Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Career professional service" means that part of the competitive classified service that consists of employees of the department of transportation who, regardless of job classification, meet both of the following qualifications:
(a) They are supervisors, professional employees who are not in a collective bargaining unit, confidential employees, or management level employees, all as defined in section 4117.01 of the Revised Code.
(b) They exercise authority that is not merely routine or clerical in nature and report only to a higher level unclassified employee or employee in the career professional service.
(2) "Demoted" means that an employee is placed in a position where the employee's wage rate equals, or is not more than twenty per cent less than, the employee's wage rate immediately prior to demotion or where the employee's job responsibilities are reduced, or both.
(3) "Employee in the career professional service with restoration rights" means an employee in the career professional service who has been in the classified civil service for at least two years and who has a cumulative total of at least ten years of continuous service with the department of transportation.
(B) The director shall adopt a rule in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code that identifies specific positions within the department of transportation that are included in the career professional service. The director may amend the rule that identifies the specific positions included in the career professional service whenever the director determines necessary. Any rule adopted under this division is subject to review and invalidation by the joint committee on agency rule review as provided in division (D) of section 111.15 of the Revised Code. The director shall provide a copy of any rule adopted under this division to the director of budget and management.
An employee in the career professional service is subject to the provisions of Chapter 124. of the Revised Code that govern employees in the classified civil service.
(C) An employee in the career professional service shall receive a written performance review at least once each year or as often as the director considers necessary. The department shall give an employee whose performance is unsatisfactory an opportunity to improve performance for a period of at least six months, by means of a written performance improvement plan, before the department takes any disciplinary action under this section.
(D) An employee in the career professional service may be suspended, demoted, or removed pursuant to division (C) of this section or for disciplinary reasons under section 124.34 or 124.57 of the Revised Code. An employee in the career professional service may appeal only the employee's removal to the state personnel board of review. An employee in the career professional service may appeal a demotion or a suspension of more than three days pursuant to rules the director adopts in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code.
(E) An employee in the career professional service with restoration rights has restoration rights if demoted because of performance, but not if involuntarily demoted or removed for any of the reasons described in section 124.34 or for a violation of section 124.57 of the Revised Code. The director shall demote an employee who has restoration rights of that nature to a position in the classified service that in the director's judgment is similar in nature to the position the employee held immediately prior to being appointed to the position in the career professional service. The director shall assign to an employee who is demoted to a position in the classified service as provided in this division a wage rate that equals, or that is not more than twenty per cent less than, the wage rate assigned to the employee in the career professional service immediately prior to the employee's demotion.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges
Chapter 5501 | Department of Transportation
Section 5501.01 | Department of Transportation Definitions.
Section 5501.02 | Director of Transportation to Prescribe Rules and Appoint Employees.
Section 5501.03 | Department of Transportation - Powers and Duties.
Section 5501.04 | Distribution of Duties, Powers, and Functions of the Department; Deputy Directors.
Section 5501.05 | Prohibiting Use of Highway Funds for Non-Highway Purposes.
Section 5501.051 | Transfer of Realty to Municipality for Health Care Services.
Section 5501.07 | Office of Public Transportation of Division of Multi-Modal Planning and Programs.
Section 5501.071 | Deposit of Public Transportation Program Funds to Highway Operating Fund.
Section 5501.08 | Metrics for Statewide Strategic Transportation Planning.
Section 5501.09 | Audit of Transit Authorities.
Section 5501.10 | Classification and Prioritization of New Construction Plans and Contracts.
Section 5501.11 | Department of Transportation With Respect to Highways.
Section 5501.12 | Chief Engineer.
Section 5501.14 | Division of State Into Districts - District Deputy Directors.
Section 5501.16 | Chief Clerk and Secretaries.
Section 5501.17 | Assistants to Prepare Plans and Surveys - Contracts With Planning Commissions.
Section 5501.20 | Department of Transportation Business Plan.
Section 5501.21 | Department Seal - Records, Documents - Deposition of Director.
Section 5501.22 | Actions Against Director.
Section 5501.23 | Lectures by Director.
Section 5501.24 | Director May Call Conference.
Section 5501.25 | Bond of Employees.
Section 5501.27 | Increased Penalties for Traffic Violations in Construction Zone.
Section 5501.31 | Director of Transportation - Powers and Duties.
Section 5501.311 | Leases or Lease-Purchase of Transportation Facilities.
Section 5501.312 | Contracts for Use or Service of Transportation Facility.
Section 5501.32 | Purchase of Real Property for Highway Purposes.
Section 5501.33 | Accepting Donations of Real Property.
Section 5501.331 | Deed for Donated Property.
Section 5501.332 | Deed Releasing Donated Property.
Section 5501.34 | Selling Real Property No Longer Required for Highway Purposes.
Section 5501.39 | Research Laboratory.
Section 5501.40 | Housing and Care of Equipment.
Section 5501.41 | Removal of Snow and Ice.
Section 5501.42 | Supervision of Trees and Shrubs.
Section 5501.43 | Contracts in Name of State.
Section 5501.441 | Toll Enforcement Agreements.
Section 5501.45 | Conveyance of Lands Not Needed for Highway or Recreation Purposes.
Section 5501.451 | Leasing State Lands for Erecting Advertising Devices.
Section 5501.47 | Bridge Inspections.
Section 5501.48 | Toll Bridge Inspection.
Section 5501.49 | Lift Bridge Inspection.
Section 5501.51 | Reimbursing Utility for Facilities Relocated by Highway Project.
Section 5501.52 | Annual Reports Summarizing State and Federal Money Spent on Highway Projects.
Section 5501.55 | Overseeing Safety Practices of Rail Fixed Guideway Systems.
Section 5501.56 | System Safety Program Plan.
Section 5501.70 | Definitions for Orc Sections 5501.70 to 5501.83.
Section 5501.72 | Unsolicited Proposals.
Section 5501.73 | Public-Private Agreement.
Section 5501.74 | Termination of Public-Private Agreement.
Section 5501.75 | Material Default by Operator.
Section 5501.76 | Issuance of Obligations.
Section 5501.77 | Powers of Department.
Section 5501.78 | Exemption From Ad Valorem Property Taxes and Special Assessments.
Section 5501.79 | Acquisition of Property.
Section 5501.80 | Law Enforcement Officers; Powers.
Section 5501.81 | Crossing or Relocation of Facility.
Section 5501.82 | Sovereign Immunity.