Effective: September 16, 1998
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 229 - 122nd General Assembly
That portion of the highway known as United States route number two hundred twenty-four, running in a westerly to easterly direction, commencing at the junction with state route two hundred forty-one in Summit county and extending to state route ninety-one shall be known as the "Cliff Skeen Memorial Highway."
The director of transportation may erect suitable markers upon the highways indicating its name.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges
Chapter 5533 | Memorial Highways
Section 5533.01 | Markers on State and Federal Highways at Points Crossed by Morgan's Raiders.
Section 5533.02 | Atlantic and Pacific Highway.
Section 5533.03 | Grand Army of the Republic Highway.
Section 5533.04 | General Mcpherson Highway and Ohio Medal of Honor Highway.
Section 5533.05 | United Spanish War Veterans Memorial Highway - Scioto Trail.
Section 5533.051 | Branch Rickey Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.052 | Staff Sergeant Christopher L. Brown Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.053 | Captain Everett "Butch" Keaton Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.06 | Thirty-Seventh Division Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.061 | u.s. Army Specialist Ryan A. Martin Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.07 | Forty-Second Rainbow Division Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.071 | Warren County Veterans Highway.
Section 5533.08 | Eighty-Third Division Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.09 | Military Order of the Purple Heart Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.091 | The Luke 'Doc' Emch and Matt 'Doc' Conte Corpsmen Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.092 | Peter J. Delucia Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.093 | Corporal Jason J. Hernandez Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.094 | Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Deyarmin, jr., Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.095 | Staff Sergeant Howard E. Woodford Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.096 | Second Lieutenant David E. Rylander Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.097 | Army Specialist Nicholaus E. Zimmer Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.10 | George Washington Highway.
Section 5533.101 | Lcpl Nicholas B. Erdy Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.102 | Pfc. Zachary Gullett Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.103 | Ryan Seitz Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.104 | Lance Cpl. Aaron Reed Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.11 | General Duncan Mcarthur Highway.
Section 5533.12 | Sherman-Sheridan-Stanton-Custer Highway.
Section 5533.121 | u.s. Army Staff Sergeant Lester O. Kinney II Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.13 | Governor Thomas Kirker Highway.
Section 5533.14 | Wright Brothers Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.15 | Governor Robert Lucas Highway.
Section 5533.16 | Johnny Appleseed Highway.
Section 5533.17 | Gold Star Mothers' Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.171 | Sergeant Dennis E. Kancler Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.18 | Thomas A. Edison Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.181 | Staff Sgt. James P. Hunter Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.182 | Sfc. Charles L. Adkins Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.19 | Tom Jenkins Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.191 | Lance Corporal Jeremy S. Shock Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.20 | Old Zane Trace Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.21 | Jeremiah Morrow Bridge.
Section 5533.22 | Camp Sherman Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.23 | Simon Kenton Trace Highway.
Section 5533.24 | American Legion Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.241 | Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.242 | William L. Mallory, Sr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.25 | Donald H. Rolf Circle Freeway.
Section 5533.251 | s.sgt. Matt Maupin Veteran's Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.252 | Sgt. Steven Conover - Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.253 | Lance Cpl. Brett Wightman - Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.254 | Sergeant David Kreuter Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.255 | Staff Sergeant Wesley Williams Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.26 | James A. Rhodes Appalachian Highway.
Section 5533.261 | Dana G. "Buck" Rinehart Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.27 | Great Seal Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.28 | Lake to River Highway.
Section 5533.281 | Marine Private Henry Kalinowski Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.29 | General Thaddeus Kosciusko Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.30 | Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.301 | Staff Sgt. Jesse Ault Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.31 | Christopher Columbus Highway.
Section 5533.311 | Captain Dennis Pintor Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.32 | Disabled American Veterans' Highway.
Section 5533.321 | First Lieutenant John M. Runkle, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.322 | Master Sergeant Shawn T. Hannon Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.323 | Army Pfc Robert S. Sombati, Vietnam Bsm and Olc Ph, Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.324 | Army Pvt. Brandon Sloan Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.33 | Trooper James R. Gross Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.331 | Deputy Brandy Winfield Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.332 | Corporal Brad D. Squires Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.333 | Sgt. Jeremy Murray Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.334 | Lance Corporal Thomas O. Keeling Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.335 | Lance Corporal David Raymond Baker Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.34 | Melvin E. Newlin Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.341 | Coxswain Robert B. Wood Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.342 | Corporal Ernest G. Madden Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.35 | AMVETS Highway.
Section 5533.351 | The Ohio Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.352 | Cpl. Joshua Harmon Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.353 | Lance Corporal David Mendez Ruiz Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.354 | Lcpl Danny Scherry Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.355 | u.s. Marine Lance Corporal David R. Hall Highway.
Section 5533.356 | Sheriff's Lieutenant John P. Gisclon Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.357 | Army Specialist Gavin Colburn Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.358 | Air Force Master Sergeant Brad Clemmons Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.359 | George v. Voinovich Bridge.
