Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5533 | Memorial Highways
Section 5533.61 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.

Effective: September 24, 1986
Latest Legislation: House Bill 60 - 116th General Assembly
The road known as United States route number forty-two running in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction, commencing at the boundary of the municipal corporation of Xenia and extending to the boundary of the municipal corporation of Cedarville, shall be known as "Martin Luther King, Jr. boulevard."
The director of transportation may erect suitable markers upon the highway indicating its name.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges

Chapter 5533 | Memorial Highways

Section 5533.01 | Markers on State and Federal Highways at Points Crossed by Morgan's Raiders.

Section 5533.02 | Atlantic and Pacific Highway.

Section 5533.03 | Grand Army of the Republic Highway.

Section 5533.04 | General Mcpherson Highway and Ohio Medal of Honor Highway.

Section 5533.05 | United Spanish War Veterans Memorial Highway - Scioto Trail.

Section 5533.051 | Branch Rickey Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.052 | Staff Sergeant Christopher L. Brown Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.053 | Captain Everett "Butch" Keaton Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.06 | Thirty-Seventh Division Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.061 | u.s. Army Specialist Ryan A. Martin Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.07 | Forty-Second Rainbow Division Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.071 | Warren County Veterans Highway.

Section 5533.08 | Eighty-Third Division Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.09 | Military Order of the Purple Heart Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.091 | The Luke 'Doc' Emch and Matt 'Doc' Conte Corpsmen Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.092 | Peter J. Delucia Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.093 | Corporal Jason J. Hernandez Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.094 | Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Deyarmin, jr., Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.095 | Staff Sergeant Howard E. Woodford Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.096 | Second Lieutenant David E. Rylander Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.097 | Army Specialist Nicholaus E. Zimmer Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.10 | George Washington Highway.

Section 5533.101 | Lcpl Nicholas B. Erdy Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.102 | Pfc. Zachary Gullett Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.103 | Ryan Seitz Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.104 | Lance Cpl. Aaron Reed Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.11 | General Duncan Mcarthur Highway.

Section 5533.12 | Sherman-Sheridan-Stanton-Custer Highway.

Section 5533.121 | u.s. Army Staff Sergeant Lester O. Kinney II Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.13 | Governor Thomas Kirker Highway.

Section 5533.14 | Wright Brothers Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.15 | Governor Robert Lucas Highway.

Section 5533.16 | Johnny Appleseed Highway.

Section 5533.17 | Gold Star Mothers' Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.171 | Sergeant Dennis E. Kancler Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.18 | Thomas A. Edison Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.181 | Staff Sgt. James P. Hunter Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.182 | Sfc. Charles L. Adkins Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.19 | Tom Jenkins Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.191 | Lance Corporal Jeremy S. Shock Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.20 | Old Zane Trace Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.21 | Jeremiah Morrow Bridge.

Section 5533.22 | Camp Sherman Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.23 | Simon Kenton Trace Highway.

Section 5533.24 | American Legion Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.241 | Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.242 | William L. Mallory, Sr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.25 | Donald H. Rolf Circle Freeway.

Section 5533.251 | s.sgt. Matt Maupin Veteran's Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.252 | Sgt. Steven Conover - Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.253 | Lance Cpl. Brett Wightman - Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.254 | Sergeant David Kreuter Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.255 | Staff Sergeant Wesley Williams Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.26 | James A. Rhodes Appalachian Highway.

Section 5533.261 | Dana G. "Buck" Rinehart Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.27 | Great Seal Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.28 | Lake to River Highway.

Section 5533.281 | Marine Private Henry Kalinowski Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.29 | General Thaddeus Kosciusko Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.30 | Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.301 | Staff Sgt. Jesse Ault Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.31 | Christopher Columbus Highway.

Section 5533.311 | Captain Dennis Pintor Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.32 | Disabled American Veterans' Highway.

Section 5533.321 | First Lieutenant John M. Runkle, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.322 | Master Sergeant Shawn T. Hannon Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.323 | Army Pfc Robert S. Sombati, Vietnam Bsm and Olc Ph, Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.324 | Army Pvt. Brandon Sloan Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.33 | Trooper James R. Gross Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.331 | Deputy Brandy Winfield Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.332 | Corporal Brad D. Squires Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.333 | Sgt. Jeremy Murray Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.334 | Lance Corporal Thomas O. Keeling Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.335 | Lance Corporal David Raymond Baker Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.34 | Melvin E. Newlin Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.341 | Coxswain Robert B. Wood Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.342 | Corporal Ernest G. Madden Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.35 | AMVETS Highway.

Section 5533.351 | The Ohio Veterans Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.352 | Cpl. Joshua Harmon Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.353 | Lance Corporal David Mendez Ruiz Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.354 | Lcpl Danny Scherry Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.355 | u.s. Marine Lance Corporal David R. Hall Highway.

