The place actually occupied either continuously or at regular periods by a dealer or manufacturer where his books and records are kept and a large share of his business is transacted.
Laws 1961, p. 316, § 1-116.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§47-1-101. Definition of words and phrases.
§47-1-103. Authorized emergency vehicles - Equipment.
§47-1-104. Bicycle, electric-assisted bicycle, and motorized bicycle.
§47-1-107. Cancellation of driver license.
§47-1-107.1. Class A commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.2. Class B commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.3. Class C commercial motor vehicle.
§47-1-107.4. Class D motor vehicle.
§47-1-108. Commercial operator or driver.
§47-1-110. Controlled - Access highway.
§47-1-114. Driver and driver license.
§47-1-114A. Electric personal assistive mobility device.
§47-1-116. Established place of business.
§47-1-119. Flammable substance.
§47-1-120.1. Gross combination weight rating (GCWR).
§47-1-121. Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR).
§47-1-124. Identifying number.
§47-1-125. Implement of husbandry.
§47-1-128. License to operate a motor vehicle.
§47-1-133.1a. Military surplus vehicle.
§47-1-133.1b. Military surplus vehicle collector.
§47-1-133.3. Motorized scooter.
§47-1-134.1. Low-speed electrical vehicle.
§47-1-136. Motor-driven cycle.
§47-1-136.3. Motorized wheelchair.
§47-1-138. Nonresident's operating privilege.
§47-1-139. Official traffic - Control devices.
§47-1-140. Operator or driver.
§47-1-140.1. “Other intoxicating substance” defined.
§47-1-142. Park, parking, and public parking lot.
§47-1-148. Private road or driveway.
§47-1-150. Railroad sign or signal.
§47-1-152.1. Recreational vehicle.
§47-1-154. Residence district.
§47-1-155. Revocation of driving privilege.
§47-1-158. Roadway and shoulder.
§47-1-165. Special mobilized machinery.
§47-1-171.1. Street-legal utility vehicle.
§47-1-173. Suspension of driving privilege.
§47-1-178. Traffic control signal.
§47-1-184. Turnpike and turnpike authority.
§47-2-103. Organization of Department.
§47-2-104. Commissioner to appoint subordinates - Salaries.
§47-2-105.2. Highway Patrol Academies.
§47-2-105.3a. Executive security.
§47-2-105.4B. Bomb Squad Section.
§47-2-105.4C. Authorization to engage in part-time employment.
§47-2-105.5. Controlled substance screenings of applicants.
§47-2-105.6. Marine Enforcement Section - Powers, duties, responsibilities and authority - Salaries.
§47-2-105.7. Capitol Patrol Section - Authority - Reclassification - Salaries - Application.
§47-2-105.8. Communications Section - Salaries.
§47-2-105B. Position of Chaplain.
§47-2-106. Driver License Services Division - Driver Compliance Division.
§47-2-106.1. Transfer of Size and Weights Permits Division to Department of Transportation.
§47-2-106.2A. Transfer of powers and duties.
§47-2-106.2B. Transfer of powers and duties to Department of Public Safety.
§47-2-106.2C. Traffic safety-related projects - Incentives.
§47-2-106.3. Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit.
§47-2-107. Traveling expenses of assistants and other employees - Equipment.
§47-2-108. Powers and duties of commissioner.
§47-2-108.1. Interlocal agreements.
§47-2-108.2. Contracts incident to real estate gifted to state – Construction of gun range.
§47-2-108.3. Vehicle ownership and registration information.
§47-2-108.4. Oklahoma Incident Management Team Advisory Committee
§47-2-108.5. Oklahoma State Award Program Committee.
§47-2-109. Commissioner to prescribe forms.
§47-2-109.1. Charging and collection of fees - Forms of payment.
§47-2-110. Release of records.
§47-2-111. Records of Department.
§47-2-112. Authority to grant or refuse applications - Confiscation of documents.
§47-2-113. Seizure of documents and plates.
§47-2-114. Distribution of synopsis of laws.
§47-2-115. Department may summon witnesses and take testimony.
§47-2-118. Administration of Division of Highway Patrol.
§47-2-119. Badge of authority - Penalties.
§47-2-120. Transportation for Attorney General.
§47-2-122.1. Acquisition of federal funds.
§47-2-122.2. Employee performance program – Recognition awards.
§47-2-122.3. Ownership, training and use of canines.
§47-2-124. Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems Division - Creation.
§47-2-124.1. Arrest warrant identification information - Dissemination.
§47-2-125. Deposit and expenditure of funds.
§47-2-128. Transfer of personnel and assets.
§47-2-129. Custody and dissemination of confidential and privileged information.
§47-2-130. Expense allowance for certain employees.
§47-2-130.1. Additional compensation for irregular shift hours and twenty-four-hour call employees.
§47-2-133. Psychological Services Division - Director - Internship program.
§47-2-142. Computer Imaging System Revolving Fund.
§47-2-143. Department of Public Safety Patrol Vehicle Revolving Fund.
§47-2-144.1. Department of Public Safety Revolving Fund.
§47-2-145. Department of Public Safety Restricted Revolving Fund.
§47-2-146. Department of Public Safety Patrol Academy Revolving Fund.
§47-2-147. State Public Safety Fund.
§47-2-150. Weapons, badges and official license plates - Retention after retirement.
§47-2-301.1. Termination or partial termination of System.
§47-2-303. Law Enforcement Retirement Board.
§47-2-303.2. Duties of fiduciaries.
§47-2-303.3. Certain benefits exempt from legal process.
§47-2-303.4. Deposits of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§47-2-303.5. Acceptance of gifts or gratuities.
§47-2-304. Contributions to fund - Amount - Deduction by employer - Pick-up of member contributions.
§47-2-305. Retirement and retirement pay - Reemployment - Disability benefits.
§47-2-305.1. Computation of benefits - Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.1A. Direct rollover of distribution - Definitions - Notice - Election.
§47-2-305.1B. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Treatment of trust - Rules.
§47-2-305.1C. Direct payments for qualified health insurance premiums - Definitions - Rules.
§47-2-305.2. Deferred option plans.
§47-2-305.3. Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.5. Additional retirement benefit.
§47-2-305.6. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§47-2-305.7. Benefit increase - Offset.
§47-2-305.8. Increase in benefits – Amount - Offset.
§47-2-305.9. Law Enforcement Retirement System - Increase in benefits.
§47-2-305.10. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006.
