A contract is extinguished by its rescission.
R.L.1910, § 983.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§15-2. Requisites of a contract.
§15-11. Persons authorized to contract.
§15-12. Capacity of certain classes.
§15-13. Minors defined - Computing period of minority.
§15-15. Status of unborn child.
§15-16. Persons of unsound mind, who are.
§15-17. Disabilities of minor - What contracts prohibited.
§15-18. Contracts which minor may make.
§15-19. Disaffirmance of minor's contract.
§15-20. Necessaries - What contracts may not be disaffirmed.
§15-21. Disaffirmance of contracts authorized by statute.
§15-22. Persons without understanding - Contracts - Necessaries.
§15-23. Rescission by person of unsound mind.
§15-24. Judicial determination of incapacity, contracts after - Wills after restoration.
§15-25. Civil liability of minors and incompetents.
§15-26. Exemplary damages, minors' and incompetents' liability for.
§15-27. Minor may enforce rights by civil action - Guardian.
§15-28. Identity of parties to contract.
§15-29. Beneficiary may enforce.
§15-31. Uniform Minor Student Capacity to Borrow Act.
§15-33. Enforceable obligations.
§15-51. Essentials of consent.
§15-52. Rescission where consent not free.
§15-53. When consent not real.
§15-54. Consent deemed obtained through invalidating causes, when.
§15-56. Menace defined - Threats.
§15-59. Constructive fraud defined.
§15-60. Actual fraud a question of fact.
§15-61. Undue influence defined.
§15-63. Mistake of fact defined.
§15-64. Mistake of law defined.
§15-65. Mistake of foreign law.
§15-66. Mutual consent defined.
§15-67. Consent - How communicated.
§15-69. When consent deemed communicated - Acceptance.
§15-70. Certain acts as acceptance.
§15-71. Acceptance must be absolute.
§15-72. Revocation of proposal.
§15-74. Subsequent consent ratifies.
§15-75. Acceptance of benefit includes obligations.
§15-101. Object of a contract.
§15-102. Requisites of the object.
§15-104. Unlawful object - Performance impossible - Object vaguely expressed.
§15-106. Good consideration defined.
§15-107. Moral or legal obligation on promisor good as consideration.
§15-108. Consideration must be lawful.
§15-109. Effect of illegality of consideration.
§15-110. Executed or executory consideration.
§15-111. Executory - How determined.
§15-112. Amount of consideration where not specified.
§15-113. Contract void when consideration cannot be ascertained as agreed.
§15-115. Burden of proof as to consideration.
§15-131. Contract express or implied.
§15-132. Express contract defined.
§15-133. Implied contract defined.
§15-134. What contracts may be oral.
§15-135. Writing prevented by fraud - Enforcement against fraudulent party.
§15-137. Writing excludes oral negotiations or stipulations.
§15-138. Delivery, contract takes effect on.
§15-139. Seal - Necessity for seal abolished.
§15-140.1. Debt cancellation agreement.
§15-140.3. Motor vehicle financial protection products.
§15-140.4. Debt waiver obligations – Contractual liability policies.
§15-140.5. Vehicle value protection agreements.
§15-140.6. Promulgation of rules.
§15-140.7. Motor vehicle financial protection products not insurance.
§15-141.3. Enforcement of act.
§15-141.4. Licensure – Exemptions.
§15-141.5. Requirements for licensure.
§15-141.6. Unearned reserve account - Exceptions - Net asset ratios.
§15-141.7. Application for license - Investigation of applicant - Audited financial statements.
§15-141.8. Expiration and renewal of license.
§15-141.9. Revocation or suspension of license.
§15-141.11. Duration of suspension.
§15-141.12. Fine in lieu of suspension or revocation.
§15-141.13. See the following versions:
§15-141.13v1. Service warranty forms.
§15-141.13v2. Service warranty forms.
§15-141.14. Annual financial statement filing - Fines.
§15-141.15. Examinations of service warranty associations.
§15-141.16. Permanent office records.
§15-141.17. Service of process.
§15-141.18. Registry of name and business address of sales representatives.
§15-141.19. Administrative penalties.
§15-141.20. Prohibited conduct.
§15-141.21. Service warranty disclosure statement.
§15-141.22. Dissolution or liquidation of association.
§15-141.23. Fraudulent applications - Violations of act - Criminal penalties.
§15-141.25. Prohibited conduct.
§15-141.26. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts.
§15-141.27. Scope of investigation.
§15-141.29. Final order - Cease and desist order.
§15-141.30. Violations of act - Injunctive relief.
§15-141.31. Act relation to civil and common law.
§15-141.32. Privileged and confidential records.