Section 5533.356 | Sheriff's Lieutenant John P. Gisclon Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.357 | Army Specialist Gavin Colburn Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.358 | Air Force Master Sergeant Brad Clemmons Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.359 | George v. Voinovich Bridge.

Section 5533.36 | Lou Groza Highway.

Section 5533.37 | Vietnam Veterans' of America Highway.

Section 5533.371 | Pfc. Ralph Dias Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.372 | Staff Sgt. Matthew J. Kuglics Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.373 | Senior Airman Alecia Good Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.374 | u.s.m.c. Pvt. Heath Warner Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.375 | Army Specialist Four Robert J. Urbassik Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.376 | Army Corporal Keith Nepsa Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.377 | Lance Corporal Peter James Clore Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.378 | u.s.m.c. Sgt. Daniel J. Patron Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.379 | Staff Sergeant Joshua Gire Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.38 | Edward J. Parish Highway.

Section 5533.39 | Walter Smokey Alston Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.40 | William Hopalong Cassidy Boyd Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.41 | General Walter Churchill Highway.

Section 5533.411 | Sheriff's Sgt. Robert "Bobby" Elliott Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.42 | William J. Brown Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.43 | Mcclernon-Skyway Memorial Drive.

Section 5533.44 | Rosa Parks Highway.

Section 5533.45 | Art Bowers Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.46 | u.s. Grant Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.461 | u.s.m.c. Lcpl Jonathan Etterling Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.462 | Southern Ohio Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.463 | Specialist 4 Samuel A. Johnson Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.464 | u.s.m.c. Lcpl. Daniel G. Zegarac Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.47 | Catholic War Veterans of u.s.a. Highway.

Section 5533.471 | Elder High School Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.48 | Cliff Skeen Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.49 | Simon Kenton Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.491 | Ron Burton Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.50 | John Kalaman and Robert O'toole Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.51 | William Green Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.511 | Chief Petty Officer Raymond Border Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.52 | Korean War Veterans' Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.53 | Annie Oakley Memorial Pike.

Section 5533.531 | Earle Baltes Highway.

Section 5533.54 | a.g. Lancione Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.541 | First Lt. Christopher Rutherford Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.542 | u.s. Army Specialist Allen Nolan Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.543 | Spc. Donald S. "Scott" Morrison Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.544 | Spc. Michael B. Cook, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.545 | Sgt. Charles J. Webb Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.546 | Capt. Bartt D. Owens Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.55 | Reverend Dr. Sam Wells, jr., Memorial Viaduct.

Section 5533.56 | Freedom Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.57 | Judge Kenneth B. Ater Bridge.

Section 5533.58 | Governor James A. Rhodes Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.59 | Bill Mazeroski Highway.

Section 5533.591 | Captain Nick Hauck Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.592 | u.s.m.c. Sgt. Nathaniel Shae Rock Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.60 | Joseph Guy Lapointe, Jr. Memorial Parkway.

Section 5533.601 | Lance Cpl. Kevin S. Smith Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.602 | Sampson Harris Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.603 | Freeman C. Thompson Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.604 | Sergeant Jeremy D. Barnett Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.605 | Cpl. Samuel F. Pearson Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.606 | Major Rocco Barnes Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.607 | Navy Hospitalman Richard "Doc" Powell Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.608 | Master Sergeant Adam F. Benjamin Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.609 | Sgt. Louis Torres Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.61 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.

Section 5533.62 | u.s.a.f. Pararescue Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.621 | Captain Seth Mitchell Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.622 | Chief Warrant Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.623 | Deputy Marty Martin Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.624 | Corporal Lucas C. Scott Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.625 | Specialist William Seth Blevins Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.626 | First Lt. Ashley White Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.627 | Sgt. Michael Barkey Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.628 | Captain Daniel Stiles Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.629 | Sgt. James L. Smith Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.63 | Marine Corps League Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.631 | Edward K. Core, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.632 | Brian Montgomery Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.633 | Sergeant Bryan W. Large Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.634 | Sergeant Justin T. Walsh Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.635 | Corporal Jeffrey A. Boskovitch Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.636 | Sgt. 1st Class Daniel B. Crabtree Memorial Road.

Section 5533.637 | Captain Robert C. Hess Jr. Veterans Bridge.

Section 5533.638 | Staff Sergeant Jimmy G. Stewart Veterans Bridge.

Section 5533.639 | Lt. Lloyd Thomas Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.64 | Thomas A. Van Meter Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.641 | Staff Sergeant Bradley C. Hart Memorial Roadway.

Section 5533.642 | Robert E. Netzley Highway.

Section 5533.643 | Robert E. Hagan Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.644 | Senator William Bowen Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.645 | Army Specialist Jesse Adam Snow Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.646 | Pfc. Douglas E. Dickey Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.647 | Spc. Adam S. Hamilton Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.648 | Deputy Suzanne Hopper Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.649 | Officer William J. Hetrick Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.65 | Wayne Embry Way.

Section 5533.66 | Jackie Mayer Miss America Highway.

Section 5533.67 | Troy Lee James Highway.