§47-2-305.11. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§47-2-305.12. Increase in benefits – July 1, 2020 - Offset.
§47-2-306. Payments in case of death.
§47-2-306.2. Unpaid accumulated contributions - Payment to beneficiary or next of kin.
§47-2-307.3. Prior law enforcement service credit - Time of application.
§47-2-307.4. Military service credit.
§47-2-307.5. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§47-2-307.7. Reduction-in-force termination credit.
§47-2-308. Payments on termination of membership - Reemployment.
§47-2-308.1. Election to defer commencement of retirement benefits.
§47-2-309. Proceedings on claims - Appeal to district court.
§47-2-309.4. Park rangers - Transfer to System.
§47-2-309.5. Pharmacy board inspectors - Transfer to System.
§47-2-314. Election for limited participation by certain universities.
§47-2-315. Certain employees of Grand River Dam Authority - Election to participate
§47-2-316. Oklahoma Blue Alert Act.
§47-3-101. Creation of Service Oklahoma.
§47-3-103. Director of Service Oklahoma.
§47-3-104. Service Oklahoma Operator Board.
§47-3-105. Licensed Operator Advisory Committee.
§47-3-106. Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund.
§47-3-107. Records – Confidentiality - Maintenance.
§47-3-108. Interagency agreements.
§47-3-109. Administrative rules.
§47-3-110. Authority to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures – Release of records.
§47-4-101. Exceptions from provisions of this chapter.
§47-4-102. Unauthorized use of vehicle - Punishment.
§47-4-103. Unauthorized use of a vehicle known to be stolen - Punishment.
§47-4-104. Damaging or tampering with vehicle or implement of husbandry.
§47-4-105. Stolen, converted, recovered and unclaimed vehicles.
§47-4-106. False report of theft or conversion.
§47-4-107. Removed, falsified or unauthorized identification.
§47-4-108. False statements of material facts - Punishment.
§47-4-109. Altering or forging certificate of title - Punishment.
§47-4-110. Offenses in connection with certificates of title.
§47-6-101. See the following versions:
§47-6-101.1. Licenses for persons under twenty-one years of age.
§47-6-102. See the following versions:
§47-6-102.1. Operation by persons with an agricultural exemption permit.
§47-6-102v1. Persons exempt – Reciprocity agreements with foreign countries.
§47-6-102v2. Persons exempt – Reciprocity agreements with foreign countries.
§47-6-103. Persons not to be licensed - Appeal.
§47-6-103.1. Parental objection to licensing of unemancipated child.
§47-6-105. Graduated Class D licenses — Motorcycle-only licenses — Farm vehicle special permits.
§47-6-105.2. Instructor permit.
§47-6-105.3. See the following versions:
§47-6-105.3v1. Issuance of identification card – Fees.
§47-6-105.3v2. Issuance of identification card – Fees.
§47-6-106. Application for license.
§47-6-110. Examination of applicants.
§47-6-110.2. Computerized finger imaging system.
§47-6-110.5. Training and education for compliance with the REAL ID Act.
§47-6-111. See the following versions:
§47-6-112. License to be carried and exhibited on demand.
§47-6-113. Restricted licenses.
§47-6-114. Replacement license – Proof of identity - Removal of endorsements or restrictions.
§47-6-115. Expiration and renewal of driver licenses.
§47-6-116. Notice of change of address or name.
§47-6-117. Records to be kept by Department.
§47-6-118. Driver's License Medical Advisory Committee.
§47-6-119A. Bioptic driving - Restricted license.
§47-6-120. Cancellation, denial, or disqualification.
§47-6-124. Issuance of license or identification card - Veteran designation.
§47-6-201.2. Report of conviction from tribal or federal courts.
§47-6-202. Suspending privileges of nonresidents and reporting convictions.
§47-6-203. Suspension of resident's license or driving privilege upon conviction in another state.
§47-6-204. Order by court to surrender license to Department - Report of conviction.
§47-6-205. Mandatory revocation of driving privilege.
§47-6-205.1. Periods of revocation - Denial of driving privileges.
§47-6-205.2. See the following versions:
§47-6-206. Authority of Department to suspend license or privilege.
§47-6-206.1. Driver improvement or defensive driving course.
§47-6-208. Period of suspensions - Renewal or restoration of license.
§47-6-209. Surrender and return of license - Seizure of license.
§47-6-210. No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state.
§47-6-211. See the following versions:
§47-6-211v1. Right of appeal to district court.
§47-6-211v2. Right of appeal to district court.
§47-6-212. Reinstatement fees - Conditions for reinstatement - Provisional license.
§47-6-212.2. Required completion of alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation.
§47-6-212.3. Ignition interlock device - Duration - Violations.
§47-6-212.4. Revocation, suspension, cancellation or denial of driving privileges.
§47-6-212.5. Impaired Driver Accountability Program.
§47-6-301. Unlawful use of license or identification card.
§47-6-302. Making false affidavit perjury.
§47-6-304. Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.
§47-6-305. Permitting unauthorized person to drive.
§47-6-306. Employer permitting unlicensed or improperly licensed person to drive.
§47-6-307. Liability for knowingly permitting the operation by a person not qualified.
§47-6-308. Penalty for misdemeanor.
§47-6-309. Operation of Class D motor vehicle under Class A, B or C commercial license.
§47-7-101. Commissioner of public safety to administer chapter.
§47-7-116. Damage limitation - Compulsory Insurance Law.
§47-7-201. Application of Article II.
§47-7-202. Department to determine amount of security required - Notices.
§47-7-203. Exceptions to requirement of security.
§47-7-204. Policy requirements.
§47-7-205. Form and amount of security.
§47-7-206. Failure to deposit security and file proof of financial responsibility.
§47-7-207. Release from liability.
§47-7-208. Adjudication of nonliability.
§47-7-209. Agreements for payment of damages.
§47-7-210. Payment upon judgment.
§47-7-211. Termination of security requirement.
§47-7-212. Duration of suspension.
§47-7-214. Authority of Department to decrease amount of security.
§47-7-215. Correction of action of Department.
§47-7-216. Custody of security.
§47-7-217. Disposition of security.
§47-7-219. Matters not to be evidence in civil suits.
§47-7-308. When courts to report nonpayment of judgments.
§47-7-309. Further action with respect to nonresidents.
§47-7-310. Suspension for nonpayment of judgments.
§47-7-311. Exception in relation to government vehicles.
§47-7-312. Exception when consent granted by judgment creditor.
