A. At the hearing the court shall determine whether by clear and convincing evidence:
1. The minor has a demonstrable mental illness or is drug or alcohol dependent and as a result of that mental illness or drug or alcohol dependence can be expected within the near future to inflict or attempt to inflict serious bodily harm to himself or herself, or another person if services are not provided, and has engaged in one or more recent overt acts or made significant recent threats which substantially support that expectation; and
2. The minor is a minor in need of treatment proposed in the individualized treatment plan and is likely to benefit from such treatment.
B. After a hearing, the court shall order the minor to receive the least restrictive care and treatment appropriate for the treatment needs of the minor until such time as the care and treatment are no longer necessary.
C. The court shall not commit a minor to a facility for inpatient treatment unless the court determines:
1. The minor has a demonstrable mental illness or is drug or alcohol dependent and as a result of that mental illness or drug or alcohol dependence can be expected within the near future to inflict or attempt to inflict serious bodily harm to himself or herself, or another person if services are not provided, and has engaged in one or more recent overt acts or made significant recent threats which substantially support that expectation; or
2. That all reasonable efforts have been made to provide for the treatment needs of the minor through the provision of less restrictive alternatives to inpatient treatment and that such alternatives have failed to meet the treatment needs of the minor; or
3. After a thorough consideration of less restrictive alternatives to inpatient treatment, that the condition of the minor is such that less restrictive alternatives are unlikely to meet the treatment needs of the minor; and
4. There are no comparably effective services available to the minor that are less physically intrusive or restrictive.
D. Whenever, after a hearing, the court finds that the minor:
1. Is not a minor in need of treatment the court shall dismiss the case; or
2. Is a minor in need of treatment but does not require inpatient treatment, the court may order treatment or services through a less restrictive alternative to inpatient mental health or substance abuse treatment, which may include ordering the minor to take medication as prescribed by a physician and, upon a finding that it is in the best interests of the minor, the court may order the parents or other adult persons living in the home of the minor to comply with reasonable conditions relating to the treatment of the minor.
E. Whenever, after a hearing, the court finds that the minor is a minor in need of treatment and requires inpatient treatment in a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility, the court shall order the commitment of the minor to a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility until the minor is no longer a “minor in need of treatment” as determined by medical staff, subject to the review provisions contained in this section, and:
1. When the minor is in the custody of a parent or legal guardian, order the parent or legal guardian to make arrangements for the admission of the minor to a public or private mental health or substance abuse treatment facility appropriate for the inpatient care and treatment of minors which is willing to admit the minor for treatment; and
2. When the minor is in the custody of the Department of Human Services or the Office of Juvenile Affairs, order the Department or Office, as applicable, to make arrangements for the placement of the minor in a public or private mental health or substance abuse treatment facility appropriate for the inpatient treatment needs of the minor.
F. Whenever the court commits a minor to a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility for inpatient treatment pursuant to this section, the court shall set the matter for review and shall review the matter not more than thirty (30) days from the date of commitment and shall continue to review the matter at intervals of not more than thirty (30) days until the minor is discharged from inpatient treatment. Not less than three (3) days prior to the review hearing, the mental health or substance abuse treatment facility shall submit a report regarding the minor’s progress and treatment and make a recommendation as to whether the minor needs inpatient care and the reasons therefor.
Added by Laws 1992, c. 298, § 12, eff. July 1, 1993. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 254, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 1995; Laws 2000, c. 84, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 327, § 12, eff. July 1, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 130, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws 2006, c. 97, § 32, eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§43A-1-105. Mental or legal incompetence - Presumptions.
§43A-1-106. Representation of state in court proceedings.
§43A-1-107. Venue of actions - Hearings.
§43A-1-108. Habeas corpus - Notice - Evidence.
§43A-1-109. Confidential and privileged information - Disclosure.
§43A-1-109.1. Treatment advocates.
§43A-2-102. Department to have charge and control of state institutions.
§43A-2-104. Disposition of surplus equipment and land - Purchases.
§43A-2-105. Board as Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Authority.
§43A-2-110. Citizen advisory groups.
§43A-2-111. Real property trust.
§43A-2-201. Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Qualifications - Salary.
§43A-2-202.1. Commissioner - Powers and duties.
§43A-2-203. Classifications of employee positions - Exceptions.
§43A-2-205. Internal audit program.
§43A-2-207. Employment of assistants and counsel by Commissioner to enforce claims.
§43A-2-213. Chaplain - Duties.
§43A-2-214. Training of institution personnel - Use of funds.
§43A-2-218. Misuse or misappropriation of funds or property of canteen.
§43A-2-219. Mistreatment of consumer.
§43A-2-220. Failure of executive director to report mistreatment.
