Oklahoma Statutes
Title 10A. Children and Juvenile Code
§10A-2-7-306. Designation of organizations as Youth Services Agencies - Termination of designation - Contract administration.

A. Funds specifically appropriated to the Office of Juvenile Affairs for designated Youth Services Agency programs for both the Office of Juvenile Affairs and the Department of Human Services or funds allocated by the Department of Human Services for designated Youth Services programs and provided to the Office of Juvenile Affairs by interagency agreement shall be made available through contracts negotiated by the Office of Juvenile Affairs to organizations designated by the Board of Juvenile Affairs as "Youth Services Agencies". All core community-based programs and services to be performed by a Youth Services Agency during a contract period shall be included in one contract or contract extension for that period. Designations of Youth Services Agencies by the Board shall be granted based on community needs, as indicated in the State Plan for Youth Services Agencies which shall be adopted by rule by the Board. The State Plan for Youth Services Agencies shall be adopted in accordance with criteria approved by the Board of Juvenile Affairs after full consideration of any recommendations of the Department of Human Services and the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services. The criteria and plan adopted by the Board shall designate community-based Youth Services Agency Service Areas that will serve as the primary catchment area for each Youth Services Agency. Until the criteria is established by the Board, the criteria established by the Commission for Human Services shall remain in effect. The criteria for designation of Youth Services Agencies shall include but shall not be limited to:

