Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4969 | Railroad Sales; Railroad Receivers
Section 4969.20 | Any Number of Persons May Purchase and Incorporate.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A railroad company organized or existing under the laws of this state may purchase the property as provided in section 4969.19 of the Revised Code. Any number of persons may purchase such railroad, roadbeds, rights of way, property, and franchises either directly at such judicial sale or by grant from the purchasers at such sale. On filing a copy of such deed or grant in the office of the secretary of state, with articles of incorporation executed in accordance with the law respecting the creation of corporations for profit, they and such persons as associate with them, not less than five in number, shall become a corporation with perpetual succession by such name as they assume, with capacity to maintain and operate such railroads, whether located wholly within this state, or partly within this state and partly in another state.