Oklahoma Statutes
Title 45. Mines and Mining
§45-742.2. Definitions.

As used in this act:

1. "Acid drainage" means water with a pH of less than 6.0 Standard Units and in which total acidity exceeds total alkalinity, discharged from active, inactive, or abandoned mines and from areas affected by surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
2. "Acid-forming materials" means earth materials that contain sulfide minerals or other materials which, if exposed to air, water, or weathering processes, will result in the formation of acids that may create acid drainage.
3. "Adjacent area" means land located outside the affected area, permit area, or mine plan area, depending on the context in which "adjacent area" is used, where air, surface or ground water, fish, wildlife, vegetation or other resources protected by this act may be adversely impacted by surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
4. "Affected area" means, with respect to surface mining activities, any land or water upon or in which those activities are conducted or located. With respect to underground mining activities, "affected area" means any water or surface land upon or in which those activities are conducted or located, and land or water which is located above underground mine workings.
5. "Approximate original contour" means that surface configuration achieved by backfilling and grading of the mined areas so that the reclaimed area, including any terracing or access roads, closely resembles the general surface configuration of the land prior to mining and blends into and complements the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain, with all highwalls, spoil piles and coal refuse piles eliminated. Water impoundments may be permitted where the regulatory authority determines that they are in compliance with Section 745.18 of this title and applicable rules and regulations.
6. "Aquifer" means a zone, stratum, or group of strata confined or unconfined, including perched conditions, that can store and transmit water in sufficient quantities for a specific use.
7. "Auger mining" means a method of mining coal at a cliff or highwall by drilling holes laterally into an exposed coal seam from the highwall and transporting the coal along an auger bit to the surface.
8. "Box cut" means the first open cut in strip mining which results in the placing of overburden on unmined land adjacent to the initial pit and outside the area to be mined.
9. "Coal exploration" means the gathering of surface or subsurface geologic, physical, or chemical data by mapping, trenching, drilling, geophysical or other techniques necessary to determine the quality and quantity of overburden and coal of an area and the gathering of environmental data to establish the conditions of the area beginning before surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
10. "Coal processing plant" means a collection of facilities where run-of-the-mine coal is prepared for market by chemical or physical processing, and separated from its impurities. The processing plant may consist of, but not be limited to, the following support facilities: loading facilities; storage and stockpile facilities; shed, shops and other buildings; water treatment and water storage facilities; settling basins and impoundments; coal processing and other waste disposal areas; roads, railroads and other transport facilities; and utilities.
11. "Consolidated material" means material of sufficient hardness or ability to resist weathering and to inhibit erosion or sloughing.
12. "Department" means the office of the Chief Mine Inspector, including all employees, agents, deputies, and representatives of the Department, herein called the Department of Mines and Mining, or such department, bureau or commission as may lawfully succeed to the powers and duties of such department, having primary responsibility for administering all titles of the Surface Mining Law.
13. "Director" means the Chief Mine Inspector of the State of Oklahoma or such officer, bureau or commission as may lawfully succeed to the powers and duties of such Chief Mine Inspector or such employee, agent, deputy or representative of the Chief Mine Inspector as shall be designated by the Chief Mine Inspector to perform any actions required by this act.
14. "Disturbed area" means an area where vegetation, topsoil, or overburden is removed by surface coal mining operations or upon which topsoil, spoil, coal processing waste or noncoal waste is placed. Those areas are "disturbed" until reclamation of those areas is complete and the bond or other assurance of performance is released.
15. "Diversion" means a channel, embankment, or other manmade structure constructed for the purpose of diverting the flow of water from one area to another:
