Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 307 | Board of County Commissioners - Powers
Section 307.674 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Educational and Cultural Performing Arts Facilities.

Effective: March 27, 2020
Latest Legislation: House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Bonds" means:
(a) Revenue bonds of the port authority described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section;
(b) Securities as defined in division (KK) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code issued by the host municipal corporation, described in division (B)(3)(a) of this section;
(c) Any bonds issued to refund any of those revenue bonds or securities.
(2) "Corporation" means a nonprofit corporation that is organized under the laws of this state and that includes within the purposes for which it is incorporated the authorization to lease and operate facilities such as a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility.
(3) "Cost," as applied to a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, means the cost of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, or improving the facility, or any combination of those purposes, collectively referred to in this section as "construction," and the cost of acquisition of all land, rights of way, property rights, easements, franchise rights, and interests required for those purposes, the cost of demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any land to which those buildings or structures may be moved, the cost of public utility and common carrier relocation or duplication, the cost of all machinery, furnishings, and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for not more than three years after completion of construction, costs arising under guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements relating to bonds, engineering, expenses of research and development with respect to such facility, legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, studies, estimates of costs and revenues, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of acquiring or constructing the facility, administrative expense, and other expenses as may be necessary or incident to that acquisition or construction and the financing of such acquisition or construction, including, with respect to the revenue bonds of a port authority, amounts to be paid into any special funds from the proceeds of those bonds, and repayments to the port authority, host county, host municipal corporation, or corporation of any amounts advanced for the foregoing purposes.
(4) "Debt service charges" means, for any period or payable at any time, the principal of and interest and any premium due on bonds for that period or payable at that time whether due at maturity or upon mandatory redemption, together with any required deposits to reserves for the payment of principal of and interest on those bonds, and includes any payments required by the port authority to satisfy any of its obligations under or arising from any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements described in division (C) of this section.
(5) "Host county" means the county within the boundaries of which the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility is or will be located.
(6) "Host municipal corporation" means the municipal corporation within the boundaries of which the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility is or will be located.
(7) "Port authority" means a port authority created pursuant to section 4582.22 of the Revised Code.
(8) "Port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility" means a facility that consists of a center for music or other performing arts, a theater or other facilities to provide programs of an educational, recreational, or cultural nature, or any combination of those purposes as determined by the parties to the cooperative agreement for which provision is made in division (B) of this section to fulfill the public educational, recreational, and cultural purposes set forth therein, together with all parking facilities, walkways, and other auxiliary facilities, real and personal property, property rights, easements, and interests that may be appropriate for, or used in connection with, the operation of the facility.
(B) A host county, a host municipal corporation, and a port authority may enter into a cooperative agreement with a corporation under which, as further provided for in that agreement:
(1) The host county may agree to do any or all of the following:
(a) Levy and collect a tax under divisions (O) and (P) of section 5739.09 of the Revised Code for the purposes, and in an amount sufficient for those purposes, described in divisions (B)(1)(b) and (c) of this section;
(b) Pay to the port authority all or such portion as provided for in the cooperative agreement of the revenue from the tax, together with any investment earnings on that revenue, to be used to pay a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, equipping, or improving the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility;
(c) Pledge and pay to the corporation all or such portion as provided for in the cooperative agreement of the revenue from the tax, together with any investment earnings on that revenue, to be used to pay a portion of the costs to the corporation of leasing the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility from the port authority.
(2) The port authority may agree to do any or all of the following:
(a) Issue its revenue bonds pursuant to section 4582.48 of the Revised Code for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility;
(b) Acquire, construct, renovate, rehabilitate, equip, and improve the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility;
(c) Lease the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility to the corporation;
(d) To the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement or the lease to the corporation, authorize the corporation to administer on behalf of the port authority the contracts for acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, or equipping the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility;
(e) Use the revenue derived from the lease of the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility to the corporation solely to pay debt service charges on revenue bonds of the port authority issued pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section and to pay its obligations under or arising from any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements provided for in this section.
