Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3505 | General and Special Election Ballots
Section 3505.061 | Ohio Ballot Board.

Effective: September 26, 2003
Latest Legislation: House Bill 95 - 125th General Assembly
(A) The Ohio ballot board, as authorized by Section 1 of Article XVI, Ohio Constitution, shall consist of the secretary of state and four appointed members. No more than two of the appointed members shall be of the same political party. One of the members shall be appointed by the president of the senate, one shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate, one shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and one shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives. The appointments shall be made no later than the last Monday in January in the year in which the appointments are to be made. If any appointment is not so made, the secretary of state, acting in place of the person otherwise required to make the appointment, shall appoint as many qualified members affiliated with the appropriate political party as are necessary.
(B)(1) The initial appointees to the board shall serve until the first Monday in February, 1977. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for four years, each term ending on the first Monday in February. The term of the secretary of state on the board shall coincide with the secretary of state's term of office. Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(2) of this section, division (B)(2) of section 3505.063, and division (B)(2) of section 3519.03 of the Revised Code, each appointed member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Except as otherwise provided in those divisions, any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. Except as otherwise provided in those divisions, any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Any vacancy occurring on the board shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall be of the same political party as that required of the member whom the member replaces.
(2) The term of office of a member of the board who also is a member of the general assembly and who was appointed to the board by the president of the senate, the minority leader of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, or the minority leader of the house of representatives shall end on the earlier of the following dates:
(a) The ending date of the ballot board term for which the member was appointed;
(b) The ending date of the member's term as a member of the general assembly.
(C) Members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.
(D) The secretary of state shall be the chairperson of the board, and the secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative shall have a vote equal to that of any other member. The vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson in the absence or disability of the chairperson, or during a vacancy in that office. The board shall meet after notice of at least seven days at a time and place determined by the chairperson. At its first meeting, the board shall elect a vice-chairperson from among its members for a term of two years, and it shall adopt rules for its procedures. After the first meeting, the board shall meet at the call of the chairperson or upon the written request of three other members. Three members constitute a quorum. No action shall be taken without the concurrence of three members.
(E) The secretary of state shall provide technical, professional, and clerical employees as necessary for the board to carry out its duties.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 35 | Elections

Chapter 3505 | General and Special Election Ballots

Section 3505.01 | Forms of Official Ballots.

Section 3505.02 | Former Names Printed in Parentheses on Ballot.

Section 3505.021 | Candidates With Identical Given Names and Surnames.

Section 3505.03 | Office Type Ballots.

Section 3505.04 | Nonpartisan Ballot.

Section 3505.06 | Questions and Issues Ballot.

Section 3505.061 | Ohio Ballot Board.

Section 3505.062 | Ohio Ballot Board Duties.

Section 3505.063 | Proposed Constitutional Amendments - Official Explanation and Arguments.

Section 3505.07 | Separate Ballots for Candidates, Question, or Issue.

Section 3505.071 | Ballots in Joint County School Districts.

Section 3505.08 | Ballot Material - Stubs.

Section 3505.09 | Separate Ballots for Each Precinct and District.

Section 3505.10 | Presidential Ballot.

Section 3505.11 | Quantity of Ballots to Be Provided.

Section 3505.12 | Type Size and Voting Instructions.

Section 3505.13 | Contract for Printing Ballots.

Section 3505.14 | Printed Proofs of Ballot.

Section 3505.15 | Ballot Packaging.

Section 3505.16 | Ballot Boxes and Supplies Placement at Polling Place.

Section 3505.17 | Lost or Destroyed Ballots or Supplies.

Section 3505.18 | Procedure When Elector Entered Polling Place.

Section 3505.181 | Eligibility to Cast Provisional Ballot - Procedure.

Section 3505.182 | Provisional Ballot Affirmation - Verification.

Section 3505.183 | Testing and Counting of Provisional Ballots - Rejection.

Section 3505.19

Section 3505.20 | Challenge of Elector at Polling Place.

Section 3505.21 | Appointment of Challengers and Witnesses.

Section 3505.22 | Impersonating an Elector.

Section 3505.23 | Time Limit for Occupying Voting Compartment - Errors in Voting - Marking Ballot.

Section 3505.24 | Providing Assistance to Blind, Disabled or Illiterate Electors.

Section 3505.26 | Closing Polls Procedures.

Section 3505.27 | Counting and Tallying of Ballots.

Section 3505.28 | Rejection of Ballots.

Section 3505.29 | Precinct Election Officials Not to Separate or Leave Until Counting Completed.

Section 3505.30 | Summary Statement of Results.

Section 3505.31 | Sealing Ballots, Pollbooks, Poll Lists or Signature Pollbooks, Tally Sheets.

Section 3505.32 | Canvass of Election Returns.

Section 3505.33 | Declaration of Election Results - Tie Votes - Abstracts and Report of Votes.

Section 3505.331 | Audit of Election Results.

Section 3505.34 | Canvass of Abstracts of Votes for State Executive Offices by General Assembly.

Section 3505.35 | Canvass of Abstracts by Secretary of State.

Section 3505.36 | Canvass of Abstracts of Multi County Candidates and Issues.

Section 3505.37 | Canvass of Abstracts by County Where Major Portion of a Subdivision Involved Is Located.

Section 3505.38 | Certificates of Election.

Section 3505.39 | Meeting of State's Presidential Electors.

Section 3505.40 | Electoral Vote to Be Cast for Party Nominees.