Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3921 | Fraternal Benefit Societies
Section 3921.14 | Consolidation or Merger of Societies.

Effective: January 1, 1997
Latest Legislation: House Bill 468 - 121st General Assembly
(A) A domestic fraternal benefit society may consolidate or merge with any other society by complying with the provisions of this section.
(B) The society shall file all of the following with the superintendent of insurance:
(1) A certified copy of the written contract containing in full the terms and conditions of the consolidation or merger;
(2) A sworn statement by the president and secretary or corresponding officers of each society showing the society's financial condition on a date fixed by the superintendent but not earlier than the thirty-first day of December next preceding the date of the contract;
(3) A certificate of such officers, duly verified by their respective oaths, that the consolidation or merger has been approved by a two-thirds vote of the supreme governing body of each society, which vote was conducted at a regular or special meeting of each such body or, if permitted by the society's laws, by mail;
(4) Evidence that at least sixty days prior to the action of the supreme governing body of each society, the text of the contract has been furnished to all members of each society either by mail or by publication in full in the official publication of each society.
(C) If the superintendent finds that the contract containing the terms and conditions of the proposed consolidation or merger is in conformity with this section, that the financial statements are correct, and that the consolidation or merger is just and equitable to the members of each society, the superintendent shall approve the contract and issue a certificate to that effect.
(D) Upon approval by the superintendent under division (C) of this section, the contract shall be in full force and effect unless any society that is a party to the contract is incorporated under the laws of any other state or territory. In that event the consolidation or merger shall not become effective until it is approved as provided by the laws of that state or territory and a certificate of the approval is filed with the superintendent of insurance of this state or, if the laws of that state or territory contain no such provision, the consolidation or merger shall not become effective until it is approved by the insurance authority of that other state or territory and a certificate of the approval is filed with the superintendent of insurance of this state.
(E) Upon the consolidation or merger becoming effective as provided in this section, all the rights, franchises, and interests of the consolidated or merged societies in and to every species of property, real, personal, or mixed, and things in action belonging to that property shall be vested in the society resulting from or remaining after the consolidation or merger without any other instrument, except that conveyances of real property may be evidenced by proper deeds, and the title to or interest in any real estate that is vested under the laws of this state in any of the societies consolidated or merged, shall not revert or be in any way impaired by reason of the consolidation or merger, but shall vest absolutely in the society resulting from or remaining after the consolidation or merger.
(F) The affidavit of any officer of the society or of anyone authorized by it to mail any notice or document, stating that the notice or document has been duly addressed and mailed, is prima facie evidence that the notice or document has been furnished the addressees.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 39 | Insurance

Chapter 3921 | Fraternal Benefit Societies

Section 3921.01 | Fraternal Benefit Society Definitions.

Section 3921.02 | Fraternal Benefit Society Requirements.

Section 3921.03 | Lodge System.

Section 3921.04 | Representative Form of Government.

Section 3921.05 | Purpose of Fraternal Benefit Society.

Section 3921.06 | Membership Rights.

Section 3921.07 | Organization of Society.

Section 3921.08 | Nonindividual Liability - Indemnification or Reimbursement.

Section 3921.09 | Limitation on Powers or Authority.

Section 3921.10 | Formation of Society After 1-1-97.

Section 3921.101 | Maintenance and Amount of Surplus.

Section 3921.11 | Amendment of Laws.

Section 3921.12 | Operating Charitable, Benevolent, or Educational Institutions for Benefit of Members.

Section 3921.13 | Reinsurance Agreements.

Section 3921.14 | Consolidation or Merger of Societies.

Section 3921.15 | Fraternal Society Converted and Licensed as Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Section 3921.16 | Contractual Benefits Provided by Society.

Section 3921.17 | Designation of Beneficiaries.

Section 3921.18 | Exemption of Benefits From Attachment or Garnishment.

Section 3921.19 | Certificate Specifying Amount of Benefits Provided Under Benefit Contract.

Section 3921.191 | Disclosure for Applicants for Contractual Benefits.

Section 3921.20 | Paid-Up Nonforfeiture Benefit - Cash Surrender Value.

Section 3921.21 | Investment of Funds.

Section 3921.22 | No Individual Right to Assets.

Section 3921.23 | Societies Exempt From Insurance Laws.

Section 3921.24 | Tax Exemption.

Section 3921.25 | Standards of Valuation for Certificates.

Section 3921.26 | Annual Financial Statement - Valuation of Certificates.

Section 3921.27 | Renewal of License - Fee.

Section 3921.28 | Examination of Domestic and Foreign Societies.

Section 3921.29 | Foreign or Alien Benefit Society License.

Section 3921.30 | Notice of Deficiency.

Section 3921.31 | Notice and Correction of Deficiency of Society.

Section 3921.33 | Licensing of Agents - Exceptions.

Section 3921.331 | Effect of Child Support Default on License.

Section 3921.34 | Application of Deceptive Act or Practice Prohibitions.

Section 3921.35 | Service of Process Upon Agent.

Section 3921.36 | False or Misleading Statements.

Section 3921.37 | Exceptions to Chapter.

Section 3921.38 | Review of Superintendent's Decisions and Findings.

Section 3921.99 | Penalty.