Section 5533.679 | Trooper Charles v. Vogel, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.68 | Trooper Frank G. Vazquez Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.681 | Trooper Wendy G. Everett Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.682 | Patrolman Jerry R. Neff Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.683 | Trooper Jody S. Dye Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.684 | Deputy Lawrence Barnes Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.685 | Officer Brett Markwood Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.686 | Officer Thomas F. Patton II Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.687 | Trooper Andrew C. Baldridge Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.688 | Trooper George Conn Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.689 | Specialist Damon G. Winkleman Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.6810 | Patrolman David L. Sterner Memorial Interchange.

Section 5533.69 | Governor William Bebb Bicentennial Roadway.

Section 5533.70 | Governor James M. Cox Bicentennial Roadway.

Section 5533.71 | Governor James E. Campbell Bicentennial Roadway.

Section 5533.72 | Governor Andrew L. Harris Bicentennial Roadway.

Section 5533.725 | Marine Corporal Paul W. Zanowick II Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.73 | William R. Foster Bridge.

Section 5533.732 | Dominic "Dee Dee" Modarelli Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.74 | Butler County Veterans Highway.

Section 5533.75 | Deputy Ethan Collins Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.751 | Patrolman George Brentar Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.752 | Sergeant Brian Dulle Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.755 | Pfc. Jeffrey L. Rice Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.76 | Pfc. David C. Armstrong Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.761 | Lance Corporal Daniel Mcvicker Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.762 | Sgt. Robert M. Carr Memorial Interchange.

Section 5533.763 | Army Staff Sgt. Shamus O. Goare Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.764 | Army Private Jason L. Sparks Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.765 | Army Sgt. Keith Kline Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.766 | Army Sgt. Jon Martin Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.767 | Staff Sgt. Kevin J. Kessler Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.768 | u.s. Army Cpl. Zachary Grass Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.769 | Lt. Jason S. Manse Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.77 | Staff Sgt. Kendall H. Ivy II Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.771 | Deputy Chad Edwards Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.772 | Sgt. Marco Miller Memorial Interchange.

Section 5533.773 | Sra Kenneth P. Hauprich, jr., Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.774 | Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Highway and Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Trail.

Section 5533.775 | Colonel Wilbur Blount, m.d., Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.78 | The Ohio Veterans Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.781 | Persian Gulf Veterans Bridge.

Section 5533.782 | Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Bridge.

Section 5533.783 | World War I Veterans Highway.

Section 5533.785 | Staff Sgt. Sean Landrus Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.79 | Heritage Parkway.

Section 5533.791 | Lance Corporal Taylor Prazynski Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.80 | Crile-Lower Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.81 | Veterans' Glass City Skyway.

Section 5533.811 | Henry County Veterans Bridge.

Section 5533.812 | Oakley C. Collins Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.813 | Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.82 | Kenneth Jute-John Garman Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.821 | Staff Sgt. Sonny Zimmerman Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.83 | Bob Evans Highway.

Section 5533.84 | Nehemia and Permelia Atwood Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.85 | Charles E. Holzer Highway.

Section 5533.86 | Ohio Army National Guard 216th Engineering Battalion Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.861 | 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry Highway.

Section 5533.87 | Veterans' Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.871 | Major James W. Reed Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.872 | Guernsey County Veterans - Flags of Honor Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.88 | Defiance County Veterans Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.881 | Ashland County Veterans' Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.89 | Bill Hinig Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.90 | Lawrence E. Hughes Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.901 | Captain Nicholas J. Rozanski Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.902 | Master Sergeant Jeffrey J. Rieck Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.903 | Lt. Miroslav Steven Zilberman Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.91 | Lcpl Andy Nowacki Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.92 | Carl B. Stokes Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.93 | Union Workers Memorial Bridge.

Section 5533.931 | Fred Krum Memorial Interchange.

Section 5533.932 | Corporal Brad Anthony Davis Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.94 | Cpl. Joshua Harmon Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.941 | Cpl. Kenneth Tyler Butler Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.95 | William Holmes Mcguffey Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.96 | Sgt. Michael W. Finke, jr., Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.961 | Sgt. Mark T. Smykowski Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.97 | Sgt. Kurt D. Schamberg, Orwell Veterans Highway.

Section 5533.971 | Sgt. David J. Luff, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.972 | Sgt. James C. Robinson, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.973 | Lcpl. Billy D. Spencer Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.974 | Cpl. Lucas T. Pyeatt Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.975 | Pfc Timothy J. Hines, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.976 | Sfc Gregory S. Rogers Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.977 | Sfc William B. Woods, Jr. Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.978 | Sgt. John P. Huling Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.979 | Staff Sgt. Robert A. Massarelli Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.98 | Cpl. Nicholas H. Olivas Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.981 | Pfc Marlin T. Rockhold Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.982 | Pfc James Miller, IV Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.983 | 1 Sg Ricky L. Mcginnis Memorial Highway.

Section 5533.984 | Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jody L. Egnor Memorial Highway.