§15-141.33. Examination of claim files.
§15-141.34. Ex parte cease and desist order.
§15-141.35. Cease and desist order – Procedure - Hearing.
§15-151. All contracts, public and private, interpreted by same rules.
§15-153. Intention ascertained, how.
§15-155. Intention ascertained from writing.
§15-156. Real intention not expressed - Error to be disregarded.
§15-157. Effect given to every part.
§15-158. Several contracts taken as one.
§15-159. Interpretation favors validity.
§15-160. Words to be taken in ordinary sense - Exceptions.
§15-163. Circumstances explain.
§15-164. Terms restricted to intention of parties.
§15-165. Promisor's belief as to promisee's understanding governs in case of ambiguity.
§15-166. Part subordinate to whole.
§15-167. Written and original parts control.
§15-168. Repugnancy - How reconciled.
§15-169. Inconsistent words rejected.
§15-171. Reasonable stipulations implied.
§15-172. Necessary incidents implied, when.
§15-173. Reasonable time allowed where not specified - Immediate performance.
§15-174. Time not of essence unless so provided.
§15-175. Promise presumed joint and several, when.
§15-176. Promise of several in singular form.
§15-177. Executed and executory contracts defined.
§15-211. What contracts are unlawful.
§15-212. Certain contracts against policy of law.
§15-212.1. Notice exempting business entity from liability for personal injury void.
§15-214. Attempt to fix damages void except as provided.
§15-215. Amount presumed to be damages, provision for.
§15-216. Resort to courts, provisions restricting - Limiting time therefor.
§15-218. Restraint of trade - Exception as to sale of goodwill.
§15-219. Restraint of trade - Exception as to partners.
§15-219A. Noncompetition agreements.
§15-219B. Solicitation of employees.
§15-220. Restraint of marriage.
§15-222. Rental of goods or rental-related services - Automatic renewal provisions.
§15-231. Contract may be extinguished.
§15-232. Rescission extinguishes.
§15-233. Rescission - Cases when party may rescind.
§15-233A. Procedures in actions for rescission.
§15-233B. Form of relief in actions for rescission.
§15-234. Stipulation as to errors of description as affecting rescission.
§15-235. Duty of party attempting rescission.
§15-236. Oral contract may be altered by writing - Extinguishment in part.
§15-237. Written contract altered, how.
§15-238. Extinguishment by destruction or cancellation.
§15-239. Destruction, cancellation or alteration by party entitled to benefit.
§15-240. Duplicate, effect of altering or destroying.
§15-241. Restoration of thing unlawfully taken.
§15-242. Demand for thing unlawfully obtained unnecessary - Exceptions.
§15-244A. Legislative findings.
§15-245A.5. Dealer warranty claims.
§15-246. Payment of equipment after agreement termination.
§15-249. Waiver - Choice of law - Attorney's fees - Validity.
§15-250A. Supplemental provisions.
§15-251. Civil actions - Attorney fees.
§15-262. Repayment must be made in current funds.
§15-263. Loan presumes interest.
§15-265. Interest prescribed presumed annual.
§15-266. Legal and contract rates of interest.
§15-275. Interest on contracts after breach.
§15-276. Action to collect upon obligation to repay money after default - Attorney fees.
§15-291. Loan for use defined.
§15-292. Title and increase belong to lender.
§15-294. Living animals - Care required of borrower.
§15-298. Relending by borrower forbidden.
§15-299. Expenses during loan.
§15-300. Lender liable for defects.
§15-301. Lender may require return, when.
§15-302. Demand for return, necessity of - Place of return.
§15-304. Loan for use or exchange.
§15-305. Title in loan for exchange - Expenses - Increase.
§15-306. Lender cannot modify contract.
§15-322. Consent of principal unnecessary.
§15-324. Guaranty must be in writing - Consideration need not be expressed.
§15-325. When promise deemed original.
§15-326. Notice of acceptance of guaranty, necessity of.
§15-327. Terms implied where principal contract is not completed.
§15-328. Guaranty of solvency.
§15-329. Guaranty of solvency - Failure to take proceedings.
§15-330. Removal from state deemed equivalent to insolvency.
§15-331. Guaranty deemed unconditional.
§15-332. Guarantor liable on default of principal without notice.
§15-333. Guaranty of conditional obligation.
§15-334. Limitation of guarantor's obligation.
§15-335. Guarantor not liable on unlawful contract - Disability of principal.
§15-337. Revocation of continuing guaranty.
§15-338. Exoneration of guarantor.
§15-339. Void promise of creditor as altering obligation, etc.
§15-340. Rescission of new agreement as restoring guarantor's liability.