§47-7-313. Exception when insurer liable.
§47-7-314. Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given.
§47-7-315. Discharge in bankruptcy.
§47-7-316. Payments sufficient to satisfy requirements.
§47-7-317. Installment payment of judgments - Default.
§47-7-318. Action if breach of agreement.
§47-7-320. Alternate methods of giving proof.
§47-7-324. Motor vehicle liability policies - Contents and coverages.
§47-7-330. Cash or certificate of deposit as proof.
§47-7-331. Application of deposit.
§47-7-333. Substitution of proof.
§47-7-335. Duration of proof - When proof may be canceled or returned.
§47-7-402. Surrender of license.
§47-7-502. Exception in relation to vehicles insured under other laws.
§47-7-504. Chapter not to prevent other process.
§47-7-505. Relief by court in cases of hardship.
§47-7-506. Driving privilege reinstatement fee.
§47-7-600.2. Online verification system — Rules — Exception.
§47-7-601. Liability requirements - Proof of compliance - Nonresidents.
§47-7-601.1. Owner's and operator's security verification forms - Contents.
§47-7-602. Certification of existence of security — Online verification system — Exemptions.
§47-7-602.1. Possession of security verification form while operating or using certain vehicles.
§47-7-603. Verification of security.
§47-7-606. Failure to maintain insurance or security — Penalties.
§47-7-606.1. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program.
§47-7-606.2. Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Diversion Program.
§47-7-612. Security verification forms - Violations of law - Penalties.
§47-7-621. Oklahoma Temporary Motorist Liability Plan.
§47-7-623. Temporary Insurance Premium Pool.
§47-7-624. Secondary coverage.
§47-7-626. Plan administrator – Rates – Premiums.
§47-7-700. Reinstatement of driving privileges following subsequent withdrawal – Liability for fees.
§47-8-101. Owner of for-rent vehicle to give proof of financial responsibility.
§47-8-102. Owner of for-rent vehicle liable when no policy obtained.
§47-8-103. Renting motor vehicle to another.
§47-8-104. Financial responsibility of taxicab operators.
§47-10-101. Provisions of chapter apply throughout state.
§47-10-102. Accidents involving nonfatal injury.
§47-10-102.1. Accidents involving death.
§47-10-103. Accidents involving damage to vehicle.
§47-10-104. Duty to give information and render aid - Drug and alcohol testing.
§47-10-105. Duty upon striking unattended vehicle.
§47-10-106. Duty upon striking fixtures upon a highway.
§47-10-107. Immediate notice of accident.
§47-10-108. Written report of accident - Notice to other parties - Ancillary proceedings.
§47-10-110. Additional information.
§47-10-111. When driver unable to report.
§47-10-113. Accident report forms.
§47-10-114. Penalty for failure to report.
§47-10-115. Confidentiality of reports relating to collisions.
§47-10-116. Department to tabulate and analyze accident reports.
§47-10-117. Any incorporated city may require accident reports.
§47-10-118. Accident response fee prohibited.
§47-11-101. Provisions of chapter refer to vehicles upon the highways - Exceptions.
§47-11-102. Required obedience to traffic laws.
§47-11-103. Obedience to police officers.
§47-11-104. Persons riding animals or driv-animal-drawn vehicles.
§47-11-105. Persons working on highways - Exceptions.
§47-11-106. Authorized emergency vehicles.
§47-11-107. Military convoys exempt from municipal traffic regulation - Right of way - Exceptions.
§47-11-201. Obedience to and required traffic-control devices.
§47-11-202. Traffic-control signal legend.
§47-11-202.1. Bicycles – Stops signs and traffic control signals.
§47-11-203. Pedestrian-control signals.
§47-11-204.1. Lane use control signals.
§47-11-205. Pedestrian-catuated school crossing signals.
§47-11-206. Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings.
§47-11-208. Traffic signal preemption device – Possession, use, interference with, or sale.
§47-11-301. Drive on right side of roadway - Exceptions.
§47-11-302. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
§47-11-303. Overtaking a vehicle on the left - Signal.
§47-11-304. When overtaking on the right is permitted.
§47-11-305. Limitations on overtaking on the left.
§47-11-306. Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway.
§47-11-308. One-way roadways and rotary traffic island.
§47-11-309. Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
§47-11-310. Following too closely.
§47-11-311. Driving on divided highways.
§47-11-312. Restricted access.
§47-11-313. Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway.
§47-11-315. Driving between vehicles in funeral procession prohibited.
§47-11-401. Vehicle approaching or entering intersection.
§47-11-402. Vehicle turning left.
§47-11-403. Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection.
§47-11-403.1. Failure to yield causing fatality or serious bodily injury - Assessment of fee.
§47-11-404. Vehicle entering highway from private road or driveway.
§47-11-405. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
§47-11-501. Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations.
§47-11-501.1. Rights and duties of persons operating wheelchair or motorized wheelchair.
§47-11-502. Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalks.
§47-11-503. Crossing at other than cross walks.
§47-11-504. Drivers to exercise due care.
§47-11-505. Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks.
§47-11-506. Pedestrians on roadways or bridges.
§47-11-507. Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.
§47-11-601. Required position and method of turning at intersections.
§47-11-603. Starting parked vehicle.
§47-11-604. Turning movements and required signals.
§47-11-605. Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps.
§47-11-606. Method of giving hand-and-arm signals.
§47-11-701. Obedience to signal indicating approach of train.
§47-11-702. Commercial motor vehicles and buses - Railroad crossing.
§47-11-703. Stop signs and yield signs.
§47-11-704. Emerging from alley, driveway or building.
§47-11-705.1. Church buses - Definition - Meeting and overtaking stopped bus - Signs and signals.
§47-11-801. Basic rule - Maximum and minimum limits – Fines and penalties.
§47-11-801e. Speeding violations – Distribution of fines, fees and costs.
§47-11-802. Establishment of state speed zones.
§47-11-803. When local authorities may and shall alter maximum limits.
§47-11-804. Minimum speed regulation.
§47-11-805. Speed limitation on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and motorized scooters.
§47-11-805.1. Low-speed electrical vehicles – Restrictions on operation.
§47-11-805.4. Electric gopeds.
§47-11-806. Special speed limitations.
§47-11-806.1. Reduced speed limit at certain times in school zone.
§47-11-806.2. Reduced speed limit in toll booth zone.
§47-11-807. Charging violations and rule in civil actions.
§47-11-808.1. Unlawful acts - Radar detectors.
