prohibited.
§47-230.7. Discharge of hazardous material prohibited.
§47-230.8. Reporting of incidents and accidents.
§47-230.9. Compliance with act - Violations - Penalties.
§47-230.11. Cooperation with other agencies.
§47-230.12. Immunity from civil liability.
§47-230.13. Enforcement of act.
§47-230.14. Conflicts with other laws.
§47-230.17. Hazardous materials endorsement exemption for commercial Class A license holders.
§47-230.24. Powers and duties of Corporation Commission.
§47-230.25. Shipping documentation - Penalty for violation of act.
§47-230.26. Contempt proceedings.
§47-230.29. Operation of equipment not owned by motor carrier - Required lease provisions.
§47-230.30. Liability and cargo insurance or bond.
§47-230.32. Rules and regulations.
§47-230.33. Heavy road - building vehicles - Inapplicability of Motor Carrier Act - Insurance.
§47-230.34b. Proximity of portable scale to commercial grain elevator — Exceptions.
§47-251. Special identification, right to.
§47-252. Special personal identification card.
§47-255. List of licensed operators to be secured and maintained.
§47-256. Expiration of amateur license - Notice and delivery of indentification - Violations.
§47-421. Definitions - Persons not included - Sworn statement showing exemption.
§47-422. Compliance with act required - License necessary.
§47-423. Application for license - Separate application and license for each motor vehicle.
§47-424. License fees - Period covered by license.
§47-425. Insurance policies and bonds - Parties to actions.
§47-426. Appointment of Secretary of Commission as agent to accept service of summons.
§47-427. Summons or notice of suit - Form - Service.
§47-428. License - Issuance - Contents - Carried in vehicle - License plate.
§47-429. Transfer of license or license plate.
§47-430. Revocation of license.
§47-431. Rules for administration of act.
§47-432. Custody and operation of motor vehicle used in violation of act.
§47-434. Authority of county or municipal corporation not affected.
§47-435. Violation a misdemeanor - Punishment.
§47-436. Actions for injunctions.
§47-437. Highway Patrol and peace officers to enforce Act.
§47-561. Necessity for regulation - Legislative finding.
§47-563. Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Commission.
§47-564.1. Off-premises displays of new motor vehicles.
§47-564.2. Certificate of registration for new motor vehicle salesperson — Penalties.
§47-565. Denial, revocation or suspension of license - Right of first refusal.
§47-565.2. Termination, cancellation or nonrenewal of new motor vehicle dealer franchise.
§47-566. Procedure for denial, suspension or revocation of license or imposing fine.
§47-566.1. Application of Administrative Procedures Act.
§47-572. Venue in damage actions.
§47-573. Liberal construction.
§47-576. Petty cash fund - Creation.
§47-578.1. Procedures for establishing or relocating new motor vehicle dealers within certain areas.
§47-579.1. Certain vehicle brokering unlawful - Penalties.
§47-580. Denial, revocation or suspension of license.
§47-580.2. Insurance coverage on vehicles on loan from authorized motor vehicle dealer.
§47-582. Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission.
§47-582.1. Manufactured Home Advisory Committee.
§47-584. See the following versions:
§47-584v1. Denial, revocation or suspension of license – Fine - Grounds.
§47-584v2. Denial, revocation or suspension of license – Fine - Grounds.
§47-585. Denial, suspension or revocation of license - Fine - Appeal.
§47-588. Owner-installed manufactured homes.
§47-591.3. License required - Power and authority of Commission.
§47-591.4. Application for license – Form - Grounds for refusal to issue license or B.I.D. card.
§47-591.5. Fees - Amendment of application - Term of license.
§47-591.6. Register of purchases and sales - Inspection of parts.
§47-591.7. Certain licenses not required.
§47-591.13. Violations - Penalties.
§47-592.1. Short title – Oklahoma Crusher Act.
§47-592.3. License required - Exemption.
§47-592.4. License eligibility.
§47-592.5. License application.
§47-592.6. License investigation - Fees.
§47-592.7. License display – Transferability – Annual fee.
§47-592.8. Proof of ownership – Restrictions – Vehicle report.
§47-592.9. Rule authority – Criminal penalties – Injunctive actions.
§47-595. Batteries – “Rebuilt” molded into container.
§47-596.2. New recreational vehicle dealer - Licensure - License fees.
§47-596.3. Dealer sales responsibility.
§47-596.4. Dealer agreement renewal.
§47-596.6. Dealer termination of dealer agreement - Good cause - Notice - Repurchase of inventory.
§47-596.7. Sale of inventory after termination of dealer agreement.
§47-596.8. Sale of business assets - Conditions.
§47-596.9. Warrantor obligations - Approval of claims.
§47-596.10. Warrantor prohibited acts.