(3) The host municipal corporation may agree to do either or both of the following:
(a) Issue its bonds for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, and pay the proceeds from the issuance to the port authority for that purpose;
(b) Enter into a guaranty agreement, a reimbursement agreement, or other credit enhancement agreement with the port authority to provide a guaranty or other credit enhancement of the port authority revenue bonds referred to in division (B)(2)(a) of this section pledging taxes, other than ad valorem property taxes, or other revenues for the purpose of providing the funds required to satisfy the host municipal corporation's obligations under that agreement.
The cooperative agreement may provide that the proceeds of such securities or of such guaranty agreement, reimbursement agreement, or other credit enhancement agreement be deposited with and administered by the trustee pursuant to the trust agreement authorized in division (C) of this section.
(4) The corporation may agree to do any or all of the following:
(a) Lease the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility from the port authority;
(b) Operate and maintain the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility pursuant to the lease;
(c) To the extent provided for in the cooperative agreement or the lease from the port authority, administer on behalf of the port authority the contracts for acquiring, constructing, renovating, rehabilitating, or equipping the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility.
(C) The pledge and payments referred to in divisions (B)(1)(b) and (c) of this section and provided for in the cooperative agreement shall be for the period stated in the cooperative agreement but shall not extend longer than the period necessary to provide for the final retirement of the port authority revenue bonds referred to in division (B)(2)(a) of this section, and for the satisfaction by the port authority of any of its obligations under or arising from any guaranty agreements, reimbursement agreements, or other credit enhancement agreements relating to those bonds or to the revenues pledged to them. The cooperative agreement shall provide for the termination of the cooperative agreement, including the pledge and payment referred to in division (B)(1)(c) of this section, if the port authority revenue bonds referred to in division (B)(2)(a) of this section have not been issued, sold, and delivered within five years of the effective date of the cooperative agreement.
The cooperative agreement shall provide that any port authority revenue bonds shall be secured by a trust agreement between the port authority and a corporate trustee that is a trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or outside the state but authorized to exercise trust powers within the state. The host county may be a party to that trust agreement for the purpose of better securing the pledge by the host county of its payment to the corporation pursuant to division (B)(1)(c) of this section. A tax levied pursuant to section 5739.09 of the Revised Code for the purposes specified in division (B)(1)(b) or (c) of this section is not subject to diminution by initiative or referendum or diminution by statute, unless provision is made for an adequate substitute reasonably satisfactory to the trustee under the trust agreement that secures the port authority revenue bonds.
(D) A pledge of money by a host county under this section shall not be net indebtedness of the host county for purposes of section 133.07 of the Revised Code. A guaranty or other credit enhancement by a host municipal corporation under this section shall not be net indebtedness of the host municipal corporation for purposes of section 133.05 of the Revised Code.
(E) If the terms of the cooperative agreement so provide, any contract for the acquisition, construction, renovation, rehabilitation, equipping, or improving of a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility shall be made in such manner as is determined by the board of directors of the port authority, and unless the cooperative agreement provides otherwise, such a contract is not subject to division (A)(18)(b) of section 4582.31 of the Revised Code. The port authority may take the assignment of and assume any contracts for the acquisition, construction, renovation, rehabilitation, equipping, or improving of a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility that had previously been authorized by any of the host county, the host municipality, or the corporation. Such contracts are not subject to division (A)(18)(b) of section 4582.31 of the Revised Code.
Any contract for the acquisition, construction, renovation, rehabilitation, equipping, or improving of a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility entered into, assigned, or assumed pursuant to this division shall provide that all laborers and mechanics employed for the acquisition, construction, renovation, rehabilitation, equipping, or improving of that facility shall be paid at the prevailing rates of wages of laborers and mechanics for the class of work called for by the port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility, which wages shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code for the determination of prevailing wage rates.
Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in section 123.281 of the Revised Code, construction services and general building services for a port authority educational and cultural performing arts facility funded completely or in part with money appropriated by the state to the Ohio facilities construction commission may be provided by a port authority or a corporation that occupies, will occupy, or is responsible for that facility, as determined by the commission. The construction services and general building services to be provided by the port authority or the corporation shall be specified in an agreement between the commission and the port authority or corporation. That agreement, or any actions taken under it, are not subject to Chapters 123. or 153. of the Revised Code, but are subject to Chapter 4115. of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 3 | Counties