§47-11-810. Points - Convictions for speeding.
§47-11-901b. Full time and attention to driving.
§47-11-901c. Unlawful use of cellular telephone.
§47-11-901d. Text messaging - Penalties.
§47-11-902a. Allowing use of motor vehicle without ignition interlock device.
§47-11-902b. Forfeiture of motor vehicle.
§47-11-902d. Impaired driver database - Oklahoma Impaired Driver Database Revolving Fund.
§47-11-903. Negligent homicide.
§47-11-906.1. Drunk Driving Prevention Act - Short title.
§47-11-906.3. Oklahoma Driver's Manual - Contents.
§47-11-1001. Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district - Penalties.
§47-11-1002. Officers authorized to remove illegally stopped vehicle.
§47-11-1003. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
§47-11-1004. Additional parking regulations.
§47-11-1006. Parking of vehicles on posted private property - Penalty - Liability of land owner.
§47-11-1007. Parking areas for physically disabled persons - Violations and penalties.
§47-11-1009. Parking on certain state property prohibited - Procedure for enforcement and appeal.
§47-11-1012. Parking meters - Exemption.
§47-11-1101. Unattended motor vehicle.
§47-11-1102. Limitations on backing.
§47-11-1104. Obstruction to driver's view or control - Overloading school bus.
§47-11-1105. Opening and closing vehicle doors.
§47-11-1106. Driving on mountain highways.
§47-11-1107. Coasting prohibited.
§47-11-1108. Following fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles prohibited.
§47-11-1109. Crossing fire hose.
§47-11-1110. Destructive or injurious items on highways.
§47-11-1111. Throwing or dropping object on or at moving vehicles.
§47-11-1112. Child passenger restraint system required for certain vehicles - Exemptions.
§47-11-1113. Child passenger restraint system education program.
§47-11-1114. Allowing passenger to ride outside passenger compartment.
§47-11-1118. Forget-Me-Not Vehicle Safety Act - Short title.
§47-11-1120. Removing a child from a vehicle - Immunity.
§47-11-1201. Effect of regulations.
§47-11-1202. Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles or motorized scooters.
§47-11-1203. Riding on bicycle or motorized scooter.
§47-11-1204. Clinging to vehicles.
§47-11-1205. Riding on roadway, one-way street or highway.
§47-11-1206. Carrying articles.
§47-11-1208. Overtaking and passing bicycle - Violations - Fines and penalties.
§47-11-1210. Throwing objects at riders - Penalties.
§47-11-1301. Driving through safety zones prohibited.
§47-11-1302. Maintenance and construction zones.
§47-11-1303. Endangerment of a highway worker.
§47-11-1304. Operation Work Zone Awareness.
§47-11-1401. Unlawful acts - Signs - Violations.
§47-11-1401.1. Oklahoma Electronic Toll Collection Act - Short title.
§47-11-1402. Enforcement of laws – Costs – Authority of other entities.
§47-11-1403. Agreements as to law enforcement - Equipment - Charges - Payments - Funds.
§47-11-1404. Flashing and signal lights.
§47-12-101.2. Construction of act - Severability.
§47-12-202. Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps.
§47-12-203. Head lamps on motor vehicles.
§47-12-203.1. Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
§47-12-203.2. Use of distribution of light or composite beam lighting equipment.
§47-12-203.4. Lighting equipment upon motor vehicles operated below certain speed.
§47-12-204.1. Lamps illuminating rear license plate.
§47-12-206.1. Turn signal lamps.
§47-12-208. Vehicles of certain width - Clearance lamps - Side marker lamps - Reflectors.
§47-12-211. Visibility of reflectors, clearance lamps and marker lamps.
§47-12-213. Lamps, reflectors, and flags on projecting load.
§47-12-214. Lamps on parked or stopped motor vehicles.
§47-12-215. Lamps on farm tractors - Farm equipment and implements of husbandry.
§47-12-216. Lamps, lighting devices, or reflectors on animal-drawn and certain other vehicles.
§47-12-217. Auxiliary, fog, and off-road lamps.
§47-12-218. Emergency vehicles - Flashing lights.
§47-12-218.1. Use of lights on wreckers and tow vehicles.
§47-12-220. Back-up and vehicular hazard warning lamps.
§47-12-224. Renumbered as § 12-602.1 of this title by Laws 2003, c. 411, § 85, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.
§47-12-227. Special restriction on lamps.
§47-12-228. Special lighting equipment and warning devices on school buses and church buses.
§47-12-233. Commercially registered road-service vehicles.
§47-12-301. Brake equipment required.
§47-12-302. Performance ability of brakes.
§47-12-401. Horns and warning devices.
§47-12-402. Mufflers or other noise-suppressing systems - Prevention of excessive or unusual noise.
§47-12-405. Tires and wheels - Peripheral equipment - Unsafe operating condition.
§47-12-405.1. Coupling devices - Stay chains, cables or other safety devices.
§47-12-407. Certain vehicles to be equipped with flares and other emergency equipment.
§47-12-408. Display of warning devices when vehicle disabled.
§47-12-409. Vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
§47-12-410. Air-conditioning equipment.
§47-12-411. Television-type receiving equipment visible from operator's seat prohibited.
§47-12-413. Seat belts or shoulder harnesses.
§47-12-419. Educational program - Evaluating effectiveness of act - Reports.
§47-12-420. Civil proceedings - Effect of act.
§47-12-423. Emission control system - Disconnection, alteration, modification, or replacement.
§47-12-424. Obstruction to turning of steering control - Definitions.
§47-12-425. Absent, disconnected, or broken parts of suspension system.
§47-12-426. Properly operating speedometer.
§47-12-427. Official slow-moving vehicle emblem.
§47-12-428. Converted school buses - Color.
§47-12-504. Service, repair or replacement of odometer.
§47-12-505. Transfer of ownership of motor vehicle - Information required.
§47-12-506. Violation - Penalty.
§47-12-507. Actions - Jurisdiction - Venue - Duty to prosecute.
§47-12-601. Headlamps and other illuminating devices on certain motorcycles - Definition.
§47-12-602. Headlamps required - Permissible auxiliary lighting.
§47-12-602.1. Headlamps upon motorcycles - Minimum requirements.
§47-12-606. Electric flashing turn signal lamps.
§47-12-608. Brakes on motorcycles.
§47-12-609. Motorcycles - Required equipment.
§47-12-701. Provisions in chapter applicable to bicycles.
§47-12-706. Reflective material.