1. Capability to deliver all or part of the compensable services enumerated in Section 2-7-303 of this title, if the Youth Services Agency is to provide such services;
2. Capability to deliver all or part of the compensable children's services that the Department of Human Services is authorized to provide for by contract with a private agency, if the Youth Services Agency is to provide such services;
3. Adequate and qualified staff who are available as needed, within a reasonable time after being contacted for services in each county served by the agency;
4. Adequate services in the Youth Services Agency Area served by the agency;
5. Financial viability;
6. A documented need for the local services to be offered as determined by a local needs assessment for the Youth Services Agency Service Area that shall be reviewed and approved or modified by the Board and included in the State Plan for Youth Services Agencies; and
7. Any negative impact on the ability to provide services or the financial viability of an existing Youth Services Agency.
As used in this section, "financial viability" means the ability of a Youth Services Agency to continue to achieve its operating objectives and fulfill its mission over the long term. When determining the financial viability of a Youth Services Agency, the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall develop an analysis that takes into consideration the three (3) previous fiscal years' financial audits, if available; the previous fiscal year program audits, if available; the current fiscal year financial position; and one-year future revenue and expenditure projection.
B. The criteria for designation of Youth Services Agencies also may include:
1. Successful completion of an initial peer review by the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services or another Oklahoma nonprofit corporation whose membership consists solely of Youth Services Agencies and of whom at least a majority of Youth Services Agencies are members; and
2. Such other criteria as the Board of Juvenile Affairs determines appropriate.
C. Each Youth Services Agency receiving, by grant or contract from the Department of Human Services on June 30, 1995, state funds specifically appropriated for community-based youth services programs, is hereby automatically designated a "Youth Services Agency".
D. The Board of Juvenile Affairs, on recommendation of the Office of Juvenile Affairs, may terminate the designation of a Youth Services Agency that:
1. Is seriously deficient in the administration of its program;
2. Loses financial viability; or
3. Fails to successfully complete the annual peer review process by the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services or another Oklahoma nonprofit corporation whose membership consists solely of Youth Services Agencies and of whom at least a majority of Youth Services Agencies are members.
Before the Board of Juvenile Affairs terminates the designation of a Youth Services Agency, the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall complete a report documenting its reasons for the termination. The report shall be submitted to the Board for review. The report shall contain an analysis of the program administration, financial viability and most recent peer review report of the Youth Services Agency. The Office of Juvenile Affairs shall also develop a plan to ensure that services provided by the Youth Services Agency whose designation is being terminated shall continue to be provided by another Youth Services Agency or agencies. In developing the plan, the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall give full consideration to any recommendations of the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services. The plan shall be submitted to the Board as part of the report documenting the reasons for termination of the Youth Services Agency by the Office of Juvenile Affairs.
Any applicant organization denied designation as a Youth Services Agency or any Youth Services Agency whose designation as a Youth Services Agency is being terminated, is entitled to an individual proceeding as provided in Article II of the Administrative Procedures Act.
E. No Youth Services Agency shall be eligible to receive funding until the beginning of the fiscal year after it receives its designation as a Youth Services Agency unless it is replacing a Youth Services Agency whose designation has been terminated. No Youth Services Agency shall receive funding for the first time if such funding will result in lowering the contract amount from the previous fiscal year for any existing Youth Services Agency.
F. The Office of Juvenile Affairs shall be the sole administrator of Youth Services Agency contracts. Any contracting procedure shall include a procedure for converting all contracts to a system of payment which will be structured in a manner that will allow for the receipt of all available federal funds. Provided, the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall make no requirement that would require a juvenile to be inappropriately diagnosed for the purpose of receiving federal reimbursement for services.
G. The Office of Juvenile Affairs and the Department of Human Services shall enter into a cooperative agreement that establishes procedures to ensure the continuation of services provided for in paragraph 2 of subsection A of this section by Youth Services Agencies. The Office of Juvenile Affairs shall consult with the Department of Human Services when assessing the capability of a Youth Services Agency to deliver services pursuant to paragraph 2 of subsection A of this section.
H. Funds for the support of Youth Services Agencies shall be authorized by the Office of Juvenile Affairs only on the basis of cost reimbursement performance contracts or fee-for-service contracts. If a Youth Services Agency provides some services on a fee-for-services basis and some services on a cost reimbursement basis, no cost which has been included as part of the rate for services provided on a fee-for-service basis shall be reimbursable under the cost reimbursement portion of the contract. Fees charged for annual peer reviews shall be reimbursable.
I. The Board may establish a fixed and uniform rate for any community-based prevention service, including services to individuals, groups, and community relations directed toward the larger community, so long as the segment of the larger community or target audience of persons to benefit is identified and the specific prevention activities to be performed are described in the rate.
J. Contracts for the support of, or for services by, Youth Services Agencies shall be negotiated in the following manner:
1. The local board of the Youth Services Agency, based upon its knowledge and assessment of the needs of the community, shall prepare and present to the Office of Juvenile Affairs a proposal to provide community-based services to juveniles and families in the youth services service area in which it is located. The proposal shall be specific in terms of its program objectives and goals and the services the Youth Services Agency proposes to render;
2. Upon receipt of the proposal of the Youth Services Agency, the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall determine if the proposal meets the criteria adopted by the Board of Juvenile Affairs in the State Plan for Youth Services Agencies and, within the resources available, meets the need for community-based services in the youth services service area. If no State Plan for Youth Services exists, the proposal shall be deemed to meet the need for community-based services in the youth services area;
3. Contracts shall require performance of a specific service or services to be performed. Where the services cannot be broken down into units, specifically measurable and reviewable services shall be stated. Contracts may contain requirements of performance based upon measurable quality outcome indicators. Documentation required for monitoring and evaluation of the contract shall be consistent with the terms of the contract, shall be in accordance with generally accepted governmental accounting practices, and so far as possible, sufficient for the Office of Juvenile Affairs to monitor the performance of the contract without being overly burdensome to the Youth Services Agency. The documentation to be required is the proper subject of negotiation as part of the contracts, and the parties may rely on the Office of Management and Enterprise Services for assistance if they are unable to reach agreement;
4. The Office of Juvenile Affairs and the Youth Services Agency shall negotiate the final terms and enter into the contract. Youth Services Agencies may authorize the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services or another Oklahoma nonprofit corporation, whose membership consists solely of Youth Services Agencies and of whom at least a majority of Youth Services Agencies are members, to negotiate on their behalf; and
5. The Office of Juvenile Affairs and a Youth Services Agency may agree to extend their fiscal year 2006 contracts for a period not to exceed one (1) year in order to implement the provisions of this subsection. The amount of money in the contracts may be amended to reflect any change in the money appropriated for fiscal year 2007 for community-based service agencies.
K. Contracts with Youth Services Agencies for community-based services shall be for a period of twelve (12) months, beginning at the first of each fiscal year, and renewable on an annual basis. Contracts shall be considered during the third and fourth quarter of the fiscal year for contracting the following year. Consideration for renewal shall include a review of the performance of the current contract including the annual peer review. If the Office of Juvenile Affairs determines the contractual relationship shall be renewed, it shall be in a new contract for the upcoming fiscal year and may or may not contain the same terms, conditions, form and format as the previous contract. Any change from the contract of the previous year that is proposed by the Youth Services Agency or the Office of Juvenile Affairs shall be the subject of negotiation at the request of either party.
L. The Oklahoma Association of Youth Services, or another Oklahoma nonprofit corporation whose membership consists solely of Youth Services Agencies and of whom at least a majority of Youth Services Agencies are members may provide technical assistance to the Youth Services Agencies in the preparation and presentation of their proposals or negotiations as requested by a Youth Services Agency.
M. The Office of Juvenile Affairs is authorized to contract with the Oklahoma Association of Youth Services or another Oklahoma nonprofit corporation whose membership consists solely of Youth Services Agencies and of whom at least a majority of Youth Services Agencies are members for evaluation, training and program materials and for statewide office support, including rental of office space and general technical assistance for Youth Services Agencies with which the Office of Juvenile Affairs has contracts.
Added by Laws 2002, c. 4, § 4, emerg. eff. Feb. 15, 2002. Amended by Laws 2006, c. 320, § 9, emerg. eff. June 9, 2006; Laws 2009, c. 234, § 10, emerg. eff. May 21, 2009. Renumbered from § 7302-3.6a of Title 10 by Laws 2009, c. 234, § 171, emerg. eff. May 21, 2009. Amended by Laws 2012, c. 304, § 42; Laws 2013, c. 404, § 22, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 10A. Children and Juvenile Code

