A. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section, a proceeding to adjudicate parentage may be joined with a proceeding for adoption, termination of parental rights, child custody or visitation, child support, dissolution of marriage, annulment, legal separation, probate or administration of an estate, or other appropriate proceeding.
B. A respondent may not join a proceeding described in subsection A of this section with a proceeding to adjudicate parentage brought under Section 601-101 et seq. of Title 43 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 116, § 43, eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§10-6.5. Use of certain words in reference to children born out of wedlock prohibited.
§10-21.10. Child assessment in voluntary out-of-home placement.
§10-22.1. Legislative findings and intent – Foster care by grandparents or other relative.
§10-40.1. Purpose - Policy of state.
§10-40.3. Application of act - Exemptions - Determination of Indian status.
§10-40.4. Indian child custody proceedings – Notice.
§10-40.5. Emergency removal of Indian child from parent or custodian - Order.
§10-40.6. Placement preference.
§10-40.8. Payment of foster care expenses under certain circumstances.
§10-90.4. Children born out of wedlock - Change of name.
§10-91. Authority of district courts.
§10-92. Procedure to confer rights of majority - Petition - Jurisdiction and venue - Decree.
§10-93. Notice of hearing of petition to be given by certified mail and by publication in newspaper.
§10-114.6. Rehabilitation of juvenile offenders through court supervised work projects.
§10-116b. Duties of probation officer - Investigations.
§10-116c. Assistant probation officer - Salary.
§10-116d. Construction of act.
§10-116e. Salary of probation officer.
§10-116f. Secretaries to probation officer - Duties - Salary.
§10-116g. Salaries in counties of over 200,000.
§10-133. Board of general supervision - Appointments - Salaries and removal of appointees.
§10-136. Visits by parents, guardians and near relatives.
§10-151. Control vested in local boards of education.
§10-152. Reports of number of children requiring school facilities.
§10-153. Inclusion of cost of education in school districts' budgets.
§10-154. School superintendents' reports of children attending schools.
§10-170.2. Emergency treatment.
§10-175.1. Legislative intent and purpose.
§10-175.4. Commission as agent of the state.
§10-175.5. Rules and regulations.
§10-175.7. Powers of Commission.
§10-175.8. Fund - State Treasurer.
§10-175.9. Homes - Right to enter.
§10-175.10. Applications for crippled children's services.
§10-175.12. Oklahoma Children's Hospital.
§10-175.20. Day treatment programs - Definition - Required programs and policies.
§10-361. Santa Claus Commission - Creation - Membership - Christmas presents.
§10-363. Claims - Approval and payment.
§10-401. Purpose and policy of law - Minimum standards.
§10-403. Exemptions from application of act.
§10-404. Minimum requirements and desirable standards.
§10-404.2. Demarion’s Law – Short title.
§10-404.3. Demarion's Law - Mandatory liability insurance for facilities
§10-405. Necessity and issuance of license – Temporary authorization.
§10-405.2. Online child care database.
§10-405.3. Online Restricted Registry.
§10-405.5. Continuation of license upon inheritance or purchase of a facility.
§10-406. Investigations - Notice of violation – Confidentiality – Anonymous complaint system.
§10-406.1. Indian tribe-operated child care facility - Inspection agreement.
§10-407. Revocation of license or refusal to issue or renew - Emergency action - Citation.
§10-410. Violations - Punishment.
§10-410.1. Quality of Care Development Fund.
§10-411. Certificate of immunization as condition for admission to day care facility - Waiver.
§10-412. Manner and frequency of immunizations - Enforcement of act.
§10-414. Administration of immunizations - Persons eligible - Indigent persons.
§10-415. Child with reportable contagious disease to be excluded from day care facility.
§10-418. Authority to obtain evidence - Administration of oaths.
§10-420. Child Care Center Bill of Rights.
§10-452. Transfer of property, contracts and funds.
§10-454. Powers and duties of Commission and Director.
§10-455. Laws not inconsistent to remain in effect.
§10-553. Persons authorized - Consent.
§10-554. Legal status of child or children born as result of heterologous oocyte donation.
§10-556. Human embryo transfer and donation – Consents – Legal rights, obligations or interests.
§10-557. Short title - Oklahoma Gestational Agreement Act.
