Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3345 | State Universities - General Powers
Section 3345.061 | Sunset for State Operating Subsidies for Remedial Courses.

Effective: September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Ohio's two-year institutions of higher education are respected points of entry for students embarking on post-secondary careers and courses completed at those institutions are transferable to state universities in accordance with articulation and transfer agreements developed under sections 3333.16, 3333.161, and 3333.162 of the Revised Code.
(B) Beginning with undergraduate students who commence undergraduate studies in the 2014-2015 academic year, no state university listed in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, except Central state university, Shawnee state university, and Youngstown state university, shall receive any state operating subsidies for any academic remedial or developmental courses for undergraduate students, including courses prescribed in division (C) of section 3313.603 of the Revised Code, offered at its main campus, except as provided in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section.
(1) In the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years, a state university may receive state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses completed at the main campus for not more than three per cent of the total undergraduate credit hours provided by the university at its main campus.
(2) In the 2016-2017 academic year, a state university may receive state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses completed at the main campus for not more than fifteen per cent of the first-year students who have graduated from high school within the previous twelve months and who are enrolled in the university at its main campus, as calculated on a full-time-equivalent basis.
(3) In the 2017-2018 academic year, a state university may receive state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses completed at the main campus for not more than ten per cent of the first-year students who have graduated from high school within the previous twelve months and who are enrolled in the university at its main campus, as calculated on a full-time-equivalent basis.
(4) In the 2018-2019 academic year, a state university may receive state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses completed at the main campus for not more than five per cent of the first-year students who have graduated from high school within the previous twelve months and who are enrolled in the university at its main campus, as calculated on a full-time-equivalent basis.
Each state university may continue to offer academic remedial and developmental courses at its main campus beyond the extent for which state operating subsidies may be paid under this division and may continue to offer such courses beyond the 2018-2019 academic year. However, the main campus of a state university shall not receive any state operating subsidies for such courses above the maximum amounts permitted in this division.
(C) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, beginning with students who commence undergraduate studies in the 2014-2015 academic year, state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses offered by state institutions of higher education may be paid only to Central state university, Shawnee state university, Youngstown state university, any university branch, any community college, any state community college, or any technical college.
(D) Each state university shall grant credit for academic remedial or developmental courses successfully completed at an institution described in division (C) of this section pursuant to any applicable articulation and transfer agreements the university has entered into in accordance with policies and procedures adopted under section 3333.16, 3333.161, or 3333.162 of the Revised Code.
(E) The chancellor of higher education shall do all of the following:
(1) Withhold state operating subsidies for academic remedial or developmental courses provided by a main campus of a state university as required in order to conform to divisions (B) and (C) of this section;
(2) Adopt uniform statewide standards for academic remedial and developmental courses offered by all state institutions of higher education;
(3) Encourage and assist in the design and establishment of academic remedial and developmental courses by institutions of higher education;
(4) Define "academic year" for purposes of this section and section 3345.06 of the Revised Code;
(5) Encourage and assist in the development of articulation and transfer agreements between state universities and other institutions of higher education in accordance with policies and procedures adopted under sections 3333.16, 3333.161, and 3333.162 of the Revised Code.
(F) Not later than December 31, 2012, the presidents, or equivalent position, of all state institutions of higher education, or their designees, jointly shall establish uniform statewide standards in mathematics, science, reading, and writing each student enrolled in a state institution of higher education must meet to be considered in remediation-free status. The presidents also shall establish assessments, if they deem necessary, to determine if a student meets the standards adopted under this division. Each institution is responsible for assessing the needs of its enrolled students in the manner adopted by the presidents. The board of trustees or managing authority of each state institution of higher education shall adopt the remediation-free status standard, and any related assessments, into the institution's policies.
The chancellor shall assist in coordinating the work of the presidents under this division. The chancellor shall monitor the standards in mathematics, science, reading, and writing established under division (F) of this section to ensure that the standards adequately demonstrate a student's remediation-free status.
(G) Each year, not later than a date established by the chancellor, each state institution of higher education shall report to the governor, the general assembly, the chancellor, and the superintendent of public instruction all of the following for the prior academic year:
(1) The institution's aggregate costs for providing academic remedial or developmental courses;
(2) The amount of those costs disaggregated according to the city, local, or exempted village school districts from which the students taking those courses received their high school diplomas;
(3) Any other information with respect to academic remedial and developmental courses that the chancellor considers appropriate.
(H) Not later than December 31, 2011, and the thirty-first day of each December thereafter, the chancellor and the superintendent of public instruction shall issue a report recommending policies and strategies for reducing the need for academic remediation and developmental courses at state institutions of higher education.
(I) As used in this section, "state institution of higher education" has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 33 | Education-Libraries

Chapter 3345 | State Universities - General Powers

Section 3345.01 | Tuition Charge for Nonresidents of Ohio.

