OS 37A-2-110v1 (SB 728, Laws 2019, c. 35, § 1).
OS 37A-2-110v2 (SB 1749, Laws 2022, c. 140, § 1).
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§37A-1-101. Short title - Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
§37A-1-102. Policy and scope of act.
§37A-1-104. Creation and purpose of ABLE Commission - Members - Interim licenses.
§37A-1-105. Commission member qualifications – Organization.
§37A-1-106. Exercise of police power.
§37A-1-107. Commission powers and duties.
§37A-1-108. Commission Director - Powers and duties.
§37A-1-109. Powers and authority of peace officers.
§37A-1-110. Restrictions on Commission members and employees – Penalties.
§37A-1-112. Good standing with Oklahoma Tax Commission required.
§37A-2-101. Annual license fees - Administrative fees.
§37A-2-102. See the following versions:
§37A-2-102.1. Charitable Collaboration Brewer License.
§37A-2-102v1. Brewer license - Small brewer license - Small brewer self-distribution license.
§37A-2-102v2. Brewer license - Small brewer license - Small brewer self-distribution license.
§37A-2-103. Distiller license.
§37A-2-104. Winemaker license.
§37A-2-105. Winemaker self-distribution license.
§37A-2-106. Rectifier license.
§37A-2-107. Wine and spirits wholesaler license.
§37A-2-108. Beer distributor license.
§37A-2-109. Retail spirits license - Retail wine license - Retail beer license.
§37A-2-110. See the following versions:
§37A-2-110v1. Mixed beverage license.
§37A-2-110v2. Mixed beverage license.
§37A-2-111. Bottle club license.
§37A-2-113. Caterer license - Rules and restrictions.
§37A-2-114. Special event license - Public event licenses.
§37A-2-115. Special event licenses - Rules and restrictions.
§37A-2-116. Hotel beverage license.
§37A-2-117. Hotel beverage license - Rules and restrictions.
§37A-2-118. Airline/railroad/commercial passenger vessel beverage license.
§37A-2-119. Airline/railroad/commercial passenger vessel beverage license - Qualifying licensee.
§37A-2-120. Wholesaler's agent license.
§37A-2-122. Industrial license.
§37A-2-124. Private carrier license.
§37A-2-125. Bonded warehouse license.
§37A-2-127. Sacramental wine supplier license.
§37A-2-128. On-premises beer and wine license.
§37A-2-129. Charitable auction or charitable alcoholic beverage event license.
§37A-2-130. Mixed beverage/caterer combination license.
§37A-2-131. Small farm winery license.
§37A-2-132. Brewpub license - Brewpub self-distribution license.
§37A-2-134. Additional hours license.
§37A-2-135. Manufacturer's license - Nonresident seller license.
§37A-2-136. Manufacturer's agent license.
§37A-2-137. Restriction against additional licenses or permits outside of this Act.
§37A-2-140. Personal use permit.
§37A-2-141. Applicants for certain licenses to publish a notice of intention to apply.
§37A-2-142. Information to be furnished by license applicants.
§37A-2-143. Information to be furnished by corporate applicants.
§37A-2-143.1. Promulgation of rules for employee license payment plans.
§37A-2-144. Information to be furnished by limited liability company applicants.
§37A-2-145. Eligibility of persons pardoned for a felony.
§37A-2-148. Grounds to revoke or suspend licenses.
§37A-2-149. Written notice of denial, suspension or revocation of licenses.
§37A-2-150. Hearing for aggrieved person.
§37A-2-151. Commission authority to conduct initial hearing.
§37A-2-152. Appeal from order of Commission - District court appeal - Supreme Court appeal.
§37A-2-154. Display of license.
§37A-2-158. Suspension of licenses by Governor in cases of natural disaster or civil disturbance.
§37A-2-159. Complimentary beverage license.
§37A-2-160. Satellite tasting room license.
§37A-2-161. Curbside pickup and delivery.
§37A-3-102. Commission authority to promulgate rules.
§37A-3-105. Wineries - Shipping to other states - Monthly report of shipments.
§37A-3-106. Direct Wine Shipper's Permit – Requirements.
§37A-3-107. Scope of statutory regulation for sales and distribution of designated brands of beer.
§37A-3-110. Licensed beer distributor - Sales and distribution restrictions.
§37A-3-112. Operation and maintenance conditions for brew pubs.
§37A-3-113. Small brewers - Sales to licensed distributors or retailers - Direct sales to consumers.