§10A-1-1-101. Short title - Subsequent enactments - Article, chapter and part captions.

§10A-1-1-102. Recognition of duties, rights and interests – Legislative intent.

§10A-1-1-104. Jurisdiction to enforce Oklahoma Children's Code.

§10A-1-1-105. Definitions.

§10A-1-2-101. Establishment of statewide centralized hotline for reporting child abuse or neglect – Hotline requirements – Reporting abuse or neglect – Retaliation by employer - Violations.

§10A-1-2-102. See the following versions:

§10A-1-2-102v1. Department of Human Services – Required actions for reports of child abuse.

§10A-1-2-102v2. Assessment and investigations - Determinations and referrals by Department of Human Services – Investigations by law enforcement agencies.

§10A-1-2-103. Judicial authority to request investigation.

§10A-1-2-104. Immunity from civil and criminal liability - Presumption.

§10A-1-2-105. Investigation of child abuse or neglect – Assessment of family – Immediate removal of child - Report – Voluntary services - Temporary restraining order - Investigation by State Bureau of Investigation – Child with complex medical needs.

§10A-1-2-106. Notice to person being investigated.

§10A-1-2-107. Disclosure of information.

§10A-1-2-108. Central registry for child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and neglect.

§10A-1-2-109. Relinquishment of child 30 days or younger to medical services provider or child rescuer.

§10A-1-2-110. Abandonment of child in voluntary placement.

§10A-1-2-111. Pilot program to improve socioeconomic outcomes for children in state custody.

§10A-1-3-101. Authorization to consent to medical or dental care.

§10A-1-3-102. Medical care and treatment – Definitions – Authorization and consent.

§10A-1-3-103. Immunity from liability for authorizing medical treatment or mental health evaluation or treatment.

§10A-1-3-104. Safety plan monitor – Authorization of medical or dental treatment.

§10A-1-4-101. Jurisdiction – Venue – Residence of child – Transfer of proceedings.

§10A-1-4-102. Evidence of child abuse or neglect in matrimonial or child custody actions - Investigation by Department of Human Services - Orders for protective custody - Appointment of attorney for child.

§10A-1-4-201. Circumstances authorizing taking a child into custody – Joint response by Department of Human Services, law enforcement, and district courts – Safety evaluation.

§10A-1-4-202. Written notification of emergency custody hearing.

§10A-1-4-203. Emergency custody hearing – Affidavit – Notice to relatives.

§10A-1-4-204. Placement preferences.

§10A-1-4-205. Records of child in protective custody – Petition – Hearings – Order providing for removal of a child.

§10A-1-4-206. Restraining order - Hearing.

§10A-1-4-207. Immediate assumption of custody to protect child's health or welfare.

§10A-1-4-208. Standardized assessment for children taken into custody.

§10A-1-4-301. Petitions.

§10A-1-4-302. Amendment of petition – Postadjudication petition.

§10A-1-4-303. Summons - Contents – Waiver of service.

§10A-1-4-304. Service of summons.

§10A-1-4-305. Failure to appear without reasonable cause - Consent to adjudication - Contempt - Warrants.