16. "Ephemeral stream" means a stream which flows only in direct response to precipitation in the immediate watershed or in response to the melting of snow and ice, and which has a channel bottom that is always above the local water table.
17. "Ground water" means subsurface water that fills available openings in rock or soil materials such that they may be considered water-saturated.
18. "Head-of-hollow fill" means a fill structure consisting of any material, other than coal processing waste and organic material, placed in the uppermost reaches of a hollow where side slopes of the existing hollow measured at the steepest point are greater than twenty (20) degrees or the average slope of the profile of the hollow from the toe of the fill to the top of the fill is greater than ten (10) degrees. In fills with less than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) cubic yards of material, associated with contour mining, the top surface of the fill will be at the elevation of the coal seam. In all other head-of-hollow fills, the top surface of the fill, when completed, is at approximately the same elevation as the adjacent ridge line, and no significant area of natural drainage occurs above the fill draining into the fill area.
19. "Highwall" means the face of exposed overburden and coal in an open cut of a surface or for entry to an underground coal mine.
20. "Hydrologic balance" means the relationship between the quality and quantity of inflow to, outflow from and storage in a hydrologic unit such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake, or reservoir. It encompasses the quantity and quality relationships between precipitation, runoff, evaporation, and the change in ground and surface water storage.
21. "Hydrologic regime" means the entire state of water movement in a given area. It is a function of the climate, and includes the phenomena by which water first occurs as atmospheric water vapor, passes into a liquid or solid form and falls as precipitation, moves along or into the ground surface, and returns to the atmosphere as vapor by means of evaporation and transpiration.
22. "Imminent danger to the health and safety of the public" means the existence of any condition or practice, or any violation of a permit or other requirements of this act in a surface coal mining and reclamation operation, which condition, practice, or violation could reasonably be expected to cause substantial physical harm to persons outside the permit area before such condition, practice, or violation can be abated. A reasonable expectation of death or serious injury before abatement exists if a rational person, subjected to the same condition or practice giving rise to the peril, would not expose oneself to the danger during the time necessary for abatement.
23. "Impoundment" means a closed basin, naturally formed or artificially built, which is dammed or excavated for the retention of water, sediment, or waste.
24. "In situ processes" means activities conducted on the surface or underground in connection with in-place distillation, retorting, leaching, or other chemical or physical processing of coal, to include, but not be limited to, in situ gasification, in situ leaching, slurry mining, solution mining, bore hole mining and fluid recovery mining.
25. "Intermittent stream" means a stream or reach of a stream that drains a watershed of at least one (1) square mile, or a stream or reach of a stream that is below the local water table for at least some part of the year, and obtains its flow from both surface runoff and ground water discharge.
26. "Operator" means any person, partnership, firm or corporation engaged in coal mining who removes or intends to remove more than two hundred fifty (250) tons from the earth within twelve (12) consecutive months in any one location.
27. "Other minerals" means clay, stone, sand, gravel, metalliferous and nonmetalliferous ores, and any other solid material or substances of commercial value excavated in solid form from natural deposits on or in the earth, exclusive of coal and those minerals which occur naturally in liquid or gaseous form.
28. "Overburden" means all of the earth and other materials, excluding topsoil, which lie above natural deposits of coal and other minerals, and also means such earth and other materials disturbed from their natural state in the process of surface mining.
29. "Peak" means an upward projecting point of overburden created in the surface mining process.
30. "Perennial stream" means a stream or part of a stream that flows continuously during all of the calendar year as a result of groundwater discharge or surface runoff.
31. "Performance bond" means the indemnity instrument in a sum certain, supported by a surety's guarantee, pledge of collateral or other acceptable contractual guarantee, by which the permit applicant assures faithful performance of all the applicable permit requirements of this act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
