Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 743 | Utilities - Electric; Gas; Water
Section 743.03 | Duties of Director of Public Service.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The director of public service shall manage, conduct, and control the water works of a municipal corporation, furnish supplies of water, collect water rents, and appoint any necessary officers and agents.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 743 | Utilities - Electric; Gas; Water

Section 743.01 | General Powers of Legislative Authority.

Section 743.02 | Bylaws and Regulations.

Section 743.03 | Duties of Director of Public Service.

Section 743.04 | Assessment and Collection of Water Rents.

Section 743.05 | Disposition of Surplus Funds.

Section 743.06 | Proceeds From Water Works to Be a Separate Fund.

Section 743.07 | Director May Make Certain Contracts.

Section 743.08 | Investigation by Legislative Authority.

Section 743.09 | Water Supply Free for Certain Purposes.

Section 743.10 | Protection to Attachments.

Section 743.11 | Bond of Contractor - Emergency.

Section 743.12 | Extension of Public Utility Service Beyond Municipal Corporation Limits.

Section 743.13 | Expense of Service Outside Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.14 | Supervision of Territory Having Water Service Outside Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.15 | Disposition of Aqueducts and Water Pipes in Case of Annexation.

Section 743.16 | Regulation and Protection of Aqueducts and Water Pipes.

Section 743.17 | Water Works in Contiguous Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.18 | Authority to Supply Other Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.19 | Construction of Water Works by Two or More Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.20 | Ownership of Water Works When Municipal Corporations Are Annexed.

Section 743.21 | Termination of Contract Upon Annexation.

Section 743.22 | Tax for Payment of Interest, Lien on Property.

Section 743.23 | Laying Pipes in Highway.

Section 743.24 | Municipal Corporations May Contract for a Water Supply - Contract to Be Submitted to a Vote.

Section 743.25 | Jurisdiction of Municipal Corporations to Prevent Water Pollution.

Section 743.26 | Regulation of Price of Electric Light, Gas, Sewage Disposal, and Water.

Section 743.27 | Free Use of Municipally Owned Public Utilities.

Section 743.28 | Negotiation of One-Price Schedule Contract.

Section 743.29 | Surveys for Construction and Repair of Public Works of Municipal Corporations.

Section 743.30 | Occupation of Streets by Legislative Authority for Gas Purposes.

Section 743.31 | Forfeiture of Charter for Neglect to Furnish Gas - Exception.

Section 743.32 | Provision by Legislative Authority for Electric Current and Gas Inspection.

Section 743.33 | Exclusive Monopoly Shall Not Be Allowed to Gas Companies.

Section 743.34 | Legislative Authority May Erect or Purchase Gas or Electric Works.

Section 743.35 | Sale of Natural Gas to Village.

Section 743.36 | Delivery of Gas Outside of Municipal Corporation - Sales for Manufacturing Purposes.

Section 743.37 | Laying of Gas Pipes - Assessment of Costs.

Section 743.38 | Contracts to Supply Municipal Corporation With Electric Light or Gas.

Section 743.39 | Right of Eminent Domain in Municipal Corporations for Public Service Enterprises.

Section 743.40 | Manner of Appropriation - Restrictions Thereon.

Section 743.41 | Property Not to Be Appropriated Without Consent of Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.42 | Construction Restrictions.

Section 743.43 | Further Powers of Municipal Corporation.

Section 743.44 | Power of Municipal Corporation Outside Corporate Limits to Provide Natural Gas.

Section 743.45 | Municipal Corporation May Request Public Utilities Commission to Review Electric Rates.

Section 743.50 | Maintenance of Buffer Property Near Municipal Water Source.

Section 743.99 | Penalty.