Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 743 | Utilities - Electric; Gas; Water
Section 743.37 | Laying of Gas Pipes - Assessment of Costs.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may prescribe, by ordinance, for the laying down of gas pipes in highways about to be paved, macadamized, or otherwise permanently improved, and for the assessment of the cost and expense thereof upon the lots or parcels of land adjoining or abutting upon the highways in which they are laid. In no case, excepting as a sanitary measure, shall the legislative authority require house connections to be built further from the main pipe than the outer line of the curbstone.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 743 | Utilities - Electric; Gas; Water

Section 743.01 | General Powers of Legislative Authority.

Section 743.02 | Bylaws and Regulations.

Section 743.03 | Duties of Director of Public Service.

Section 743.04 | Assessment and Collection of Water Rents.

Section 743.05 | Disposition of Surplus Funds.

Section 743.06 | Proceeds From Water Works to Be a Separate Fund.

Section 743.07 | Director May Make Certain Contracts.

Section 743.08 | Investigation by Legislative Authority.

Section 743.09 | Water Supply Free for Certain Purposes.

Section 743.10 | Protection to Attachments.

Section 743.11 | Bond of Contractor - Emergency.

Section 743.12 | Extension of Public Utility Service Beyond Municipal Corporation Limits.

Section 743.13 | Expense of Service Outside Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.14 | Supervision of Territory Having Water Service Outside Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.15 | Disposition of Aqueducts and Water Pipes in Case of Annexation.

Section 743.16 | Regulation and Protection of Aqueducts and Water Pipes.

Section 743.17 | Water Works in Contiguous Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.18 | Authority to Supply Other Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.19 | Construction of Water Works by Two or More Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.20 | Ownership of Water Works When Municipal Corporations Are Annexed.

Section 743.21 | Termination of Contract Upon Annexation.

Section 743.22 | Tax for Payment of Interest, Lien on Property.

Section 743.23 | Laying Pipes in Highway.

Section 743.24 | Municipal Corporations May Contract for a Water Supply - Contract to Be Submitted to a Vote.

Section 743.25 | Jurisdiction of Municipal Corporations to Prevent Water Pollution.

Section 743.26 | Regulation of Price of Electric Light, Gas, Sewage Disposal, and Water.

Section 743.27 | Free Use of Municipally Owned Public Utilities.

Section 743.28 | Negotiation of One-Price Schedule Contract.

Section 743.29 | Surveys for Construction and Repair of Public Works of Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.30 | Occupation of Streets by Legislative Authority for Gas Purposes.

Section 743.31 | Forfeiture of Charter for Neglect to Furnish Gas - Exception.

Section 743.32 | Provision by Legislative Authority for Electric Current and Gas Inspection.

Section 743.33 | Exclusive Monopoly Shall Not Be Allowed to Gas Companies.

Section 743.34 | Legislative Authority May Erect or Purchase Gas or Electric Works.

Section 743.35 | Sale of Natural Gas to Village.

Section 743.36 | Delivery of Gas Outside of Municipal Corporation - Sales for Manufacturing Purposes.

Section 743.37 | Laying of Gas Pipes - Assessment of Costs.

Section 743.38 | Contracts to Supply Municipal Corporation With Electric Light or Gas.

Section 743.39 | Right of Eminent Domain in Municipal Corporations for Public Service Enterprises.

Section 743.40 | Manner of Appropriation - Restrictions Thereon.

Section 743.41 | Property Not to Be Appropriated Without Consent of Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.42 | Construction Restrictions.

Section 743.43 | Further Powers of Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.44 | Power of Municipal Corporation Outside Corporate Limits to Provide Natural Gas.

Section 743.45 | Municipal Corporation May Request Public Utilities Commission to Review Electric Rates.

Section 743.50 | Maintenance of Buffer Property Near Municipal Water Source.

Section 743.99 | Penalty.