32. "Permit" means a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations issued by the Department pursuant to state law.
33. "Permit area" means the area, including all natural and human resources, included within the boundaries specified in a permit, whether or not the areas will be impacted by surface coal mining and reclamation operations, which are designated on the approved maps submitted by the applicant with his permit application and covered by the performance and reclamation bonds as required.
34. "Permittee" means a person holding a "permit" to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations issued by the Department pursuant to state law.
35. "Pit" means a tract of land from which overburden or minerals have been or are being removed in the process of surface mining.
36. "Prime farmland" means lands which meet the criteria of the Department, which shall prescribe criteria at least as stringent as criteria prescribed by the United States Secretary of Agriculture on the basis of such factors as moisture availability, temperature regime, chemical balance, permeability, surface layer composition, susceptibility to flooding, and erosion characteristics, and which historically have been used for intensive agricultural purposes.
37. "Reclamation" means, through the process of backfilling, regrading, topsoil replacement, reutilization, and revegetation activities, the bringing back of land to its approximate original contours and configuration, and resulting in an equal or better land use category, and shall be consistent with the existing surrounding environment.
38. "Reference areas" means land units of varying size and shape identified and maintained under appropriate management for the purpose of measuring ground cover, productivity and species diversity that are produced naturally or by crop production methods approved by the Department. Reference areas must be representative of geology, soils, slope, aspect and vegetation in the permit area.
39. "Refuse" means all waste material directly connected with the production, cleaning or preparation of coal or other minerals which have been mined by either underground or surface mining method.
40. "Regulatory authority" means the Department of Mines and Mining.
41. "Ridge" means a lengthened elevation of overburden created in the surface mining process.
42. "Significant, imminent environmental harm to land, air or water resources" is determined as follows:
43. "Slope" means average inclination of a surface, measured from the horizontal; normally expressed as a unit of vertical distance to a given number of units of horizontal distance (e.g., one unit vertical (1v) to five units horizontal (5h) = 11.3 degrees).
44. "Soil horizons" means contrasting layers of soil lying one below the other, parallel or near parallel to the land surface. Soil horizons are differentiated on the basis of field characteristics and laboratory data. The three (3) major soil horizons are:
45. "Spoil" means displaced overburden.
46. "Strip mining" means those mining operations carried out by removing the overburden lying above natural deposits of coal and other minerals, and mining directly from such natural deposits thereby exposed, but excludes auger mining, quarrying, dredging, pumping or the use of hydraulic methods.
47. "Substantially disturb" means, for purposes of coal exploration, to significantly impact upon land, air or water resources by such activities as blasting, mechanical excavation of land, drilling or altering coal or water exploratory holes or wells, construction or creation of roads and other access routes, and the placement of structures, excavated earth or other debris upon the surface of land.
48. "Surface coal mining and reclamation operations" means surface mining operations and all activities necessary and incident to the reclamation of such operations.
49. "Surface coal mining operations" means:
50. "Surface water" means water, either flowing or standing, on the surface of the earth.
51. "Topsoil" means the "A" soil horizon, which is the uppermost layer of the three (3) major soil horizons.
52. "Underground mining activities" means a combination of:
53. "Unwarranted failure to comply" means the failure of a permittee to prevent the occurrence of any violation of his permit or any requirement of this act due to indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care, or the failure to abate any violation of such permit or the act due to indifference, lack of diligence, or lack of reasonable care.
54. "Water table" means the upper surface of a zone of saturation, where the body of ground water is not confined by an overlying impermeable zone.
Laws 1979, c. 249, § 3, emerg. eff. June 1, 1979. Amended by Laws 1990, c. 260, § 32, operative July 1, 1990.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 45. Mines and Mining

