Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 307 | Board of County Commissioners - Powers
Section 307.083 | Method for Purchasing Real Estate at Public Auction.

Effective: April 5, 1991
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 263 - 118th General Assembly
A board of county commissioners may purchase real estate at public auction by designating an individual to represent the board and tender bids at the auction, subject to a maximum purchase amount established by the board or an appraisal obtained prior to sale. A purchase made under this section is subject to division (D) of section 5705.41 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 3 | Counties

Chapter 307 | Board of County Commissioners - Powers

Section 307.01 | County Buildings, Offices, Equipment.

Section 307.02 | Methods for Providing County Facilities.

Section 307.021 | Public Purpose and Function to Provide Capital Facilities for Jails, Workhouses or Community-Based Corrections.

Section 307.022 | Lease, Easement, License or Sale in Connection With Correctional Facility Without Competitive Bidding.

Section 307.023 | Contract for Acquisition or Use of Sports Facilities.

Section 307.03 | Use of County Buildings for Public Library.

Section 307.04 | Light, Heat, and Power Contracts.

Section 307.041 | Contracts to Analyze Reducing Energy Consumption in Buildings Owned by County.

Section 307.042 | Contracts to Regulate Utility Rates of Users of Municipal Utility.

Section 307.05 | Ambulance, Emergency Medical and Nonemergency Patient Transport Service Organizations.

Section 307.051 | County Emergency Medical, Fire and Transportation Service Organization Regulated by State Board.

Section 307.052 | Creating Joint Emergency Medical Services District.

Section 307.053 | Members of Board of Trustees.

Section 307.054 | Executive Director Duties - Employees.

Section 307.055 | Furnishing Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services.

Section 307.056 | Powers of Board of Trustees.

Section 307.057 | Levying Taxes - Issuing Bonds.

Section 307.058 | Joint Ambulance District or County May Join Joint Emergency Medical Services District.

Section 307.06 | Board of County Commissioners May Employ Land Appraisers.

Section 307.07 | Office of Economic Development.

Section 307.08 | Appropriation of Lands.

Section 307.081 | Purchase or Appropriation of Real Property for Redevelopment.

Section 307.082 | Agreements to Provide for Construction or Repair of Public Infrastructure Improvements.

Section 307.083 | Method for Purchasing Real Estate at Public Auction.

Section 307.084 | Purchase or Appropriation of Real Property for State or Federal Correctional Facility.

Section 307.09 | Sale, Lease, or Rent of County Real Estate - Proceeds.

Section 307.091 | Sale of County Medical Facility to State Medical School or College.

Section 307.092 | Sale, Lease, or Transfer of County Property to Nonprofit Senior Citizens Organizations.

Section 307.10 | Procedure for Sale, Lease, Transfer or Granting of Rights in Real Property.

Section 307.11 | Board of County Commissioners May Execute Leases of Mineral Lands.

Section 307.12 | Resolution for Disposal of Unneeded, Obsolete or Unfit Personal Property.

Section 307.13 | Contracting for Services of Electrical Safety Inspector.

Section 307.14 | Legislative Authority and Contracting Subdivision Definitions.

Section 307.15 | Contracts With Other Governmental Entities.

Section 307.151 | Agreement With Municipalities for Control of Air and Water Pollution.

Section 307.152 | Agreements With Planning Commission for Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Studies.

Section 307.153 | Agreements With Board of Health.

Section 307.16 | Agreement to Provide Method of Payment.

Section 307.17 | Duration of Agreement - Rescission.

Section 307.18 | Transfer of Property to County Commissioners.

Section 307.19 | Application of Sections.

Section 307.20 | Powers Over Air Navigation Facilities.

Section 307.201 | Acquisition and Operation of Subway Transportation System.

Section 307.202 | Development of Rail Property and Rail Service.

Section 307.203 | Appropriating Moneys for Railroad Grade Crossing Improvement Fund.

Section 307.204 | Procedure Concerning Construction or Expansion of Concentrated Animal Feeding Facility.

Section 307.21 | Bequests for War Memorial.

Section 307.22 | Bequests for Educational Purposes.

Section 307.23 | Historical Society Appropriations.

Section 307.24 | Itemized Account.

Section 307.25 | Distribution of Books.

Section 307.26 | Organization and Maintenance of Civic and Social Centers.

Section 307.27 | Contributions to Soil Conservation Districts.

Section 307.28 | Grant of Use of Land in Parks for Art Buildings.

Section 307.281 | Contributions for Park Projects.

Section 307.282 | Creating Community Improvements Board.

Section 307.283 | Community Improvements Board; Powers and Duties.

Section 307.284 | Issuing Bonds to Make Grants in Excess of Community Improvement Fund.

Section 307.29 | County May Lease to Municipal Corporation.

Section 307.30 | Annual Report.

Section 307.31 | Order for Survey of County Lines.

Section 307.32 | Notice to Board of County Commissioners of County Affected.

Section 307.33 | Return of Survey.

Section 307.34 | Action to Establish Lines Between Counties.

Section 307.35 | Decree as to Taxes Collected.