§37A-3-114. Resale of beer restrictions for retailers - Violations – Penalties.
§37A-3-115. Withdrawal of beer from retailer's stock.
§37A-3-116.1. Manufacturers without a designated wholesaler - Posting requirements.
§37A-3-116.2. Designated wholesalers or beer distributors - Posting requirements.
§37A-3-116.3. Wholesalers - Electronic publishing of price catalog.
§37A-3-116.4. Top brand products – Offered to all wholesalers without discrimination.
§37A-3-117. Sale of alcoholic beverages packaged with nonalcoholic promotional items.
§37A-3-118. Retail sales of alcoholic beverages - Minimum price markup – Exceptions.
§37A-3-122. Business interests in interactive entertainment facilities.
§37A-3-126. Bottle clubs - Restrictions on hours to dispense, serve or consume alcoholic beverages.
§37A-4-101. Municipal authority to enact ordinances.
§37A-4-103. Municipal zoning authority.
§37A-4-104. Municipal occupational tax.
§37A-4-105. County occupational tax.
§37A-4-106. Enforcement of the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
§37A-5-101. Excise tax on alcoholic beverages.
§37A-5-102. Intent of excise tax.
§37A-5-103. Excise tax exemptions.
§37A-5-104. Distribution of excise tax revenue.
§37A-5-106. Gross receipt tax revenue - General Revenue Fund.
§37A-5-107. Mixed beverage tax permit - Violations – Penalties.
§37A-5-109. Credit or refund for money paid for stamps.
§37A-5-112. Distributor permit - Wholesaler permit - Permit applications.
§37A-5-116. Hearing to determine whether taxes are unpaid - Order to confiscate and forfeit.
§37A-5-117. Sale of forfeited alcoholic beverage.
§37A-5-119. Alcoholic beverages other than beer - Sealed cases required.
§37A-5-120. Licensees required to keep books and records.
§37A-5-122. Manufacturer and brewer subject to licensing - Monthly itemized and verified report.
§37A-5-124. Bond required for manufacturers, brewers, importers, brokers and others.
§37A-5-127. County excise boards - Yearly revenue estimates.
§37A-5-128. Alcoholic Beverage Control Fund - Alcoholic Beverage Governance Revolving Fund.
§37A-5-129. Oklahoma Viticulture and Enology Center Development Revolving Fund.
§37A-5-130. Authority to promulgate rules on labeling of alcoholic beverages.
§37A-5-131. Alcoholic beverage not labeled in conformity with rules.
§37A-5-132. Brand label required - Application for registration of brand label - Form – Fees.
§37A-5-133. Refilling of containers prohibited - Infused drinks requirements.
§37A-5-136. Tax discount for mixed beverage tax permit holders.
§37A-6-101. Prohibited acts - Violations – Penalties.
§37A-6-102. Prohibited acts of licensees.
§37A-6-102.1. Serving of tasting flights.
§37A-6-103. Prohibited acts of retail spirits licensees.
§37A-6-104. Prohibited acts of wholesaler licensees.
§37A-6-106. Prohibited acts of bottle club licensees.
§37A-6-107. Prohibited acts of special event or caterer licensees.
§37A-6-108. Prohibited acts of holders of retail wine or retail beer licenses.
§37A-6-111. Authority to remove persons while making arrests.
§37A-6-113. Unlawful to possess alcoholic beverages with intent to sell without procuring a license.
§37A-6-116. False or fraudulent return in connection with any tax imposed by Act – Penalties.
§37A-6-118. Unlawful selling, delivering, possessing and buying alcoholic beverages – Penalties.
§37A-6-120. Selling, furnishing or giving alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 - Penalties.
§37A-6-122. Payment of federal tax for liquor dealers prima facie evidence.
§37A-6-123. Selling alcoholic beverages during unauthorized day or hours – Penalties.
§37A-6-124. Permitting a person to be drunk or intoxicated on licensed premises – Penalties.
§37A-6-125. Violations of Act with no specific penalty – Penalties.
§37A-6-127. Purpose of issuing search warrants – Forfeiture.
§37A-6-128. Order to show cause for witnesses before Commission – Penalties.
§37A-6-129. Powdered alcohol - Unlawful use, purchase, sale or possession.
§37A-7-101. Short title - Oklahoma Cocktails To Go Act of 2021.
§37A-7-104. Third-party delivery services not permitted .
§37A-7-105. Delivery or carry out not permitted in certain situations.