§45-1. Oklahoma Mining Commission - Status - Appointment - Term - Membership - Meetings - Removal - Vacancies - Officers.

§45-1.2. Violation of Board order - Notice - Hearing - Misdemeanor - Injunction - Action.

§45-1.3. Hearings - Hearing officer - Judicial review.

§45-1.4. Inspection of mines - Mining records.

§45-1.5. Rules and regulations.

§45-1a. Powers and duties of Commission.

§45-1b. Chief Mine Inspector - Director.

§45-1c. Powers and duties of Director.

§45-1d. Additional powers and duties of Director.

§45-1e. Oklahoma Miner Training Institute - Establishment - Faculty and services - Director - Advisor.

§45-1f. Oklahoma Miner Training Institute - Duties.

§45-1g. Department of Environmental Quality - Regulation of certain mining activities.

§45-2. Certificates of competency - Violations - Examinations - Qualification.

§45-3. Chief Mine Inspector - Assistant Mine Inpectors.

§45-3.1. Director of Department of Mines.

§45-5. Certificates - Contents - Fees.

§45-6. Secretary - Record of issue of certificates - Effect of certificates - Notice and list of names.

§45-8. Temporary permits.

§45-9.1. Quarrying or mining with use of explosives near schools or churches prohibited - Exceptions.

§45-21.1. Mining districts.

§45-31. Chief Mine Inspector - Annual report to Governor.

§45-32. Examinations of mines.

§45-33. Journal of inspections - Official communications - Equipment and material.

§45-34. Office - Property of state.

§45-37. Withdrawal of person's from dangerous mine - Violations - Penalties.

§45-40. Obstruction of inspectors - Penalty.

§45-41. Disputes between operators and miners.

§45-43. Legal assistance.

§45-44. Special counsel in certain proceedings involving Attorney General.

§45-45. Study of mining laws - Recommendations and proposed legislation.

§45-46. Market study and sulfur emissions standards study - Recommendations.

§45-46.1. Acid mine drainage.

§45-47. Funding of activities.

§45-48. Borrow pits - Jurisdiction.

§45-361. Terms defined.

§45-411. Definitions.

§45-412. Mine inspectors - Duties.

§45-413. Mine inspector to require compliance with act.

§45-414. Examination and inspection of mines - Time and manner.

§45-415. Dangerous conditions - Additional shafts.

§45-416. Health of employees - Underground excavations - Ventilation.

§45-417. Dust - Water lines - Sprinkling attachments.

§45-418. Loss of life or injury - Duty of operator and inspector.

§45-419. Shaft hoisting engineers - Age and experience - Duties - Loading and unloading.

§45-421. Shaft collars - Cribbing and timbering - Pipes and air lines.

§45-423. Hoisting equipment.

§45-424. Explosives - Storage, transportation, handling and use.

§45-430. Map or plan of mine.

§45-434. Orders of Mining Inspector - Review.

§45-435. Neglect or failure to perform requirements - Penalty.

§45-436. Open mine shafts - Covering - Approval - Penalties.

§45-437. Interference with protective covering devices - Penalties.

§45-441. Use of engines equipped for detoxification permitted - Approval of use - Inspections - Suspension or discontinuance of use.

§45-442. Use of engines not meeting standards prohibited.

§45-477. May stop mining, when.

§45-478. Penalty for obstruction.

§45-501. Maps of mines.

§45-502. Maps to be corrected every six months.

§45-503. Mine inspectors to be furnished copies of maps.

§45-504. Penalty for failure to furnish map copies.

§45-505. Conduct of developments.

§45-506. Ventilation - Construction of air and hoisting shafts.

§45-507. Openings to be separated by natural strata.

§45-508. Shaft not more than seventy-five feet deep.

§45-509. Hoisting machinery in shaft over seventy-five feet deep.

§45-510. Angle of traveled slope.

§45-511. Inspection of hoisting equipment and stairs.

§45-512. Safety equipment for shafts.

§45-513. Quality and testing of chains.

§45-514. Number of persons lowered or hoisted at one time.

§45-515. Inspection - Guard railings.

§45-516. Ventilation.

§45-517. Number working in same air current - Fans and furnaces - Stoppings between intake and return airways.

§45-518. Ventilating fans and doors.

§45-519. Mines to be kept free from gas.

§45-520. Inspection for gas.

§45-521. Danger signals.

§45-522. Electric wires to be insulated.

§45-523. Machines to be shielded - Electric pumps.

§45-524. Use of oil and grease.

§45-525. Precautions in dangerous workings.

§45-527. Precautions against dust or explosive matter.

§45-528.1. Water on cutter bars and rock drills - Use required.

§45-528.2. Violations by mine owners, operators, etc.

§45-528.3. Violations by miners and persons operating drills or machines.

§45-529. Workers' compensation coverage - Penalties - Exceptions.

§45-580. Punishment for offense.

§45-603. Cheating by molesting check numbers on cars.

§45-604. Punishment for offense.

§45-612. Rules to be posted.

§45-614. Definition of special terms.

§45-615. Violations of statute as misdemeanors - Civil liability.