Section 3345.011 | State University Definitions.

Section 3345.02 | Statement of Student Charges to Include List of Fees.

Section 3345.021 | Control of Use of College Facilities for Speaking Purposes.

Section 3345.022 | Group Legal Services Insurance Plan - Prepaid Legal Services Plan.

Section 3345.023 | Denial of Benefits to Religious Student Group Prohibited.

Section 3345.024 | Higher Education Costs and Postgraduate Outcomes Report.

Section 3345.025 | Textbook Selection Policy.

Section 3345.027 | Prohibition on Withholding Student Transcripts.

Section 3345.028 | Regular Coursework Additional Fee Prohibition.

Section 3345.0211 | Expressive Activities on Campus - Definitions, Supersession.

Section 3345.0212 | Noncommercial Expressive Activities on Campus.

Section 3345.0213 | Outdoor Campus Areas as Public Forums; No Free Speech Zones.

Section 3345.0214 | Reports.

Section 3345.0215 | Campus Free Speech Policy.

Section 3345.03 | Audit of Accounts.

Section 3345.033 | Publication of Rules.

Section 3345.04 | State University Law Enforcement Officers.

Section 3345.041 | Agreements to Provide Police Services to Political Subdivision or Another State University or College - Civil Liability.

Section 3345.042 | Intrastate Mutual Aid Program; Participation by State Institutions of Higher Education.

Section 3345.05 | Administration of Moneys - Annual Reports by Recipients - Investments - Investment Committee.

Section 3345.06 | Entrance Requirements of High School Graduates - Core Curriculum.

Section 3345.061 | Sunset for State Operating Subsidies for Remedial Courses.

Section 3345.062 | University Remediation Report.

Section 3345.063 | Advanced Computer Science as Unit for Admission.

Section 3345.064 | In-State Resident Admissions at State Universities.

Section 3345.07 | Housing and Dining Facilities.

Section 3345.08 | Temporary Dwelling Accommodations.

Section 3345.09 | American Sign Language Recognized as Foreign Language - Courses.

Section 3345.10 | Competitive Bidding - Contracts for Printed Material.

Section 3345.11 | Auxiliary or Education Facilities.

Section 3345.12 | State University Additional Definitions - Issuance of Obligations.

Section 3345.121 | Notice to Legislative Authorities of Educational Facility Construction or Renovation - Comments or Objections.

Section 3345.122 | Immunity of Trustees From Civil Action.

Section 3345.13 | Duplication of Keys Prohibited.

Section 3345.14 | Rights to and Interests in Discoveries, Inventions or Patents - Establishment of Rules.

Section 3345.15 | Attorney General to Be Attorney and Legal Advisor.

Section 3345.16 | Board of Trustees to Receive and Hold Property or Funds - Investments - Endowments.

Section 3345.17 | Property Exempt From Taxation.

Section 3345.18 | Grant or Transfer of Lands by Boards of Trustees.

Section 3345.181 | Contracts or Leases to Mine Minerals.

Section 3345.19 | Anti-Hazing Policy.

Section 3345.20 | Procurement of Liability Insurance for Student Teachers and Students in Teacher Preparation Programs - Prohibitions.

Section 3345.201 | Purchase of Liability Insurance for Hospital Services.

Section 3345.202 | Board of Trustees May Provide Liability Insurance Coverage.

Section 3345.203 | Joint Self-Insurance Pool.

Section 3345.21 | Board of Trustees to Maintain Law and Order on Campus - Administration and Enforcement of Rules.

Section 3345.22 | Hearing for Suspension of Arrested Student, Faculty or Staff Member, or Employee - Responsibilities of Referee.

Section 3345.23 | Dismissal of Convicted Student, Faculty or Staff Member, or Employee - Reinstatement.

Section 3345.24 | Duty and Authority of College Administrators.

Section 3345.241 | Student Discipline Due Process Procedures.

Section 3345.25 | Dismissed or Suspended Person Not to Enter College Premises.

Section 3345.26 | Board of Trustees or President May Declare State of Emergency.

Section 3345.27 | Attendance by Senior Citizens.