§10A-1-4-306. Appointment of counsel - Guardians ad litem - Court-appointed special advocates.

§10A-1-4-401. Discovery and court rules concerning juvenile proceedings – Exchange of information – Protective order.

§10A-1-4-501. District attorney to act as petitioner.

§10A-1-4-502. Jury trial.

§10A-1-4-503. Conduct of hearings.

§10A-1-4-504. Alternative dispute resolution.

§10A-1-4-505. Admissibility of prerecorded statements of child who is victim of abuse.

§10A-1-4-506. Taking testimony of child age 12 or under in room other than courtroom - Recording.

§10A-1-4-507. Admissibility of evidence.

§10A-1-4-508. Immunity for testimony – Records – Statements during evaluation or treatment.

§10A-1-4-601. Adjudication hearing.

§10A-1-4-602. Allegations of petition not supported by evidence.

§10A-1-4-603. Order of adjudication finding child to be deprived.

§10A-1-4-701. Reimbursements and costs by parents able to pay.

§10A-1-4-702. Deprived child - Paternity - Support.

§10A-1-4-703. Examination of child – Investigation of home conditions.

§10A-1-4-704. Individualized service plan.

§10A-1-4-705. Religious preference in placement - Placement of child – Restriction on placement in home of felon or sex offender.

§10A-1-4-706. Dispositional hearing.

§10A-1-4-707. Dispositional orders - Determinations.

§10A-1-4-708. Deprivation based on repeated absence from school.

§10A-1-4-709. Permanent guardianship.

§10A-1-4-710. Motion for permanent guardianship – Notice – Home study – Findings – Visitation – Guardianship review.

§10A-1-4-711. Motion for modification or termination of a permanent guardianship.

§10A-1-4-712. Authority to establish family drug court – Procedures.

§10A-1-4-713. Family drug court assessment.

§10A-1-4-714. Family drug court program eligibility.

§10A-1-4-715. Family drug court judge - Powers.

§10A-1-4-716. Family drug court costs – Family Drug Court Revolving Fund.

§10A-1-4-801. Stay pending review of release order.

§10A-1-4-802. Hearing to determine release of child from state custody.

§10A-1-4-803. Placement of child in the custody of the Department of Human Services.

§10A-1-4-804. Notification of movement of child in the custody of Department of Human Services.

§10A-1-4-805. Change in foster or group home placement.

§10A-1-4-806. Trial home reunification.

§10A-1-4-807.1. Emergency hearings.

§10A-1-4-807. Review hearing.

§10A-1-4-808. Review hearing report - Child's access to counsel.

§10A-1-4-809. Findings establishing that reasonable efforts to reunify child are not required.

§10A-1-4-810. Permanency meeting and reports.

§10A-1-4-811. Permanency hearing and findings.

§10A-1-4-812. Determination of eligibility of foster parent to adopt.

§10A-1-4-813. Postadoption agreements with birth relatives.

§10A-1-4-814. Modification of decrees or orders.

§10A-1-4-901. Filing of petition or motion for termination of parental rights.

§10A-1-4-902. Termination motion or petition by district attorney.

§10A-1-4-903. Order to terminate parent-child legal relationship – Show cause.

§10A-1-4-904. Termination of parental rights in certain situations.

§10A-1-4-905. Notice of hearing to terminate parental rights.

§10A-1-4-906. Effect of termination of parental rights.

§10A-1-4-907. Vesting authority to consent to adoption.

§10A-1-4-908. Failure of parental rights to be terminated at trial – Permanency hearing – Continuing jurisdiction.

§10A-1-4-909. Application by child to reinstate parental rights.

§10A-1-5-101. Appeal of order or decree.

§10A-1-5-102. Initial of child's surname required in court opinions.

§10A-1-5-103. Time for filing petition - Briefing schedule – Priority basis expediting of adjudication.

§10A-1-6-101. Court to make and keep records - Definitions.

§10A-1-6-102. Confidential records.

§10A-1-6-103. Inspection of records without court order.

§10A-1-6-104. Redaction of other children's information.

§10A-1-6-105. Disclosure of certain information in cases of death or near-death of a child

§10A-1-6-106. Filing of social records with the court.

§10A-1-6-107. Confidentiality - Violation - Penalty.

§10A-1-6-108. Maintenance of records.

§10A-1-7-101. Duties and rights of persons or agencies receiving custody - Exception.