§45-616. Construction of sewage or drainage facilities into operating or abandoned mine - Penalty.

§45-721. Short title.

§45-722. Declaration of policy.

§45-723. Definitions.

§45-724. Permits - Limited Use Permits - Applications - Bond - Permit or bond release applications.

§45-725. Procedure for reclaiming land.

§45-726. Refuse disposal areas.

§45-727. Inspection.

§45-728. Bond - Cash deposit.

§45-729. Violations - Notice - Hearing - Enforcement - Informing of surface owners.

§45-730. Lateral support.

§45-731. Maps - Release.

§45-732. Powers and duties of Department.

§45-733. Legal assistance.

§45-734. Chief Mine Inspector.

§45-735. Sand and gravel - Inspections - Penalties.

§45-736. Revoked permits.

§45-737. Governmental agencies to conform.

§45-738. Judicial review.

§45-740.1. Short title.

§45-740.2. Legislative findings - Purpose.

§45-740.3. Powers and duties of Commission.

§45-740.4. Participation in Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund.

§45-740.5. Property adversely affected by past coal mining practices - Entry - Acquisition - Title - Disposition.

§45-740.6. Liens.

§45-740.7. Emergencies.

§45-742.1. Short title - Intent of Legislature - Application of act - Public policy - Purpose of act.

§45-742.2. Definitions.

§45-744. Application of act.

§45-745. Exemptions.

§45-745.1. Permits for separate mining operations - Application - Forms - Plan of reclamation - Fees - Exemptions.

§45-745.2. Term of permit - Fee - Transferability.

§45-745.3. Termination of permit - Extension.

§45-745.4. Renewal of permit - Application - Burden of proof - Term.

§45-745.5. Reclamation plan.

§45-745.6. Performance bond.

§45-745.7. Grant, modification or denial of application for permit - Notice to applicant - Burden of proof - Notice to political subdivisions.

§45-745.8. Criteria for approval of permit or revision application.

§45-745.9. Schedule of notices of violations of air or water environmental protection laws to be submitted - Effect of prior violations on application.

§45-745.10. Revision of permit.

§45-745.11. Exploration regulations - Contents - Confidential or privileged information - Tonnage limitations - Violations.

§45-745.12. Advertisement of ownership, location and boundaries of affected land - Notice to political subdivisions, etc. - Comments on proposed operation.

§45-745.13. Objections to application for permit - Informal conference - Hearings.

§45-745.14. Findings - Notice to applicant - Hearing on findings.

§45-745.15. Temporary relief pending final determination of proceedings - Conduct of hearings - Appeals.

§45-745.16.1. Small operator assistance program.

§45-745.17. Copy of application to be filed with county recorder or appropriate public office - Liability insurance - Blasting plans.

§45-745.18. Impoundments of water on mining sites.

§45-745.19. Augering operations.

§45-745.20. Disposal of wastes.

§45-745.21. Surface mining near active and abandoned underground mines.

§45-745.22. Reclamation efforts - Variances.

§45-746. Restoration of land.

§45-747. Backfilling, compacting, and grading.

§45-748. Conditions where backfilling, compacting, and grading are necessary.

§45-749. Restoring excess overburden, spoils and waste materials.

§45-750. Removal and restoration of topsoil.

§45-751. Disturbances to hydrologic balance.

§45-752. Waste piles.

§45-753. Explosives - Rules and regulations.

§45-754. Reestablishment of native flora - Length of liability.

§45-754.1. Spoil material - Placement.

§45-754.2. Performance standards.

§45-755. Steep slope surface mining - Performance standards - Exemptions.

§45-756. Performance standards for removal of entire coal seam - Postmining land use as condition for granting permit.

§45-757. Prime farmland - Soil restoration - Exemptions.

§45-760. Mine operators - Duties.

§45-760.1. Suspension of underground mining in certain areas.

§45-760.2. Application of act to surface operations - Modifications.

§45-761. Licenses and permits - Display - Inspection.

§45-765. Data collection and analysis.

§45-766. Right of entry - Inspections - Signs - Violations - Public inspection of records, etc.

