Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2941 | Indictment
Section 2941.22 | Allegations Involving Ownership or Value of Will, Codicil, or Other Testamentary Instrument.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
In an indictment or information for stealing a will, codicil, or other testamentary instrument, or for forgery thereof, or, for a fraudulent purpose, keeping, destroying, or secreting it, whether in relation to real or personal property, or during the life of a testator or after his death, it is not necessary to allege the ownership or value thereof.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 29 | Crimes-Procedure

Chapter 2941 | Indictment

Section 2941.01 | Indictment Definitions.

Section 2941.02 | Indictment Processes Apply to Informations.

Section 2941.021 | Offenses Prosecuted by Information.

Section 2941.03 | Sufficiency of Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.04 | Two or More Offenses in One Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.05 | Statement That Accused Has Committed Some Public Offense.

Section 2941.06 | Form of Indictment.

Section 2941.07 | Bill of Particulars.

Section 2941.08 | Defects Which Do Not Affect Validity of Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.09 | Identification of Group, Association, or Corporation.

Section 2941.10 | Indictment Failing to Negative Any Exception, Excuse, or Proviso Contained in Statute.

Section 2941.11 | Allege Prior Conviction.

Section 2941.12 | Pleading a Statute or Right Derived Therefrom.

Section 2941.13 | Pleading a Judgment or Other Determination.

Section 2941.14 | Indictment for Aggravated Murder, Murder, or Voluntary or Involuntary Manslaughter - Specifications.

Section 2941.141 | Firearm on or About Offender's Person or Under Offender's Control Specification.

Section 2941.142 | Criminal Gang Participation Specification.

Section 2941.143 | Offense in School Safety Zone or Towards a Person in School Safety Zone Specification.

Section 2941.144 | Automatic Firearm or Firearm Muffler or Suppressor Specification.

Section 2941.145 | Firearm Displayed, Brandished, Indicated That Offender Possessed the Firearm, or Used It to Facilitate Offense Specification.

Section 2941.146 | Firearm Discharged From Motor Vehicle Specification.

Section 2941.147 | Sexual Motivation Specification.

Section 2941.148 | Sexually Violent Predator Specification.

Section 2941.149 | Repeat Violent Offender Specification.

Section 2941.1410 | Major Drug Offender Specification.

Section 2941.1411 | Offender Wore or Carried Body Armor Specification.

Section 2941.1412 | Discharged Firearm at Peace Officer or Corrections Officer Specification.

Section 2941.1413 | Mandatory Additional Prison Term for Felony Ovi Violation Precluded Unless Charging Instrument Specifies Prior Convictions.

Section 2941.1414 | Peace Officer Victim of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide Specification.

Section 2941.1415 | Multiple Ovi Violations Specification.

Section 2941.1416 | [Repealed Effective 4/4/2023 by s.b. 288, 134th General Assembly] Mandatory Additional Jail Term for Misdemeanor Ovi Violation Precluded Unless Charging Instrument Specifies Prior Convictions.

Section 2941.1417 | Property Subject to Forfeiture - Indictment Specifications.

Section 2941.1418 | Rape - Offender Age Specification.

Section 2941.1419 | Rape - Victim Age Specification.

Section 2941.1420 | Rape - Previous Conviction or Serious Physical Harm Specification.

Section 2941.1421 | School Proximity Specification for Certain Sex Offenses.

Section 2941.1422 | Mandatory Prison Term - Furtherance of Human Trafficking.

Section 2941.1423 | Mandatory Prison Term - Pregnancy Known to Offender.

Section 2941.1424 | Specification of Violent Career Criminal.

Section 2941.1425 | Use of Accelerant in Committing Violent Felony.

Section 2941.1426 | Impositin of Mandatory Sentence Under Section 2929.14.

Section 2941.15 | Sufficiency of Indictment or Information for Forgery.

Section 2941.16 | Description of Forgery Materials Sufficient.

Section 2941.17 | Description of Writing by Usual Name or Purport.

Section 2941.18 | Perjury or Falsification Allegations.

Section 2941.19 | Allegations Involving Intent to Defraud.

Section 2941.20 | Allegations Involving Sale, Possession, Transportation, Buying, or Giving Intoxicating Liquor.

Section 2941.21 | Allegations Involving Property Belonging to Partners or Joint Owners.

Section 2941.22 | Allegations Involving Ownership or Value of Will, Codicil, or Other Testamentary Instrument.

Section 2941.23 | Allegations Involving Elections.

Section 2941.25 | Allied Offenses of Similar Import - Multiple Counts.

Section 2941.26 | Variance Between Indictment and Evidence.

Section 2941.27 | Plea in Abatement or Other Dilatory Plea.

Section 2941.28 | Misjoinder of Parties or Offenses Not Grounds for Dismissal.

Section 2941.29 | Objection to Defect in Indictment or Information.

Section 2941.30 | Amending Indictment, Information, or Bill of Particulars.

Section 2941.31 | Quashed Indictment - Nolle Prosequi.

Section 2941.32 | Two or More Indictments Pending.

Section 2941.33 | Nolle Prosequi How Entered.

Section 2941.34 | Indictment or Information Mutilated, Obliterated, Lost, Mislaid, or Destroyed.

Section 2941.35 | Misdemeanor Prosecutions.

Section 2941.36 | Issuing Arrest Warrants.

Section 2941.37 | Warrant When Accused Resides Out of County.

Section 2941.38 | Warrant When Accused Escapes.

Section 2941.39 | Indictment of Convict in a State Correctional Institution.

Section 2941.40 | Convicts Removed to County for Sentence or Trial.

Section 2941.401 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner.

Section 2941.41 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Warrant.

Section 2941.42 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Confinement.

Section 2941.43 | Request for a Final Disposition on Pending Charges by Prisoner - Disposition Following Trial.

Section 2941.44 | Arrest of Escaped Convict - Expense of Return.

Section 2941.45 | Trial of Person Serving Workhouse Sentence.

Section 2941.46 | Arrest for Violations of Conditional Pardon or Parole.

Section 2941.47 | Summons on Informations and Indictments Against Corporations.

Section 2941.48 | Recognizance of Witnesses for Appearance at Trial.

Section 2941.49 | Service of Indictments.

Section 2941.51 | Counsel for Indigents.

Section 2941.53 | Methods of Excepting an Indictment.

Section 2941.54 | Motion to Quash Indictment.

Section 2941.55 | Plea in Abatement to Indictment.

Section 2941.56 | Fail to Indict in True Name.

Section 2941.57 | Demurrer.

Section 2941.58 | Resubmission to Grand Jury.

Section 2941.59 | Waiver of Defects Which May Be Excepted To.

Section 2941.60 | Prosecuting Attorney May Demur to Plea in Abatement.

Section 2941.61 | Overruling Demurrer to Plea in Abatement.

Section 2941.62 | Immediate Hearing on Motions to Quash, Pleas in Abatement, and Demurrers.

Section 2941.63 | Appointment of Counsel to Assist Prosecutor When Public Interest Requires It.