Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2941 | Indictment
Section 2941.51 | Counsel for Indigents.

Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) Counsel appointed to a case or selected by an indigent person under division (E) of section 120.16 or division (E) of section 120.26 of the Revised Code, or otherwise appointed by the court, except for counsel appointed by the court to provide legal representation for a person charged with a violation of an ordinance of a municipal corporation, shall be paid for their services by the county the compensation and expenses that the trial court approves. Each request for payment shall include a financial disclosure form completed by the indigent person on a form prescribed by the state public defender. Compensation and expenses shall not exceed the amounts fixed by the board of county commissioners pursuant to division (B) of this section.
(B) The board of county commissioners shall establish a schedule of fees by case or on an hourly basis to be paid by the county for legal services provided by appointed counsel. Prior to establishing such schedule, the board shall request the bar association or associations of the county to submit a proposed schedule for cases other than capital cases. The schedule submitted shall be subject to the review, amendment, and approval of the board of county commissioners, except with respect to capital cases. With respect to capital cases, the schedule shall provide for fees by case or on an hourly basis to be paid to counsel in the amount or at the rate set by the capital case attorney fee council pursuant to division (D) of section 120.33 of the Revised Code, and the board of county commissioners shall approve that amount or rate.
With respect to capital cases, counsel shall be paid compensation and expenses in accordance with the amount or at the rate set by the capital case attorney fee council pursuant to division (D) of section 120.33 of the Revised Code.
(C) In a case where counsel have been appointed to conduct an appeal under Chapter 120. of the Revised Code, such compensation shall be fixed by the court of appeals or the supreme court, as provided in divisions (A) and (B) of this section.
(D) The fees and expenses approved by the court under this section shall not be taxed as part of the costs and shall be paid by the county. However, if the person represented has, or reasonably may be expected to have, the means to meet some part of the cost of the services rendered to the person, the person shall pay the county an amount that the person reasonably can be expected to pay. Pursuant to section 120.04 of the Revised Code, the county shall pay to the state public defender a percentage of the payment received from the person in an amount proportionate to the percentage of the costs of the person's case that were paid to the county by the state public defender pursuant to this section. The money paid to the state public defender shall be credited to the client payment fund created pursuant to division (B)(5) of section 120.04 of the Revised Code.
(E) The county auditor shall draw a warrant on the county treasurer for the payment of such counsel in the amount fixed by the court, plus the expenses that the court fixes and certifies to the auditor. The county auditor shall report periodically, but not less than annually, to the board of county commissioners and to the Ohio public defender commission the amounts paid out pursuant to the approval of the court under this section, separately stating costs and expenses that are reimbursable under section 120.35 of the Revised Code. The board, after review and approval of the auditor's report, may then certify it to the state public defender for reimbursement. The request for reimbursement shall be accompanied by a financial disclosure form completed by each indigent person for whom counsel was provided on a form prescribed by the state public defender. The state public defender shall review the report and, in accordance with the standards, guidelines, and maximums established pursuant to divisions (B)(7) and (8) of section 120.04 of the Revised Code and the payment determination provisions of section 120.34 of the Revised Code, pay the cost, other than costs and expenses that are reimbursable under section 120.35 of the Revised Code, if any, of paying appointed counsel in each county and pay costs and expenses that are reimbursable under section 120.35 of the Revised Code, if any, to the board. The amount of payments the state public defender is to make shall be determined as specified in section 120.34 of the Revised Code.
(F) If any county system for paying appointed counsel fails to maintain the standards for the conduct of the system established by the rules of the Ohio public defender commission pursuant to divisions (B) and (C) of section 120.03 of the Revised Code or the standards established by the state public defender pursuant to division (B)(7) of section 120.04 of the Revised Code, the commission shall notify the board of county commissioners of the county that the county system for paying appointed counsel has failed to comply with its rules. Unless the board corrects the conduct of its appointed counsel system to comply with the rules within ninety days after the date of the notice, the state public defender may deny all or part of the county's reimbursement from the state provided for in this section.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 29 | Crimes-Procedure

Chapter 2941 | Indictment

Section 2941.01 | Indictment Definitions.

Section 2941.02 | Indictment Processes Apply to Informations.

Section 2941.021 | Offenses Prosecuted by Information.

Section 2941.03 | Sufficiency of Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.04 | Two or More Offenses in One Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.05 | Statement That Accused Has Committed Some Public Offense.

Section 2941.06 | Form of Indictment.

Section 2941.07 | Bill of Particulars.

Section 2941.08 | Defects Which Do Not Affect Validity of Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.09 | Identification of Group, Association, or Corporation.

Section 2941.10 | Indictment Failing to Negative Any Exception, Excuse, or Proviso Contained in Statute.

Section 2941.11 | Allege Prior Conviction.

Section 2941.12 | Pleading a Statute or Right Derived Therefrom.

Section 2941.13 | Pleading a Judgment or Other Determination.

Section 2941.14 | Indictment for Aggravated Murder, Murder, or Voluntary or Involuntary Manslaughter - Specifications.

Section 2941.141 | Firearm on or About Offender's Person or Under Offender's Control Specification.

Section 2941.142 | Criminal Gang Participation Specification.

Section 2941.143 | Offense in School Safety Zone or Towards a Person in School Safety Zone Specification.