§47-596.11. Dealer prohibited acts.
§47-596.12. Damaged recreational vehicle prior to shipment.
§47-596.13. Coercion by manufacturer.
§47-596.14. Denial of application for license.
§47-596.15. Cause of action - Damages - Mediation.
§47-701. Guaranteed arrest bond certificates - Automobile clubs or associations.
§47-702. Guaranteed arrest bond certificates - Trucking associations.
§47-753. Refusal to submit to test.
§47-754. Seizure of license - Temporary driving privileges - Administrative revocation.
§47-756. Admission of evidence shown by tests.
§47-757. Other competent evidence - Admissibility.
§47-759. See the following versions:
§47-759v1. Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence - Powers and duties – Revolving fund.
§47-759v2. Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence - Powers and duties – Revolving fund.
§47-783. Compensation and expenses of administrator.
§47-785. Reports to Department of Public Safety.
§47-786. Enforcement of Article IV.
§47-787. Review of act or omission.
§47-790. Nonresident Violator Compact.
§47-802. Administration and enforcement – Human trafficking information and course of study.
§47-804. Instructor’s license.
§47-806. Suspension or revocation of license.
§47-807. Persons and schools exempt.
§47-854.1. Renumbered as § 2-143 of this title by Laws 2001, c. 435, § 15, eff. July 1, 2001.
§47-855.1. Official inspectors – License – Revocation or suspension.
§47-901. Abandonment unlawful - Determination.
§47-902. Authorization to remove abandoned vehicle.
§47-903. Notice of impoundment - Civil liability.
§47-903A. Contest of removal or storage - Hearing - Exemptions.
§47-904. Payment of cost of removal and storage.
§47-904.1. Lienholder defined.
§47-908. Foreclosure of lien - Notice.
§47-909. Time to commence proceedings.
§47-911. Disposition of proceeds of sale.
§47-953. Licenses - Fees - Renewal - Disciplinary actions - Civil enforcement actions.
§47-953.1. Maximum fees and charges.
§47-953.2. Fees and charges for storage and after-hours release of towed vehicles.
§47-954A. Abandoned motor vehicle - Removal.
§47-955. Towing of vehicle from roadway – Grounds and licensed wrecker liability.
§47-956. Gifts prohibited - Financial interest of officers.
§47-957. Independent employment of wrecker or towing services.
§47-958. Violations and penalties.
§47-961. Referral fees - Misdemeanor.
§47-962. Possessory lien - Foreclosure - Collection of wrecker or towing fees.
§47-964. Report of vehicles parked or stored more than 30 days.
§47-965. Notification of law enforcement after repossession.
§47-966. Nonconsensual Towing Act of 2011 - Application of act - Rates.
§47-967. Assessments - Budgetary limits.
§47-968. Appointment of unclassified employees.
§47-1002. Ridesharing arrangement defined.
§47-1003. Non-liability of employer.
§47-1004. Money or other benefits received by driver not to constitute income for tax purposes.
§47-1006. Rideshare drivers not deemed commercial operators or drivers.
§47-1010. Short title - Oklahoma Transportation Network Company Services Act.
§47-1012. Application of act to persons and entities.
§47-1013. Permits – Rules – Commission authority.
§47-1014. Agent for service of process.
§47-1016. Driver photograph - License plate information - Company logo or emblem.
§47-1018. Zero tolerance policy for drugs or alcohol - Complaints.
§47-1019. Driver applications – Background check - Updates.
§47-1020. Vehicle equipment standards.
§47-1021. Acceptance of rides - Payments.
§47-1022. Seating capacity - Passengers.
§47-1023. Nondiscrimination and accessibility.
§47-1025. Insurance requirements.
§47-1026. Insurance disclosures to drivers.
§47-1027. Coverage exclusions by insurers.
§47-1029. Disclosure of passenger information.
§47-1030. Exclusive jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
§47-1050. Short title - Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act.
§47-1052. Assumption of liability.
§47-1053. Motor vehicle liability insurance policy required.
§47-1054. Notice to shared vehicle owners.
§47-1055. Exclusions and limitations by insurers.
§47-1056. Vehicle use records.
§47-1057. Exemption from vicarious liability.
§47-1060. Agreement disclosures.
§47-1061. Requirements for drivers.
§47-1062. Responsibility for special equipment added to vehicles.
§47-1063. Verification and notice of vehicle safety recalls.
§47-1070. Short title - Oklahoma Courier Application Services Act.
§47-1072. Not to be considered motor carriers of property nor for-hire motor carrier.
§47-1073. Zero tolerance policy for operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
§47-1074. Information required from prospective drivers.
§47-1075. Vehicles to comply with equipment standards.