Section 5533.36 | Lou Groza Highway.
Section 5533.37 | Vietnam Veterans' of America Highway.
Section 5533.371 | Pfc. Ralph Dias Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.372 | Staff Sgt. Matthew J. Kuglics Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.373 | Senior Airman Alecia Good Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.374 | u.s.m.c. Pvt. Heath Warner Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.375 | Army Specialist Four Robert J. Urbassik Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.376 | Army Corporal Keith Nepsa Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.377 | Lance Corporal Peter James Clore Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.378 | u.s.m.c. Sgt. Daniel J. Patron Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.379 | Staff Sergeant Joshua Gire Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.38 | Edward J. Parish Highway.
Section 5533.39 | Walter Smokey Alston Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.40 | William Hopalong Cassidy Boyd Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.41 | General Walter Churchill Highway.
Section 5533.411 | Sheriff's Sgt. Robert "Bobby" Elliott Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.42 | William J. Brown Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.43 | Mcclernon-Skyway Memorial Drive.
Section 5533.44 | Rosa Parks Highway.
Section 5533.45 | Art Bowers Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.46 | u.s. Grant Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.461 | u.s.m.c. Lcpl Jonathan Etterling Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.462 | Southern Ohio Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.463 | Specialist 4 Samuel A. Johnson Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.464 | u.s.m.c. Lcpl. Daniel G. Zegarac Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.47 | Catholic War Veterans of u.s.a. Highway.
Section 5533.471 | Elder High School Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.48 | Cliff Skeen Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.49 | Simon Kenton Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.491 | Ron Burton Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.50 | John Kalaman and Robert O'toole Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.51 | William Green Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.511 | Chief Petty Officer Raymond Border Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.52 | Korean War Veterans' Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.53 | Annie Oakley Memorial Pike.
Section 5533.531 | Earle Baltes Highway.
Section 5533.54 | a.g. Lancione Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.541 | First Lt. Christopher Rutherford Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.542 | u.s. Army Specialist Allen Nolan Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.543 | Spc. Donald S. "Scott" Morrison Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.544 | Spc. Michael B. Cook, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.545 | Sgt. Charles J. Webb Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.546 | Capt. Bartt D. Owens Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.55 | Reverend Dr. Sam Wells, jr., Memorial Viaduct.
Section 5533.56 | Freedom Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.57 | Judge Kenneth B. Ater Bridge.
Section 5533.58 | Governor James A. Rhodes Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.59 | Bill Mazeroski Highway.
Section 5533.591 | Captain Nick Hauck Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.592 | u.s.m.c. Sgt. Nathaniel Shae Rock Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.60 | Joseph Guy Lapointe, Jr. Memorial Parkway.
Section 5533.601 | Lance Cpl. Kevin S. Smith Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.602 | Sampson Harris Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.603 | Freeman C. Thompson Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.604 | Sergeant Jeremy D. Barnett Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.605 | Cpl. Samuel F. Pearson Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.606 | Major Rocco Barnes Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.607 | Navy Hospitalman Richard "Doc" Powell Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.608 | Master Sergeant Adam F. Benjamin Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.609 | Sgt. Louis Torres Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.61 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
Section 5533.62 | u.s.a.f. Pararescue Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.621 | Captain Seth Mitchell Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.622 | Chief Warrant Officer Christopher R. Thibodeau Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.623 | Deputy Marty Martin Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.624 | Corporal Lucas C. Scott Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.625 | Specialist William Seth Blevins Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.626 | First Lt. Ashley White Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.627 | Sgt. Michael Barkey Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.628 | Captain Daniel Stiles Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.629 | Sgt. James L. Smith Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.63 | Marine Corps League Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.631 | Edward K. Core, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.632 | Brian Montgomery Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.633 | Sergeant Bryan W. Large Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.634 | Sergeant Justin T. Walsh Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.635 | Corporal Jeffrey A. Boskovitch Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.636 | Sgt. 1st Class Daniel B. Crabtree Memorial Road.
Section 5533.637 | Captain Robert C. Hess Jr. Veterans Bridge.
Section 5533.638 | Staff Sergeant Jimmy G. Stewart Veterans Bridge.
Section 5533.639 | Lt. Lloyd Thomas Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.64 | Thomas A. Van Meter Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.641 | Staff Sergeant Bradley C. Hart Memorial Roadway.
Section 5533.642 | Robert E. Netzley Highway.
Section 5533.643 | Robert E. Hagan Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.644 | Senator William Bowen Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.645 | Army Specialist Jesse Adam Snow Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.646 | Pfc. Douglas E. Dickey Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.647 | Spc. Adam S. Hamilton Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.648 | Deputy Suzanne Hopper Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.649 | Officer William J. Hetrick Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.65 | Wayne Embry Way.
Section 5533.66 | Jackie Mayer Miss America Highway.
Section 5533.67 | Troy Lee James Highway.
