A. Except for Departmental employees pursuant to their duties, or persons specifically authorized by Commission resolution, no person may:
1. Molest or disturb the waters, ponds or property of any state fish hatchery;
2. Place or cause to be placed in such waters or ponds any substances or things injurious to the health or safety of fish confined therein;
3. Hunt, pursue, chase, injure, capture or kill in any manner any fish confined in such hatcheries, waters or ponds; or
4. Hunt, pursue, injure or kill upon state hatchery grounds any protected wildlife.
B. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Laws 1974, c. 17, § 7-302, emerg. eff. April 8, 1974.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§29-2-101. Definitions of words and phrases.
§29-2-104.1. Commercial purposes.
§29-2-106.1a. Computer-assisted remote control hunting.
§29-2-108.1. Domesticated animal.
§29-2-109.2. Exotic livestock.
§29-2-112. Gallinaceous game bird.
§29-2-121.1. Night or nighttime.
§29-2-127. Other powerful light.
§29-2-132.1. Processed paddlefish eggs.
§29-2-133. Protected wildlife.
§29-2-146. Vehicle mounted spotlight.
§29-2-147. Waters of this state.
§29-3-103. Functions, powers and duties of the Commission.
§29-3-103a. Special permits for designated species.
§29-3-103b. Setback and conservation easements.
§29-3-104. Director of Wildlife Conservation - Creation of office.
§29-3-105. Powers and duties of the Director - Succession of interest.
§29-3-202. Authorized agents - Penalty for false representation.
§29-3-203. Oaths of office - Bonds.
§29-3-205.2. Jurisdiction for commission of offense.
§29-3-205.3. Arrest without warrant.
§29-3-301. Dispositions of monies from fines and forfeitures - Reports and transmittals.
§29-3-302. Wildlife Conservation Fund.
§29-3-303. Acquisition of property - Payments in lieu of tax payments.
§29-3-304. Lease of lands - Advertisement.
§29-3-305. Investment of fees.
§29-3-307. Worker's compensation insurance.
§29-3-309. Retention of firearm by warden upon retirement.
§29-3-310. Wildlife Diversity Program - Wildlife Diversity Fund.
§29-3-311. Wildlife Diversity Program - Review of utilization of funds.
§29-3-312. Wildlife habitat development program - Contracts with private landowners - Liability.
§29-3-313. Law Enforcement Officer Training Account.
§29-3-315. Fish or game animal food charitable distribution program.
§29-4-103. Commercial fishing license.
§29-4-103A. Commercial turtle harvester license.
§29-4-103B. Commercial turtle buyer's license.
§29-4-104. Commercial fishing helper's license.
§29-4-104A. Commercial turtle harvesting helper's license.
§29-4-105. Commercial fisherman's permit to sell out of state.
§29-4-106. Commercial hunting area licenses - Big game or upland game.
§29-4-107.1. Circuses – Application of act.
§29-4-107.2. See the following versions:
§29-4-107.2v1. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations.
§29-4-107.2v2. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations.
§29-4-108. Falconer's license.
§29-4-108A. Falconry - Bonding rules and regulations.
§29-4-109. Shoot-to-kill field trial license.
§29-4-111. Fur dealer's license.
§29-4-112. See the following versions:
§29-4-112A. Hunting - Certificate of competency and safety – Exemptions – Apprentice designation.
§29-4-112v1. Hunting licenses.
§29-4-112v2. Hunting licenses.
§29-4-113. Hunting/fishing annual combination license.
§29-4-113.1. Five-year fishing, hunting and hunting/fishing combination licenses.
§29-4-113.2. Three-day special use permit – Veterans, nonprofit or charitable organizations.
§29-4-113A. Fishing guide license.
§29-4-114. Hunting, fishing, and hunting/fishing lifetime licenses.
§29-4-115. Minnow dealer's interstate license.
§29-4-116. Minnow dealer's intrastate license - Exceptions.
§29-4-117. Minnow dealer's vehicle license.
§29-4-118. Scientific purposes license.
§29-4-121. Noncommercial wildlife breeder's license.
§29-4-122. Noncommercial wildlife breeders license - Personal uses.
§29-4-128. Lake Texoma - Licenses and permits - Exemptions - Fees - Violations - Penalties.
§29-4-128.1. Condition necessary for act to become effective.
§29-4-129. Mussels - Harvesting - Licenses and permits - Fees - Violations - Penalties.
§29-4-130. Waterfowl hunting stamp - Fee - Duration - Violations - Exemptions.
§29-4-132. Wildlife habitat stamp - Wildlife Land Acquisition Fund.
§29-4-134. Wildlife Heritage Fund.
§29-4-135. Permits to control nuisance or damage by wildlife.
§29-4-135.2. Nuisance or damage control of coyotes or feral swine.
§29-4-136. Special use permits to use private land leased and administered by the Department.
§29-4-137. Controlled hunt choice fees.
§29-4-138. Wildlife Conservation Passports – Exemptions.
§29-4-139. Migratory bird permit - Sandhill Crane permit – Violation – Penalty.
