Oklahoma Statutes
Title 29. Game and Fish
§29-6-201. Operating provisions for commercial fishermen.

A. No person may net, trap or seine for commercial purposes or assist in such operations or buy, barter or trade any fish without having first obtained a valid commercial fishing license and without observing the following requirements:

1. No nets, traps, seines and other similar devices shall be used closer than one hundred (100) yards from the shore.
2. Except as otherwise provided, no type of set or unattended equipment or gear may have a mesh size of less than three (3) inches square nor shall such be set within four (4) feet of the surface of the water. Exceptions may be provided by the Department:
3. All types of set or unattended equipment shall have identification tags, as prescribed by the Department, attached while such equipment is set or unattended in the waters of this state.
4. All commercial fishing operations shall be done under the supervision of a game warden or other regular employee of the Department.
5. No commercial fishermen may possess, have in their possession at their places of business or transport any species of game fish or any striped bass hybrid.
6. All licensees shall send to the Department a true monthly and annual summary of all fish captured and captured and returned to the waters of the state.
7. Any other regulations the Commission decides by resolution.
B. Any equipment used in violation of this section may be confiscated and disposed of according to the law.
C. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any conviction of violating the provisions of this section shall prevent licensee from obtaining for a period of one (1) year any subsequent commercial fishing or helper's license or a commercial fishing contract. Conviction of violating any of the provisions of this section shall require mandatory forfeiture of any nets, traps, seines, or similar devices used during said prohibited act. Any such items forfeited shall become the property of the Department to be used as deemed necessary in the research and management of the fishery resources of this state.
Laws 1974, c. 17, § 6-201, emerg. eff. April 8, 1974; Laws 1986, c. 57, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1986; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 40, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 29. Game and Fish

§29-1-101. Short title.

§29-2-101. Definitions of words and phrases.

§29-2-101.1. Animal.

§29-2-102. Bag limit.

§29-2-103. Buy.

§29-2-104. Closed season.

§29-2-104.1. Commercial purposes.

§29-2-105. Commission.

§29-2-106. Commissioner.

§29-2-106.1. Day.

§29-2-106.1a. Computer-assisted remote control hunting.

§29-2-107. Department.

§29-2-108. Director.

§29-2-108.1. Domesticated animal.

§29-2-109. Endangered.

§29-2-109.1. Exotic wildlife.

§29-2-109.2. Exotic livestock.

§29-2-109.3. Exhibit.

§29-2-110. Fishing.

§29-2-111. Furbearer.

§29-2-112. Gallinaceous game bird.

§29-2-113. Game.

§29-2-114. Game bird.

§29-2-115. Game fish.

§29-2-116. Game mammal.

§29-2-116.1. Game warden.

§29-2-117. Headlighting.

§29-2-118. Hunting or taking.

§29-2-119. Inhabited.

§29-2-120. Lease.

§29-2-121. Minnows.

§29-2-121.1. Night or nighttime.

§29-2-121.2. Native wildlife.

§29-2-122. Nongame birds.

§29-2-123. Nongame fish.

§29-2-124. Nonresident.

§29-2-125. Noodling.

§29-2-126. Open season.

§29-2-127. Other powerful light.

§29-2-128. Person.

§29-2-129. Possession.

§29-2-130. Predator.

§29-2-131. Predatory bird.

§29-2-132. Predatory mammal.

§29-2-132.1. Processed paddlefish eggs.

§29-2-133. Protected wildlife.

§29-2-133.1. Public road.

§29-2-135. Threatened.

§29-2-136. Regulation.

§29-2-137. Reservoir.

§29-2-138. Resident.

§29-2-139. Safety zone.

§29-2-140. Sell or sale.

§29-2-141. Shall.

§29-2-142. Tailwater.

§29-2-143. Transport.

§29-2-144. Trap.

§29-2-145. Upland game.

§29-2-146. Vehicle mounted spotlight.

§29-2-147. Waters of this state.

§29-2-148.1. Wild.

§29-2-149.1. Wildlife.

§29-3-101. Creation of Department and Commission - Rules, regulations and policies - Successor of former Commission and Department.

§29-3-102. Members of Commission - Appointment and confirmation - Eligibility - Term - Travel expenses.