§47-1102. See the following versions:
§47-1104. See the following versions:
§47-1104.2. Environmental Education Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.4. OSU Extension Service License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.5. Special license plate fee – Urban Forestry and Beautification Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.7. Future Farmers of America special license plate - Fee.
§47-1104.8. Color Oklahoma Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.9. Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.10. Animal Friendly Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.11. Patriot License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.12. Oklahoma Quarter Horse Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.13. Oklahoma Zoological Society Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.14. Oklahoma Prevent Birth Defects, Premature Birth and Infant Mortality Fund.
§47-1104.15. Oklahoma Association for the Deaf License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.16. Buffalo Soldier License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.17. Prevent Blindness Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.18. Oklahoma Friends of the Capitol License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.19. Pancreatic Cancer Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.20. Alzheimer's Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.21. Hospice and Palliative Care License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.22. Juvenile Diabetes Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.23. Deer Creek Schools Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.24. Oklahoma Lupus License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.25. Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.26. Oklahoma Nurses License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.27. Oklahoma Concerns of Police Survivors License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.28. Piedmont Public Schools Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.29. Prisoner of War and Missing in Action License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.30. Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.31. Elk City Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.32. Extraordinary Educators License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.33. Diabetes Awareness License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104v1. Apportionment of fees, taxes and penalties collected.
§47-1104v2. Apportionment of fees, taxes and penalties collected.
§47-1105. See the following versions:
§47-1105.3. Necessity of vehicle identification number - Obliteration, erasure, etc.
§47-1105.5. Background checks.
§47-1105A. See the following versions:
§47-1106. Refusal or revocation of title.
§47-1107. See the following versions:
§47-1107.1. Verification and certification of mileage - Disclosure statement.
§47-1107.2. Odometer disclosure statement - Exempted vehicles.
§47-1107.3. Certificate of title - Terms to stamp in accordance with odometer disclosure statement.
§47-1107.4. Written notice of transfer – Fee – Presumptions.
§47-1107.5. Transfer of title in transfer-on-death form
§47-1107v1. Sale or transfer of ownership of vehicle - Violations - Penalties.
§47-1107v2. Sale or transfer of ownership of vehicle - Violations - Penalties.
§47-1108. Lost title - Replacement.
§47-1109. Confidentiality of information - Disclosure - Fees - Construction - Penalty for violation.
§47-1110. See the following versions:
§47-1111. Salvage title - New title.
§47-1112. Application for registration - Information required - False statements.
§47-1112.1. Motor vehicle dealers - Disclosure of certain vehicle damage.
§47-1112.1A. Registration of vintage vehicles.
§47-1112.2. Transferability of license plates.
§47-1112.3. Documentation required in possession or in vehicle.
§47-1113. See the following versions:
§47-1113.2. Reissue of official vehicle license plates.
§47-1113.3. Oklahoma License Plate Design Task Force.
§47-1114.1. Computation of annual license fee.
§47-1114.2. Residency requirements for motor license agent.
§47-1115.1. Seizure of vehicles not bearing or displaying proper license plate - Sale.
§47-1115.3. All-terrain vehicles, utility vehicles, and motorcycles - Registration.
§47-1116. See the following versions:
§47-1116.1. New vehicles - Dealer license plate or decal - Registration period.
§47-1116.2. Operation of golf carts by persons with physical disability.
§47-1116v1. Registration periods.
§47-1116v2. Registration periods.
§47-1116v3. Registration periods.
§47-1117. Manufactured home - Registration - Certificate of title.
§47-1119. Manufactured home - Information to be furnished county assessor in county of location.
§47-1120. Proportional registration
§47-1120.2. Transfer of International Registration Plan revenues collected.
§47-1121. Dishonored checks - Collection - Cancellation of license.
§47-1122. Temporary license - Fee.
§47-1123. Reciprocal compacts and agreements.
§47-1124. Temporary permit - Fee.
§47-1124.1. Temporary permit or authorization for vehicle subject to proportional registration.
§47-1125. Certain nonresident vehicle owners required to register vehicle - Exceptions.
§47-1126. Repossessed vehicle - Registration.
§47-1127. Military personnel - Registration of vehicles - Exemption from penalties.
§47-1128. See the following versions:
§47-1128v1. Manufacturer's or dealer's license - In-transit license plates.
§47-1128v2. Manufacturer's or dealer's license - In-transit license plates.
§47-1129. Special mobilized machinery - Registration procedure - Exemptions.
§47-1130. Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund - Deposit of fees for use in mailings.
§47-1131. Order renewal - Notification.
§47-1132. See the following versions:
§47-1132.1. License and registration fee.
§47-1132.2. Motor Vehicle Driver Education Revolving Fund.
§47-1132.3. Credit for registration fee for replacement of vehicles destroyed by tornadoes.