§10-557.3. Gestational agreement – Legal contract.
§10-557.4. Gestational carrier - Qualifications.
§10-557.5. Necessary parties to agreement - Requirements.
§10-557.6. Agreement requirements - Validation.
§10-557.7. Validated agreement required prior to transfer of gametes or embryos.
§10-557.8. Limited enforceability of an unvalidated agreement.
§10-557.9. Procedure to obtain court validation.
§10-557.11. Rights of child – Parent-child relationship.
§10-557.12. Notice of birth to be filed with court – Court order.
§10-557.13. Amendments to agreement must be validated.
§10-557.14. Termination of agreement.
§10-557.15. Proceedings governed by Code of Civil Procedure - Confidentiality.
§10-557.16. Venue and jurisdiction.
§10-557.17. Compensation to gestational carrier.
§10-557.18. Donors may be parties to the agreement.
§10-557.19. Gametes or embryos of the gestational carrier or gestational spouse.
§10-557.20. Parents to be listed on certificate of birth.
§10-557.21. Death of intended parent prior to birth of child – Testamentary and inheritance rights.
§10-557.22. Marriage or divorce of a gestational carrier.
§10-557.23. Laboratory or clinical error.
§10-557.24. Breach of agreement.
§10-557.25. Application with other laws.
§10-577. Enactment of compact - Text.
§10-601.1. Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth - Creation - Membership.
§10-601.3. Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth - Duties.
§10-601.4. Additional duties and responsibilities of Commission.
§10-601.5. Director - Powers and duties.
§10-601.6. Office of Juvenile System Oversight - Powers, duties and authority.
§10-601.6a. Office of Planning and Coordination for Services to Children and Youth - Duties.
§10-601.10. Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth Revolving Fund.
§10-601.12. Community partnership plan for children and youth services.
§10-601.14. Children's Endowment Fund of Oklahoma.
§10-601.20. Children of Incarcerated Parents Task Force.
§10-601.30. Board of Child Abuse Examination - Membership - Officers - Meetings - Quorum.
§10-601.62. Legislative intent.
§10-601.64. Duties of the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth.
§10-601.65. Proposed submission procedures and criteria.
§10-601.67. Children with Disabilities Comprehensive Systems of Services Revolving Fund.
§10-601.68. Not-for-profit foundation.
§10-601.69. Curriculum for abuse-prevention instructional programs.
§10-601.80. Short title - Family Support Accountability Act - Definitions.
§10-601.81. Home visiting programs – Requirements – Objectives – Annual report.
§10-603.1. Short title - Purpose - Implementation.
§10-603.4. Day treatment program standards.
§10-620.1. Purpose of act - Release and transfer of information.
§10-620.2. Appointment of task force - Membership - Duties.
§10-620.3. Agencies to promulgate uniform rules and procedures.
§10-620.4. Contents of rules and procedures.
§10-620.5. Transfer and release of confidential information - Adoption of procedures.
§10-620.6. Guidelines and forms for inspection, release, disclosure, etc. of records.
§10-640.1. Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Board.
§10-640.2. Powers and responsibilities of Board.
§10-640.3. School readiness foundation.
§10-700. Delegation of powers regarding child care and custody.
§10-701. Statutory form for power of attorney to delegate parental or legal custodian powers.
§10-1116.2. Postadjudication review boards.
§10-1116.3. Advisory status of review boards - Duties and responsibilities.
§10-1116.4. Disclosure of certain information prohibited - Exceptions.
§10-1116.6. Postadjudication Review Advisory Board.
§10-1150.2a. Production of documents - Subpoena.
§10-1150.6. Child maltreatment medical review.
§10-1409. Transfer of powers and duties.
§10-1410. Personal properties - Contracts and leases - Unexpended funds.
§10-1411.1. Developmental Disabilities Services Division - Periodic reports.
§10-1411.2. Developmental Disabilities Services Division waiting list - Voucher waiver program.
§10-1414. Admission of individuals with intellectual disability - Applications - Release.
§10-1414.1. Greer Center Facility - Admission guidelines and procedures.
§10-1416. Liability for care and treatment.
§10-1417. Clinics - Outpatient facilities - Day care centers.
§10-1418. Powers and duties of Commission for Rehabilitation Services – Local education agencies.
