Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2113 | Executors and Administrators - Appointment; Powers; Duties
Section 2113.61 | Application for Certificate of Transfer of Real Property.

Effective: January 13, 2012
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 124 - 129th General Assembly
(A)(1) When real property passes by the laws of intestate succession or under a will, the administrator or executor shall file in probate court, at any time after the filing of an inventory that includes the real property but prior to the filing of the administrator's or executor's final account, an application requesting the court to issue a certificate of transfer as to the real property. Real property sold by an executor or administrator or land registered under Chapters 5309. and 5310. of the Revised Code is excepted from the application requirement. Cases in which an order has been made under section 2113.03 of the Revised Code relieving an estate from administration and in which the order directing transfer of real property to the person entitled to it may be substituted for the certificate of transfer also are excepted from the application requirement.
(2) In accordance with division (C)(3)(b) of section 2113.031 of the Revised Code, an application for a certificate of transfer of an interest in real property included in the assets of the decedent's estate shall accompany an application for a summary release from administration under that section. This section applies to the application for and the issuance of the requested certificate of transfer except to the extent that the probate court determines that the nature of any of the provisions of this section is inconsistent with the nature of a grant of a summary release from administration.
(B) Subject to division (A)(2) of this section, the application for a certificate of transfer shall contain all of the following:
(1) The name, place of domicile at death, and date of death of the decedent;
(2) A statement whether the decedent died testate or intestate;
(3) The reason the property is being transferred to the devisee or devisees;
(4) Whether any spousal elections have been exercised;
(5) Whether any disclaimers or assignments have been filed;
(6) A statement that all the known debts of the decedent's estate have been paid or secured to be paid, or that sufficient other assets are in hand to complete the payment of those debts or a statement that the estate is insolvent and the transfer is of the mansion house and is being made to satisfy all or a portion of the spousal allowance for support;
(7) Other pertinent information that the court requires.
(C) Subject to division (A)(2) of this section, within five days following the filing of an application for a certificate of transfer that complies with division (B) of this section, the court shall issue a certificate of transfer for record in each county in this state in which real property so passing is situated, that shall recite all of the following:
(1) The name and date of death of the decedent;
(2) Whether the decedent died testate or intestate;
(3) The case number of the probate court record of the administration of the estate;
(4) The names and places of residence of the devisees, the interests passing to them, the names and places of residence of the persons inheriting intestate, and the interests inherited by them, in each parcel of real property being transferred;
(5) A description of each parcel of real property being transferred;
(6) Other information that in the opinion of the court should be included.
(D) If an executor or administrator has failed to file an application for a certificate of transfer before being discharged, the application may be filed by an heir or devisee, or a successor in interest, in the probate court in which the testator's will was probated or, in the case of intestate estates, in the probate court in which administration was had. If no administration was had on an estate and if no administration is contemplated, except in the case of the grant of or contemplated application for the grant of an order of a summary release from administration under section 2113.031 of the Revised Code, an application for a certificate of transfer may be filed by an heir or devisee, or a successor in interest, in the probate court of the county in which the decedent was a resident at the time of death or in which the real property of the decedent is located.
(E) A foreign executor or administrator, if no ancillary administration proceedings have been had or are being had in this state, may file in accordance with this section an application for a certificate of transfer in the probate court of any county of this state in which real property of the decedent is located.
(F) When a person who has entered into a written contract for the sale and conveyance of an interest in real property dies before its completion, the interest of the decedent in the contract and the record title to the real property described in the contract may be transferred to the devisees or heirs at law entitled to the interest of the decedent in the real property, in the same manner as provided in this section and section 2113.62 of the Revised Code for the transfer of real property. The application for the certificate of transfer and the certificate itself also shall recite that the real property described in the application or certificate is subject to a written contract for its sale and conveyance.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 21 | Courts-Probate-Juvenile

Chapter 2113 | Executors and Administrators - Appointment; Powers; Duties

Section 2113.01 | What Court Shall Grant Letters.

Section 2113.03 | Court May Order Estate Released From Administration.

Section 2113.031 | Summary Release From Administration.

Section 2113.032 | Application for Release of Medical and Billing Records.

Section 2113.04 | Payment of Wages of Deceased Employee Without Administration.

Section 2113.041 | Request to Financial Institution to Release Account Proceed to Recover Costs of Services.

Section 2113.05 | Letters Testamentary Shall Issue.