§43A-2-224. Collection of information for administrative purposes - Confidentiality.
§43A-2-301. Office, records and files.
§43A-2-302. Central Office - Petty cash fund.
§43A-2-303. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Revolving Fund.
§43A-2-304. Malpractice insurance for certain employees.
§43A-2-305. Authorization to purchase.
§43A-2-310. Intra-agency Reimbursement Revolving Fund.
§43A-2-311. Community-based Substance Abuse Revolving Fund.
§43A-3-101. Facilities maintained for residents.
§43A-3-105. Children's Recovery Center of Oklahoma - Units - Petty cash fund.
§43A-3-107. Transitions Recovery Center - Petty cash fund - Transfer of property, records, etc.
§43A-3-107b. Tulsa Center for Behavioral Health.
§43A-3-108. Alcohol and drug treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents.
§43A-3-109. Canteens - Use of profits.
§43A-3-112. Membership in organizations or networks to provide behavioral health services.
§43A-3-201. Statewide system of precare and aftercare services.
§43A-3-306. Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Responsibilities and authority.
§43A-3-306.1. Certification as community mental health center.
§43A-3-311. Authorization and expenditures of funds.
§43A-3-315. Certification as community residential mental health programs.
§43A-3-315.1. Supportive assistance services for residents of facilities.
§43A-3-317. Community-based structured crisis centers.
§43A-3-318. Certification of behavioral health case managers - Use of title.
§43A-3-319. Certification as program of assertive community treatment.
§43A-3-320. Certified Eating Disorder Treatment Programs.
§43A-3-321. Eating disorder treatment program - Injunction.
§43A-3-322. Certified Gambling Addiction Treatment Programs.
§43A-3-322a. Problem Gambling Treatment Counselors - Certification.
§43A-3-323. Gambling addiction treatment program - Injunction.
§43A-3-323A. Mental Illness Service Program - Certification.
§43A-3-324. Certification and renewal fees.
§43A-3-325. Contracts with public and private entities to provide services.
§43A-3-326. Peer recovery support specialists.
§43A-3-402. Public policy - Purpose.
§43A-3-405. Expenditure of funds.
§43A-3-406.1. Purchase of alcohol and drug therapy.
§43A-3-416. Standards - Treatment services and rules of operation - Guidelines.
§43A-3-417. Health and safety standards.
§43A-3-417.1. Transitional living centers and halfway houses – Nondiscriminatory zoning laws.
§43A-3-424. Visitation privileges - Mail or other communication - Telephones.
§43A-3-425. Alcohol- and drug-dependent person with associated medical problems - Treatment.
§43A-3-425.1. HIV education, testing and counseling services.
§43A-3-426. Fees and costs - Payment.
§43A-3-427. Alcohol- or drug-dependent person deemed mentally ill.
§43A-3-428. Intoxicated person in public place - Assistance - Protective custody - Detention.
§43A-3-429. Emergency service patrols.
§43A-3-453. Authorized course providers - Fees - Course requirements.
§43A-3-453.1. Operating facility without certification - Injunction.
§43A-3-453.2. Course facilitator certification - Requirements - Time limit.
§43a-3-460.1. Performing alcohol and drug assessments without certification - Injunction.
§43A-3-601. Opioid substitution treatment programs – Definitions – Rules and standards - Violations.
§43A-3-602. Course of treatment in opioid substitution treatment program – Maximum daily dose.
§43A-3-704. Mental health and substance abuse evaluation - Convicted felons.
§43A-4-101. Humane care and treatment - Food - Discipline - Medical care.
§43A-4-102. Individualized treatment plans - Requirements.
§43A-4-103.1. Custody and control of consumer - Responsibility for care and treatment.
§43A-4-104. Surgical operations - Notice - Emergency.
§43A-4-105. Service of court citation, order or process - Return - Effect.
§43A-4-106. Mechanical restraints - Record.
§43A-4-107a. Visitation privileges - Mail or other communication - Telephones.
§43A-4-108. Labor by consumers - Work therapy - Compensation.
§43A-4-201. Liability of consumer and estate for cost of care and treatment.
§43A-4-202. Amount payable for care and treatment - Inability to pay.
§43A-4-204. Time of payment - Statement of sum due.
§43A-4-205. Payment by guardian - Collection by legal proceeding.
§43A-4-206. Proof of indebtedness - Disposition of money collected.
§43A-5-101. Procedures for admission to state facility, psychiatric hospital or private institution.
§43A-5-102. Official forms required - Order as sufficient authority and protection.
§43A-5-103. Unlawful or malicious confinement in institution.
§43A-5-104. False attestation - Penalty.