§29-3-103. Functions, powers and duties of the Commission.

§29-3-103a. Special permits for designated species.

§29-3-103b. Setback and conservation easements.

§29-3-104. Director of Wildlife Conservation - Creation of office.

§29-3-105. Powers and duties of the Director - Succession of interest.

§29-3-201. Game wardens - Enforcement of laws - Operation of certain vehicles and vessels - Refusal to stop - Bribes.

§29-3-202. Authorized agents - Penalty for false representation.

§29-3-203. Oaths of office - Bonds.

§29-3-204. Procedures.

§29-3-205.2. Jurisdiction for commission of offense.

§29-3-205.3. Arrest without warrant.

§29-3-301. Dispositions of monies from fines and forfeitures - Reports and transmittals.

§29-3-302. Wildlife Conservation Fund.

§29-3-303. Acquisition of property - Payments in lieu of tax payments.

§29-3-304. Lease of lands - Advertisement.

§29-3-305. Investment of fees.

§29-3-306. Retirement plans - Monies exempt from attachment, etc. - Exception of qualified domestic orders.

§29-3-307. Worker's compensation insurance.

§29-3-308. Rewards.

§29-3-309. Retention of firearm by warden upon retirement.

§29-3-310. Wildlife Diversity Program - Wildlife Diversity Fund.

§29-3-311. Wildlife Diversity Program - Review of utilization of funds.

§29-3-312. Wildlife habitat development program - Contracts with private landowners - Liability.

§29-3-313. Law Enforcement Officer Training Account.

§29-3-314. Advertising.

§29-3-315. Fish or game animal food charitable distribution program.

§29-4-101. License usage - Application - Termination and revocation - Duplication - Check-in of certain wildlife carcasses - Violation and penalty.

§29-4-103. Commercial fishing license.

§29-4-103A. Commercial turtle harvester license.

§29-4-103B. Commercial turtle buyer's license.

§29-4-104. Commercial fishing helper's license.

§29-4-104A. Commercial turtle harvesting helper's license.

§29-4-105. Commercial fisherman's permit to sell out of state.

§29-4-106. Commercial hunting area licenses - Big game or upland game.

§29-4-107. Commercial wildlife breeder's license – Nonresident cat/bear temporary exhibitor’s permit - Penalties.

§29-4-107.1. Circuses – Application of act.

§29-4-107.2. See the following versions:

§29-4-107.2v1. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations.

§29-4-107.2v2. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations.

§29-4-108. Falconer's license.

§29-4-108A. Falconry - Bonding rules and regulations.

§29-4-109. Shoot-to-kill field trial license.

§29-4-110. Fishing licenses.

§29-4-111. Fur dealer's license.

§29-4-112. See the following versions:

§29-4-112A. Hunting - Certificate of competency and safety – Exemptions – Apprentice designation.

§29-4-112v1. Hunting licenses.

§29-4-112v2. Hunting licenses.

§29-4-113. Hunting/fishing annual combination license.

§29-4-113.1. Five-year fishing, hunting and hunting/fishing combination licenses.

§29-4-113.2. Three-day special use permit – Veterans, nonprofit or charitable organizations.

§29-4-113A. Fishing guide license.

§29-4-114. Hunting, fishing, and hunting/fishing lifetime licenses.

§29-4-115. Minnow dealer's interstate license.

§29-4-116. Minnow dealer's intrastate license - Exceptions.

§29-4-117. Minnow dealer's vehicle license.

§29-4-118. Scientific purposes license.

§29-4-119. Trapping licenses.

§29-4-120. Trout license.

§29-4-121. Noncommercial wildlife breeder's license.

§29-4-122. Noncommercial wildlife breeders license - Personal uses.

§29-4-123. Penalties.

§29-4-124. Confinement.

§29-4-128. Lake Texoma - Licenses and permits - Exemptions - Fees - Violations - Penalties.

§29-4-128.1. Condition necessary for act to become effective.

§29-4-129. Mussels - Harvesting - Licenses and permits - Fees - Violations - Penalties.

§29-4-130. Waterfowl hunting stamp - Fee - Duration - Violations - Exemptions.

