Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The planning commission of any municipal corporation to which a regional or county plan is certified under section 713.24 of the Revised Code, may adopt such plan, and it shall thereupon have the same force within such municipal corporation as is provided by law or charter for plans prepared and adopted by the local planning commission. The board of county commissioners may adopt such plan so far as it relates to nonmunicipal territory. Thereafter no public building, roadway, bridge, viaduct, or other public improvement or utility, publicly or privated owned, whose construction or location would constitute a departure from the plan, shall be constructed or authorized by the board except by unanimous vote. Such plans shall not designate the specific lots or parcels of land upon which such system, facilities, buildings, and improvements are proposed to be placed, but only the general site or location thereof. The effect of the adoption of such plan by the board shall cease as regards the location of any sewage or garbage disposal plant, and no official action of the board shall be controlled thereby in such respect, unless the site shown on the plan as the location of such plant is purchased within six months after the adoption of the plan by the board, or unless proceedings for the appropriation of the necessary property are commenced within a period of six months and such property is then or thereafter appropriated in such proceedings.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 7 | Municipal Corporations
Chapter 713 | Planning Commissions
Section 713.01 | Establishment of Planning Commissions.
Section 713.02 | Planning Commission - Powers and Duties.
Section 713.03 | Planning Commission Shall Be Platting Commission.
Section 713.04 | Control as to Buildings.
Section 713.05 | Employment of Architects and Engineers.
Section 713.06 | Division of Municipal Corporation Into Zones.
Section 713.07 | Restriction in Location of Buildings and Structures.
Section 713.08 | Restrictions on Height of Buildings and Structures.
Section 713.081 | Municipal Small Wind Farm Zoning Regulations.
Section 713.082 | Compliance With Orc Section 5502.031.
Section 713.10 | Basis of Districting or Zoning - Classification of Buildings and Structures.
Section 713.11 | Administrative Board - Powers and Duties.
Section 713.12 | Zoning Regulations Notice and Hearing.
Section 713.121 | Statute of Limitations.
Section 713.14 | Effect of Zoning Regulations.
Section 713.15 | Nonconforming Uses.
Section 713.21 | Regional Planning Commission.
Section 713.22 | County Planning Commission.
Section 713.23 | Regional or County Planning Commission - Powers and Duties.
Section 713.231 | Joint Planning Councils - Organization.
Section 713.24 | Certified Copies of Plans to Each Municipal Corporation.
Section 713.25 | Effect of Adoption of Plans.
Section 713.26 | County Engineer Shall Assist Commission.
Section 713.27 | Plans to Be Filed With County Recorder.
Section 713.30 | Interstate Regional Planning Commission.
Section 713.31 | Members - Costs.
Section 713.32 | Compatibility of Offices.