Section 2113.06 | To Whom Letters of Administration Shall Be Granted.

Section 2113.07 | Application for Appointment as Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.11 | Notice When Deceased Was an Alien.

Section 2113.12 | Procedure if Executor Renounces.

Section 2113.13 | Minority of an Executor.

Section 2113.14 | Executor of an Executor Not to Administer.

Section 2113.15 | Special Administrator.

Section 2113.16 | Termination of Powers of Special Administrator.

Section 2113.17 | Creditor's Claims Before Special Administrator.

Section 2113.18 | Removal of Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.19 | Administrator De Bonis Non.

Section 2113.20 | Will Proved After Administration as of an Intestate.

Section 2113.21 | Powers of Executors, Administrators, and Testamentary Trustees During a Will Contest.

Section 2113.22 | Proceedings Against Former Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.23 | Sales of Former Executor or Administrator Valid.

Section 2113.25 | Time Frame for Collection of Assets and Administration of Estate; Extensions.

Section 2113.26 | Examination of Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.30 | Continuing Decedent's Business.

Section 2113.31 | Responsibility of Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.311 | Management and Rental of Real Property by Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.32 | Executors and Administrators Not to Profit.

Section 2113.33 | Not Responsible for Bad Debts.

Section 2113.34 | Chargeable With Property Consumed.

Section 2113.35 | Commissions.

Section 2113.36 | Further Allowance - Counsel Fees.

Section 2113.37 | Allowance for Tombstone and Cemetery Lot.

Section 2113.39 | Sale of Property Under Authority of Will.

Section 2113.40 | Sale of Personal Property.

Section 2113.41 | Public Sale.

Section 2113.42 | Report of Sale.

Section 2113.43 | Credit.

Section 2113.44 | Sale of Notes Secured by Mortgage.

Section 2113.45 | Mortgaged Premises to Be Considered Personal Assets - Possession.

Section 2113.46 | Who May Discharge Mortgage.

Section 2113.47 | Foreclosure of Mortgage.

Section 2113.48 | Action to Complete Contract to Sell Land.

Section 2113.49 | Court May Order Alteration or Cancellation of Contract.

Section 2113.50 | Completion of Decedent's Contract to Buy Land.

Section 2113.51 | Property May Be Delivered to Legatee.

Section 2113.52 | Devisee Takes Subject to Tax Lien - Exoneration of Mortgage Lien.

Section 2113.53 | Distribution of Assets of Estate.

Section 2113.531 | General Legacies - Interest.

Section 2113.54 | Distribution Upon Application of Legatee or Distributee.

Section 2113.55 | Distribution in Kind.

Section 2113.56 | Executor or Administrator Not Liable.

Section 2113.58 | Protection of Remainderman's Interest in Personal Property.

Section 2113.59 | Lien on Share of Beneficiary.

Section 2113.61 | Application for Certificate of Transfer of Real Property.

Section 2113.62 | Record by County Recorder.

Section 2113.64 | Investment of Unclaimed Money.

Section 2113.65 | Disposition of Investment.

Section 2113.66 | Statute of Limitations No Defense.

Section 2113.67 | Money Paid to Owner.

Section 2113.68 | Responsibility for Safekeeping of Evidences of Title.

Section 2113.69 | Newly Discovered Assets.

Section 2113.70 | Suit Against Foreign Executors and Administrators.

Section 2113.71 | Jurisdiction.

Section 2113.72 | Proceedings Against Foreign Executor or Administrator.

Section 2113.73 | Security for Distributees and Indemnification for Sureties.

Section 2113.74 | Other Remedies.

Section 2113.75 | Foreign Executor or Administrator May Prosecute Suit in This State.

Section 2113.81 | Holding Money and Property in Trust for Safe Keeping for Nonresidents of United States.

Section 2113.82 | Orders to Pay Money and Property Held in Trust for Safe Keeping for Nonresidents of United States.

Section 2113.85 | Apportionment of Tax Definitions.

Section 2113.86 | Apportionment of Taxes.

Section 2113.861 | Apportionment of Generation-Skipping Tax.

Section 2113.87 | Requesting Court to Determine Apportionment of Tax.

Section 2113.88 | Withholding or Recovering Amount of Tax.

Section 2113.89 | Action to Recover Tax.

Section 2113.90 | Action by Foreign Fiduciary or Obligated Person.