Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 731 | Organization
Section 731.33 | Words Which Shall Be Printed in Red.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
At the top of each part of the petition mentioned in section 731.32 of the Revised Code, the following words shall be printed in red:
Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter is liable to prosecution.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 731 | Organization

Section 731.01 | Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.02 | Qualifications of Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.03 | Election and Term of Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.04 | Officers of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.05 | Powers of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.06 | Division of City Into Wards.

Section 731.07 | Salaries Shall Not Be Changed During Term.

Section 731.08 | Power of Legislative Authority as to Salaries and Bonds.

Section 731.09 | Members of Village Legislative Authority - Election - Terms of Office.

Section 731.091 | Elimination of Staggered Terms of Office.

Section 731.10 | President Pro Tempore of the Legislative Authority - Employees.

Section 731.11 | Vacancy When President Pro Tempore Becomes Mayor.

Section 731.12 | Qualifications of Members of Village Legislative Authority.

Section 731.13 | Compensation and Bonds of Village Officers, Clerks and Employees.

Section 731.14 | Contracts by Legislative Authority of a Village - Exception.

Section 731.141 | Village Administrator to Make Contracts and Purchases.

Section 731.15 | Bids and Proceedings.

Section 731.16 | Alterations or Modifications of Contracts.

Section 731.17 | Passage of Ordinances and Resolutions.

Section 731.18 | Style of Ordinances.

Section 731.19 | Subject and Amendment of Bylaws, Ordinances, and Resolutions.

Section 731.20 | Authentication and Recording.

Section 731.21 | Publication of Ordinances and Resolutions.

Section 731.211 | Method of Giving Notice of Proposed Charter Amendments.

Section 731.22 | Times of Publication Required.

Section 731.23 | Publication and Certification of Ordinances in Book Form.

Section 731.231 | Adopting Standard or Technical Ordinances and Codes.

Section 731.24 | Certificate of Clerk as to Publication.

Section 731.25 | Publication When No Newspaper in Municipal Corporation.

Section 731.26 | Effect of Not Making Publication.

Section 731.27 | Mayor's Veto in Cities.

Section 731.28 | Ordinances and Measures Proposed by Initiative Petition.

Section 731.29 | Petition for Referendum.

Section 731.30 | Application of Sections.

Section 731.31 | Presentation of Petition.

Section 731.32 | Copy of Proposed Ordinance or Measure Filed With Auditor or Clerk.

Section 731.33 | Words Which Shall Be Printed in Red.

Section 731.34 | Designation of Committee Filing Petition.

Section 731.35 | Itemized Statement by Circulator of Petition.

Section 731.36 | Prohibited Practices Relative to Petitions.

Section 731.38 | Prohibition Against Accepting Premium for Signing.

Section 731.40 | Prohibition Against Threats in Securing Signatures.

Section 731.41 | Charter Municipal Corporations.

Section 731.42 | Bylaws and Ordinances as Evidence.

Section 731.43 | Vacancy in Village Legislative Authority.

Section 731.44 | Judge of Election and Qualification of Members - Quorum and Special Meetings.

Section 731.45 | Rules - Journal - Expulsion of Members.

Section 731.46 | Meetings of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.47 | General Powers.

Section 731.48 | Contract Restrictions.

Section 731.49 | Failure to Take Oath or Give Bond.

Section 731.50 | Notice When New Bond Required.

Section 731.51 | Notice to Owner to Cut Noxious Weeds or Remove Litter - Service.

Section 731.52 | Fees for Service and Return.

Section 731.53 | Procedure When Owner Fails to Comply With Notice.

Section 731.54 | Written Return to County Auditor - Amount a Lien Upon Property.

Section 731.55 | Insurance for City Funds or Securities - Costs.

Section 731.56 | Investment of City Funds.

Section 731.57 | Investment Authorized - Limitations - Procedure.

Section 731.58 | Treasury Investment Account.

Section 731.59 | Custody of Municipal Securities.

Section 731.99 | Penalty.