Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 5501 | Department of Transportation
Section 5501.50 | Leases of Real Property Not Immediately Needed for Highway Purposes for Agricultural Purposes.

Effective: June 4, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 276 - 129th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "agricultural purposes" means commercial animal or poultry husbandry, or the production for a commercial purpose of field crops, tobacco, fruits, or vegetables. "Agricultural purposes" also includes algaculture meaning the farming of algae.
(B) Whenever the director of transportation acquires real property as provided in section 5501.32 of the Revised Code or otherwise acquires real property in fee simple in the name of the state for highway purposes and subsequently finds the property is not needed for such purposes, or will not be needed for such purposes for a period of two years or more following the date of acquisition of the property, and the property is adjacent to or in the near vicinity of property used for agricultural purposes, the director may, at the director's discretion, offer to lease the property for agricultural purposes for one year at a price consistent with rentals of adjacent agricultural lands in the manner provided in divisions (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), and (I) of this section before conveying or transferring the fee simple estate or any lesser estate or interest in the property, or permitting its use by another.
(C) Real property shall be offered for lease by mailing a notice, in writing, to each person who owns or leases property being used for agricultural purposes that adjoins or is in the near vicinity of the property. The notice shall include a general description of the property offered for lease, the cost of the lease, the manner in which the lease will be made, the requirements of this section, a statement that the person shall notify the director in writing within no more than four weeks following mailing of the notice if the person is interested in leasing the property, and such other information as the director considers necessary.
(D) If the director receives information in writing from two or more persons who are interested in leasing the real property, one of whom is the owner of real property that adjoins the property offered for lease, the director may lease the property to that person. If the director receives such information from two or more persons, two or more of whom are owners of real property that adjoins the property offered for lease, the director shall lease the property to the person whose information is contained in the envelope bearing the earliest postmark.
(E) Any lease made under this section shall be conditioned upon the lessee's written agreement to maintain weed control on the property. If the director has reasonable cause to believe that such an agreement is violated, the director, or any of the director's authorized agents, may, at the director's or authorized agent's discretion, do either of the following:
(1) Provide necessary weed control. The expense of providing weed control shall be paid by the director out of any appropriation to the department of transportation available for the establishment, use, maintenance, or repair of highways and the amount thereof shall be reimbursed by the lessee to the department and if not reimbursed the amount thereof shall be certified to the attorney general for collection by civil action against the lessee of the property.
(2) File a complaint by petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the property is located. Upon a finding by the court that a violation of the agreement exists as alleged in the petition, the court shall enter an order of abatement against the lessee of the property.
(F) If real property offered for lease as provided in this section is located near a highway where the use of the property for crops such as corn and wheat will obstruct the view of any part of the highway from a person operating a vehicle on the highway or on an intersecting highway or private road, or near an airport where such use of the property may interfere with airport safety, any lease made shall be conditioned upon the lessee's written agreement to use the property for only crops that will not create such an obstruction of the view of the highway or interference with airport safety. If the director has reasonable cause to believe that such an agreement is violated, the director, or any of the director's authorized agents, may, at the director's or authorized agent's discretion, do either of the following:
(1) Remove the crop or such part thereof as may be necessary to ensure that the view of the highway will not be obstructed, or that airport safety will not be reduced. The expense of the removal shall be paid by the director out of any appropriation to the department of transportation available for the establishment, use, maintenance, or repair of highways and the amount thereof shall be reimbursed by the lessee to the department and if not reimbursed the amount thereof shall be certified to the attorney general for collection by civil action against the lessee of the property.
(2) File a complaint by petition in the court of common pleas of the county in which the property is located. Upon a finding by the court that a violation of the agreement exists as alleged in the petition, the court shall enter an order of abatement against the lessee of the property.
(G) The director may offer to renew annually any lease of real property made under this section to the current lessee or may offer the opportunity to lease to others in the manner and subject to the requirements and limitations as provided for in this section.
(H) The requirements of sections 5501.32, 5501.34, and 5501.45 of the Revised Code relating to the appraisal, advertisement, manner of sale, and minimum sale price of property not needed for highway purposes and the requirements of sections 5501.34 and 5501.45 of the Revised Code relating to the use of property not needed for highway purposes for recreation purposes, do not apply to a lease or renewal of a lease of real property made in accordance with this section.
(I) Except as provided in divisions (E)(1) and (F)(1) of this section, all expense incurred in the lease of real property under this section shall be paid out of the proceeds of the lease and the balance shall be deposited in the highway fund from which the purchase of the real property giving rise to the proceeds was made.
(J) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the director to acquire real property by appropriation for the purpose of leasing it for agricultural purposes.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges

Chapter 5501 | Department of Transportation

Section 5501.01 | Department of Transportation Definitions.

