Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 713 | Planning Commissions
Section 713.33 | Powers and Duties.

Effective: December 13, 1967
Latest Legislation: House Bill 460 - 107th General Assembly
(A) An interstate regional planning commission may make studies, maps, plans, and other reports relative to the region and shall recommend procedures and policies to the appropriate authorities, based on physical, social, economic, and governmental conditions and trends, to promote the coordinated development of the region and the general health, welfare, convenience, and prosperity of the people of the region. Such planning and coordination may reflect the following planning criteria:
(1) Goals, objectives, standards, and principles for the development of the region;
(2) The distribution and intensity of general land use and open space;
(3) The general circulation pattern for the region, including land, water and air transportation, and communication facilities, and continuing comprehensive transportation planning;
(4) The general location, character, and extent of public and private works and facilities which are of area-wide or regional, as distinguished from purely local, concern;
(5) Long-range programming and financing of capital projects and facilities.
(B) The commission shall:
(1) Review plans and proposals for projects and programs of interstate or regional significance which may be proposed by others;
(2) Review and make recommendations concerning administrative and regulatory measures to implement area-wide or regional plans;
(3) Review and make recommendations concerning effective utilization of such federal and state assistance as may be available on a regional basis or as may have a regional impact;
(4) Collect, analyze, and report on statistics and other information concerning traffic, housing, population, and social, economic, and physical conditions of the region;
(5) Exercise such other powers as are necessary and proper to further the coordinated development of the region;
(6) Conduct necessary investigations and research and cooperate with other public and private agencies or persons to conduct such investigations or research on planning problems affecting the region.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 7 | Municipal Corporations

Chapter 713 | Planning Commissions

Section 713.01 | Establishment of Planning Commissions.

Section 713.02 | Planning Commission - Powers and Duties.

Section 713.03 | Planning Commission Shall Be Platting Commission.

Section 713.04 | Control as to Buildings.

Section 713.05 | Employment of Architects and Engineers.

Section 713.06 | Division of Municipal Corporation Into Zones.

Section 713.07 | Restriction in Location of Buildings and Structures.

Section 713.08 | Restrictions on Height of Buildings and Structures.

Section 713.081 | Municipal Small Wind Farm Zoning Regulations.

Section 713.082 | Compliance With Orc Section 5502.031.

Section 713.09 | Restrictions on Bulk and Location of Buildings and Structures, Percentage of Lot Occupancy, and Set Back Building Lines.

Section 713.10 | Basis of Districting or Zoning - Classification of Buildings and Structures.

Section 713.11 | Administrative Board - Powers and Duties.

Section 713.12 | Zoning Regulations Notice and Hearing.

Section 713.121 | Statute of Limitations.

Section 713.13 | Injunction.

Section 713.14 | Effect of Zoning Regulations.

Section 713.15 | Nonconforming Uses.

Section 713.21 | Regional Planning Commission.

Section 713.22 | County Planning Commission.

Section 713.23 | Regional or County Planning Commission - Powers and Duties.

Section 713.231 | Joint Planning Councils - Organization.

Section 713.24 | Certified Copies of Plans to Each Municipal Corporation.

Section 713.25 | Effect of Adoption of Plans.

Section 713.26 | County Engineer Shall Assist Commission.

Section 713.27 | Plans to Be Filed With County Recorder.

Section 713.30 | Interstate Regional Planning Commission.

Section 713.31 | Members - Costs.

Section 713.32 | Compatibility of Offices.

Section 713.33 | Powers and Duties.

Section 713.34 | Administration.