Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3505 | General and Special Election Ballots
Section 3505.23 | Time Limit for Occupying Voting Compartment - Errors in Voting - Marking Ballot.

Effective: June 26, 2013
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 109, Senate Bill 10 - 130th General Assembly
Except as otherwise provided in this section, no voter shall be allowed to occupy a voting compartment or use a voting machine more than ten minutes when all the voting compartments or machines are in use and voters are waiting to occupy them. The ten-minute time limit shall not apply to any person who requires the use of a disabled-accessible voting machine as required under the "Help America Vote Act of 2002," 116 Stat. 1704, 42 U.S.C. 15481.
Except as otherwise provided by section 3505.24 of the Revised Code, no voter shall occupy a voting compartment or machine with another person or speak to anyone, nor shall anyone speak to the voter, while the voter is in a voting compartment or machine.
In precincts that do not use voting machines the following procedure shall be followed:
If a voter tears, soils, defaces, or erroneously marks a ballot the voter may return it to the precinct election officials and a second ballot shall be issued to the voter. Before returning a torn, soiled, defaced, or erroneously marked ballot, the voter shall fold it so as to conceal any marks the voter made upon it, but the voter shall not remove Stub A therefrom. If the voter tears, soils, defaces, or erroneously marks such second ballot, the voter may return it to the precinct election officials, and a third ballot shall be issued to the voter. In no case shall more than three ballots be issued to a voter. Upon receiving a returned torn, soiled, defaced, or erroneously marked ballot the precinct election officials shall detach Stub A therefrom, write "Defaced" on the back of such ballot, and place the stub and the ballot in the separate containers provided therefor.
No elector shall leave the polling place until the elector returns to the precinct election officials every ballot issued to the elector with Stub A on each ballot attached thereto, regardless of whether the elector has or has not placed any marks upon the ballot.
Before leaving the voting compartment, the voter shall fold each ballot marked by the voter so that no part of the face of the ballot is visible, and so that the printing thereon indicating the kind of ballot it is and the facsimile signatures of the members of the board of elections are visible. The voter shall then leave the voting compartment, deliver the voter's ballots, and state the voter's name to the precinct election official having charge of the ballot box, who shall announce the name, detach Stub A from each ballot, and announce the number on the stubs. The precinct election officials in charge of the poll lists or poll books shall check to ascertain whether the number so announced is the number on Stub B of the ballots issued to such voter, and if no discrepancy appears to exist, the precinct election official in charge of the ballot box shall, in the presence of the voter, deposit each such ballot in the ballot box and shall place Stub A from each ballot in the container provided therefor. The voter shall then immediately leave the polling place.
No ballot delivered by a voter to the precinct election official in charge of the ballot box with Stub A detached therefrom, and only ballots provided in accordance with Title XXXV of the Revised Code, shall be voted or deposited in the ballot box.
In marking a presidential ballot, the voter shall record the vote in the manner provided on the ballot next to the names of the candidates for the offices of president and vice-president. Such ballot shall be considered and counted as a vote for each of the candidates for election as presidential elector whose names were certified to the secretary of state by the political party of such nominees for president and vice-president.
In marking an office type ballot or nonpartisan ballot, the voter shall record the vote in the manner provided on the ballot next to the name of each candidate for whom the voter desires to vote.
In marking a primary election ballot, the voter shall record the vote in the manner provided on the ballot next to the name of each candidate for whom the voter desires to vote. If the voter desires to vote for the nomination of a person whose name is not printed on the primary election ballot, the voter may do so by writing such person's name on the ballot in the proper place provided for such purpose.
In marking a questions and issues ballot, the voter shall record the vote in the manner provided on the ballot at the left or at the right of "YES" or "NO" or other words of similar import which are printed on the ballot to enable the voter to indicate how the voter votes in connection with each question or issue upon which the voter desires to vote.
In marking any ballot on which a blank space has been provided wherein an elector may write in the name of a person for whom the elector desires to vote, the elector shall write such person's name in such blank space and on no other place on the ballot. Unless specific provision is made by statute, no blank space shall be provided on a ballot for write-in votes, and any names written on a ballot other than in a blank space provided therefor shall not be counted or recorded.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 35 | Elections

Chapter 3505 | General and Special Election Ballots

Section 3505.01 | Forms of Official Ballots.

Section 3505.02 | Former Names Printed in Parentheses on Ballot.

Section 3505.021 | Candidates With Identical Given Names and Surnames.

Section 3505.03 | Office Type Ballots.

Section 3505.04 | Nonpartisan Ballot.

Section 3505.06 | Questions and Issues Ballot.

Section 3505.061 | Ohio Ballot Board.

Section 3505.062 | Ohio Ballot Board Duties.

Section 3505.063 | Proposed Constitutional Amendments - Official Explanation and Arguments.

Section 3505.07 | Separate Ballots for Candidates, Question, or Issue.

Section 3505.071 | Ballots in Joint County School Districts.

Section 3505.08 | Ballot Material - Stubs.

Section 3505.09 | Separate Ballots for Each Precinct and District.

Section 3505.10 | Presidential Ballot.

Section 3505.11 | Quantity of Ballots to Be Provided.

Section 3505.12 | Type Size and Voting Instructions.

Section 3505.13 | Contract for Printing Ballots.

Section 3505.14 | Printed Proofs of Ballot.

Section 3505.15 | Ballot Packaging.

Section 3505.16 | Ballot Boxes and Supplies Placement at Polling Place.

Section 3505.17 | Lost or Destroyed Ballots or Supplies.

Section 3505.18 | Procedure When Elector Entered Polling Place.

Section 3505.181 | Eligibility to Cast Provisional Ballot - Procedure.

Section 3505.182 | Provisional Ballot Affirmation - Verification.

Section 3505.183 | Testing and Counting of Provisional Ballots - Rejection.

Section 3505.19

Section 3505.20 | Challenge of Elector at Polling Place.

Section 3505.21 | Appointment of Challengers and Witnesses.

Section 3505.22 | Impersonating an Elector.

Section 3505.23 | Time Limit for Occupying Voting Compartment - Errors in Voting - Marking Ballot.

Section 3505.24 | Providing Assistance to Blind, Disabled or Illiterate Electors.

Section 3505.26 | Closing Polls Procedures.

Section 3505.27 | Counting and Tallying of Ballots.

Section 3505.28 | Rejection of Ballots.

Section 3505.29 | Precinct Election Officials Not to Separate or Leave Until Counting Completed.

Section 3505.30 | Summary Statement of Results.

Section 3505.31 | Sealing Ballots, Pollbooks, Poll Lists or Signature Pollbooks, Tally Sheets.

Section 3505.32 | Canvass of Election Returns.

Section 3505.33 | Declaration of Election Results - Tie Votes - Abstracts and Report of Votes.

Section 3505.331 | Audit of Election Results.

Section 3505.34 | Canvass of Abstracts of Votes for State Executive Offices by General Assembly.

Section 3505.35 | Canvass of Abstracts by Secretary of State.

Section 3505.36 | Canvass of Abstracts of Multi County Candidates and Issues.

Section 3505.37 | Canvass of Abstracts by County Where Major Portion of a Subdivision Involved Is Located.

Section 3505.38 | Certificates of Election.

Section 3505.39 | Meeting of State's Presidential Electors.

Section 3505.40 | Electoral Vote to Be Cast for Party Nominees.