§47-1132.4. Additional fee – Apportionment of revenue.
§47-1132.5. Additional fee payable to Service Oklahoma.
§47-1132.6. Registered motorcycle fee.
§47-1132.7. Motor Fuels Tax Fee for electric-drive and hybrid-drive motor vehicles.
§47-1132A. See the following versions:
§47-1132B. Administration of electronic transactions - Licensed operator fees.
§47-1132v1. Vehicle registration fees - Assessment - Computation.
§47-1132v2. Vehicle registration fees - Assessment - Computation.
§47-1133. Registration of commercial vehicles.
§47-1133.2. Commercial vehicles - Display of registrant's name - Violations - Nonresident vehicles.
§47-1133.3. Noncommercial boat trailers and utility-type trailers - Annual registration.
§47-1133.4. Single or combination farm use vehicle.
§47-1134. Farm vehicles - License fees - Exemptions.
§47-1134.3. Wrecker or towing vehicles - License plates - Registration.
§47-1134.4. Transporting cotton modules - License fees - Penalties.
§47-1135. Manufactured homes - License fees.
§47-1135.1. See the following versions:
§47-1135.2. See the following versions:
§47-1135.3. See the following versions:
§47-1135.4. See the following versions:
§47-1135.4v1. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.4v2. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.4v3. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.5. See the following versions:
§47-1135.6. See the following versions:
§47-1135.6v1. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver (NASCAR) Theme License Plates.
§47-1135.6v2. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver (NASCAR) Theme License Plates.
§47-1135.7. See the following versions:
§47-1135.7v1. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.7v2. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.7v3. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.8. Service Oklahoma License Plate Special Program Assistance Revolving Fund.
§47-1135.9. Authority to enter into contract with private vendor.
§47-1136.2. Former military vehicles.
§47-1137.1. See the following versions:
§47-1137.2. Issuance of dealer license plates - Authority of Service Oklahoma.
§47-1139.1. Lease agreements involving counties - Fee exemption.
§47-1140.3. Monthly report on apportionment.
§47-1141. Falsely advertising as licensed operator - Penalty.
§47-1141.1. See the following versions:
§47-1141.1v1. Retention of taxes and fees.
§47-1141.1v2. Retention of taxes and fees.
§47-1142. Service Oklahoma Licensed Operator Account.
§47-1143.1. Oklahoma Motor License Agent Indemnity Fund - Oklahoma Licensed Operator Indemnity Fund.
§47-1143.2. Additional duties and functions of licensed operators - Fees.
§47-1144. Methods of payment of fees and taxes - Licensed operator location hours of operation.
§47-1146. Audit and review - Public inspection of records.
§47-1146.2. State Auditor and Inspector - Instructions or advice to licensed operators.
§47-1147. Designating office of county treasurer as licensed operator.
§47-1148. Local authorities - Powers.
§47-1149. Service Oklahoma – Duty and authority.
§47-1150. Certain persons authorized to administer oaths.
§47-1151. See the following versions:
§47-1151.3. Mini-truck registration and operation.
§47-1151.4. Medium-speed electric vehicles - Titling and registration - Operation on roadways.
§47-1151v1. Offenses and penalties enumerated.
§47-1151v2. Offenses and penalties enumerated.
§47-1170. Confidentiality of reports - Disclosure of information.
§47-1200. Oklahoma Weigh Station Act of 2012.
§47-1202. Maintenance and operations of fixed facilities - Enforcement
§47-1203. Citations for motor vehicle violations - Multiple violations in the same day prohibited.
§47-1508. Power of Attorney General or district attorney.
§47-1603. Participation in refueling service program.
§47-1700. Short title - Oklahoma Driving Automation System Uniformity Act.
§47-1703. Conditions required to operate fully autonomous vehicles without a human driver.
§47-1704. Proof of financial responsibility.
§47-1705. In the event of an accident.
§47-1706. On-demand autonomous vehicle network permitted.
§47-1707. Registration and title.
§47-1708. Conditions for a person to operate a vehicle with an automated driving system.
§47-1709. Fully autonomous commercial motor vehicles.
§47-1710. State laws and regulations not applicable to fully autonomous vehicles.
§47-1711. Scope of act – Promulgation of rules.
§47-1801. Personal delivery device - Requirements.
§47-1802. Registration and licensing exemption – Insurance requirement.
§47-1803. Authority of political subdivisions.
§47-1105Av1. Program to permit electronic filing, storage and delivery of certificates of title.
§47-1105Av2. Program to permit electronic filing, storage and delivery of certificates of title.
§47-1132Av1. Registration renewals - Selection of licensed operators - Fees.
§47-1132Av2. Registration renewals - Selection of motor license agents - Fees.