Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2323 | Judgment
Section 2323.30 | Costs Secured by Plaintiff.

Effective: March 22, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 595 - 132nd General Assembly
In all actions in which the plaintiff is a nonresident of the county in which the action is brought, a partnership suing by its company name, an insolvent corporation, or any party required to furnish security under section 2323.31 of the Revised Code, the plaintiff shall deposit cash or furnish security for costs. The surety must be a resident of the county and approved by the clerk. The obligation of the surety shall be complete by indorsing the summons or signing the surety's name on the petition as surety for costs. The surety shall be bound for the payment of the costs which are adjudged against the plaintiff in the court in which the action is brought, or in any other court to which it is carried, and for all the costs taxed against the plaintiff in such action, whether the plaintiff obtains a judgment or not. When a plaintiff makes an application to be qualified as an indigent litigant as set forth in section 2323.311 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall receive and file the civil action or proceeding. If the court approves the application, the clerk shall waive the cash deposit or the security under this section, and the court shall proceed on the action or proceeding. If the court denies the application, the clerk shall retain the filing of the civil action or proceeding, and the court shall issue an order granting the applicant whose application is denied thirty days to make the required cash deposit or security prior to any dismissal or other action on the filing.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas

Chapter 2323 | Judgment

Section 2323.06 | Mortgagor and Mortgagee Mediation.

Section 2323.07 | Sale of Foreclosed Property.

Section 2323.09 | Judgment Against Married Woman.

Section 2323.12 | Judgment by Confession.

Section 2323.13 | Warrant of Attorney to Confess.

Section 2323.14 | Confession of Judgment by Attorney Named by Person in Custody.

Section 2323.21 | Rights of Infants Reserved in Judgments.

Section 2323.23 | Record Made Unless Waived.

Section 2323.24 | Contents of Record.

Section 2323.25 | Courts May Order Records Completed.

Section 2323.26 | Complete Records Need Not Be Made.

Section 2323.261 | Records of Extracounty Actions.

Section 2323.27 | Transcription of Judicial Records.

Section 2323.28 | Records in Dismissed Cases.

Section 2323.29 | Index to Judgments.

Section 2323.30 | Costs Secured by Plaintiff.

Section 2323.31 | Cash Deposits as Security; Indigent Litigants.

Section 2323.311 | Indigent Litigants.

Section 2323.32 | Rule as to Executors and Administrators.

Section 2323.33 | Action Dismissed for Want of Security for Costs; Applicability.

Section 2323.34 | Security if Plaintiff Becomes a Nonresident.

Section 2323.35 | Additional Security on Motion of Defendant.

Section 2323.36 | Judgment Entered Against Surety for Costs.

Section 2323.41 | Collateral Benefits Introduced Into Evidence.

Section 2323.42 | Motion and Hearing to Determine Good Faith of Claim.

Section 2323.421 | Medical Liability Action - Out-of-State Physician Deemed Licensed in Ohio to Testify.

Section 2323.43 | Limitation on Compensatory Damages That Represent Economic Loss.

Section 2323.44 | Rights of Subrogee.

Section 2323.45 | Medical Liability Action - Affidavit of Noninvolvement by Health Care Provider - Procedure.

Section 2323.451 | Affidavits of Merit; Discovery; Joinder.

Section 2323.46 | Fees on Summons to Another County.

Section 2323.51 | Frivolous Conduct in Filing Civil Claims.

Section 2323.52 | Civil Action to Declare Person Vexatious Litigator.

Section 2323.55 | Future Damages in Medical Malpractice Actions.

Section 2323.56 | Periodic Payments of Future Damages.

Section 2323.57 | General Verdict for Future Damages.

Section 2323.58 | Transfer of Structural Settlement Payment Rights Definitions.

Section 2323.581 | Valid Transfer of Structural Settlement Payment Rights.

Section 2323.582 | Contents and Form of Disclosure Statement.

Section 2323.583 | Transfer of Structured Settlement Payment Rights; Applicable Procedures.

Section 2323.584 | Filing Application for Approval in Advance of Transfer.

Section 2323.585 | Immunity - Waiver - Illegal Transfers.

Section 2323.586 | Settlement Obligor and Annuity Issuer Immune From Liability.

Section 2323.587 | Consumer Sales Practices Act Applicability.