Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 731 | Organization
Section 731.16 | Alterations or Modifications of Contracts.

Effective: September 28, 1965
Latest Legislation: House Bill 397 - 106th General Assembly
When it becomes necessary in the opinion of the legislative authority of a village, or, in the event a village administrator has been appointed as provided by section 735.271 of the Revised Code, the village administrator, in the prosecution of any work under contract, to make alterations or modifications in such contract, such alterations or modifications shall be made only by the legislative authority by resolution, or, in the event a village administrator has been appointed as provided by section 735.271 of the Revised Code, such alterations or modifications shall be made only by the village administrator in writing, but such resolution or written modification shall be of no effect until the price to be paid for the work and material, or both, under the altered or modified contract, has been agreed upon in writing and signed by the contractor, and by the mayor, or, in the event a village administrator has been appointed as provided by section 735.271 of the Revised Code, the village administrator on behalf of the village. No contractor shall recover anything for work or material because of any alteration or modification, unless such contract is made as provided by this section, nor shall he recover for such work or material, or either, more than the agreed price. The law relating to requiring bids and the awarding of contracts for public buildings, so far as they apply, shall remain in effect. A duplicate copy of each contract shall be filed in the office of the village treasurer.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 731 | Organization

Section 731.01 | Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.02 | Qualifications of Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.03 | Election and Term of Members of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.04 | Officers of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.05 | Powers of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.06 | Division of City Into Wards.

Section 731.07 | Salaries Shall Not Be Changed During Term.

Section 731.08 | Power of Legislative Authority as to Salaries and Bonds.

Section 731.09 | Members of Village Legislative Authority - Election - Terms of Office.

Section 731.091 | Elimination of Staggered Terms of Office.

Section 731.10 | President Pro Tempore of the Legislative Authority - Employees.

Section 731.11 | Vacancy When President Pro Tempore Becomes Mayor.

Section 731.12 | Qualifications of Members of Village Legislative Authority.

Section 731.13 | Compensation and Bonds of Village Officers, Clerks and Employees.

Section 731.14 | Contracts by Legislative Authority of a Village - Exception.

Section 731.141 | Village Administrator to Make Contracts and Purchases.

Section 731.15 | Bids and Proceedings.

Section 731.16 | Alterations or Modifications of Contracts.

Section 731.17 | Passage of Ordinances and Resolutions.

Section 731.18 | Style of Ordinances.

Section 731.19 | Subject and Amendment of Bylaws, Ordinances, and Resolutions.

Section 731.20 | Authentication and Recording.

Section 731.21 | Publication of Ordinances and Resolutions.

Section 731.211 | Method of Giving Notice of Proposed Charter Amendments.

Section 731.22 | Times of Publication Required.

Section 731.23 | Publication and Certification of Ordinances in Book Form.

Section 731.231 | Adopting Standard or Technical Ordinances and Codes.

Section 731.24 | Certificate of Clerk as to Publication.

Section 731.25 | Publication When No Newspaper in Municipal Corporation.

Section 731.26 | Effect of Not Making Publication.

Section 731.27 | Mayor's Veto in Cities.

Section 731.28 | Ordinances and Measures Proposed by Initiative Petition.

Section 731.29 | Petition for Referendum.

Section 731.30 | Application of Sections.

Section 731.31 | Presentation of Petition.

Section 731.32 | Copy of Proposed Ordinance or Measure Filed With Auditor or Clerk.

Section 731.33 | Words Which Shall Be Printed in Red.

Section 731.34 | Designation of Committee Filing Petition.

Section 731.35 | Itemized Statement by Circulator of Petition.

Section 731.36 | Prohibited Practices Relative to Petitions.

Section 731.38 | Prohibition Against Accepting Premium for Signing.

Section 731.40 | Prohibition Against Threats in Securing Signatures.

Section 731.41 | Charter Municipal Corporations.

Section 731.42 | Bylaws and Ordinances as Evidence.

Section 731.43 | Vacancy in Village Legislative Authority.

Section 731.44 | Judge of Election and Qualification of Members - Quorum and Special Meetings.

Section 731.45 | Rules - Journal - Expulsion of Members.

Section 731.46 | Meetings of Legislative Authority.

Section 731.47 | General Powers.

Section 731.48 | Contract Restrictions.

Section 731.49 | Failure to Take Oath or Give Bond.

Section 731.50 | Notice When New Bond Required.

Section 731.51 | Notice to Owner to Cut Noxious Weeds or Remove Litter - Service.

Section 731.52 | Fees for Service and Return.

Section 731.53 | Procedure When Owner Fails to Comply With Notice.

Section 731.54 | Written Return to County Auditor - Amount a Lien Upon Property.

Section 731.55 | Insurance for City Funds or Securities - Costs.

Section 731.56 | Investment of City Funds.

Section 731.57 | Investment Authorized - Limitations - Procedure.

Section 731.58 | Treasury Investment Account.

Section 731.59 | Custody of Municipal Securities.

Section 731.99 | Penalty.