§45-767. Conflicts of interest - Violations.

§45-768. Reports of violations of act - Informal review - Inspection procedure.

§45-769. Civil penalties.

§45-770. Release of performance bond or deposit - Application.

§45-771. Release of performance bond or deposit - Inspection and evaluation of reclamation work.

§45-772. Release of performance bond or deposit - Schedule of release - Disapproval of application - Protection of affected area.

§45-773. Release of performance bond or deposit - Notice to municipalities - Objections - Hearings - Informal conference - Authority of department.

§45-774. Civil actions to compel compliance with act - Exceptions.

§45-775. Inspection of violations.

§45-776. Conditions or practices in violation of act - Cessation order - Additional obligations on operator.

§45-777. Abatement of violation - Notice - Hearing - Cessation orders.

§45-778. Suspension or revocation of permit.

§45-779. Notices and orders - Requirements.

§45-780. Action for damages and expenses - Injunctions, restraining orders or other orders - Jurisdiction - Relief.

§45-781. Land unsuitable for certain types of surface coal mining operations - Designation - Criteria.

§45-782. Petition to designate area as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations - Hearing - Decision - Impact statement.

§45-783. Limitations on surface coal mining operations.

§45-784. Cooperative agreements with federal government.

§45-785. Compliance with act.

§45-786. Review of notices or order or modification, vacation or termination of notices or orders - Application - Investigation - Hearing - Temporary relief - Suspension or revocation of permit - Costs.

§45-787. Appeal of order or other action.

§45-788. Enforcement or protection of interest in water resources - Replacement of water supply.

§45-789. Rules and regulations.

§45-790. Unconstitutionality of Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-87).

§45-791. Federal rules and regulations - Compliance - Reimbursement for costs.

§45-791.1. Alternative reclamation practices.

§45-792. Assistance of state agencies.

§45-793. Federally inspected reclamation activities.

§45-851. Text of Compact.

§45-852. Governor as ex officio member.

§45-853. Supplementary agreements - Legislative appropriation.

§45-901. Definitions.

§45-902. Certificate of competency - Violations - Examinations - First-aid certificates.

§45-903. Certification of applicants - Fees.

§45-904. Records - Rights and duties of certificate holders.

§45-905. Revocation of certificates - Notice.

§45-906. Temporary permits.

§45-907. Inspection and examination of active strip and surface mines - Reports - Recommendations.

§45-908. Employment of certified strip pit mine foreman.

§45-909. Foreman - Duties and responsibilities.

§45-910. Proper ground control - Rules and procedures.

§45-911. Explosives - Rules and procedures for storage.

§45-912. Drilling for blasting - Rules and procedures.

§45-913. Loading, hauling or dumping - Rules and procedures.

§45-914. Travelways - Rules and procedures.

§45-915. Electricity - Rules and procedures.

§45-916. Equipment - Rules and procedures.

§45-917. Personal protection - Rules and procedures.

§45-918. Augering - Rules and procedures.

§45-919. General rules and procedures.

§45-931. Operator's fee - Disposition - Production report and forms.

§45-932. Delinquent reports and fees - Penalty - Time extension.

§45-933. Failure to report - Ascertainment of coal mined - Determination of fees - Penalty.

§45-934. Lien for fees - Perfecting - Notice - Indexing - Release

§45-935. Collection of delinquent fees.

§45-936. Payment of fee as condition precedent to coal mining - Default in payment as ground for injunctive relief.

§45-937. Violations; penalty.

§45-938. Department of Mines Revolving Fund.

§45-938.1. Oklahoma Miner Training Institute Revolving Fund.

§45-939. Coal-fired electric generating plants - Burning Oklahoma coal.

§45-939.1. Cost increases to consumers and impairment of certain contracts prohibited.

§45-940. Fly ash or other material from coal combustion, power-generating facilities and kiln dust generated by cement-producing entities - Solid waste permit exemption.

§45-950. Moratorium on issuing permits or amending permits for locations overlying sensitive sole source groundwater basins or subbasins.