Section 5501.02 | Director of Transportation to Prescribe Rules and Appoint Employees.

Section 5501.03 | Department of Transportation - Powers and Duties.

Section 5501.031 | Energy Conservation in Planning, Design, and Utilization of Transportation Facilities.

Section 5501.04 | Distribution of Duties, Powers, and Functions of the Department; Deputy Directors.

Section 5501.05 | Prohibiting Use of Highway Funds for Non-Highway Purposes.

Section 5501.051 | Transfer of Realty to Municipality for Health Care Services.

Section 5501.06 | Department of Transportation Succeeds to Rights and Duties of Department of Highways.

Section 5501.07 | Office of Public Transportation of Division of Multi-Modal Planning and Programs.

Section 5501.071 | Deposit of Public Transportation Program Funds to Highway Operating Fund.

Section 5501.08 | Metrics for Statewide Strategic Transportation Planning.

Section 5501.09 | Audit of Transit Authorities.

Section 5501.10 | Classification and Prioritization of New Construction Plans and Contracts.

Section 5501.11 | Department of Transportation With Respect to Highways.

Section 5501.12 | Chief Engineer.

Section 5501.14 | Division of State Into Districts - District Deputy Directors.

Section 5501.16 | Chief Clerk and Secretaries.

Section 5501.17 | Assistants to Prepare Plans and Surveys - Contracts With Planning Commissions.

Section 5501.20 | Department of Transportation Business Plan.

Section 5501.21 | Department Seal - Records, Documents - Deposition of Director.

Section 5501.22 | Actions Against Director.

Section 5501.23 | Lectures by Director.

Section 5501.24 | Director May Call Conference.

Section 5501.25 | Bond of Employees.

Section 5501.27 | Increased Penalties for Traffic Violations in Construction Zone.

Section 5501.31 | Director of Transportation - Powers and Duties.

Section 5501.311 | Leases or Lease-Purchase of Transportation Facilities.

Section 5501.312 | Contracts for Use or Service of Transportation Facility.

Section 5501.32 | Purchase of Real Property for Highway Purposes.

Section 5501.33 | Accepting Donations of Real Property.

Section 5501.331 | Deed for Donated Property.

Section 5501.332 | Deed Releasing Donated Property.

Section 5501.34 | Selling Real Property No Longer Required for Highway Purposes.

Section 5501.38 | Reusing Petroleum Contaminated Sands, Gravel and Soils as Highway Construction Materials.

Section 5501.39 | Research Laboratory.

Section 5501.40 | Housing and Care of Equipment.

Section 5501.41 | Removal of Snow and Ice.

Section 5501.42 | Supervision of Trees and Shrubs.

Section 5501.43 | Contracts in Name of State.

Section 5501.44 | Cooperative Agreements for Repair of Bridges and Regional Traffic Management Systems.

Section 5501.441 | Toll Enforcement Agreements.

Section 5501.45 | Conveyance of Lands Not Needed for Highway or Recreation Purposes.

Section 5501.451 | Leasing State Lands for Erecting Advertising Devices.

Section 5501.46 | Conveying Land to Department of Transportation by Other State Agencies and Political Subdivisions.

Section 5501.47 | Bridge Inspections.

Section 5501.48 | Toll Bridge Inspection.

Section 5501.49 | Lift Bridge Inspection.

Section 5501.50 | Leases of Real Property Not Immediately Needed for Highway Purposes for Agricultural Purposes.

Section 5501.51 | Reimbursing Utility for Facilities Relocated by Highway Project.

Section 5501.52 | Annual Reports Summarizing State and Federal Money Spent on Highway Projects.

Section 5501.53 | Private Contribution Money to Support Highways and Roads Used by Animal-Drawn Vehicles.

Section 5501.55 | Overseeing Safety Practices of Rail Fixed Guideway Systems.

Section 5501.56 | System Safety Program Plan.

Section 5501.70 | Definitions for Orc Sections 5501.70 to 5501.83.

Section 5501.71 | Authority for Department of Transportation to Enter Public-Private Initiative; Solicitation and Selection.

Section 5501.72 | Unsolicited Proposals.

Section 5501.73 | Public-Private Agreement.

Section 5501.74 | Termination of Public-Private Agreement.

Section 5501.75 | Material Default by Operator.

Section 5501.76 | Issuance of Obligations.

Section 5501.77 | Powers of Department.

Section 5501.78 | Exemption From Ad Valorem Property Taxes and Special Assessments.

Section 5501.79 | Acquisition of Property.

Section 5501.80 | Law Enforcement Officers; Powers.

Section 5501.81 | Crossing or Relocation of Facility.

Section 5501.82 | Sovereign Immunity.

Section 5501.83 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 5501.91 | Ohio Maritime Assistance Program.