§47-12-707. Additional lights and reflectors.
§47-13-101. Vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition.
§47-13-102. Officers may inspect a vehicle and its equipment.
§47-13-103. Owner and drivers to submit vehicles for inspection.
§47-14-103. Width, height and length of vehicle and load.
§47-14-103B. Automobile transporters - Extension of load - Height.
§47-14-103C. Special permits - Movement of houses or buildings.
§47-14-103D. Permit to transport or move manufactured home.
§47-14-103E. Notification of issuance of permit.
§47-14-105. Loads on vehicles.
§47-14-106. Trailers and towed vehicles.
§47-14-109.2. Weighing as single draft.
§47-14-109.3. Exemption for vehicles fueled by compressed or liquefied natural gas
§47-14-109.4. Exemption for vehicles fueled by electricity or hydrogen.
§47-14-110. Carrying registration certificate - Inspection.
§47-14-113. When the department of highways or local authorities may restrict right to use highways.
§47-14-114. Liability for damage to highway or structure.
§47-14-116a. Transportation of manufactured home without permit - Penalties.
§47-14-118.1. Multi-state oversize and overweight permits.
§47-14-119. Load capacity violations - Penalties.
§47-14-120. Movement of certain manufactured items - Limitations - Permits - Fees - Escorts.
§47-14-120.1. Vehicles 12 or more feet wide to be escorted.
§47-14-121. Special combination vehicles - Permits.
§47-14-122. Apportionment of fees.
§47-14-123. Roads and highways - Size, weight, and speed regulations.
§47-14-124. Commercial class A license - Hazardous material endorsement exception.
§47-14-125. Agricultural vehicles – Exempt from electronic logging devices.
§47-14-126. High-wide corridors.
§47-15-101. Provisions uniform throughout state.
§47-15-101.1. Jurisdiction of cities and towns to regulate traffic on boundary lines.
§47-15-102. Powers of local authorities.
§47-15-102.1. Cellular phone usage – State preemption of orders, ordinances or regulations.
§47-15-103. Rights of owners of real property.
§47-15-104. State highway commission to adopt sign manual.
§47-15-105. Department of highways to sign all state and federal highways.
§47-15-106. Local traffic-control devices.
§47-15-107. Authority to require pedestrian obedience to traffic-control signs.
§47-15-108. Authority to designate through highways and "stop" and "yield" intersections.
§47-15-109. Regulations relative to school buses.
§47-15-110. Model Traffic Ordinance - Authorization to adopt.
§47-15-111. Special parking privileges for physically disabled persons.
§47-15-112. Physical disability temporary placard - Definitions.
§47-15-114. Operation of motorized scooters – Ordinances or regulations.
§47-15-115. Civilian volunteer disabled parking violation units.
§47-15-116. Power of municipality or political subdivision to enforce act.
§47-15-131. Speed limits - Traffic control regulations - Violations.
§47-15-132. Public trusts - Contracts and agreements - Enforcement of speed limits and regulations.
§47-16-101. Parties to a crime.
§47-16-102. Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles.
§47-16-103. Public officers and employees - Exceptions.
§47-16-104. Procedure upon arrest for felony.
§47-16-108. Misdemeanor violations - Procedure.
§47-16-109.1. Authority of officer at scene of accident.
§47-16-112. Failure to obey notice to appear.
§47-16-113. Procedure prescribed herein not exclusive.
§47-16-114. Arrest of traffic violators without warrant.
§47-17-101. Misdemeanor violations - Penalties.
§47-17-102. Felony violations – Penalties.
§47-18-101. Record of traffic cases - Report of convictions to department.
§47-20-101. Uniformity of interpretation.
§47-20-102. Effect of headings.
§47-20-105. Constitutionality.
§47-20-107. Time of taking effect.
§47-40-101. Accident report forms.
§47-40-107. Federal Highway Safety Act of 1966 - Securing of benefits under.
§47-40-121. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program.
§47-40-122. Advisory Committee for Motorcycle Safety and Education.
§47-40-123. Motorcycle Safety and Education Program Revolving Fund.
§47-116.2a. Closing particular highways.
§47-116.13. Assignment as enforcement officer - Uniforms and badges - Use without authority.
§47-116.14. Vehicles not registered or improperly registered.
§47-121.11. Commercial vehicles to have copy of reports as to defects.
§47-151. Marking of automobiles owned or leased by state.
§47-153. Driving of unmarked automobiles prohibited - Exception.
§47-153.1. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Unmarked automobiles.
§47-155. Misdemeanor - Violations of Act - Penalty.
§47-156. Purchase of passenger automobiles or bus with public funds prohibited - Exceptions.
§47-157.3. Actions to be brought against insurer.
§47-158.2. Maintenance of actions.
§47-161A. Household Goods Act of 2009 - Definitions.
§47-162. Powers and duties of Commission.
§47-162.1. Participation in Unified Carrier Registration System.
§47-163. Certification to transport household goods.
§47-165. Application and filing fees.
§47-166. Certificates or permits.
§47-166.5. Conflicting constitutional provisions - Amendment and alteration.
§47-169.1. Motor carriers - Liability for loss, damage or injury to goods or property.
§47-169.2. Claims - Procedure.
§47-169.3. Nonliability - Burden of proof.
§47-169.4. Concealed loss or damage - Claim - Inspection - Evidence.
§47-169.5. Failure to process claim or express declination of claim in writing - Penalty.
§47-169.6. Other remedies and rights of action - Attorney fees - Costs.
§47-169.7. Statements of liability or indemnity agreements not required - Exceptions.
§47-171. Appropriation - Extra help for Corporation Commission.
§47-171.1. Expenditure of Corporation Commission Revolving Funds - Uses.
§47-171.2. Motor carrier enforcement officers.
§47-172.1. Qualifications for enforcement officers.
§47-173. Venue of actions against motor carriers - Issuance of summons.
§47-177.3. Violations - Penalties.
§47-180a. Display of identification device on motor carriers.
§47-180b. Device subject to seizure.
§47-180c. Seizure and confiscation of devices - Grounds.
§47-180d. Rules and regulations.
§47-180e. Commission to provide for suitable methods of identification.
§47-180f. Purchase of devices and other equipment.
§47-180g. Issuance of identification devices.
§47-180h. Fee for registration.
§47-180l. Reciprocal compacts and agreements with other states.
§47-226.1. Power of city or town to grant franchise.
§47-226.2. Operation without franchise unlawful when franchise granted to another.