§15-341. Partial satisfaction as reducing guarantor's obligation.
§15-342. Delay of creditor does not exonerate.
§15-343. Liability of indemnified guarantor.
§15-344. Discharge of principal by operation of law as affecting guarantor.
§15-372. Apparent principal may show himself surety.
§15-374. Rules of interpretation.
§15-375. Judgment does not change relation.
§15-376. Exoneration of surety by performance or offer thereof.
§15-377. Exoneration of surety generally.
§15-378. Surety has right of guarantor.
§15-379. Proceedings against principal, surety may require.
§15-380. Compelling principal to perform obligation.
§15-381. Reimbursement of surety.
§15-382. Surety's rights against principal and cosureties.
§15-383. Security, rights of surety as to.
§15-384. Application of hypothecated property.
§15-385. Creditor entitled to all securities.
§15-422. Indemnity against unlawful act void.
§15-423. Indemnity against unlawful act valid if act already done.
§15-424. Agents' acts covered by indemnity agreements.
§15-425. Several persons means each.
§15-426. Joint and separate liability.
§15-427. Rules for interpretation.
§15-428. Reimbursement of indemnitor.
§15-430. Governed by law of bail.
§15-441. Classes of bailments.
§15-443. Involuntary bailments.
§15-444. Involuntary bailee must take charge if able.
§15-445. Bailment for safekeeping.
§15-446. Bailment for exchange.
§15-447. Redelivery on demand.
§15-450. Notice to owner of adverse claim.
§15-451. Notice to true owner of wrongful detention.
§15-452. Delivery to disagreeing owners.
§15-453. Bailor must be indemnified for damages.
§15-456. Damages for wrongful use.
§15-457. Sale of perishing thing.
§15-458. Presumed negligence for injury.
§15-459. Duties and liabilities of bailee rendering services.
§15-462. Involuntary bailment is gratuitous.
§15-463. Gratuitous bailee - Slight care.
§15-464. Gratuitous bailee - When duties cease.
§15-466. Bailee for hire - Ordinary care required.
§15-467. Rate of compensation.
§15-468. Termination of bailment.
§15-469. Termination on payment of full compensation.
§15-470. Things intentionally abandoned.
§15-471. Bailment for exchange transfers title.
§15-501. Liability and lien of keeper of an inn or boarding house.
§15-503. Hotels, apartment hotels, inns - Guest rooms to have suitable locks.
§15-503a. Safe, vault or other depository - Notice - Liability to guest for loss of property.
§15-503b. Liability for loss of or damage to property of guest.
§15-503c. "Apartment hotel" defined.
§15-511. Finder a bailee, when.
§15-512. Finder must notify owner if known.
§15-513. Claimant must prove ownership.
§15-514. Compensation and reward for service.
§15-515. Exoneration of finder from liability by storing with another.
§15-516. Finder may sell, when.
§15-518. Surrender of thing to finder.
§15-561. "Contract of sale," "person," defined.
§15-562. Contract of sale valid, when.
§15-563. Brokers - Parties liable.
§15-564. Contract of sale - When invalid.
§15-565. Bucket shops defined and prohibited.
§15-566. Prima facie evidence of illegality of contract and operation of bucketshop.
§15-567. Punishment for violations - Second offenses - Forfeiture of corporate charters.
§15-569. Market quotations and news, right to receive and post - Delivery, etc., contemplated.
§15-570. Partial invalidity of act.
§15-598.3. Sales below cost prohibited in certain cases.
§15-598.4. Punishment for sales below cost.
§15-598.5. Injunctive relief - Damages - Prima facie evidence.
§15-598.7. Meeting competitor's prices.
§15-598.8. Determination of cost in case of sale outside ordinary channels of trade.
§15-598.9. Witnesses - Production of books, records, etc.
§15-598.10. Trade association may sue.
§15-598.11. Partial invalidity.
§15-653. Purchase or sale other than in regular course of trade or business - Sales to employees.
§15-654. Advertising selling at wholesale prices.
§15-656. Injunction - Costs - Damages.
§15-677. Commission - Time when due.
§15-678. Termination of contract - Payment of commission - Attorney's fees and court costs.
§15-683. Cancellation of contract.
§15-684. Form and requisites of contract.
§15-685. Disclosure of certain information to customer - Time period.
§15-686. Financial requirements of invention developer.
§15-687. Restrictions on use of negotiable instruments.
§15-688. Maintenance of records and correspondence.
§15-689. Act not exclusive - Noncompliance - Violations - Remedies - Application of act.
§15-694. Sale of die, mold, form or pattern - Notice to customer.
§15-721. Unsolicited goods - Receipt deemed unconditional gift - Injunctive relief.