§29-4-132. Wildlife habitat stamp - Wildlife Land Acquisition Fund.

§29-4-134. Wildlife Heritage Fund.

§29-4-135. Permits to control nuisance or damage by wildlife.

§29-4-135.1. Nuisance wildlife control operator permits – Requirements – Exemptions – Fees – Violations and penalties.

§29-4-135.2. Nuisance or damage control of coyotes or feral swine.

§29-4-136. Special use permits to use private land leased and administered by the Department.

§29-4-137. Controlled hunt choice fees.

§29-4-138. Wildlife Conservation Passports – Exemptions.

§29-4-139. Migratory bird permit - Sandhill Crane permit – Violation – Penalty.

§29-4-140. Wildlife Land Stamp – Exemptions - Fee.

§29-4-141. Oklahoma Wildlife Land Fund.

§29-4-143. Rattlesnake hunting permit.

§29-4-144. Black bear hunting license.

§29-4-203. Issuance of licenses through electronic point of sale system - Promulgation of rules.

§29-5-101. Hunting, trapping, killing etc., of propagated wildlife or domesticated animals - Licenses - Permits - Invoices - Records - Violations - Penalties.

§29-5-102. Tagging wildlife or domesticated animals hunted for sport to be removed from commercial hunting areas.

§29-5-103. Liberation of propagated and other birds.

§29-5-201. Means of taking wildlife - Exceptions - Fines and punishments.

§29-5-202. Permission to hunt, take, fish or engage in recreational activity upon land of another.

§29-5-202.1. Revocation of hunting or fishing license.

§29-5-203. Carrying firearms while training dogs.

§29-5-203.1. "Headlighting" - Hunting from boat with firearm - Harassment, attempt to capture, take or kill with aid of motor-driven land, air or water conveyance.

§29-5-203.2. Restrictions on laser sighting devices - Exceptions.

§29-5-204. Hunting or discharge of firearm near public place - Shooting from or across highway or railroad right-of-way.

§29-5-205. Required clothing for hunting.

§29-5-206. Falconry provisions – Use – Transportation - Fine.

§29-5-207. Nest or eggs of game birds - Taking or destroying.

§29-5-208. Falconry field meets.

§29-5-212. Obstruction of shooting, hunting, fishing and trapping prohibited - Landowner's rights - Penalties - Exemptions.

§29-5-213. Crossbow and longbow - Mechanical assistance to hold at full or partial draw – Air bows – Stamp required.

§29-5-301. Limitation on predator control devices - Procedures for use.

§29-5-401. Wildlife Conservation Commission - Seasons - Rules.

§29-5-401A. Determination of overpopulation of deer - Implementation of plan pursuant to Section 5-401.

§29-5-402. Punishment for violations of this article.

§29-5-403. Bullfrogs.

§29-5-404. Cottontail or swamp rabbits.

§29-5-405. Furbearers.

§29-5-406. Migratory birds.

§29-5-406.1. Double-crested Cormorant - Nuisance.

§29-5-407. Quail.

§29-5-408. Raccoons.

§29-5-409. Squirrels.

§29-5-410. Hawks, falcons, owls, eagles.

§29-5-411. Antelope, moose, whitetail or mule deer, bear, elk, mountain lion, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, wild turkey or subspecies - Hunting, selling, buying - Seizure of meat, head, hide or any part of carcass.

§29-5-411.1. Taxidermist sale of unclaimed specimen - Requirements.

§29-5-411.2. Taxidermy specimen of native wildlife - Estate sale.

§29-5-412. Endangered or threatened species or subspecies.

§29-5-412.1. Publication of listing of endangered or threatened species or subspecies.

§29-5-413. Mounted specimens of wildlife - Seizure of items, equipment, vehicles or other property.

§29-5-415. Release of unclaimed, processed, lawfully harvested venison.

§29-5-504. Fur dealers' register reports.

§29-5-601. Wildlife breeders' sale and transportation of wildlife - Tags for selling - Invoices - Records.

§29-5-602. Confinement of wildlife to premises.

§29-6-201. Operating provisions for commercial fishermen.

§29-6-202. Contract commercial fishing.

§29-6-203. Setting of seasons.

§29-6-204. Operating provisions for commercial turtle harvesters.