§10-1419. Administration - Personnel - Retirement system.
§10-1420. Transfer of property, records, funds, etc.
§10-1421. Purchase of school busses.
§10-1423. Program for care and treatment of children - Federal matching funds.
§10-1424. Department as next friend of institutionalized persons - Procuring appoint of guardian.
§10-1425. Authorization to operate facilities.
§10-1430.3. Department - Powers and duties.
§10-1430.4. Group Homes for Persons with Developmental or Physical Disabilities Advisory Board.
§10-1430.6. Standing to bring action - Jurisdiction.
§10-1430.7. Group home as nuisance - Actions - Request for investigation - Complaint.
§10-1430.9. Penalties and liabilities for certain violations.
§10-1430.10a. Revocation or denial of or refusal to renew license – Notice – Protest - Emergency.
§10-1430.11. Standards for group homes.
§10-1430.12. Fire safety inspections - Reports.
§10-1430.13. Information subject to disclosure to public.
§10-1430.15. Nontransferability of license - Transfer of operation of group home.
§10-1430.17. Conditional license.
§10-1430.18. Documents to be made available to residents, employees and visitors.
§10-1430.19. Documents and records to be available for public inspection.
§10-1430.22. Resident's contract.
§10-1430.23. Protection of resident's funds.
§10-1430.24. Access to group homes.
§10-1430.25. Involuntary transfer or discharge of resident.
§10-1430.27. Inspection, investigation, survey or evaluation of group home.
§10-1430.32. Violations - Penalties.
§10-1430.33. Notice of voluntary closing - Alternative placement of residents.
§10-1430.34. Appointment of monitor or receiver.
§10-1430.35. Emergencies - Investigations - Hearing.
§10-1430.36. Appointment of receiver.
§10-1430.37. Expenses of receiver - Insufficient funds - Compensation of receiver.
§10-1430.38. Liability of receiver - Bond.
§10-1430.39. Conditional license for provider in receivership.
§10-1430.40. Termination of receivership.
§10-1430.41. Rights, obligations and liability during receivership.
§10-1501. Various references deemed to be references to District Court or judge thereof.
§10-1505a. Assistant juvenile officer in certain counties.
§10-1628. Missing child 16 and under - Investigation of disappearance.
§10-1631. Fingerprinting minors and identification card.
§10-1632. Intent of legislature.
§10-1633. School district fingerprinting programs.
§10-7007-1.8. Purposes - Report.
§10-7007-1.9. Task Force on Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children – Membership - Duties.
§10-7501-1.1. Short title - Composition of Code.
§10-7501-1.2. Purpose of Code.
§10-7502-1.4. Foreign adoptions.
§10-7503-1.1. Eligibility to adopt.
§10-7503-1.2. Written adoption full-disclosure statement - Signatures.
§10-7503-2.1. Who may consent.
§10-7503-2.2. When consent may be given.
§10-7503-2.3. Permanent relinquishments.
§10-7503-2.4. Contents of consent to adoption.
§10-7503-2.6. Extrajudicial consent.
§10-7503-2.7. Setting aside permanent relinquishment or consent to adoption.
§10-7503-3.1. Notice of plan for adoption.
§10-7503-3.2. Notice of filing of paternity action by putative father.
§10-7503-4.1. Temporary orders of custody.
§10-7504-1.1. Medical and social history report.
§10-7505-1.1. Confidential character of hearings and records – Release - Exceptions - Misdemeanor.
§10-7505-1.2. Appointment of attorney and guardian ad litem.
§10-7505-1.3. Court clerk or deputy may affix signature of judge to order and notice of hearing.
§10-7505-1.4. Priority on docket - Proceedings to be expedited.
§10-7505-1.5. Visitation agreements between child, adoptive parents and birth relative.
§10-7505-2.1. Preadoption termination of parental rights.
§10-7505-3.2. Costs, funds or monies expended by adoptive family – Disclosure statement.
§10-7505-3.3. Disclosure Statement of Adoption-related Costs and Expenditures.
§10-7505-4.1. Application - Notice - Hearing - Order - Appeal.
§10-7505-4.2. Exceptions to requirement of parental consent.
§10-7505-4.3. Inquiry to identify unknown or putative father.
§10-7505-5.2. Subsequent home study - Waiver.
