Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3517 | Campaigns; Political Parties
Section 3517.092 | Solicitation of Political Contributions From Public Employees by Appointing Authorities.

Effective: May 2, 2006
Latest Legislation: House Bill 3 - 126th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Appointing authority" has the same meaning as in section 124.01 of the Revised Code.
(2) "State elected officer" means any person appointed or elected to a state elective office.
(3) "State elective office" means any of the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of state, treasurer of state, attorney general, member of the state board of education, member of the general assembly, and justice and chief justice of the supreme court.
(4) "Contribution" includes a contribution to any political party, campaign committee, political action committee, political contributing entity, or legislative campaign fund.
(B)(1) No state elected officer, no campaign committee of such an officer, no employee of the state elected officer's office, and no other person or entity shall knowingly solicit a contribution to a state elected officer or to such an officer's campaign committee, and no state elected officer and no campaign committee of such an officer shall accept a contribution, from any of the following:
(a) A state employee whose appointing authority is the state elected officer;
(b) A state employee whose appointing authority is authorized or required by law to be appointed by the state elected officer;
(c) A state employee who functions in or is employed in or by the same public agency, department, division, or office as the state elected officer.
(2) No candidate for a state elective office, no campaign committee of such a candidate, no employee of the candidate's office if the candidate is a state elected officer or an elected officer of a political subdivision of the state, and no other person or entity shall knowingly solicit a contribution to a candidate for a state elective office or to such a candidate's campaign committee, and no candidate for a state elective office and no campaign committee of such a candidate shall accept a contribution, from any of the following:
(a) A state employee at the time of the solicitation, whose appointing authority will be the candidate, if elected;
(b) A state employee at the time of the solicitation, whose appointing authority will be appointed by the candidate, if elected, as authorized or required by law;
(c) A state employee at the time of the solicitation, who will function in or be employed in or by the same public agency, department, division, or office as the candidate, if elected.
(C)(1) No elected officer of a political subdivision of the state, no campaign committee of such an officer, no employee of such an officer's office, and no other person or entity shall knowingly solicit a contribution to an elected officer of a political subdivision of the state or to such an officer's campaign committee from any of the following:
(a) An employee of that political subdivision whose appointing authority is that elected officer;
(b) An employee of that political subdivision whose appointing authority is authorized or required by law to be appointed by that elected officer;
(c) An employee of that political subdivision who functions in or is employed in or by the same public agency, department, division, or office as that elected officer.
(2) No candidate for an elective office of a political subdivision of the state, no campaign committee of such a candidate, no employee of the candidate's office if the candidate is a state elected officer or elected officer of a political subdivision of the state, and no other person or entity shall knowingly solicit a contribution to a candidate for an elective office of a political subdivision of the state or to such a candidate's campaign committee from any of the following:
(a) An employee of that political subdivision at the time of the solicitation, whose appointing authority will be the candidate, if elected;
(b) An employee of that political subdivision at the time of the solicitation, whose appointing authority will be appointed by the candidate, if elected, as authorized or required by law;
(c) An employee of that political subdivision at the time of the solicitation, who will function in or be employed in or by the same public agency, department, division, or office as the candidate, if elected.
(D)(1) No public employee shall solicit a contribution from any person while the public employee is performing the public employee's official duties or in those areas of a public building where official business is transacted or conducted.
(2) No person shall solicit a contribution from any public employee while the public employee is performing the public employee's official duties or is in those areas of a public building where official business is transacted or conducted.
(3) As used in division (D) of this section, "public employee" does not include any person holding an elective office.
(E) The prohibitions in divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section are in addition to the prohibitions in sections 124.57, 3304.22, and 4503.032 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 35 | Elections

Chapter 3517 | Campaigns; Political Parties

Section 3517.01 | Political Party Definitions.

Section 3517.011 | Petition Form.

Section 3517.012 | Party Comes Into Legal Existence on Date of Filing.

Section 3517.013 | Candidate of New Party Not Disqualified by Having Voted in Different Party Primary.

Section 3517.014 | Candidate of New Party Not Disqualified at First Primary Election After Formation.

Section 3517.016 | New Party Primary Vote Not Barred by Prior Party Affiliation.

Section 3517.02 | Controlling Committees of Major or Intermediate Political Party.

Section 3517.03 | Controlling Committees of Major or Intermediate Political Party Membership.

Section 3517.04 | Organization of State Central Committees.

Section 3517.05 | Terms of Party Committees - Determining Rightful County Central or Executive Committee.

Section 3517.06 | Names and Addresses of Members and Officers of County Central Committee and County Executive Committee.

Section 3517.07 | Parties or Groups Advocating Overthrow of Government by Force or Violence.

Section 3517.08 | Expenses of Candidate, Political Action Committee, Political Party, or Political Contributing Entity.

Section 3517.081 | Campaign Committee, Treasurer.

Section 3517.082 | Political Action Committee - Separate Segregated Fund.

Section 3517.09 | Coercing Political Contributions.

Section 3517.091 | Door-to-Door Solicitations for Political Contributions.

Section 3517.092 | Solicitation of Political Contributions From Public Employees by Appointing Authorities.

Section 3517.10 | Statements of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures.

Section 3517.101 | Gift to Pay for Office Facilities.

Section 3517.102 | Dollar Limits on Campaign Contributions.

Section 3517.103 | Deposit of Personal Funds in Candidate's Own Campaign Fund.

Section 3517.104 | Contribution Limitations Adjustments.

Section 3517.105 | Identification of Source of Political Advertising.

Section 3517.106 | Statements of Contributions and Expenditures Computerized by Secretary of State.

Section 3517.107 | Federal Political Committee Registration.

Section 3517.108 | Additional Contributions for Unpaid Debt.

Section 3517.109 | Disposal of Any Excess Funds and Excess Aggregate Contributions.

Section 3517.1011 | Notices and Disclosures Regarding Electioneering Communications.

Section 3517.1012 | Political Parties to Establish Restricted Funds - Deposits and Disbursements.

Section 3517.1013 | Gifts to Defray Costs of Campaign Activities - Separate Account - Statement to Be Filed.

Section 3517.1014 | Transition Funds.

Section 3517.1015 | Disclosure of Contributions.

Section 3517.11 | Requirement of Filing Statement.

Section 3517.12 | Itemized Statement of Expenditures on Issues.

Section 3517.13 | Failure to File Statements.

Section 3517.14 | Ohio Elections Commission - Prior to 1996.

Section 3517.151 | Filing Complaints for Acts Occurring Before July 13, 1998.

Section 3517.152 | Ohio Elections Commission.

Section 3517.153 | Filing Complaint.

Section 3517.154 | Review of Complaint.

Section 3517.155 | Hearing on Complaint.

Section 3517.156 | Probable Cause Hearing.

Section 3517.157 | Time Limit for Complaint.

Section 3517.19 | Sale of Membership and Mailing Lists.

Section 3517.20 | Political Communications; Identification of Source.

Section 3517.21 | Infiltration of Campaign - False Statements in Campaign Materials - Election of Candidate.

Section 3517.22 | Infiltration of Campaign - False Statements in Campaign Materials - Issues.

Section 3517.23 | Rules for Administration of Campaign Finance and Advertising.

Section 3517.99 | Penalty.

Section 3517.991 | Fine Schedule for Violations Before 8-24-95.

Section 3517.992 | Penalties for Violations on or After 8-24-95.

Section 3517.993 | Fine Schedule for Violations After 8-24-95.