Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3599 | Offenses and Penalties
Section 3599.05 | Corrupt Practices - Employer Shall Not Influence Political Opinions or Votes of Employees.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
No employer or his agent or a corporation shall print or authorize to be printed upon any pay envelopes any statements intended or calculated to influence the political action of his or its employees; or post or exhibit in the establishment or anywhere in or about the establishment any posters, placards, or hand bills containing any threat, notice, or information that if any particular candidate is elected or defeated work in the establishment will cease in whole or in part, or other threats expressed or implied, intended to influence the political opinions or votes of his or its employees.
Whoever violates this section is guilty of corrupt practices, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 35 | Elections

Chapter 3599 | Offenses and Penalties

Section 3599.01 | Bribery.

Section 3599.02 | Bribery - Offenses Concerning Voters or Voting.

Section 3599.03 | Use of Corporation and Labor Organization Funds for Political Purposes.

Section 3599.031 | Payroll Deductions of Political Contributions - Separate Account.

Section 3599.04 | Corrupt Practices - Contributions for Illegal Election Purposes.

Section 3599.05 | Corrupt Practices - Employer Shall Not Influence Political Opinions or Votes of Employees.

Section 3599.06 | Employer Shall Not Interfere With Employee on Election Day.

Section 3599.07 | Unlawful Possession or Distribution of Ballots.

Section 3599.08 | Corrupt Practices - Influencing Candidates and Voters by Publications.

Section 3599.09 | Seeking Nomination or Election to More Than One Prohibited Office at Same Election.

Section 3599.10 | Corrupt Practices - Candidate for General Assembly Shall Not Be Asked to Pledge Vote.

Section 3599.11 | False Voter Registration - Registration Forms.

Section 3599.111 | Per Signature or per Volume Voter Registration Compensation Prohibited - Penalty.

Section 3599.12 | Illegal Voting.

Section 3599.13 | Signing of Petitions.

Section 3599.14 | Prohibited Acts Concerning Declarations or Petitions.

Section 3599.15 | Purchase, Theft, Sale, Destruction, or Mutilation of Petitions.

Section 3599.16 | Misconduct of Member, Director, or Employee of Board of Elections - Dismissal.

Section 3599.161 | Prohibiting Inspection of Election Records.

Section 3599.17 | Prohibitions Concerning Elections Officials.

Section 3599.18 | Prohibitions Concerning Registration of Electors.

Section 3599.19 | Prohibitions Concerning Precinct Election Officials.

Section 3599.20 | Prohibitions Concerning Ballots Generally.

Section 3599.21 | Prohibitions Concerning Absent Voter's Ballot.

Section 3599.22 | Prohibitions Concerning Printing of Ballots.

Section 3599.23 | Prohibitions Concerning Election Materials or Papers.

Section 3599.24 | Interference With Conduct of Election.

Section 3599.25 | Inducing Illegal Voting.

Section 3599.26 | Tampering With Ballots.

Section 3599.27 | Possession of or Tampering With Voting Machine, Automatic Tabulating Equipment, or Marking Device Prohibited.

Section 3599.28 | False Signatures.

Section 3599.29 | Possession of False Records.

Section 3599.31 | Failure of Officer of Law to Assist Election Officers.

Section 3599.32 | General Prohibition Concerning Election Officials.

Section 3599.33 | Fraudulent Marking or Altering Ballots or Election Records.

Section 3599.34 | Prohibitions Concerning Destruction of Election Records.

Section 3599.35 | Proxies Not to Be Given by Party Representatives - Impersonation of Representatives.

Section 3599.36 | Election Falsification.

Section 3599.37 | Disobedience of Subpoena Concerning Violation of Election Laws.

Section 3599.38 | Illegally Influencing Voters While Performing Election Duties.

Section 3599.39 | Second Conviction Under Election Laws.

Section 3599.40 | General Penalty.

Section 3599.41 | Person Violating Election Laws May Testify Against Other Violators.

Section 3599.42 | Prima-Facie Case of Fraud.

Section 3599.43 | Prohibitions Concerning Communication Purporting to Be From Board of Elections.

Section 3599.45 | Candidates Prohibited From Accepting Contributions From Medicaid Providers.