§43A-5-201. Rights of detained persons upon entry into facility.
§43A-5-203. Conveying females to facility - Female assistants - County expense.
§43A-5-207. Local Law Enforcement Mental Health Manpower Act.
§43A-5-207v1. Local Law Enforcement Mental Health Manpower Act.
§43A-5-207v2. Local Law Enforcement Mental Health Manpower Act.
§43A-5-208. Initial assessments - Emergency detention - Release.
§43A-5-213. Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Emergency Dispatch Task Force.
§43A-5-302. Informal consumers - Admission.
§43A-5-303. Refusal to admit informal consumer - Liability.
§43A-5-304. Voluntary admission to state facilities - Cost of care and treatment - Bond.
§43A-5-305. Application for voluntary admission.
§43A-5-306. Certificate of physician.
§43A-5-307. Questioning of applicant by judge of the district court - Order.
§43A-5-308. Order authorizing admission.
§43A-5-309. Detention against will prohibited - Notice of desire to be discharged.
§43A-5-310. Mental Health Law provisions applicable.
§43A-5-311. Procedure as cumulative.
§43A-5-410. Petition regarding person requiring treatment.
§43A-5-411. Rights of individual alleged to require treatment.
§43A-5-413. Prehearing detention.
§43A-5-415. Hearing – Order - Records.
§43A-5-416. Alternatives to hospitalization.
§43A-5-417. Precommitment examination - Matters included.
§43A-5-419. Modification order - Notice - Contents of notice.
§43A-5-420. Review of status of persons involuntarily committed for treatment.
§43A-5-421. Emergency service patrols.
§43A-5-501. Short title - Legislative intent.
§43A-5-503. Voluntary and involuntary admission for treatment.
§43A-5-504. Jurisdiction – Venue - Powers of court.
§43A-5-505.1. Protective custody – Statements – Initial assessment.
§43A-5-506. Initial assessment - Emergency admission or detention –Evaluation - Hearing.
§43A-5-508. Mental health evaluation – Contents and signature - Records.
§43A-5-509. Filing of petition - Contents - Proposed individual treatment plan.
§43A-5-510. Notice of hearing on petition - Appointment of attorney - Evaluation report.
§43A-5-511. Hearings - Right to trial by jury.
§43A-5-513. Individualized treatment plan - Discharge plan.
§43A-5-521. Pilot projects for community-based system of care.
§43A-6-101. Nonresident consumers - Transfer to state of residence.
§43A-6-102. Transfer to federal agency for care and treatment.
§43A-6-103. Residents of state in institutions of other states - Admission to Oklahoma institution.
§43A-6-104. Bringing poor or indigent person into state.
§43A-6-201. Enactment of compact - Text.
§43A-6-202. Compact administrator - Powers.
§43A-6-203. Supplemental agreements.
§43A-6-204. Discharge of financial obligations.
§43A-6-205. Proposed transferees.
§43A-7-102. Discharge planning and assistance.
§43A-7-103. Clothing and expenses upon release.
§43A-7-104. Placement of homeless consumers.
§43A-7-105. Delivery of personal funds at time of discharge.
§43A-7-106. Return of property upon death or discharge.
§43A-7-108. Removal or enticement, assistance or encouragement to escape.
§43A-7-112. Judicial proceeding for declaration of restoration to soundness of mind - Procedure.
§43A-9-101. Voluntary treatment - Application - Admission - Discharge.
§43A-10-104. See the following versions:
§43A-10-105. Investigation of report.
§43A-10-106. Voluntary protective services.
§43A-10-107. Involuntary protective services.
§43A-10-108. Petition for involuntary protective services.
§43A-10-109. Utilization of available services.
§43A-10-109a. Uniform policies for Department employees providing services for vulnerable adults.
§43A-10-110. Confidentiality of records and reports.
§43A-10-110.1. Public disclosure.
§43A-10-111. District court orders - Visitation.
§43A-10-111.1. Vulnerable Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Report.
§43A-10-112. Vulnerable Adult Intervention Task Force - Members - Terms - Duties.
§43A-10-113. Sexual contact form for caretakers.
§43A-11-102. Legislative findings.
§43A-11-104. Execution - Rights not affected - Presumptions.
§43A-11-105. Validity - Witnesses - Eligibility as attorney-in-fact.
§43A-11-106. Form of advance directive - Designation and authority of attorney-in-fact.
§43A-11-109. Revocation - Actual notice.
§43A-11-111. Petition for appointment of guardian.
§43A-11-112. Immunity from civil or criminal liability.
§43A-11-113. Violations - Penalties.
§43A-12-104. Oklahoma Suicide Prevention Council - Responsibilities.
§43A-12-105. Authority of Department - Evaluation report.