Chapter 307 | Board of County Commissioners - Powers

Section 307.01 | County Buildings, Offices, Equipment.

Section 307.02 | Methods for Providing County Facilities.

Section 307.021 | Public Purpose and Function to Provide Capital Facilities for Jails, Workhouses or Community-Based Corrections.

Section 307.022 | Lease, Easement, License or Sale in Connection With Correctional Facility Without Competitive Bidding.

Section 307.023 | Contract for Acquisition or Use of Sports Facilities.

Section 307.03 | Use of County Buildings for Public Library.

Section 307.04 | Light, Heat, and Power Contracts.

Section 307.041 | Contracts to Analyze Reducing Energy Consumption in Buildings Owned by County.

Section 307.042 | Contracts to Regulate Utility Rates of Users of Municipal Utility.

Section 307.05 | Ambulance, Emergency Medical and Nonemergency Patient Transport Service Organizations.

Section 307.051 | County Emergency Medical, Fire and Transportation Service Organization Regulated by State Board.

Section 307.052 | Creating Joint Emergency Medical Services District.

Section 307.053 | Members of Board of Trustees.

Section 307.054 | Executive Director Duties - Employees.

Section 307.055 | Furnishing Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services.

Section 307.056 | Powers of Board of Trustees.

Section 307.057 | Levying Taxes - Issuing Bonds.

Section 307.058 | Joint Ambulance District or County May Join Joint Emergency Medical Services District.

Section 307.06 | Board of County Commissioners May Employ Land Appraisers.

Section 307.07 | Office of Economic Development.

Section 307.08 | Appropriation of Lands.

Section 307.081 | Purchase or Appropriation of Real Property for Redevelopment.

Section 307.082 | Agreements to Provide for Construction or Repair of Public Infrastructure Improvements.

Section 307.083 | Method for Purchasing Real Estate at Public Auction.

Section 307.084 | Purchase or Appropriation of Real Property for State or Federal Correctional Facility.

Section 307.09 | Sale, Lease, or Rent of County Real Estate - Proceeds.

Section 307.091 | Sale of County Medical Facility to State Medical School or College.

Section 307.092 | Sale, Lease, or Transfer of County Property to Nonprofit Senior Citizens Organizations.

Section 307.10 | Procedure for Sale, Lease, Transfer or Granting of Rights in Real Property.

Section 307.11 | Board of County Commissioners May Execute Leases of Mineral Lands.

Section 307.12 | Resolution for Disposal of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Personal Property.

Section 307.13 | Contracting for Services of Electrical Safety Inspector.

Section 307.14 | Legislative Authority and Contracting Subdivision Definitions.

Section 307.15 | Contracts With Other Governmental Entities.

Section 307.151 | Agreement With Municipalities for Control of Air and Water Pollution.

Section 307.152 | Agreements With Planning Commission for Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Studies.

Section 307.153 | Agreements With Board of Health.

Section 307.16 | Agreement to Provide Method of Payment.

Section 307.17 | Duration of Agreement - Rescission.

Section 307.18 | Transfer of Property to County Commissioners.

Section 307.19 | Application of Sections.

Section 307.20 | Powers Over Air Navigation Facilities.

Section 307.201 | Acquisition and Operation of Subway Transportation System.

Section 307.202 | Development of Rail Property and Rail Service.

Section 307.203 | Appropriating Moneys for Railroad Grade Crossing Improvement Fund.

Section 307.204 | Procedure Concerning Construction or Expansion of Concentrated Animal Feeding Facility.

Section 307.21 | Bequests for War Memorial.

Section 307.22 | Bequests for Educational Purposes.

Section 307.23 | Historical Society Appropriations.

Section 307.24 | Itemized Account.

Section 307.25 | Distribution of Books.

Section 307.26 | Organization and Maintenance of Civic and Social Centers.

Section 307.27 | Contributions to Soil Conservation Districts.

Section 307.28 | Grant of Use of Land in Parks for Art Buildings.

Section 307.281 | Contributions for Park Projects.

Section 307.282 | Creating Community Improvements Board.

Section 307.283 | Community Improvements Board; Powers and Duties.

Section 307.284 | Issuing Bonds to Make Grants in Excess of Community Improvement Fund.

Section 307.29 | County May Lease to Municipal Corporation.

Section 307.30 | Annual Report.

Section 307.31 | Order for Survey of County Lines.

Section 307.32 | Notice to Board of County Commissioners of County Affected.

Section 307.33 | Return of Survey.

Section 307.34 | Action to Establish Lines Between Counties.

Section 307.35 | Decree as to Taxes Collected.

Section 307.36 | Corners of Originally Surveyed Townships.

Section 307.37 | Adoption of County Building Code.

Section 307.38 | County Building Inspector - Duties.

Section 307.381 | Establishing County Board of Building Appeals.

Section 307.39 | Publication of Building Regulations.

Section 307.40 | Injunction.

Section 307.41 | Purchase or Lease of Motor Vehicles.

Section 307.42 | Use of Vehicles to Be Regulated.

Section 307.43 | Use of County Vehicle Except for Official Business Prohibited.

Section 307.44 | Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles Owned by County.

Section 307.441 | Errors and Omissions Insurance for Officers, Employees and Judges.

Section 307.45 | Using Property Tax Levied for Criminal Justice Services.

Section 307.46 | Expenses of Arrest - Payment.