Section 2941.144 | Automatic Firearm or Firearm Muffler or Suppressor Specification.

Section 2941.145 | Firearm Displayed, Brandished, Indicated That Offender Possessed the Firearm, or Used It to Facilitate Offense Specification.

Section 2941.146 | Firearm Discharged From Motor Vehicle Specification.

Section 2941.147 | Sexual Motivation Specification.

Section 2941.148 | Sexually Violent Predator Specification.

Section 2941.149 | Repeat Violent Offender Specification.

Section 2941.1410 | Major Drug Offender Specification.

Section 2941.1411 | Offender Wore or Carried Body Armor Specification.

Section 2941.1412 | Discharged Firearm at Peace Officer or Corrections Officer Specification.

Section 2941.1413 | Mandatory Additional Prison Term for Felony Ovi Violation Precluded Unless Charging Instrument Specifies Prior Convictions.

Section 2941.1414 | Peace Officer Victim of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide Specification.

Section 2941.1415 | Multiple Ovi Violations Specification.

Section 2941.1416 | [Repealed Effective 4/4/2023 by s.b. 288, 134th General Assembly] Mandatory Additional Jail Term for Misdemeanor Ovi Violation Precluded Unless Charging Instrument Specifies Prior Convictions.

Section 2941.1417 | Property Subject to Forfeiture - Indictment Specifications.

Section 2941.1418 | Rape - Offender Age Specification.

Section 2941.1419 | Rape - Victim Age Specification.

Section 2941.1420 | Rape - Previous Conviction or Serious Physical Harm Specification.

Section 2941.1421 | School Proximity Specification for Certain Sex Offenses.

Section 2941.1422 | Mandatory Prison Term - Furtherance of Human Trafficking.

Section 2941.1423 | Mandatory Prison Term - Pregnancy Known to Offender.

Section 2941.1424 | Specification of Violent Career Criminal.

Section 2941.1425 | Use of Accelerant in Committing Violent Felony.

Section 2941.1426 | Impositin of Mandatory Sentence Under Section 2929.14.

Section 2941.15 | Sufficiency of Indictment or Information for Forgery.

Section 2941.16 | Description of Forgery Materials Sufficient.

Section 2941.17 | Description of Writing by Usual Name or Purport.

Section 2941.18 | Perjury or Falsification Allegations.

Section 2941.19 | Allegations Involving Intent to Defraud.

Section 2941.20 | Allegations Involving Sale, Possession, Transportation, Buying, or Giving Intoxicating Liquor.

Section 2941.21 | Allegations Involving Property Belonging to Partners or Joint Owners.

Section 2941.22 | Allegations Involving Ownership or Value of Will, Codicil, or Other Testamentary Instrument.

Section 2941.23 | Allegations Involving Elections.

Section 2941.25 | Allied Offenses of Similar Import - Multiple Counts.

Section 2941.26 | Variance Between Indictment and Evidence.

Section 2941.27 | Plea in Abatement or Other Dilatory Plea.

Section 2941.28 | Misjoinder of Parties or Offenses Not Grounds for Dismissal.

Section 2941.29 | Objection to Defect in Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.30 | Amending Indictment, Information, or Bill of Particulars.

Section 2941.31 | Quashed Indictment - Nolle Prosequi.

Section 2941.32 | Two or More Indictments Pending.

Section 2941.33 | Nolle Prosequi How Entered.

Section 2941.34 | Indictment or Information Mutilated, Obliterated, Lost, Mislaid, or Destroyed.

Section 2941.35 | Misdemeanor Prosecutions.

Section 2941.36 | Issuing Arrest Warrants.

Section 2941.37 | Warrant When Accused Resides Out of County.

Section 2941.38 | Warrant When Accused Escapes.

Section 2941.39 | Indictment of Convict in a State Correctional Institution.

Section 2941.40 | Convicts Removed to County for Sentence or Trial.

Section 2941.401 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner.

Section 2941.41 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Warrant.

Section 2941.42 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Confinement.

Section 2941.43 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Disposition Following Trial.

Section 2941.44 | Arrest of Escaped Convict - Expense of Return.

Section 2941.45 | Trial of Person Serving Workhouse Sentence.

Section 2941.46 | Arrest for Violations of Conditional Pardon or Parole.

Section 2941.47 | Summons on Informations and Indictments Against Corporations.

Section 2941.48 | Recognizance of Witnesses for Appearance at Trial.

Section 2941.49 | Service of Indictments.

Section 2941.51 | Counsel for Indigents.

Section 2941.53 | Methods of Excepting an Indictment.

Section 2941.54 | Motion to Quash Indictment.

Section 2941.55 | Plea in Abatement to Indictment.

Section 2941.56 | Fail to Indict in True Name.

Section 2941.57 | Demurrer.

Section 2941.58 | Resubmission to Grand Jury.

Section 2941.59 | Waiver of Defects Which May Be Excepted To.

Section 2941.60 | Prosecuting Attorney May Demur to Plea in Abatement.

Section 2941.61 | Overruling Demurrer to Plea in Abatement.

Section 2941.62 | Immediate Hearing on Motions to Quash, Pleas in Abatement, and Demurrers.

Section 2941.63 | Appointment of Counsel to Assist Prosecutor When Public Interest Requires It.