Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4969 | Railroad Sales; Railroad Receivers
Section 4969.19 | Purchaser at Judicial Sale May Sell Railroad.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The purchaser of the property, roadbeds, rights of way, fixtures, and franchises of a railroad company in this state, situated wholly or in part in this state, sold pursuant to judicial order, judgment, or decree, and which sale is confirmed by the court making the order of sale, may sell all or any part of such property. The title thereto, with all the rights, liberties, faculties, and franchises shall pass by such sale and vest in the purchaser of such property, as fully as if they had been possessed, exercised, and enjoyed by such railroad company. The grant thereof, in the form required to pass real estate, shall be recorded in the record of deeds of the counties in which such property is situated and the rights and franchises are or may be exercised.