Section 5533.679 | Trooper Charles v. Vogel, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.68 | Trooper Frank G. Vazquez Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.681 | Trooper Wendy G. Everett Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.682 | Patrolman Jerry R. Neff Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.683 | Trooper Jody S. Dye Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.684 | Deputy Lawrence Barnes Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.685 | Officer Brett Markwood Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.686 | Officer Thomas F. Patton II Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.687 | Trooper Andrew C. Baldridge Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.688 | Trooper George Conn Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.689 | Specialist Damon G. Winkleman Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.6810 | Patrolman David L. Sterner Memorial Interchange.
Section 5533.69 | Governor William Bebb Bicentennial Roadway.
Section 5533.70 | Governor James M. Cox Bicentennial Roadway.
Section 5533.71 | Governor James E. Campbell Bicentennial Roadway.
Section 5533.72 | Governor Andrew L. Harris Bicentennial Roadway.
Section 5533.725 | Marine Corporal Paul W. Zanowick II Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.73 | William R. Foster Bridge.
Section 5533.732 | Dominic "Dee Dee" Modarelli Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.74 | Butler County Veterans Highway.
Section 5533.75 | Deputy Ethan Collins Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.751 | Patrolman George Brentar Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.752 | Sergeant Brian Dulle Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.755 | Pfc. Jeffrey L. Rice Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.76 | Pfc. David C. Armstrong Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.761 | Lance Corporal Daniel Mcvicker Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.762 | Sgt. Robert M. Carr Memorial Interchange.
Section 5533.763 | Army Staff Sgt. Shamus O. Goare Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.764 | Army Private Jason L. Sparks Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.765 | Army Sgt. Keith Kline Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.766 | Army Sgt. Jon Martin Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.767 | Staff Sgt. Kevin J. Kessler Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.768 | u.s. Army Cpl. Zachary Grass Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.769 | Lt. Jason S. Manse Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.77 | Staff Sgt. Kendall H. Ivy II Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.771 | Deputy Chad Edwards Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.772 | Sgt. Marco Miller Memorial Interchange.
Section 5533.773 | Sra Kenneth P. Hauprich, jr., Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.774 | Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Highway and Tuskegee Airmen Memorial Trail.
Section 5533.775 | Colonel Wilbur Blount, m.d., Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.78 | The Ohio Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.781 | Persian Gulf Veterans Bridge.
Section 5533.782 | Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Bridge.
Section 5533.783 | World War I Veterans Highway.
Section 5533.785 | Staff Sgt. Sean Landrus Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.79 | Heritage Parkway.
Section 5533.791 | Lance Corporal Taylor Prazynski Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.80 | Crile-Lower Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.81 | Veterans' Glass City Skyway.
Section 5533.811 | Henry County Veterans Bridge.
Section 5533.812 | Oakley C. Collins Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.813 | Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.82 | Kenneth Jute-John Garman Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.821 | Staff Sgt. Sonny Zimmerman Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.83 | Bob Evans Highway.
Section 5533.84 | Nehemia and Permelia Atwood Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.85 | Charles E. Holzer Highway.
Section 5533.86 | Ohio Army National Guard 216th Engineering Battalion Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.861 | 78th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry Highway.
Section 5533.87 | Veterans' Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.871 | Major James W. Reed Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.872 | Guernsey County Veterans - Flags of Honor Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.88 | Defiance County Veterans Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.881 | Ashland County Veterans' Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.89 | Bill Hinig Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.90 | Lawrence E. Hughes Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.901 | Captain Nicholas J. Rozanski Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.902 | Master Sergeant Jeffrey J. Rieck Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.903 | Lt. Miroslav Steven Zilberman Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.91 | Lcpl Andy Nowacki Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.92 | Carl B. Stokes Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.93 | Union Workers Memorial Bridge.
Section 5533.931 | Fred Krum Memorial Interchange.
Section 5533.932 | Corporal Brad Anthony Davis Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.94 | Cpl. Joshua Harmon Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.941 | Cpl. Kenneth Tyler Butler Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.95 | William Holmes Mcguffey Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.96 | Sgt. Michael W. Finke, jr., Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.961 | Sgt. Mark T. Smykowski Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.97 | Sgt. Kurt D. Schamberg, Orwell Veterans Highway.
Section 5533.971 | Sgt. David J. Luff, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.972 | Sgt. James C. Robinson, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.973 | Lcpl. Billy D. Spencer Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.974 | Cpl. Lucas T. Pyeatt Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.975 | Pfc Timothy J. Hines, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.976 | Sfc Gregory S. Rogers Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.977 | Sfc William B. Woods, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.978 | Sgt. John P. Huling Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.979 | Staff Sgt. Robert A. Massarelli Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.98 | Cpl. Nicholas H. Olivas Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.981 | Pfc Marlin T. Rockhold Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.982 | Pfc James Miller, IV Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.983 | 1 Sg Ricky L. Mcginnis Memorial Highway.
Section 5533.984 | Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jody L. Egnor Memorial Highway.