§10A-1-7-102. Responsibility for deprived children.

§10A-1-7-103. Department of Human Services - Additional duties and powers.

§10A-1-7-104. Information to accompany child placed outside child's home – Passport Program.

§10A-1-7-105. Rules, policies and procedures regarding children in Department custody.

§10A-1-7-106. Placement of child into foster care.

§10A-1-7-107. Placement with siblings – Contact and visitation with siblings.

§10A-1-7-108. Liability for costs voluntarily expended by foster parent.

§10A-1-7-109. Foster placements - License or authorization - Exception.

§10A-1-7-110. Grounds for determination of placement.

§10A-1-7-111. Foster parent eligibility assessment - Criminal history investigation - Individualized service plan - Medical examinations.

§10A-1-7-112. Voluntary foster care placement.

§10A-1-7-113. Visitation requirements for the Department of Human Services or child-placing agency.

§10A-1-7-114. Foster parent eligibility assessment – Completion and costs - Reimbursement.

§10A-1-7-115. Emergency placement home - Criminal records check.

§10A-1-7-116. Notice to placement agencies when a child in custody becomes eligible for adoption.

§10A-1-8-101. Education and training of judicial personnel and attorneys with juvenile docket responsibility.

§10A-1-8-102. Court-appointed special advocate – Education and training – Criminal history search – Civil liability immunity.

§10A-1-8-103. Referees.

§10A-1-8-104. Mileage fees and witness reimbursement.

§10A-1-8-105. Penalties.

§10A-1-8-106. Applicability of the Oklahoma Minor Identification Act.

§10A-1-8-107. Order for transportation of child by sheriff's office - Reimbursement.

§10A-1-8-108. Appointment of legal guardian – Appointment of guardian ad litem.

§10A-1-8-109. Development of agency-wide process for background checks - Individual limits to number of children.

§10A-1-8-110. Falsification of documents relating to deprived children proceedings - Penalties.

§10A-1-8-111. Annual credit report for youth in custody.

§10A-1-8-112. Private child-placing agencies – Objection to placement of a child based on religious or moral convictions or policies.

§10A-1-9-101. Community-based programs.

§10A-1-9-102. Multidisciplinary teams - Intervention in reports of abuse or neglect - Duties.

§10A-1-9-103. Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account.

§10A-1-9-103a. Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Team Account (CAMTA) Fund.

§10A-1-9-103b. CAMTA Fund – Administration – Purpose - Contents of Fund.

§10A-1-9-104. Allocation of monies in Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account.

§10A-1-9-104a. Contract with eligible providers.

§10A-1-9-104b. Promulgation of rules.

§10A-1-9-105. Program planning and monitoring.

§10A-1-9-106. Kinship Foster Care Program.

§10A-1-9-107. Successful Adulthood Act - Short title - Purpose.

§10A-1-9-108. Pilot program to serve children at high risk of abuse and neglect.

§10A-1-9-109. Performance-based incentive compensation program for child welfare specialists.

§10A-1-9-110. Community-based services and care for deprived children - Grants and contracts.

§10A-1-9-111. Management, operation and use of children’s shelters.

§10A-1-9-112.1. Investigation of reported abuse or neglect - Written response.

§10A-1-9-112. Office of Client Advocacy.

§10A-1-9-113. Provision of shelter and care to minor mothers who are victims of domestic abuse.

§10A-1-9-114. Recruitment of foster parents from child's relatives or from families of same minority racial or ethnic heritage.

§10A-1-9-115. Foster parent associations - State agencies to cooperate and promote development.

§10A-1-9-116.1. Liability of foster parent.

§10A-1-9-116. Foster parent training and continuing education.

§10A-1-9-117. Allegations against employees of Department or child-placing agency by foster parent.

§10A-1-9-118. Written contract - Information provided to foster parents - Supervision by child-placing agency.

§10A-1-9-119.1. Rights of children being served by Child Welfare Services.

§10A-1-9-119. Statement of foster parent's rights.

§10A-1-9-120. Grievance procedures for foster parents.

§10A-1-9-121. Grandparents - Legislative findings and declaration - Informational and educational program - Distribution of informational brochures.

§10A-1-9-122. Supported guardianship program.

§10A-1-9-123. Policies and procedures for children and youth at risk of sex trafficking.

§10A-1-9-124. Zero to Three Court Program.