§10-7505-5.3. Contents of home study.
§10-7505-5.4. Persons or agencies authorized to conduct home studies.
§10-7505-6.1. Interlocutory decree.
§10-7505-6.2. Filings required prior to final hearing.
§10-7505-6.4. Denial of petition for adoption.
§10-7505-6.5. Effect of final decree - Grandparental rights.
§10-7505-8.1. Adoption dissolution statistics to be published.
§10-7506-1.1. Paternity registry.
§10-7507-1.1. Adult adoptions.
§10-7508-1.1. Records retention.
§10-7508-1.2. Mutual Consent Voluntary Registry.
§10-7508-1.3. Confidential intermediary search program.
§10-7509-1.1. Conditions for discharges of infants from medical facilities.
§10-7509-1.2. Confidential index of birth and adoptive names.
§10-7509-1.3. Invalidation or revocation of final decree of adoption.
§10-7510-1.4. Eligibility for adoption assistance - Factors for determination.
§10-7510-1.6. Denial of assistance - Hearing.
§10-7510-2.2. Photograph and description of child to be provided to exchange.
§10-7510-2.4. Change in status of child listed by exchange.
§10-7510-2.5. Withdrawal of child from register.
§10-7510-3.2. Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance.
§10-7510-3.3. Administration of compact - Rules and regulations.
§10-7603. Renumbered as § 2203 of Title 27A by Laws 2006, c. 226, § 6, emerg. eff. June 6, 2006.
§10-7700-103. Scope of act – Choice of law – Jurisdiction of district and administrative courts.
§10-7700-201. Establishment of parent-child relationship.
§10-7700-202. Equal rights of marital and nonmarital children.
§10-7700-203. Application of established parent-child relationship.
§10-7700-204. Presumption of paternity.
§10-7700-301. Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity.
§10-7700-302. Requirements of acknowledgment – Void and voidable acknowledgment.
§10-7700-303. Denial of paternity - Validity.
§10-7700-304. Execution of acknowledgment and denial – Effective date – Execution by minors.
§10-7700-305. Effect of acknowledgment or denial.
§10-7700-307. Rescission of acknowledgment or denial.
§10-7700-308. Proceeding to challenge acknowledgment – Commencement – Burden of proof.
§10-7700-309. Proceeding to challenge acknowledgment or denial – Procedure.
§10-7700-310. Ratification of unchallenged acknowledgment prohibited.
§10-7700-311. Full faith and credit.
§10-7700-313. Release of copies of acknowledgment or denial of paternity.
§10-7700-501. Scope of article.
§10-7700-502. Order for genetic testing – Order for in utero testing not allowed.
§10-7700-503. Requirements of testing – Objection to calculation - Retesting.
§10-7700-504. Report of testing – Chain of custody.
§10-7700-505. Identification of father - Rebuttal.
§10-7700-506. Payment of costs of testing.
§10-7700-507. Advance payment for additional testing.
§10-7700-509. Testing of deceased individual.
§10-7700-510. Testing of identical brother – Use of nongenetic evidence.
§10-7700-511. Release of genetic test report.
§10-7700-601. Proceeding authorized.
§10-7700-602. Standing to maintain proceeding.
§10-7700-603. Parties to proceeding.
§10-7700-604. Personal jurisdiction.
§10-7700-607. Two-year limitation in proceedings with presumed father - Exception.
§10-7700-608. Motion for genetic testing.
§10-7700-609. Limitation in proceeding with acknowledged or adjudicated father.
§10-7700-610. Joinder of proceedings.
§10-7700-611. Proceeding before birth of child.
§10-7700-612. Child as party to proceeding – Guardian ad litem.
§10-7700-621. Admissibility of genetic-testing results - Testimony of experts - Medical bills.
§10-7700-622. Enforcement of order for genetic testing - Default.
§10-7700-623. Admission of paternity.
§10-7700-624. Temporary order for support.
§10-7700-631. Rules for adjudication of paternity.
§10-7700-632. Jury prohibited.
§10-7700-633. Closure of proceeding – Inspection of records.
§10-7700-634. Order on default.
§10-7700-635. Dismissal for want of prosecution.
§10-7700-637. Binding effect of determination of parentage.
§10-7700-901. Uniformity of application and construction.