Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 918 | Meat Inspection
Section 918.22 | Inspection and Supervision of Processing Operations - Ante-Mortem Inspections of Poultry.

Effective: March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation: House Bill 645 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The director of agriculture shall provide inspection and supervision of all processing operations at establishments licensed under section 918.28 of the Revised Code and make ante-mortem inspections of poultry to the extent the director considers necessary to assure a wholesome product.
Whenever processing operations are being conducted, the director shall make post-mortem inspection of the carcass of each bird processed at such establishment, and at any time may order such quarantine, segregation, retention, or reinspection as is determined necessary of poultry and poultry products capable of use as human food. If, upon inspection, symptoms of disease or other conditions are found that would render the poultry or poultry products unwholesome or unfit for human food, such poultry or poultry products shall be condemned, identified, and disposed of as required by rules adopted under section 918.25 of the Revised Code.
(B) Establishments licensed under section 918.28 of the Revised Code shall:
(1) Furnish satisfactory facilities and assistance for inspectors as required by the director;
(2) Operate such establishments during reasonable hours;
(3) Keep the director informed in advance of intended hours of operation;
(4) Accept times of operation as designated by the director when the volume processed at a plant is so small as to require only a part-time inspector to be on duty at the plant;
(5) Reimburse the division of meat inspection for inspection services of more than eight hours in any given day, of more than forty hours in any given week Sunday through Saturday, or on any holiday as specified in division (A) of section 124.19 of the Revised Code at a rate established in rules adopted by the director under chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 9 | Agriculture-Animals-Fences

Chapter 918 | Meat Inspection

Section 918.01 | Meat Inspection Definitions.

Section 918.02 | Ante-Mortem Inspections of All Animals Slaughtered.

Section 918.03 | Adulterated or Unwholesome Conditions.

Section 918.04 | Rules to Administer Meat Inspection.

Section 918.05 | Health Requirements for Employees.

Section 918.06 | Unauthorized Possession, Use or Keeping of Stamps, Marks, or Brands.

Section 918.07 | Sale of Meat or Meat Products Produced for Human Food.

Section 918.08 | License - Annual Fee - Violations.

Section 918.10 | Exemptions From Chapter Requirements.

Section 918.11 | Prohibited Acts - Fines.

Section 918.12 | Voluntary State Inspections.

Section 918.15 | Poultry and Meat Products Fund.

Section 918.21 | Licensing of Poultry Processing Definitions.

Section 918.22 | Inspection and Supervision of Processing Operations - Ante-Mortem Inspections of Poultry.

Section 918.23 | Facilities and Sanitary Practices.

Section 918.24 | Records of Licensed Establishments.

Section 918.25 | Rules to Administer Poultry Processing.

Section 918.26 | Operating Prohibitions.

Section 918.27 | Operating Prohibition Exemptions.

Section 918.28 | License Issuance, Revocation, Suspension.

Section 918.29 | Exemption From Ordinances, Rules, or Regulations of Political Subdivision.

Section 918.30 | Official Inspection Mark and Plant Number - Identification of Product.

Section 918.31 | Sale Prohibitions.

Section 918.41 | State Acceptance Service to Examine and Monitor Compliance by Meat and Poultry Vendors.

Section 918.42 | Rules to Administer State Acceptance Service.

Section 918.43 | Transfer of Surplus in Poultry and Meat Products Fund.

Section 918.44 | Federal Meat Grading and Certification Service to Grade Agreement.

Section 918.45 | Effect of Child Support Default on License.

Section 918.99 | Penalty.