§10A-1-9-125. Ability for children 16 years or older to enter into housing contracts – Certification of unaccompanied status.

§10A-1-10-103. Child Welfare Review Committee for the Death and Near Death of Children With Disabilities.

§10A-2-1-101. Short title.

§10A-2-1-102. Legislative intent - Construction of chapter - Purpose.

§10A-2-1-103. Definitions.

§10A-2-2-101. Taking of child into custody - Detention - Medical treatment - Behavioral health treatment - Hearing on order for medical treatment.

§10A-2-2-102. Personal jurisdiction.

§10A-2-2-103. Municipal jurisdiction of children – Interlocal agreements – Municipal juvenile facility - Fines.

§10A-2-2-104.1. Diversion services.

§10A-2-2-104. Preliminary inquiry - Petition.

§10A-2-2-105. Order removing child from home prohibited absent certain determinations.

§10A-2-2-106. Petition - Subsequent pleadings - Amended petitions.

§10A-2-2-107. Summons – Warrant - Service.

§10A-2-2-108. Examination by health care professionals - Order for treatment.

§10A-2-2-301. Conduct of interrogations - Appointment of counsel - Guardians ad litem.

§10A-2-2-401.1. Definitions.

§10A-2-2-401.2. Delinquency or youthful offender proceedings - Competency of child - Rebuttable presumption.

§10A-2-2-401.3. Motion for determination of competency - Competency evaluation.

§10A-2-2-401.4. Credentialed forensic evaluators - Exceptions.

§10A-2-2-401.5. Competency evaluation report.

§10A-2-2-401.6. Competency hearing.

§10A-2-2-401.7. Court responses to competency determination.

§10A-2-2-401. Trial by jury.

§10A-2-2-402. Conduct of adjudicative hearings.

§10A-2-2-403. Preliminary hearing.

§10A-2-2-404. Deferral of delinquency adjudication proceedings.

§10A-2-2-501. Dispositional hearings.

§10A-2-2-502. Recommendation for disposition - Probation - Risk and needs assessment tools.

§10A-2-2-503. Disposition orders - Revocation, modification and redisposition.

§10A-2-2-504. Periodic review of disposition orders.

§10A-2-2-505. Juvenile drug court program.

§10A-2-2-506. Juvenile drug court investigation – Report - Eligibility.

§10A-2-2-507. Juvenile drug court program – Final eligibility hearing – Admittance into program.

§10A-2-2-508. Juvenile drug court program – Periodic review, progress reports and hearings.

§10A-2-2-601. Appeals.

§10A-2-2-701. Summons - Bench warrants - Obligations of parent, legal guardian, or custodian.

§10A-2-2-702. Referees.

§10A-2-2-703. Expenses for care and maintenance of child.

§10A-2-2-801. Procedures and requirements for placement of adjudicated children.

§10A-2-2-802. Termination of parental rights.

§10A-2-2-803. Review and assessment of children committed to Office of Juvenile Affairs.

§10A-2-2-804. Child in need of mental health treatment.

§10A-2-2-805. Commitment of child to custody of Office of Juvenile Affairs - Delivery to designated institution.

§10A-2-3-101. Conditions of detention of child - Detention or confinement in adult facility - Access to facilities and data.

§10A-2-3-102. Persons under 18 years of age who have fled from another state considered adults for purposes of detention only in certain cases.

§10A-2-3-103. Temporary detention - Transportation - Certification of juvenile detention facilities.

§10A-2-3-104. Tort liability coverage of juvenile detention services - Contracts between boards of county commissioners.

§10A-2-3-105. Grievance process for children.

§10A-2-4-101. Juvenile bureau and citizens' advisory committee.

§10A-2-4-102. Director and other personnel.

§10A-2-4-103. Administrative work of court - Uniformity of procedures and care.

§10A-2-4-104. Investigations and reports - Legal proceedings.

§10A-2-4-105. Arrests - Service of process.

§10A-2-4-106. Transportation of juveniles - Expenses.

§10A-2-4-107. Salaries and expenses - Offices and equipment.

§10A-2-4-108. Detention and group homes.

§10A-2-4-109. Citizens' advisory committee.

§10A-2-4-110. Appointment of personnel for Juvenile Docket of district court.

§10A-2-5-201. Short title - Youthful Offender Act.

§10A-2-5-202. Definitions – Purpose – Legislative intent.