Section 307.36 | Corners of Originally Surveyed Townships.

Section 307.37 | Adoption of County Building Code.

Section 307.38 | County Building Inspector - Duties.

Section 307.381 | Establishing County Board of Building Appeals.

Section 307.39 | Publication of Building Regulations.

Section 307.40 | Injunction.

Section 307.41 | Purchase or Lease of Motor Vehicles.

Section 307.42 | Use of Vehicles to Be Regulated.

Section 307.43 | Use of County Vehicle Except for Official Business Prohibited.

Section 307.44 | Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles Owned by County.

Section 307.441 | Errors and Omissions Insurance for Officers, Employees and Judges.

Section 307.45 | Using Property Tax Levied for Criminal Justice Services.

Section 307.46 | Expenses of Arrest - Payment.

Section 307.47 | Relief for Persons Injured in Automobiles Commandeered by Police Officer.

Section 307.48 | Proof of Validity of Claim.

Section 307.49 | Reward for Apprehension of Criminals.

Section 307.50 | Expenses of Pursuit and Return of Felon.

Section 307.51 | County Law Library Resources Board.

Section 307.511 | Law Library Resources Board Members.

Section 307.512 | Law Library Resources Board Meetings.

Section 307.513 | Annual Board Budget - Appropriations From General Fund.

Section 307.514 | County Law Library Resources Fund.

Section 307.515 | Allowance to Law Libraries From Fines and Penalties of Municipal Courts.

Section 307.516 | Multi-County Law Library Resources Commission.

Section 307.52 | Expert Witnesses.

Section 307.53 | Procedure When County Auditor Unable to Sign Bonds Due to Absence or Disability.

Section 307.54 | Registry and Redemption of Bonds.

Section 307.55 | Allowance and Payment of Claims Against County.

Section 307.56 | Appeal From Decision of Board of County Commissioners.

Section 307.561 | Settlement May Include Rezoning Agreement or Development Plan Approval.

Section 307.57 | May Execute Bonds of Indemnity.

Section 307.58 | Transcribing of Certain Records.

Section 307.59 | Transcribing of Court Records.

Section 307.60 | Appropriation for Compensation or Recruitment of Physicians or Other Medical Personnel.

Section 307.61 | Institutions Subject to Inspection of Commissioners or Board of Health.

Section 307.62 | Crime Victim Assistance Program - Appropriating Moneys.

Section 307.621 | Establishing Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.622 | Members of Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.623 | Child Fatality Review Board - Purpose and Duties.

Section 307.624 | Organization of Child Fatality Review Board.

Section 307.625 | No Review While Investigation Pending.

Section 307.626 | Annual Report.

Section 307.627 | Accessing Confidential Information.

Section 307.628 | Immunity.

Section 307.629 | Unauthorized Dissemination of Confidential Information.

Section 307.63 | Establishing Countywide Public Safety Communications System.

Section 307.631 | Establishing Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.632 | Members of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.633 | Chairperson of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.634 | Purpose of Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.635 | No Review While Investigation or Prosecution Pending.

Section 307.636 | Collecting and Maintaining Information; Annual Report.

Section 307.637 | Providing Information to Drug Overdose Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.638 | Immunity.

Section 307.639 | Confidentiality.

Section 307.64 | Appropriating Moneys From Tax Levies for Economic Development.

Section 307.641 | Establishing Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.642 | Members of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.643 | Purpose of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.644 | Chairperson of Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.645 | No Review While Investigation or Prosecution Pending.

Section 307.646 | Collecting and Maintaining Information; Annual Report.

Section 307.647 | Providing Information to Suicide Fatality Review Committee.

Section 307.648 | Immunity.

Section 307.649 | Confidentiality.

Section 307.6410 | Hybrid Review Committee.

Section 307.65 | Harbor Improvements.

Section 307.66 | Memorial Day Appropriations.

Section 307.67 | County May Give Aid to Establish Canal or Waterway.

Section 307.671 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Port Authority Educational and Cultural Facility.

Section 307.672 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance With Nonprofit Corporation for Municipal Education and Cultural Facility.

Section 307.673 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Construction or Renovation of Professional Sports Facilities.

Section 307.674 | Cooperative Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance for Educational and Cultural Performing Arts Facilities.

Section 307.675 | Using Long Life Expectancy Material in the Construction or Repair of Bridge Deck.

Section 307.676 | Tax on Retail Sale of Food and Beverages Consumed on Premises - General Fund Revenue.

Section 307.677 | Tax on Retail Sale of Food and Beverages Consumed on Premises - Funding Convention Center.

Section 307.678 | Tourism Development Facility or Project Cooperative Agreements.

Section 307.679 | Sports Parks; Cooperative Agreements; Bonds.

Section 307.68 | Board May Issue Bonds Upon Petition.

Section 307.69 | Agreements for Protection of Funds Contributed.

Section 307.691 | County or Municipal Assistance to Nonprofit Corporations Engaged in Certain Activities Benefiting Public.

Section 307.692 | Expending Funds for Encouraging Economic Development of the County or Area Through Promotion of Tourism.