Section 3345.28 | Faculty Improvement Program - Establishment and Administration.

Section 3345.281 | Program to Assess Oral English Language Proficiency of Teaching Assistants Providing Classroom Instruction.

Section 3345.29 | Office of Contract Compliance - Duties.

Section 3345.30 | Liability Insurance for Students.

Section 3345.31 | Boards of Trustees May Establish Compensation Plans.

Section 3345.311 | Excess Benefits Prohibited.

Section 3345.32 | Student Noncompliance With Selective Service Law.

Section 3345.33 | Removing Armed Forces Training Unit or Class.

Section 3345.34 | Student Trustee Not to Receive Special Treatment or Benefits.

Section 3345.35 | Course Evaluation Based on Enrollment and Duplication With Other Institutions.

Section 3345.351 | Review of Student Records for Associate Degree Eligibility.

Section 3345.36 | Establishment and Development of Entrepreneurial Projects.

Section 3345.37 | Policies Regarding Availability of Suicide Prevention Programs.

Section 3345.38 | Undergraduate Course Credit for Completion of International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

Section 3345.381 | Credit for Online Coursework.

Section 3345.39 | Report on Increased Auxiliary Fees.

Section 3345.40 | Limits on Damages for Wrongful Death or Injury to Person or Property.

Section 3345.41 | Warning Concerning Anabolic Steroids to Be Conspicuously Posted.

Section 3345.42 | Definitions.

Section 3345.421 | Assistance and Support to Veterans and Service Members by Institutions of Higher Education.

Section 3345.422 | Priority Course Registration for Veterans.

Section 3345.423 | Appeals Process for Resolution of Disputes Over Credit for Military Experience.

Section 3345.424 | Fees.

Section 3345.45 | Standards for Instructional Workloads for Faculty; Faculty Workload Policy; Conditions for Research Funding.

Section 3345.46 | Overload Fees.

Section 3345.461 | Tuition and Fees for Online Courses.

Section 3345.47 | Requirements to Live in On-Campus Housing.

Section 3345.48 | Undergraduate Tuition Guarantee Program.

Section 3345.481 | Required Course Registration Accommodations.

Section 3345.49 | Rights of Student Who Is Victim of Dissemination of Image.

Section 3345.50 | Administration of Capital Facilities Project - State Appropriations Under $ 4 Million.

Section 3345.51 | Administration of Capital Facilities Project - State Appropriations Immaterial.

Section 3345.53 | Military Leave of Absence for Student on Active Duty.

Section 3345.54 | Conveyance of Auxiliary Facilities to Conduit Entity.

Section 3345.55 | Lease Agreements for Campus Housing Facilities.

Section 3345.56 | Student's Not Employee's Based Upon Athletic Participation.

Section 3345.57 | Paid Leave Donation Programs.

Section 3345.59 | Workforce Education and Efficiency Compacts.

Section 3345.61 | Energy Conservation Measures Definitions.

Section 3345.62 | Contract for Report Containing Analysis and Recommendations on Energy Conservation Measures.

Section 3345.63 | Procedure for Contracts Other Than Installment Payment Contracts.

Section 3345.64 | Procedure for Installment Payment Contracts.

Section 3345.65 | Request for Proposals - Awarding of Contract.

Section 3345.66 | Issuance of Notes.

Section 3345.69 | Committee to Develop Guidelines for Energy Efficiency.

Section 3345.691 | Purchase of Biobased Products.

Section 3345.692 | Annual Reports on Purchases of Biobased Products.

Section 3345.70 | Powers and Duties of Board Where Fiscal Exigency Declared.

Section 3345.71 | Fiscal Watch Definitions.

Section 3345.72 | Rules for Fiscal Watches.

Section 3345.73 | Financial Indicators and Standards for Using Indicators.

Section 3345.74 | Determination That Appointment of Conservator Is Warranted.

Section 3345.75 | Appointment of Governance Authority.

Section 3345.76 | Termination of Governance Authority.

Section 3345.77 | Employment Contracts With President or Chief Executive Officer.

Section 3345.78 | Prohibition Against Certain Actions by Current or Former Employees and Officers of Institution.

Section 3345.81 | Strategic Completion Plan.

Section 3345.82 | Electronic Attendance of Board of Trustees' Meetings.

Section 3345.85 | Meningitis and Hepatitis B Vaccination.

Section 3345.86 | Enrollment in Program to Earn High School Diploma.

Section 3345.99 | Penalty.