Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4973 | Employees; Police Officers
Section 4973.16 | Liability of Company or Receiver.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If a railroad company or its receiver replevies property under section 4973.15 of the Revised Code without reasonable cause to believe that it was unlawfully taken from some company or its receiver, such company or receiver shall be liable to the party entitled to such property in any sum not exceeding double the value of the property so replevied, in addition to such damages as such party sustains thereby.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 49 | Public Utilities

Chapter 4973 | Employees; Police Officers

Section 4973.01 | Relief Association Prohibited.

Section 4973.02 | Unlawful for Railroad to Limit Liability as Employer.

Section 4973.03 | Unlawful for Company to Compel Employee to Join Any Company or Association.

Section 4973.04 | Companies Prohibited From Demanding or Receiving Waivers.

Section 4973.05 | Agreements Void.

Section 4973.06 | Defective Machinery Prima-Facie Evidence of Negligence.

Section 4973.07 | Employee Definitions.

Section 4973.08 | Presumptive Evidence.

Section 4973.09 | Slight Contributory Negligence No Bar to Recovery.

Section 4973.10 | Engineers Addicted to Drink Not to Be Employed.

Section 4973.11 | Hours of Service of Certain Railroad Employees.

Section 4973.12 | Seats for Conductor and Motorman.

Section 4973.13 | Sale of Railroad Scrap Metal.

Section 4973.14 | Evidence of Title of Scrap.

Section 4973.15 | Company May Replevy Scrap.

Section 4973.16 | Liability of Company or Receiver.

Section 4973.17 | Commissions for Special Police Officers - Term of Office - Training.

Section 4973.171 | Felony Conviction Precludes or Terminates Employment.

Section 4973.18 | Oath of Office and Commission - Powers - Liabilities.

Section 4973.19 | Power of Police to Enforce Regulations and Make Arrests.

Section 4973.20 | When Police to Wear Badges.

Section 4973.21 | Compensation.

Section 4973.22 | Notice Terminating Services Filed With Secretary of State.

Section 4973.23 | Detention Upon Probable Cause by Conductor or Ticket Agent.

Section 4973.24 | Conductor May Eject Passenger.

Section 4973.25 | Liability for Conductor's Conduct.

Section 4973.26 | Negligence of Official Duty.

Section 4973.99 | Penalty.