§29-6-301. Prohibited means of taking game or nongame fish - Trotline, throwline, limbline, or jugline.

§29-6-301a. Prohibited means of taking game or nongame fish - Poison, explosive, or electrical shock devices.

§29-6-302. The taking of game fish - Bag limits - Penalty.

§29-6-303. Taking of nongame fish.

§29-6-303.1. Paddlefish products.

§29-6-304. Permission to fish upon the land of another.

§29-6-305. Stocking of private ponds.

§29-6-306. Taking of nongame fish.

§29-6-401. Operating provisions for minnow dealers.

§29-6-501. Blocking minnow and fish movement - Commercial minnow harvesting restrictions - Seizure and forfeiture of certain items - Fines and penalties.

§29-6-502. Closing the waters of this state.

§29-6-503. City and town wildlife commissions - Powers.

§29-6-504. Release of fish in public waters.

§29-6-601. Controls on noxious aquatic plants.

§29-7-101. Dams constructed by the U.S.; safety zones.

§29-7-102. Pensacola Dam - Fishing limitations after closing dam.

§29-7-102.1. Harvesting of shad by licensed bait dealers.

§29-7-103. Gates Creek Dam.

§29-7-201. Punishment for violations not otherwise provided for.

§29-7-202. Attempted violation.

§29-7-203. Aiding and/or abetting.

§29-7-204. Ownership of wildlife.

§29-7-205. Killing, capturing, mutilating or destroying wildlife protected by law - Abandoning body without appropriate disposal - Revocation of licenses.

§29-7-206. Seizure and forfeiture of certain items, equipment, vehicles and property relating to hunting and fishing violations.

§29-7-207. Unlawful offenses related to wildlife - Restitution.

§29-7-208. Payment of administrative fine in lieu of bond – Deposit and use of fines.

§29-7-209. Trespassing of facility licensed pursuant to Oklahoma Farmed Cervidae Act or commercial hunting area - Punishment.

§29-7-302. State fish hatcheries - Disturbing waters, ponds, property.

§29-7-303. Private parks, preserves, clubs or resorts.

§29-7-304. Wildlife refuges or Wildlife Management Areas - Entry with dog or gun prohibited - Exceptions.

§29-7-304.1. Lyndol Fry Waterfowl Refuge.

§29-7-305. Cooperative wildlife restoration projects.

§29-7-401. Deleterious, noxious or toxic substances.

§29-7-401a. Violation of state environmental regulatory agency provision or rule causing death of fish or wildlife.

§29-7-402. Activities in other states injurious.

§29-7-403. Removal and disposition of dead fish.

§29-7-502. General prohibition on possession of wildlife - Exceptions.

§29-7-503. Prohibition on buying, bartering, trading, selling, or offering or exposing for sale protected fish or wildlife - Exceptions - Penalties.

§29-7-504. Importation, sale, possession of aigrettes, plumes, feathers, quills, wings, etc.

§29-7-601. Common carrier requirements.

§29-7-602. General prohibition against transporting wildlife - Exceptions.

§29-7-701. Lands contained in the wilderness area.

§29-7-702. Ingress and egress.

§29-7-703. Prohibition on motor-driven devices within the wilderness area.

§29-7-704. Prohibition of commercial operations.

§29-7-705. Prohibition on removal of wildlife and plants.

§29-7-706. Prohibition on permanent structures.

§29-7-801. Exotic wildlife - Penalties for releasing.

§29-8-101. Liberal interpretation.

§29-8-102. Effect of headings.

§29-8-103. Short title.

§29-8-104. Resolution penalty provision.

§29-9-111. Wildlife Bail Procedure Act.

§29-9-112. Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code – Violations - Bail.

§29-9-113. Wildlife citation – Failure to comply.

§29-9-114. Penalties.

§29-10-101. Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.

§29-10-102. Enforcement and administration of Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.

§29-10-103. Forfeiture of hunting, trapping, or fishing licenses – Notice - Penalties.

§29-10-104. Suspension of hunting, trapping, or fishing privileges – Notice - Penalties.

§29-10-105. Procedures for suspension hearing.

§29-1001. Use of certain mechanical fishing devices prohibited - Penalties.