§47-226.4. Definition of franchise.
§47-226.5. Validation of existing franchises.
§47-228.3. Intrastate motor transportation fuel surcharge.
§47-228.4. Application of Sections 161 through 180m.
§47-230.2. Legislative intent.
§47-230.4. Powers and duties of Commissioner.
§47-230.5. Examination and inspection of record, equipment, etc.
§47-230.6. Certain uses and activities of vehicles and containers prohibited.
§47-230.7. Discharge of hazardous material prohibited.
§47-230.8. Reporting of incidents and accidents.
§47-230.9. Compliance with act - Violations - Penalties.
§47-230.11. Cooperation with other agencies.
§47-230.12. Immunity from civil liability.
§47-230.13. Enforcement of act.
§47-230.14. Conflicts with other laws.
§47-230.17. Hazardous materials endorsement exemption for commercial Class A license holders.
§47-230.24. Powers and duties of Corporation Commission.
§47-230.25. Shipping documentation - Penalty for violation of act.
§47-230.26. Contempt proceedings.
§47-230.29. Operation of equipment not owned by motor carrier - Required lease provisions.
§47-230.30. Liability and cargo insurance or bond.
§47-230.32. Rules and regulations.
§47-230.33. Heavy road - building vehicles - Inapplicability of Motor Carrier Act - Insurance.
§47-230.34b. Proximity of portable scale to commercial grain elevator — Exceptions.
§47-251. Special identification, right to.
§47-252. Special personal identification card.
§47-255. List of licensed operators to be secured and maintained.
§47-256. Expiration of amateur license - Notice and delivery of indentification - Violations.
§47-421. Definitions - Persons not included - Sworn statement showing exemption.
§47-422. Compliance with act required - License necessary.
§47-423. Application for license - Separate application and license for each motor vehicle.
§47-424. License fees - Period covered by license.
§47-425. Insurance policies and bonds - Parties to actions.
§47-426. Appointment of Secretary of Commission as agent to accept service of summons.
§47-427. Summons or notice of suit - Form - Service.
§47-428. License - Issuance - Contents - Carried in vehicle - License plate.
§47-429. Transfer of license or license plate.
§47-430. Revocation of license.
§47-431. Rules for administration of act.
§47-432. Custody and operation of motor vehicle used in violation of act.
§47-434. Authority of county or municipal corporation not affected.
§47-435. Violation a misdemeanor - Punishment.
§47-436. Actions for injunctions.
§47-437. Highway Patrol and peace officers to enforce Act.
§47-561. Necessity for regulation - Legislative finding.
§47-563. Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Commission.
§47-564.1. Off-premises displays of new motor vehicles.
§47-564.2. Certificate of registration for new motor vehicle salesperson — Penalties.
§47-565. Denial, revocation or suspension of license - Right of first refusal.
§47-565.2. Termination, cancellation or nonrenewal of new motor vehicle dealer franchise.
§47-566. Procedure for denial, suspension or revocation of license or imposing fine.
§47-566.1. Application of Administrative Procedures Act.
§47-572. Venue in damage actions.
§47-573. Liberal construction.
§47-576. Petty cash fund - Creation.
§47-578.1. Procedures for establishing or relocating new motor vehicle dealers within certain areas.
§47-579.1. Certain vehicle brokering unlawful - Penalties.
§47-580. Denial, revocation or suspension of license.
§47-580.2. Insurance coverage on vehicles on loan from authorized motor vehicle dealer.
§47-582. Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission.
§47-582.1. Manufactured Home Advisory Committee.
§47-584. See the following versions:
§47-584v1. Denial, revocation or suspension of license – Fine - Grounds.
§47-584v2. Denial, revocation or suspension of license – Fine - Grounds.
§47-585. Denial, suspension or revocation of license - Fine - Appeal.
§47-588. Owner-installed manufactured homes.
§47-591.3. License required - Power and authority of Commission.
§47-591.4. Application for license – Form - Grounds for refusal to issue license or B.I.D. card.
§47-591.5. Fees - Amendment of application - Term of license.
§47-591.6. Register of purchases and sales - Inspection of parts.
§47-591.7. Certain licenses not required.
§47-591.13. Violations - Penalties.
§47-592.1. Short title – Oklahoma Crusher Act.
§47-592.3. License required - Exemption.
§47-592.4. License eligibility.
§47-592.5. License application.
§47-592.6. License investigation - Fees.
§47-592.7. License display – Transferability – Annual fee.
§47-592.8. Proof of ownership – Restrictions – Vehicle report.
§47-592.9. Rule authority – Criminal penalties – Injunctive actions.
§47-595. Batteries – “Rebuilt” molded into container.
§47-596.2. New recreational vehicle dealer - Licensure - License fees.
§47-596.3. Dealer sales responsibility.
§47-596.4. Dealer agreement renewal.
§47-596.6. Dealer termination of dealer agreement - Good cause - Notice - Repurchase of inventory.
§47-596.7. Sale of inventory after termination of dealer agreement.
§47-596.8. Sale of business assets - Conditions.
§47-596.9. Warrantor obligations - Approval of claims.
§47-596.10. Warrantor prohibited acts.
§47-596.11. Dealer prohibited acts.
§47-596.12. Damaged recreational vehicle prior to shipment.
§47-596.13. Coercion by manufacturer.
§47-596.14. Denial of application for license.
§47-596.15. Cause of action - Damages - Mediation.
§47-701. Guaranteed arrest bond certificates - Automobile clubs or associations.
§47-702. Guaranteed arrest bond certificates - Trucking associations.
§47-753. Refusal to submit to test.
§47-754. Seizure of license - Temporary driving privileges - Administrative revocation.
§47-756. Admission of evidence shown by tests.
§47-757. Other competent evidence - Admissibility.
§47-759. See the following versions:
§47-759v1. Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence - Powers and duties – Revolving fund.
§47-759v2. Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence - Powers and duties – Revolving fund.
§47-783. Compensation and expenses of administrator.
§47-785. Reports to Department of Public Safety.
§47-786. Enforcement of Article IV.
§47-787. Review of act or omission.
§47-790. Nonresident Violator Compact.
§47-802. Administration and enforcement – Human trafficking information and course of study.
§47-804. Instructor’s license.
§47-806. Suspension or revocation of license.
§47-807. Persons and schools exempt.
§47-854.1. Renumbered as § 2-143 of this title by Laws 2001, c. 435, § 15, eff. July 1, 2001.