§15-722. Unsolicited goods sent by organization to member after termination of membership.
§15-755.1. Automatic dial announcing devices - Operation - Conditions.
§15-755.2. Contracts - Calls from automatic dial answering devices - Voidability.
§15-755.3. Message relaying services.
§15-756.1. Actions by Attorney General or district attorney - Consent judgment - Orders.
§15-758. Subpoenas, hearings, rules and regulations.
§15-759. Service of notice, demand or subpoena.
§15-760. Enforcement of notice, demand or subpoena powers.
§15-761.1. Liability under Consumer Protection Act.
§15-762. Additional powers and duties.
§15-763. Effect on other remedies.
§15-764.1. Definitions - Rescission period.
§15-765.1. Short title - Construction of violations.
§15-765.2. Definitions - Application of act.
§15-765.3. Acts constituting fraud.
§15-765.4. Inspection and removal of mold.
§15-765.6. Construction contracts may include notice and offer to repair provisions.
§15-766. Application of closing out provisions.
§15-769. Issuance of license - Conditions on sale.
§15-770. Revocation of license.
§15-775A.1. Legislative findings.
§15-775A.3. Registration with Attorney General.
§15-775A.4. Unlawful telemarketing practices.
§15-775B.3. Registry of consumers not desiring unsolicited telemarketing calls.
§15-775B.6. Violation - Administrative fines.
§15-775B.7. Telemarketer Revolving Fund.
§15-775C.1. Short title - Telephone Solicitation Act of 2022.
§15-775C.4. Unlawful phone calls.
§15-775C.6. Actions - Remedies.
§15-776.1. Fraudulent electronic mail messages.
§15-776.5. Commercial electronic mail – Definitions.
§15-776.6. Commercial electronic messages – Violations.
§15-776.10. Fraudulent use of web page or Internet domain name.
§15-776.11. Civil action – Standing – Remedies – Attorney fees and costs – Nature of violations.
§15-776.20. Legislative findings.
§15-776.23. Unlawful acts - Exceptions - Penalties.
§15-777.3. Limitation of action.
§15-778. Military service member contracts - Termination, suspension, reinstatement.
§15-782. Legislative findings and intent.
§15-784. Third party prescription program defined.
§15-785. Requirements for instituting third party prescription programs.
§15-786. Identification cards - Ineligibility - Notice.
§15-788. Reimbursement rate - Right to participate in third party prescription program.
§15-789. Enforcement of act - Rules and regulations.
§15-790. Copyright owners and performing rights societies - Royalty contracts.
§15-797. Unlawful gift certificate or gift card sales – Exemptions – Dormancy fees - Refunds.
§15-798. Gift certificate or gift card value – Trust property.
§15-799A.1. Short title - Oklahoma INFORM Act.
§15-799A.3. Online marketplaces – High-volume seller information required.
§15-799A.4. Disclosure of identity information high-volume sellers to consumers.
§15-799A.5. Reporting mechanism for consumers.
§15-799A.6. Notice and suspension of sales activity.
§15-799A.7. Attorney General – Civil action authority.
§15-799A.8. Prohibited from imposing certain requirements on online marketplaces.
§15-821. Unenforceable contract provisions.
§15-901. Motor vehicles - Repairing under warranty.
§15-901.1. Lemon Law Buyback certificate of title notation.
§15-902. Installation or reinstallation of object in lieu of airbag - Violation - Penalty.
§15-910.2. Manufacturer warranty - Repairs.
§15-910.3. Required actions of manufacturer after failure to repair - Refunds.
§15-910.5. Right to alternate arbitration - Construction of act - Waiver - Actions for damages.
§15-954. Manufacturer's logo or name - Affixing to any aftermarket crash part.
§15-956. Violations - Enforcement.
§15-1003. Statutory form for power of attorney.
§15-1004. Durability of power of attorney.
§15-1005. Construction of power generally.
§15-1006. Construction of power relating to real property transactions.
§15-1007. Construction of power relating to tangible personal property transactions.
§15-1008. Construction of power relating to stock and bond transactions.
§15-1009. Construction of power relating to commodity and option transactions.
§15-1010. Construction of power relating to banking and other financial institution transactions.
§15-1011. Construction of power relating to business operating transactions.
§15-1012. Construction of power relating to insurance transactions.
§15-1013. Construction of power relating to estate, trust, and other beneficiary transactions.
§15-1014. Construction of power relating to claims and litigation.
§15-1015. Construction of power relating to personal and family maintenance.
§15-1017. Construction of power relating to retirement plan transactions.
§15-1018. Construction of power relating to tax matters.