Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3 | Officer; Oaths; Bonds
Section 3.31 | Bond Sufficiency.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A bond payable to the state, or other payee as directed by law, reciting the election or appointment of a person to an office or public trust under or in pursuance of the constitution or laws of this state, and conditioned for the faithful performance, by such person, of the duties of the office or trust, is sufficient, notwithstanding any special provision made by law for the condition of such bond.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

General Provisions

Chapter 3 | Officer; Oaths; Bonds

Section 3.01 | Continuation in Office Until Successor Elected or Appointed and Qualified.

Section 3.02 | Elective Office Filled by Appointment - Term of Appointee.

Section 3.03 | Vacancy in Office Filled by Appointment of Governor.

Section 3.04 | Removal or Suspension of Appointee by Governor.

Section 3.05 | Suspension by Governor - Filling Vacancy.

Section 3.06 | Deputies, Clerks - Blanket Bonds.

Section 3.061 | Dishonesty and Faithful Performance of Duty Policy in Lieu of Bond.

Section 3.07 | Misconduct in Office - Forfeiture.

Section 3.08 | Removal of Public Officers.

Section 3.09 | Appeal in Removal Cases on Questions of Law by Court of Appeals.

Section 3.10 | Subpoena of Witnesses - Fees.

Section 3.11 | Restrictions on Holding More Than One Office.

Section 3.111 | Simultaneous Service as Member or Officer of Board of Convention and Visitor's Bureau.

Section 3.112 | Simultaneous Service as Member of Board of Transportation Improvement District.

Section 3.12 | Personal Liability of Officer Making Contract Without Authority.

Section 3.13 | Recovery of Illegal Loans or Deposits.

Section 3.14 | Plan for the Funding or Refunding of Indebtedness.

Section 3.15 | Residency Requirements for Public Officials.

Section 3.16 | Suspension of Local Official Charged With Felony Relating to Official Conduct.

Section 3.17 | Failure to Attend Meetings.

Section 3.20 | Oath and Affirmation.

Section 3.21 | Form of Oath.

Section 3.22 | Oath of Office.

Section 3.23 | Contents of Oath of Office.

Section 3.24 | Administration of Oaths.

Section 3.30 | Failure to Give Bond of Office or File Oath of Office.

Section 3.31 | Bond Sufficiency.

Section 3.32 | Annual Bond Premium.

Section 3.33 | Deposit of Official Bonds.

Section 3.34 | Bonds Filled in or Left in Blank.