§47-855.1. Official inspectors – License – Revocation or suspension.
§47-901. Abandonment unlawful - Determination.
§47-902. Authorization to remove abandoned vehicle.
§47-903. Notice of impoundment - Civil liability.
§47-903A. Contest of removal or storage - Hearing - Exemptions.
§47-904. Payment of cost of removal and storage.
§47-904.1. Lienholder defined.
§47-908. Foreclosure of lien - Notice.
§47-909. Time to commence proceedings.
§47-911. Disposition of proceeds of sale.
§47-953. Licenses - Fees - Renewal - Disciplinary actions - Civil enforcement actions.
§47-953.1. Maximum fees and charges.
§47-953.2. Fees and charges for storage and after-hours release of towed vehicles.
§47-954A. Abandoned motor vehicle - Removal.
§47-955. Towing of vehicle from roadway – Grounds and licensed wrecker liability.
§47-956. Gifts prohibited - Financial interest of officers.
§47-957. Independent employment of wrecker or towing services.
§47-958. Violations and penalties.
§47-961. Referral fees - Misdemeanor.
§47-962. Possessory lien - Foreclosure - Collection of wrecker or towing fees.
§47-964. Report of vehicles parked or stored more than 30 days.
§47-965. Notification of law enforcement after repossession.
§47-966. Nonconsensual Towing Act of 2011 - Application of act - Rates.
§47-967. Assessments - Budgetary limits.
§47-968. Appointment of unclassified employees.
§47-1002. Ridesharing arrangement defined.
§47-1003. Non-liability of employer.
§47-1004. Money or other benefits received by driver not to constitute income for tax purposes.
§47-1006. Rideshare drivers not deemed commercial operators or drivers.
§47-1010. Short title - Oklahoma Transportation Network Company Services Act.
§47-1012. Application of act to persons and entities.
§47-1013. Permits – Rules – Commission authority.
§47-1014. Agent for service of process.
§47-1016. Driver photograph - License plate information - Company logo or emblem.
§47-1018. Zero tolerance policy for drugs or alcohol - Complaints.
§47-1019. Driver applications – Background check - Updates.
§47-1020. Vehicle equipment standards.
§47-1021. Acceptance of rides - Payments.
§47-1022. Seating capacity - Passengers.
§47-1023. Nondiscrimination and accessibility.
§47-1025. Insurance requirements.
§47-1026. Insurance disclosures to drivers.
§47-1027. Coverage exclusions by insurers.
§47-1029. Disclosure of passenger information.
§47-1030. Exclusive jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
§47-1050. Short title - Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act.
§47-1052. Assumption of liability.
§47-1053. Motor vehicle liability insurance policy required.
§47-1054. Notice to shared vehicle owners.
§47-1055. Exclusions and limitations by insurers.
§47-1056. Vehicle use records.
§47-1057. Exemption from vicarious liability.
§47-1060. Agreement disclosures.
§47-1061. Requirements for drivers.
§47-1062. Responsibility for special equipment added to vehicles.
§47-1063. Verification and notice of vehicle safety recalls.
§47-1070. Short title - Oklahoma Courier Application Services Act.
§47-1072. Not to be considered motor carriers of property nor for-hire motor carrier.
§47-1073. Zero tolerance policy for operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
§47-1074. Information required from prospective drivers.
§47-1075. Vehicles to comply with equipment standards.
§47-1102. See the following versions:
§47-1104. See the following versions:
§47-1104.2. Environmental Education Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.4. OSU Extension Service License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.5. Special license plate fee – Urban Forestry and Beautification Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.7. Future Farmers of America special license plate - Fee.
§47-1104.8. Color Oklahoma Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.9. Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.10. Animal Friendly Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.11. Patriot License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.12. Oklahoma Quarter Horse Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.13. Oklahoma Zoological Society Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.14. Oklahoma Prevent Birth Defects, Premature Birth and Infant Mortality Fund.
§47-1104.15. Oklahoma Association for the Deaf License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.16. Buffalo Soldier License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.17. Prevent Blindness Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.18. Oklahoma Friends of the Capitol License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.19. Pancreatic Cancer Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.20. Alzheimer's Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.21. Hospice and Palliative Care License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.22. Juvenile Diabetes Research License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.23. Deer Creek Schools Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.24. Oklahoma Lupus License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.25. Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.26. Oklahoma Nurses License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.27. Oklahoma Concerns of Police Survivors License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.28. Piedmont Public Schools Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.29. Prisoner of War and Missing in Action License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.30. Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.31. Elk City Education Foundation License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.32. Extraordinary Educators License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104.33. Diabetes Awareness License Plate Revolving Fund.
§47-1104v1. Apportionment of fees, taxes and penalties collected.
§47-1104v2. Apportionment of fees, taxes and penalties collected.
§47-1105. See the following versions:
§47-1105.3. Necessity of vehicle identification number - Obliteration, erasure, etc.
§47-1105.5. Background checks.
§47-1105A. See the following versions:
§47-1106. Refusal or revocation of title.
§47-1107. See the following versions:
§47-1107.1. Verification and certification of mileage - Disclosure statement.
§47-1107.2. Odometer disclosure statement - Exempted vehicles.
§47-1107.3. Certificate of title - Terms to stamp in accordance with odometer disclosure statement.
§47-1107.4. Written notice of transfer – Fee – Presumptions.
§47-1107.5. Transfer of title in transfer-on-death form
§47-1107v1. Sale or transfer of ownership of vehicle - Violations - Penalties.
§47-1107v2. Sale or transfer of ownership of vehicle - Violations - Penalties.
§47-1108. Lost title - Replacement.
§47-1109. Confidentiality of information - Disclosure - Fees - Construction - Penalty for violation.
§47-1110. See the following versions:
§47-1111. Salvage title - New title.
§47-1112. Application for registration - Information required - False statements.
§47-1112.1. Motor vehicle dealers - Disclosure of certain vehicle damage.
§47-1112.1A. Registration of vintage vehicles.
§47-1112.2. Transferability of license plates.
§47-1112.3. Documentation required in possession or in vehicle.
§47-1113. See the following versions:
§47-1113.2. Reissue of official vehicle license plates.
§47-1113.3. Oklahoma License Plate Design Task Force.
§47-1114.1. Computation of annual license fee.
§47-1114.2. Residency requirements for motor license agent.
§47-1115.1. Seizure of vehicles not bearing or displaying proper license plate - Sale.
§47-1115.3. All-terrain vehicles, utility vehicles, and motorcycles - Registration.