§29-4-140. Wildlife Land Stamp – Exemptions - Fee.
§29-4-141. Oklahoma Wildlife Land Fund.
§29-4-143. Rattlesnake hunting permit.
§29-4-144. Black bear hunting license.
§29-4-203. Issuance of licenses through electronic point of sale system - Promulgation of rules.
§29-5-103. Liberation of propagated and other birds.
§29-5-201. Means of taking wildlife - Exceptions - Fines and punishments.
§29-5-202. Permission to hunt, take, fish or engage in recreational activity upon land of another.
§29-5-202.1. Revocation of hunting or fishing license.
§29-5-203. Carrying firearms while training dogs.
§29-5-203.2. Restrictions on laser sighting devices - Exceptions.
§29-5-205. Required clothing for hunting.
§29-5-206. Falconry provisions – Use – Transportation - Fine.
§29-5-207. Nest or eggs of game birds - Taking or destroying.
§29-5-208. Falconry field meets.
§29-5-301. Limitation on predator control devices - Procedures for use.
§29-5-401. Wildlife Conservation Commission - Seasons - Rules.
§29-5-402. Punishment for violations of this article.
§29-5-404. Cottontail or swamp rabbits.
§29-5-406.1. Double-crested Cormorant - Nuisance.
§29-5-410. Hawks, falcons, owls, eagles.
§29-5-411.1. Taxidermist sale of unclaimed specimen - Requirements.
§29-5-411.2. Taxidermy specimen of native wildlife - Estate sale.
§29-5-412. Endangered or threatened species or subspecies.
§29-5-412.1. Publication of listing of endangered or threatened species or subspecies.
§29-5-413. Mounted specimens of wildlife - Seizure of items, equipment, vehicles or other property.
§29-5-415. Release of unclaimed, processed, lawfully harvested venison.
§29-5-504. Fur dealers' register reports.
§29-5-602. Confinement of wildlife to premises.
§29-6-201. Operating provisions for commercial fishermen.
§29-6-202. Contract commercial fishing.
§29-6-203. Setting of seasons.
§29-6-204. Operating provisions for commercial turtle harvesters.
§29-6-302. The taking of game fish - Bag limits - Penalty.
§29-6-303. Taking of nongame fish.
§29-6-303.1. Paddlefish products.
§29-6-304. Permission to fish upon the land of another.
§29-6-305. Stocking of private ponds.
§29-6-306. Taking of nongame fish.
§29-6-401. Operating provisions for minnow dealers.
§29-6-502. Closing the waters of this state.
§29-6-503. City and town wildlife commissions - Powers.
§29-6-504. Release of fish in public waters.
§29-6-601. Controls on noxious aquatic plants.
§29-7-101. Dams constructed by the U.S.; safety zones.
§29-7-102. Pensacola Dam - Fishing limitations after closing dam.
§29-7-102.1. Harvesting of shad by licensed bait dealers.
§29-7-201. Punishment for violations not otherwise provided for.
§29-7-202. Attempted violation.
§29-7-203. Aiding and/or abetting.
§29-7-204. Ownership of wildlife.
§29-7-207. Unlawful offenses related to wildlife - Restitution.
§29-7-208. Payment of administrative fine in lieu of bond – Deposit and use of fines.
§29-7-302. State fish hatcheries - Disturbing waters, ponds, property.
§29-7-303. Private parks, preserves, clubs or resorts.
§29-7-304.1. Lyndol Fry Waterfowl Refuge.
§29-7-305. Cooperative wildlife restoration projects.
§29-7-401. Deleterious, noxious or toxic substances.
§29-7-402. Activities in other states injurious.
§29-7-403. Removal and disposition of dead fish.
§29-7-502. General prohibition on possession of wildlife - Exceptions.
§29-7-504. Importation, sale, possession of aigrettes, plumes, feathers, quills, wings, etc.
§29-7-601. Common carrier requirements.
§29-7-602. General prohibition against transporting wildlife - Exceptions.
§29-7-701. Lands contained in the wilderness area.
§29-7-702. Ingress and egress.
§29-7-703. Prohibition on motor-driven devices within the wilderness area.
§29-7-704. Prohibition of commercial operations.
§29-7-705. Prohibition on removal of wildlife and plants.
§29-7-706. Prohibition on permanent structures.
§29-7-801. Exotic wildlife - Penalties for releasing.
§29-8-101. Liberal interpretation.
§29-8-102. Effect of headings.
§29-8-104. Resolution penalty provision.
§29-9-111. Wildlife Bail Procedure Act.
§29-9-112. Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code – Violations - Bail.
§29-9-113. Wildlife citation – Failure to comply.
§29-10-101. Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
§29-10-102. Enforcement and administration of Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
§29-10-103. Forfeiture of hunting, trapping, or fishing licenses – Notice - Penalties.
§29-10-104. Suspension of hunting, trapping, or fishing privileges – Notice - Penalties.
§29-10-105. Procedures for suspension hearing.
§29-1001. Use of certain mechanical fishing devices prohibited - Penalties.