§10A-2-5-203. Court proceedings - Jurisdiction.

§10A-2-5-204. Treatment of a child certified as an adult or youthful offender in criminal proceedings.

§10A-2-5-205. Certification as youthful offender or juvenile.

§10A-2-5-206A. Motion for certification as a juvenile - Certification study - Guidelines.

§10A-2-5-207A. Motion for imposition of adult sentence - Certification study - Guidelines.

§10A-2-5-208A. XXX.

§10A-2-5-209A. Youthful offender review hearing - Extended jurisdiction.

§10A-2-5-210A. Motion for transfer to custody or supervision of Department of Corrections – Adult conviction - Expungement.

§10A-2-5-211. Commitment to Department of Corrections - Judgment and sentence.

§10A-2-5-212. Delinquent or youthful offender in custody of Office of Juvenile Affairs - Placement options - Office duties and authority - Rights of delinquent or youthful offender.

§10A-2-5-213. Pardon by Governor — Motion to set aside conviction — Release from penalties, destruction of records.

§10A-2-5-301. Educational needs during confinement or incarceration.

§10A-2-6-101. Court to keep records - Definitions.

§10A-2-6-102. Confidential juvenile records.

§10A-2-6-103. Confidentiality of social records.

§10A-2-6-104. Inspection and disclosure of confidential records without court order.

§10A-2-6-105. Inspection and disclosure of juvenile court records without court order.

§10A-2-6-106. Inspection and disclosure of Office of Juvenile Affairs records without court order.

§10A-2-6-107. Fingerprinting of persons under 18.

§10A-2-6-108. Effect of adjudication - Sealing of records - Order unsealing sealed records - Destruction of records.

§10A-2-6-109. Expungement of juvenile court record.

§10A-2-6-110. Procedures for providing certain records to sheriffs - Confidentiality.

§10A-2-7-101. Board of Juvenile Affairs - Members - Duties and responsibilities.

§10A-2-7-201. Executive Director - Qualifications - Powers and duties.

§10A-2-7-202. Creation of office - Powers and duties.

§10A-2-7-203. Agreement with Supreme Court.

§10A-2-7-204. Employee's personal property damaged or destroyed by juvenile in custody - Repair or replacement.

§10A-2-7-301. Office of Juvenile Affairs - Responsibilities, offices, programs - Transfer of employees, powers, duties, etc.

§10A-2-7-302. Division of Advocate Defender - Advocate General - Duties and responsibilities.

§10A-2-7-303. Community-based programs.

§10A-2-7-304. Financial agreements.

§10A-2-7-305. Agreements to establish or maintain community-based youth service programs, shelters and community intervention centers.

§10A-2-7-306. Designation of organizations as Youth Services Agencies - Termination of designation - Contract administration.

§10A-2-7-307. Cooperative agreements with Department of Human Services.

§10A-2-7-308. Management information system - Integration with other management information systems - Access to confidential records and reports.

§10A-2-7-309. Department planning process for services to children and youth.

§10A-2-7-310. Defining services and programs.

§10A-2-7-311. Annual review of programs and services and implementation of Youthful Offender Act - Reports.

§10A-2-7-401. Juvenile Detention Improvement Revolving Fund.

§10A-2-7-402. Court and hearing costs of Office of Juvenile Affairs - Special agency account.

§10A-2-7-501. Intake and probation services - Services related to juvenile offenders.

§10A-2-7-502. Child adjudicated in need of supervision - Placement - Rehabilitative facilities – Mental health treatment.

§10A-2-7-503. Delinquent children - Intent of Legislature - Powers and duties of Office.

§10A-2-7-504. Discharge of children adjudicated delinquent – Retention of custody and jurisdiction.

§10A-2-7-601. Juveniles placed in Office-operated institutions and facilities - Powers and duties of Office.

§10A-2-7-602. Methods of administration - Merit system - Employment of superintendent and other personnel - Criminal history records searches - Superintendent as guardian

§10A-2-7-603. Rules, policies and procedures required in facilities.

§10A-2-7-604. Physical force, when authorized - Mechanical restraints – Chemical agents.

§10A-2-7-605. Run away or AWOL from a staff secure or nonsecure placement.

§10A-2-7-606. Central Oklahoma Juvenile Center - Supervision, management and control.

§10A-2-7-607. Lloyd E. Rader Children's Center - Administration and control.