Section 307.47 | Relief for Persons Injured in Automobiles Commandeered by Police Officer.

Section 307.48 | Proof of Validity of Claim.

Section 307.49 | Reward for Apprehension of Criminals.

Section 307.50 | Expenses of Pursuit and Return of Felon.

Section 307.51 | County Law Library Resources Board.

Section 307.511 | Law Library Resources Board Members.

Section 307.512 | Law Library Resources Board Meetings.

Section 307.513 | Annual Board Budget - Appropriations From General Fund.

Section 307.514 | County Law Library Resources Fund.

Section 307.515 | Allowance to Law Libraries From Fines and Penalties of Municipal Courts.

Section 307.516 | Multi-County Law Library Resources Commission.

Section 307.52 | Expert Witnesses.

Section 307.53 | Procedure When County Auditor Unable to Sign Bonds Due to Absence or Disability.

Section 307.54 | Registry and Redemption of Bonds.

Section 307.55 | Allowance and Payment of Claims Against County.

Section 307.56 | Appeal From Decision of Board of County Commissioners.

Section 307.561 | Settlement May Include Rezoning Agreement or Development Plan Approval.

Section 307.57 | May Execute Bonds of Indemnity.

Section 307.58 | Transcribing of Certain Records.

Section 307.59 | Transcribing of Court Records.

Section 307.60 | Appropriation for Compensation or Recruitment of Physicians or Other Medical Personnel.

Section 307.61 | Institutions Subject to Inspection of Commissioners or Board of Health.

Section 307.62 | Crime Victim Assistance Program - Appropriating Moneys.

Section 307.621 | Establishing Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.622 | Members of Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.623 | Child Fatality Review Board - Purpose and Duties.

Section 307.624 | Organization of Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.625 | No Review While Investigation Pending.

Section 307.626 | Annual Report.

Section 307.627 | Accessing Confidential Information.

Section 307.628 | Immunity.

Section 307.629 | Unauthorized Dissemination of Confidential Information.

Section 307.63 | Establishing Countywide Public Safety Communications System.

Section 307.631 | Establishing Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.632 | Members of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.633 | Chairperson of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.634 | Purpose of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.635 | No Review While Investigation or Prosecution Pending.

Section 307.636 | Collecting and Maintaining Information; Annual Report.

Section 307.637 | Providing Information to Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.638 | Immunity.

Section 307.639 | Confidentiality.

Section 307.64 | Appropriating Moneys From Tax Levies for Economic Development.

Section 307.641 | Establishing Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.642 | Members of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.643 | Purpose of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.644 | Chairperson of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.645 | No Review While Investigation or Prosecution Pending.

Section 307.646 | Collecting and Maintaining Information; Annual Report.

Section 307.647 | Providing Information to Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.648 | Immunity.

Section 307.649 | Confidentiality.

Section 307.6410 | Hybrid Review Committee.

Section 307.65 | Harbor Improvements.

Section 307.66 | Memorial Day Appropriations.

Section 307.67 | County May Give Aid to Establish Canal or Waterway.

Section 307.671 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Port Authority Educational and Cultural Facility.

Section 307.672 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance With Nonprofit Corporation for Municipal Education and Cultural Facility.

Section 307.673 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Construction or Renovation of Professional Sports Facilities.

Section 307.674 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Educational and Cultural Performing Arts Facilities.

Section 307.675 | Using Long Life Expectancy Material in the Construction or Repair of Bridge Deck.

Section 307.676 | Tax on Retail Sale of Food and Beverages Consumed on Premises - General Fund Revenue.

Section 307.677 | Tax on Retail Sale of Food and Beverages Consumed on Premises - Funding Convention Center.

Section 307.678 | Tourism Development Facility or Project Cooperative Agreements.

Section 307.679 | Sports Parks; Cooperative Agreements; Bonds.

Section 307.68 | Board May Issue Bonds Upon Petition.

Section 307.69 | Agreements for Protection of Funds Contributed.

Section 307.691 | County or Municipal Assistance to Nonprofit Corporations Engaged in Certain Activities Benefiting Public.

Section 307.692 | Expending Funds for Encouraging Economic Development of the County or Area Through Promotion of Tourism.

Section 307.693 | Appropriating Moneys for Convention and Visitors' Bureaus.

Section 307.694 | Expending Funds for Senior Citizens Services or Facilities.

Section 307.695 | Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance to Construct and Equip a Convention Center.

Section 307.696 | Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance to Construct and Operate a Sports Facility.

Section 307.697 | Voting on Question of Levying Liquor Tax to Support Facility.