Section 307.693 | Appropriating Moneys for Convention and Visitors' Bureaus.

Section 307.694 | Expending Funds for Senior Citizens Services or Facilities.

Section 307.695 | Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance to Construct and Equip a Convention Center.

Section 307.696 | Agreement for Sales Tax Levy and Bond Issuance to Construct and Operate a Sports Facility.

Section 307.697 | Voting on Question of Levying Liquor Tax to Support Facility.

Section 307.698 | Moneys Spent for Housing Purposes.

Section 307.699 | Annual Service Payment in Lieu of Taxes on the Exempt Property Used by Major League Professional Athletic Team.

Section 307.6910 | Operation of Veterans Memorial and Museum.

Section 307.70 | County Charter Commissions.

Section 307.71 | Adoption of Curfew.

Section 307.72 | Appropriating Funds for Police Training.

Section 307.73 | Contract for Private Construction of Water and Sewer Lines.

Section 307.74 | Purchasing Water From Municipality.

Section 307.75 | Operating or Contracting for Operation of Police Training Schools.

Section 307.76 | Operating or Contracting for Operation of Zoological Park.

Section 307.761 | Facility to Promote Sciences and Natural History.

Section 307.77 | Giving Aid to Units of Government for Water Management.

Section 307.771 | Issuing Bonds for Water Management.

Section 307.772 | Agreements for Facilitating Water Management Projects.

Section 307.78 | Making Contributions to Community Improvement Corporations.

Section 307.781 | Unpaid or Delinquent Tax Line of Credit.

Section 307.79 | Administrative Rules.

Section 307.791 | Election on Repeal of County Sediment Control Rule.

Section 307.80 | Establishing County Microfilming Board.

Section 307.801 | Organization of Board.

Section 307.802 | Powers and Duties of Board.

Section 307.803 | Funds of Board.

Section 307.804 | Chief Administrator - Employees.

Section 307.805 | Annual Estimate of the Revenues and Expenditures - Report.

Section 307.806 | Contract for Services With Other Public Entities.

Section 307.81 | Vacating Unused Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.82 | Selling Unused Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.83 | Reversionary Interest in Parks and Park Lands.

Section 307.84 | Establishing Automatic Data Processing Board.

Section 307.841 | Organization of Board.

Section 307.842 | County Automatic Data Processing Board - Powers and Duties.

Section 307.843 | Acquiring Data Processing or Record Keeping Equipment, Software, or Services.

Section 307.844 | Chief Administrator - Automatic Data Processing Center.

Section 307.845 | Annual Estimate of the Revenues and Expenditures - Report.

Section 307.846 | Contract for Services With Other Public Entities.

Section 307.847 | Coordination of Information by County Automatic Data Processing Board.

Section 307.85 | Cooperation With Other Agencies in Operating Federal Programs.

Section 307.851 | Contracting With Corporation or Association, Profit or Nonprofit, to Provide Health and Human Services or Social Services.

Section 307.86 | Competitive Bidding Required - Exceptions.

Section 307.861 | Renewing Leases for Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Services, or Systems, or Radio Communications System.

Section 307.862 | Competitive Sealed Proposals - Procedure.

Section 307.863 | Bidding Process for Franchises.

Section 307.87 | Notice of Competitive Bidding.

Section 307.88 | Bid Contents.

Section 307.89 | Accepting Bids.

Section 307.90 | Contract Award - Preferences.

Section 307.91 | Rejecting All Bids.

Section 307.92 | Contracting Authority Defined.

Section 307.921 | Policy to Assist Minority Business Enterprises.

Section 307.93 | Joint Establishment of a Multicounty Correctional Center.

Section 307.931 | Submitting Health Insurance Claims for Inmates of Correctional Center.

Section 307.932 | Community Alternative Sentencing Centers.

Section 307.933 | Issuance of Securities.

Section 307.94 | Petitioning for Election on Adoption of County Charter.

Section 307.95 | Determining Validity of Petitions.

Section 307.96 | Charter or Amendment Effective Date.

Section 307.97 | Filing Sworn Itemized Statement of Financial Transactions.

Section 307.98 | Written Partnership Agreement With Director of Job and Family Services.

Section 307.981 | Designating Entities as Family Services Agencies.

Section 307.982 | Contracts to Perform Family Services Duty or Workforce Development Activity.

Section 307.983 | Plan of Cooperation to Enhance Administration of Ohio Works First Program, Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program, and Other Family Services Duties and Workforce Development Activities.

Section 307.984 | Regional Plans of Cooperation to Enhance the Administration, Delivery, and Effectiveness of Family Services Duties and Workforce Development Activities.

Section 307.985 | Transportation Work Plan Regarding the Transportation Needs of Low Income Residents.

Section 307.986 | Procedures for Providing Services to Children Whose Families Relocate Frequently.

Section 307.987 | Permitting Exchange of Information Needed to Improve Services and Assistance to Individuals and Families and the Protection of Children.

Section 307.988 | Federal Requirements for Contracts With Religious Organization.

Section 307.99 | Penalty.