§10A-2-7-608. Expansion of preadjudicatory secure detention beds - Responsibility for regional juvenile facility in southwestern part of state.

§10A-2-7-609. Facilities and residential programs – Legislative intent.

§10A-2-7-610. Phil Smalley Children's Unit of Oklahoma Youth Center - Designation as Phil Smalley Center.

§10A-2-7-611. Secure facilities - Certification - Violations.

§10A-2-7-612. Office of Juvenile Affairs - Sale of surplus real estate.

§10A-2-7-613. Office of Juvenile Affairs - Foster care.

§10A-2-7-614. Foster care - Requirement of licensing standards.

§10A-2-7-615. Foster care - Contract requirements.

§10A-2-7-616. Board of Juvenile Affairs - Charter school

§10A-2-7-617. Certification for secure detention center - Criminal history records search

§10A-2-7-618. Construction strategy for campus modifications - Best-value option.

§10A-2-7-619. Public/private partnership - Authority to sell OJA campus property.

§10A-2-7-620. Plans for repurposing the campuses of the Southwest Oklahoma Juvenile Center and the Oklahoma Juvenile Center for Girls.

§10A-2-7-701. Short title - Purpose - Intent.

§10A-2-7-702. Definitions.

§10A-2-7-703. Office of Juvenile Affairs - Delinquency prevention, early intervention programs - Eligibility criteria.

§10A-2-7-704. Eligibility for contracts - Contract criteria - Duties of recipients.

§10A-2-7-705. Responsibility for implementation and evaluation of act – Contracts with eligible entities – Outcome-based performance reports.

§10A-2-7-801. Juvenile Offender Victim Restitution Work Program.

§10A-2-7-802. Juvenile Justice Public Works Program.

§10A-2-7-901. Juvenile Offender Tracking Program - Purpose.

§10A-2-7-902. Definitions.

§10A-2-7-903. Juvenile Offender Tracking Program - Components.

§10A-2-7-904. Implementation of Program - Duties of state and local agencies.

§10A-2-7-905. Juvenile Justice Information System - Functions - Duties of state and local agencies - Plan for implementation.

§10A-2-8-101. Short title.

§10A-2-8-102. Juvenile sex offender defined.

§10A-2-8-103. Juvenile sex offender registry - Information included.

§10A-2-8-104. Application register - Criteria for qualifying - Court order.

§10A-2-8-105. Juvenile sex offenders ordered to probation - Notification of duty to register.

§10A-2-8-106. Annual registration - Notification of change of name and address.

§10A-2-8-107. Failure to register or provide notification of change of name or address.

§10A-2-8-108. Transfer of registration to adult sex offender registry - Petition.

§10A-2-8-109. Juveniles not subject to act.

§10A-2-8-110. Disclosure of information - Immunity from liability.

§10A-2-8-111. Use of information to commit crime or cause physical harm or damage to property – Penalties.

§10A-2-8-112. Rules, procedures, and forms.

§10A-2-8-221. Transmission of obscenity and child pornography.

§10A-2-8-222. Intoxicating beverages or low-point beer - Possession by persons under age 21.

§10A-2-8-223. Penalties.

§10A-2-8-224. Purchase, receipt or possession of tobacco or vapor products by those under 21 prohibited - Falsifying proof of age - Penalties.

§10A-2-9-101. Short title.

§10A-2-9-102. Purpose.

§10A-2-9-103. Definitions.

§10A-2-9-104. Interstate Commission for Juveniles.

§10A-2-9-105. Interstate Commission - Powers and duties.

§10A-2-9-106. Interstate Commission - Organization and operation.

§10A-2-9-107. Interstate Commission - Rulemaking.

§10A-2-9-108. Interstate Commission - Oversight, enforcement and dispute resolution.

§10A-2-9-109. Finance.

§10A-2-9-110. State Council.

§10A-2-9-111. Compacting states - Effective date - Amendment.

§10A-2-9-112. Withdrawal - Default - Termination - Judicial enforcement.

§10A-2-9-113. Severability and construction.

§10A-2-9-114. Binding effect - Other laws.

§10A-2-9-115. Appointing authority - Compact administrator.

§10A-2-9-116. State Council for Interstate Juveniles Supervision.

§10A-2-10-101. Oklahoma Mentoring Children of Incarcerated Parents Program - Purpose.

§10A-2-10-102. Application to administer - Requirements.

§10A-2-10-103. Annual report.