Section 307.698 | Moneys Spent for Housing Purposes.

Section 307.699 | Annual Service Payment in Lieu of Taxes on the Exempt Property Used by Major League Professional Athletic Team.

Section 307.6910 | Operation of Veterans Memorial and Museum.

Section 307.70 | County Charter Commissions.

Section 307.71 | Adoption of Curfew.

Section 307.72 | Appropriating Funds for Police Training.

Section 307.73 | Contract for Private Construction of Water and Sewer Lines.

Section 307.74 | Purchasing Water From Municipality.

Section 307.75 | Operating or Contracting for Operation of Police Training Schools.

Section 307.76 | Operating or Contracting for Operation of Zoological Park.

Section 307.761 | Facility to Promote Sciences and Natural History.

Section 307.77 | Giving Aid to Units of Government for Water Management.

Section 307.771 | Issuing Bonds for Water Management.

Section 307.772 | Agreements for Facilitating Water Management Projects.

Section 307.78 | Making Contributions to Community Improvement Corporations.

Section 307.781 | Unpaid or Delinquent Tax Line of Credit.

Section 307.79 | Administrative Rules.

Section 307.791 | Election on Repeal of County Sediment Control Rule.

Section 307.80 | Establishing County Microfilming Board.

Section 307.801 | Organization of Board.

Section 307.802 | Powers and Duties of Board.

Section 307.803 | Funds of Board.

Section 307.804 | Chief Administrator - Employees.

Section 307.805 | Annual Estimate of the Revenues and Expenditures - Report.

Section 307.806 | Contract for Services With Other Public Entities.

Section 307.81 | Vacating Unused Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.82 | Selling Unused Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.83 | Reversionary Interest in Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.84 | Establishing Automatic Data Processing Board.

Section 307.841 | Organization of Board.

Section 307.842 | County Automatic Data Processing Board - Powers and Duties.

Section 307.843 | Acquiring Data Processing or Record Keeping Equipment, Software, or Services.

Section 307.844 | Chief Administrator - Automatic Data Processing Center.

Section 307.845 | Annual Estimate of the Revenues and Expenditures - Report.

Section 307.846 | Contract for Services With Other Public Entities.

Section 307.847 | Coordination of Information by County Automatic Data Processing Board.

Section 307.85 | Cooperation With Other Agencies in Operating Federal Programs.

Section 307.851 | Contracting With Corporation or Association, Profit or Nonprofit, to Provide Health and Human Services or Social Services.

Section 307.86 | Competitive Bidding Required - Exceptions.

Section 307.861 | Renewing Leases for Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Services, or Systems, or Radio Communications System.

Section 307.862 | Competitive Sealed Proposals - Procedure.

Section 307.863 | Bidding Process for Franchises.

Section 307.87 | Notice of Competitive Bidding.

Section 307.88 | Bid Contents.

Section 307.89 | Accepting Bids.

Section 307.90 | Contract Award - Preferences.

Section 307.91 | Rejecting All Bids.

Section 307.92 | Contracting Authority Defined.

Section 307.921 | Policy to Assist Minority Business Enterprises.

Section 307.93 | Joint Establishment of a Multicounty Correctional Center.

Section 307.931 | Submitting Health Insurance Claims for Inmates of Correctional Center.

Section 307.932 | Community Alternative Sentencing Centers.

Section 307.933 | Issuance of Securities.

Section 307.94 | Petitioning for Election on Adoption of County Charter.

Section 307.95 | Determining Validity of Petitions.

Section 307.96 | Charter or Amendment Effective Date.

Section 307.97 | Filing Sworn Itemized Statement of Financial Transactions.

Section 307.98 | Written Partnership Agreement With Director of Job and Family Services.

Section 307.981 | Designating Entities as Family Services Agencies.

Section 307.982 | Contracts to Perform Family Services Duty or Workforce Development Activity.

Section 307.983 | Plan of Cooperation to Enhance Administration of Ohio Works First Program, Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program, and Other Family Services Duties and Workforce Development Activities.

Section 307.984 | Regional Plans of Cooperation to Enhance the Administration, Delivery, and Effectiveness of Family Services Duties and Workforce Development Activities.

Section 307.985 | Transportation Work Plan Regarding the Transportation Needs of Low Income Residents.

Section 307.986 | Procedures for Providing Services to Children Whose Families Relocate Frequently.

Section 307.987 | Permitting Exchange of Information Needed to Improve Services and Assistance to Individuals and Families and the Protection of Children.

Section 307.988 | Federal Requirements for Contracts With Religious Organization.

Section 307.99 | Penalty.