Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3345 | State Universities - General Powers
Section 3345.122 | Immunity of Trustees From Civil Action.

Effective: September 16, 1998
Latest Legislation: House Bill 770 - 122nd General Assembly
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member of a board of trustees of an institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.12 of the Revised Code, is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly is caused by an expenditure made or a contract entered into by the institution of higher education unless the trustee acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner with respect to the expenditure or contract.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 33 | Education-Libraries

Chapter 3345 | State Universities - General Powers

Section 3345.01 | Tuition Charge for Nonresidents of Ohio.

Section 3345.011 | State University Definitions.

Section 3345.02 | Statement of Student Charges to Include List of Fees.

Section 3345.021 | Control of Use of College Facilities for Speaking Purposes.

Section 3345.022 | Group Legal Services Insurance Plan - Prepaid Legal Services Plan.

Section 3345.023 | Denial of Benefits to Religious Student Group Prohibited.

Section 3345.024 | Higher Education Costs and Postgraduate Outcomes Report.

Section 3345.025 | Textbook Selection Policy.

Section 3345.027 | Prohibition on Withholding Student Transcripts.

Section 3345.028 | Regular Coursework Additional Fee Prohibition.

Section 3345.0211 | Expressive Activities on Campus - Definitions, Supersession.

Section 3345.0212 | Noncommercial Expressive Activities on Campus.

Section 3345.0213 | Outdoor Campus Areas as Public Forums; No Free Speech Zones.

Section 3345.0214 | Reports.

Section 3345.0215 | Campus Free Speech Policy.

Section 3345.03 | Audit of Accounts.

Section 3345.033 | Publication of Rules.

Section 3345.04 | State University Law Enforcement Officers.

Section 3345.041 | Agreements to Provide Police Services to Political Subdivision or Another State University or College - Civil Liability.

Section 3345.042 | Intrastate Mutual Aid Program; Participation by State Institutions of Higher Education.

Section 3345.05 | Administration of Moneys - Annual Reports by Recipients - Investments - Investment Committee.

Section 3345.06 | Entrance Requirements of High School Graduates - Core Curriculum.

Section 3345.061 | Sunset for State Operating Subsidies for Remedial Courses.

Section 3345.062 | University Remediation Report.

Section 3345.063 | Advanced Computer Science as Unit for Admission.

Section 3345.064 | In-State Resident Admissions at State Universities.

Section 3345.07 | Housing and Dining Facilities.

Section 3345.08 | Temporary Dwelling Accommodations.

Section 3345.09 | American Sign Language Recognized as Foreign Language - Courses.

Section 3345.10 | Competitive Bidding - Contracts for Printed Material.

Section 3345.11 | Auxiliary or Education Facilities.

Section 3345.12 | State University Additional Definitions - Issuance of Obligations.

Section 3345.121 | Notice to Legislative Authorities of Educational Facility Construction or Renovation - Comments or Objections.

Section 3345.122 | Immunity of Trustees From Civil Action.

Section 3345.13 | Duplication of Keys Prohibited.

Section 3345.14 | Rights to and Interests in Discoveries, Inventions or Patents - Establishment of Rules.

Section 3345.15 | Attorney General to Be Attorney and Legal Advisor.

Section 3345.16 | Board of Trustees to Receive and Hold Property or Funds - Investments - Endowments.

Section 3345.17 | Property Exempt From Taxation.

Section 3345.18 | Grant or Transfer of Lands by Boards of Trustees.

Section 3345.181 | Contracts or Leases to Mine Minerals.

Section 3345.19 | Anti-Hazing Policy.

Section 3345.20 | Procurement of Liability Insurance for Student Teachers and Students in Teacher Preparation Programs - Prohibitions.

Section 3345.201 | Purchase of Liability Insurance for Hospital Services.

Section 3345.202 | Board of Trustees May Provide Liability Insurance Coverage.

Section 3345.203 | Joint Self-Insurance Pool.

Section 3345.21 | Board of Trustees to Maintain Law and Order on Campus - Administration and Enforcement of Rules.

Section 3345.22 | Hearing for Suspension of Arrested Student, Faculty or Staff Member, or Employee - Responsibilities of Referee.

Section 3345.23 | Dismissal of Convicted Student, Faculty or Staff Member, or Employee - Reinstatement.

Section 3345.24 | Duty and Authority of College Administrators.

Section 3345.241 | Student Discipline Due Process Procedures.

Section 3345.25 | Dismissed or Suspended Person Not to Enter College Premises.

Section 3345.26 | Board of Trustees or President May Declare State of Emergency.