§47-1116. See the following versions:
§47-1116.1. New vehicles - Dealer license plate or decal - Registration period.
§47-1116.2. Operation of golf carts by persons with physical disability.
§47-1116v1. Registration periods.
§47-1116v2. Registration periods.
§47-1116v3. Registration periods.
§47-1117. Manufactured home - Registration - Certificate of title.
§47-1119. Manufactured home - Information to be furnished county assessor in county of location.
§47-1120. Proportional registration
§47-1120.2. Transfer of International Registration Plan revenues collected.
§47-1121. Dishonored checks - Collection - Cancellation of license.
§47-1122. Temporary license - Fee.
§47-1123. Reciprocal compacts and agreements.
§47-1124. Temporary permit - Fee.
§47-1124.1. Temporary permit or authorization for vehicle subject to proportional registration.
§47-1125. Certain nonresident vehicle owners required to register vehicle - Exceptions.
§47-1126. Repossessed vehicle - Registration.
§47-1127. Military personnel - Registration of vehicles - Exemption from penalties.
§47-1128. See the following versions:
§47-1128v1. Manufacturer's or dealer's license - In-transit license plates.
§47-1128v2. Manufacturer's or dealer's license - In-transit license plates.
§47-1129. Special mobilized machinery - Registration procedure - Exemptions.
§47-1130. Service Oklahoma Revolving Fund - Deposit of fees for use in mailings.
§47-1131. Order renewal - Notification.
§47-1132. See the following versions:
§47-1132.1. License and registration fee.
§47-1132.2. Motor Vehicle Driver Education Revolving Fund.
§47-1132.3. Credit for registration fee for replacement of vehicles destroyed by tornadoes.
§47-1132.4. Additional fee – Apportionment of revenue.
§47-1132.5. Additional fee payable to Service Oklahoma.
§47-1132.6. Registered motorcycle fee.
§47-1132.7. Motor Fuels Tax Fee for electric-drive and hybrid-drive motor vehicles.
§47-1132A. See the following versions:
§47-1132B. Administration of electronic transactions - Licensed operator fees.
§47-1132v1. Vehicle registration fees - Assessment - Computation.
§47-1132v2. Vehicle registration fees - Assessment - Computation.
§47-1133. Registration of commercial vehicles.
§47-1133.2. Commercial vehicles - Display of registrant's name - Violations - Nonresident vehicles.
§47-1133.3. Noncommercial boat trailers and utility-type trailers - Annual registration.
§47-1133.4. Single or combination farm use vehicle.
§47-1134. Farm vehicles - License fees - Exemptions.
§47-1134.3. Wrecker or towing vehicles - License plates - Registration.
§47-1134.4. Transporting cotton modules - License fees - Penalties.
§47-1135. Manufactured homes - License fees.
§47-1135.1. See the following versions:
§47-1135.2. See the following versions:
§47-1135.3. See the following versions:
§47-1135.4. See the following versions:
§47-1135.4v1. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.4v2. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.4v3. Personalized license plates.
§47-1135.5. See the following versions:
§47-1135.6. See the following versions:
§47-1135.6v1. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver (NASCAR) Theme License Plates.
§47-1135.6v2. National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver (NASCAR) Theme License Plates.
§47-1135.7. See the following versions:
§47-1135.7v1. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.7v2. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.7v3. Authorization to design and issue special license plates.
§47-1135.8. Service Oklahoma License Plate Special Program Assistance Revolving Fund.
§47-1135.9. Authority to enter into contract with private vendor.
§47-1136.2. Former military vehicles.
§47-1137.1. See the following versions:
§47-1137.2. Issuance of dealer license plates - Authority of Service Oklahoma.
§47-1139.1. Lease agreements involving counties - Fee exemption.
§47-1140.3. Monthly report on apportionment.
§47-1141. Falsely advertising as licensed operator - Penalty.
§47-1141.1. See the following versions:
§47-1141.1v1. Retention of taxes and fees.
§47-1141.1v2. Retention of taxes and fees.
§47-1142. Service Oklahoma Licensed Operator Account.
§47-1143.1. Oklahoma Motor License Agent Indemnity Fund - Oklahoma Licensed Operator Indemnity Fund.
§47-1143.2. Additional duties and functions of licensed operators - Fees.
§47-1144. Methods of payment of fees and taxes - Licensed operator location hours of operation.
§47-1146. Audit and review - Public inspection of records.
§47-1146.2. State Auditor and Inspector - Instructions or advice to licensed operators.
§47-1147. Designating office of county treasurer as licensed operator.
§47-1148. Local authorities - Powers.
§47-1149. Service Oklahoma – Duty and authority.
§47-1150. Certain persons authorized to administer oaths.
§47-1151. See the following versions:
§47-1151.3. Mini-truck registration and operation.
§47-1151.4. Medium-speed electric vehicles - Titling and registration - Operation on roadways.
§47-1151v1. Offenses and penalties enumerated.
§47-1151v2. Offenses and penalties enumerated.
§47-1170. Confidentiality of reports - Disclosure of information.
§47-1200. Oklahoma Weigh Station Act of 2012.
§47-1202. Maintenance and operations of fixed facilities - Enforcement
§47-1203. Citations for motor vehicle violations - Multiple violations in the same day prohibited.
§47-1508. Power of Attorney General or district attorney.
§47-1603. Participation in refueling service program.
§47-1700. Short title - Oklahoma Driving Automation System Uniformity Act.
§47-1703. Conditions required to operate fully autonomous vehicles without a human driver.
§47-1704. Proof of financial responsibility.
§47-1705. In the event of an accident.
§47-1706. On-demand autonomous vehicle network permitted.
§47-1707. Registration and title.
§47-1708. Conditions for a person to operate a vehicle with an automated driving system.
§47-1709. Fully autonomous commercial motor vehicles.
§47-1710. State laws and regulations not applicable to fully autonomous vehicles.
§47-1711. Scope of act – Promulgation of rules.
§47-1801. Personal delivery device - Requirements.
§47-1802. Registration and licensing exemption – Insurance requirement.
§47-1803. Authority of political subdivisions.
§47-1105Av1. Program to permit electronic filing, storage and delivery of certificates of title.
§47-1105Av2. Program to permit electronic filing, storage and delivery of certificates of title.
§47-1132Av1. Registration renewals - Selection of licensed operators - Fees.
§47-1132Av2. Registration renewals - Selection of motor license agents - Fees.