Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4141 | Unemployment Compensation
Section 4141.08 | Unemployment Compensation Advisory Council.

Effective: June 30, 2011
Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
(A) There is hereby created an unemployment compensation advisory council appointed as follows:
(1) Three members who on account of their vocation, employment, or affiliations can be classed as representative of employers and three members who on account of their vocation, employment, or affiliation can be classed as representatives of employees appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. All appointees shall be persons whose training and experience qualify them to deal with the difficult problems of unemployment compensation, particularly with respect to the legal, accounting, actuarial, economic, and social aspects of unemployment compensation;
(2) The chairpersons of the standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives to which legislation pertaining to Chapter 4141. of the Revised Code is customarily referred;
(3) Two members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate; and
(4) Two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
The speaker and the president shall arrange that of the six legislative members appointed to the council, not more than three are members of the same political party.
(B) Members appointed by the governor shall serve for a term of four years, each term ending on the same day as the date of their original appointment. Legislative members shall serve during the session of the general assembly to which they are elected and for as long as they are members of the general assembly. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment but only for the unexpired part of a term.
(C) Members of the council shall serve without salary but, notwithstanding section 101.26 of the Revised Code, shall be paid a meeting stipend of fifty dollars per day each and their actual and necessary expenses while engaged in the performance of their duties as members of the council which shall be paid from funds allocated to pay the expenses of the council pursuant to this section.
(D) The council shall organize itself and select a chairperson or co-chairpersons and other officers and committees as it considers necessary. Seven members constitute a quorum and the council may act only upon the affirmative vote of seven members. The council shall meet at least once each calendar quarter but it may meet more often as the council considers necessary or at the request of the chairperson.
(E) The council may employ professional and clerical assistance as it considers necessary and may request of the director of job and family services assistance as it considers necessary. The director shall furnish the council with office and meeting space as requested by the council.
(F) The director shall pay the operating expenses of the council from moneys in the unemployment compensation special administrative fund established in section 4141.11 of the Revised Code.
(G) The council shall have access to only the records of the department of job and family services that are necessary for the administration of this chapter and to the reasonable services of the employees of the department. It may request the director, or any of the employees appointed by the director, or any employer or employee subject to this chapter, to appear before it and to testify relative to the functioning of this chapter and to other relevant matters. The council may conduct research of its own, make and publish reports, and recommend to the director, the unemployment compensation review commission, the governor, or the general assembly needed changes in this chapter, or in the rules of the department as it considers necessary.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 41 | Labor and Industry

Chapter 4141 | Unemployment Compensation

Section 4141.01 | Unemployment Compensation Definitions.

Section 4141.031 | Appointment of Agricultural Ombudsperson.

Section 4141.04 | Free Employment Services.

Section 4141.042 | Promoting Employment Competencies and Upward Mobility of Women.

Section 4141.046 | Prohibition Against Accepting Compensation for Securing Employment.

Section 4141.06 | Unemployment Compensation Review Commission.

Section 4141.07 | Non-Lawyer Representatives - Commission or Representative Fees Prohibited.

Section 4141.08 | Unemployment Compensation Advisory Council.

Section 4141.09 | Unemployment Compensation Fund - Clearing Account, Unemployment Trust Fund Account, Benefit Account.

Section 4141.10 | Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund.

Section 4141.11 | Unemployment Compensation Special Administrative Fund.

Section 4141.12 | Unemployment Compensation Modernization and Improvement Council.

Section 4141.13 | Director of Job and Family Services - Additional Duties.

Section 4141.131 | Sale of Real Property.

Section 4141.14 | Rules of Director Subject to Approval of Unemployment Compensation Review Commission.

Section 4141.162 | Establishing Income and Eligibility Verification System.

Section 4141.17 | Oaths, Depositions, and Subpoenas.

Section 4141.18 | Employer Shall Keep Employment Record.

Section 4141.20 | Employers to Furnish Information to Director - Quarterly Reports - Forfeiture.

Section 4141.21 | Information Maintained by or Furnished Director Not Open to Public - Publication in Statistical Form.

Section 4141.22 | Divulging Information.

Section 4141.23 | Employer Contributions - Payments in Lieu of Contributions.

Section 4141.231 | Satisfying Employer's Deficiency.

Section 4141.24 | Employer Accounts.

Section 4141.241 | Nonprofit Organizations as Employers.

Section 4141.242 | Public Entities as Employers.

Section 4141.25 | Contribution Rates.

Section 4141.251 | Unemployment Compensation Interest Contingency Fund.

Section 4141.26 | Notifying Employer of Contribution Rate.

Section 4141.27 | Proceeding Against Employer Who Fails to Comply.

Section 4141.28 | Determination of Benefit Rights and Claims for Benefits.

Section 4141.281 | Appeal to Director.

Section 4141.282 | Appeal to Court.

Section 4141.283 | Unemployment Due to Labor Dispute.

Section 4141.284 | Child Support Obligations.

Section 4141.285 | Unemployment Caused by Major Disaster.

Section 4141.286 | Mandatory Checks for Determining Benefit Rights and Eligibility.

Section 4141.29 | Eligibility for Benefits.

Section 4141.291 | Voluntarily Quitting to Accept Recall.

Section 4141.292 | State Disaster Unemployment Benefit Payment.

Section 4141.293 | Participation in Learn to Earn Program.

Section 4141.30 | Paying Benefits.

Section 4141.301 | Extended Benefit Period.

Section 4141.31 | Benefits Reduced by Remuneration.

Section 4141.312 | Benefits Reduced by Amount of Governmental Payments Based on Individual's Previous Work. - Social Security.

Section 4141.32 | No Waiver or Assignment of Benefits.

Section 4141.321 | Federal Income Tax Deducted or Withheld.

Section 4141.33 | Seasonal Employment.

Section 4141.35 | Fraudulent Misrepresentations to Obtain Benefits - Other Reasons.

Section 4141.36 | Deductions From Salaries Not Permitted Except for Private Benefits.

Section 4141.37 | Compliance by Firm or Corporation Mandatory.

Section 4141.38 | Prohibition Against Failure to Make Reports or Pay Contributions.

Section 4141.39 | Injunction.

Section 4141.40 | Prohibition Against Violations Not Otherwise Specified.

Section 4141.41 | Secretary of State Is Agent of Employer for Service of Process - Comity Between States.

Section 4141.42 | Reciprocal Agreements to Determining Liability for Payment of Employer Contributions.

Section 4141.43 | Cooperation With Federal, State, and Other Agencies.

Section 4141.431 | Domestic Service in Private Home.

Section 4141.432 | Unemployment Compensation Administrative Support Other Sources Fund.

Section 4141.45 | Right to Amend or Repeal.

Section 4141.46 | Liberal Construction of Statutes.

Section 4141.47 | Auxiliary Services Personnel Unemployment Compensation Fund - Auxiliary Services Program Administrative Fund.

Section 4141.48 | Acquisition of Trade or Business to Lower Contribution Rate Prohibited.

Section 4141.50 | Sharedwork Ohio Definitions.

Section 4141.51 | Participation in Sharedwork Ohio.

Section 4141.52 | Commencement and Duration of Shared Work Plan.

Section 4141.53 | Eligibility for Shared Work Compensation.

Section 4141.54 | Employees Who Satisfy Availability Requirement.

Section 4141.55 | Reimbursement.

Section 4141.56 | Report.

Section 4141.99 | Penalty.