Section 3345.27 | Attendance by Senior Citizens.

Section 3345.28 | Faculty Improvement Program - Establishment and Administration.

Section 3345.281 | Program to Assess Oral English Language Proficiency of Teaching Assistants Providing Classroom Instruction.

Section 3345.29 | Office of Contract Compliance - Duties.

Section 3345.30 | Liability Insurance for Students.

Section 3345.31 | Boards of Trustees May Establish Compensation Plans.

Section 3345.311 | Excess Benefits Prohibited.

Section 3345.32 | Student Noncompliance With Selective Service Law.

Section 3345.33 | Removing Armed Forces Training Unit or Class.

Section 3345.34 | Student Trustee Not to Receive Special Treatment or Benefits.

Section 3345.35 | Course Evaluation Based on Enrollment and Duplication With Other Institutions.

Section 3345.351 | Review of Student Records for Associate Degree Eligibility.

Section 3345.36 | Establishment and Development of Entrepreneurial Projects.

Section 3345.37 | Policies Regarding Availability of Suicide Prevention Programs.

Section 3345.38 | Undergraduate Course Credit for Completion of International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

Section 3345.381 | Credit for Online Coursework.

Section 3345.39 | Report on Increased Auxiliary Fees.

Section 3345.40 | Limits on Damages for Wrongful Death or Injury to Person or Property.

Section 3345.41 | Warning Concerning Anabolic Steroids to Be Conspicuously Posted.

Section 3345.42 | Definitions.

Section 3345.421 | Assistance and Support to Veterans and Service Members by Institutions of Higher Education.

Section 3345.422 | Priority Course Registration for Veterans.

Section 3345.423 | Appeals Process for Resolution of Disputes Over Credit for Military Experience.

Section 3345.424 | Fees.

Section 3345.45 | Standards for Instructional Workloads for Faculty; Faculty Workload Policy; Conditions for Research Funding.

Section 3345.46 | Overload Fees.

Section 3345.461 | Tuition and Fees for Online Courses.

Section 3345.47 | Requirements to Live in On-Campus Housing.

Section 3345.48 | Undergraduate Tuition Guarantee Program.

Section 3345.481 | Required Course Registration Accommodations.

Section 3345.49 | Rights of Student Who Is Victim of Dissemination of Image.

Section 3345.50 | Administration of Capital Facilities Project - State Appropriations Under $ 4 Million.

Section 3345.51 | Administration of Capital Facilities Project - State Appropriations Immaterial.

Section 3345.53 | Military Leave of Absence for Student on Active Duty.

Section 3345.54 | Conveyance of Auxiliary Facilities to Conduit Entity.

Section 3345.55 | Lease Agreements for Campus Housing Facilities.

Section 3345.56 | Student's Not Employee's Based Upon Athletic Participation.

Section 3345.57 | Paid Leave Donation Programs.

Section 3345.59 | Workforce Education and Efficiency Compacts.

Section 3345.61 | Energy Conservation Measures Definitions.

Section 3345.62 | Contract for Report Containing Analysis and Recommendations on Energy Conservation Measures.

Section 3345.63 | Procedure for Contracts Other Than Installment Payment Contracts.

Section 3345.64 | Procedure for Installment Payment Contracts.

Section 3345.65 | Request for Proposals - Awarding of Contract.

Section 3345.66 | Issuance of Notes.

Section 3345.69 | Committee to Develop Guidelines for Energy Efficiency.

Section 3345.691 | Purchase of Biobased Products.

Section 3345.692 | Annual Reports on Purchases of Biobased Products.

Section 3345.70 | Powers and Duties of Board Where Fiscal Exigency Declared.

Section 3345.71 | Fiscal Watch Definitions.

Section 3345.72 | Rules for Fiscal Watches.

Section 3345.73 | Financial Indicators and Standards for Using Indicators.

Section 3345.74 | Determination That Appointment of Conservator Is Warranted.

Section 3345.75 | Appointment of Governance Authority.

Section 3345.76 | Termination of Governance Authority.

Section 3345.77 | Employment Contracts With President or Chief Executive Officer.

Section 3345.78 | Prohibition Against Certain Actions by Current or Former Employees and Officers of Institution.

Section 3345.81 | Strategic Completion Plan.

Section 3345.82 | Electronic Attendance of Board of Trustees' Meetings.

Section 3345.85 | Meningitis and Hepatitis B Vaccination.

Section 3345.86 | Enrollment in Program to Earn High School Diploma.

Section 3345.99 | Penalty.