Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 173 | Department of Aging
Section 173.12 | Services Provided by Multipurpose Senior Center.

Effective: April 5, 2019
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 265 - 132nd General Assembly
The services provided by a multipurpose senior center shall be available to all residents of the area served by the center who are sixty years of age or older, except where legal requirements for the use of funds available for a component program specify other age limits. Persons who receive services from the center may be encouraged to make voluntary contributions to the center, but no otherwise eligible person shall be refused services because of inability to make a contribution.
Services provided by the center may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) Services available within the facility:
(1) Preventive medical services, diagnostic and treatment services, emergency health services, and counseling on health matters, which are provided on a regular basis by a licensed physician, pharmacist, or registered nurse or other qualified health professional;
(2) A program to locate full- or part-time employment opportunities;
(3) Information and counseling by professional or other persons specially trained or qualified to enable older adults to make decisions on personal matters, including income, health, housing, transportation, and social relationships;
(4) A listing of services available in the community for older adults to assist in identifying the type of assistance needed, to place them in contact with appropriate services, and to determine whether services have been received and identified needs met;
(5) Legal advice and assistance by an attorney or a legal assistant acting under the supervision of an attorney;
(6) Recreation, social activities, and educational activities.
(B) Services provided outside the facility:
(1) Routine health services necessary to help functionally impaired older adults to maintain an appropriate standard of personal health, provided to them in their homes by licensed physicians, registered nurses, or other qualified health service personnel;
(2) Household services, such as light housekeeping, laundering, meal preparation, personal and grocery shopping, check cashing and bill paying, friendly visiting, minor household repairs, and yard chores, that are necessary to help functionally impaired older adults meet the normal demands of daily living;
(3) The delivery, on a regular schedule, of hot or cold nourishing meals to functionally impaired older adults and the determination of the nutritional needs of such persons;
(4) Door-to-door vehicular transportation for functionally impaired or other older adults.
Other services, including social and recreational services, adult education courses, reassurance by telephone, escort services, and housing assistance may be added to the center's program as appropriate, to the extent that resources are available.
Services may be furnished by public agencies or private persons or organizations, but all services shall be coordinated by a single management unit, operating within the center, that is established, staffed, and equipped for this purpose.
The department of aging, or the local entity approved by the department under section 173.11 of the Revised Code for the operation of a center, may contract for any or all of the services provided by the center with any other state agency, county, township, municipal corporation, school district, community or technical college district, health district, person, or organization.
The department shall provide for the necessary insurance coverage to protect all volunteers from the normal risks of personal liability while they are acting within the scope of their volunteer assignments for the provision of services under this section.
As used in this section, "functionally impaired older adult" means an individual sixty years of age or older who requires help from others in order to cope with the normal demands of daily living.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 1 | State Government

Chapter 173 | Department of Aging

Section 173.01 | Department of Aging; Powers and Duties.

Section 173.011 | Planning and Service Areas.

Section 173.012 | Training Programs.

Section 173.02 | Administrative Rules.

Section 173.03 | Ohio Advisory Council for Aging.

Section 173.04 | Dementia Training and Respite Care Programs.

Section 173.05 | Acting Director.

Section 173.06 | Golden Buckeye Card Program.

Section 173.061 | Records of Card Holders.

Section 173.08 | Resident Services Coordinator Program.

Section 173.11 | System of Multipurpose Senior Centers.

Section 173.12 | Services Provided by Multipurpose Senior Center.

Section 173.121 | Bingo Games at Multipurpose Senior Center.

Section 173.13 | Continuing Care Facility Residents' Rights.

Section 173.14 | Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Definitions.

Section 173.15 | Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

Section 173.16 | Designation of Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs.

Section 173.17 | State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Duties.

Section 173.18 | Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program - Duties.

Section 173.19 | Investigating and Resolving Complaints.

Section 173.20 | Access to Records; Subpoena Power.

Section 173.21 | Training and Certification Programs.

Section 173.22 | Confidential Information.

Section 173.23 | Immunity; False Complaint; Representation by Attorney General.

Section 173.24 | Protection for Disciplinary or Retaliatory Action.

Section 173.25 | Cooperation and Coordination With Agencies.

Section 173.26 | Payment of Fee per Bed to Department of Aging.

Section 173.27 | Criminal Records Check of Ombudsman Applicants.

Section 173.28 | Additional Fines for Certain Violations.

Section 173.38 | Criminal Records Checks.

Section 173.381 | Permissible Actions Based on Criminal Records Check.

Section 173.39 | Community-Based Long-Term Care - Provider Certification for Payment.

Section 173.391 | Requirements for Provider Certification - Disciplinary Action.

Section 173.392 | Payment of Noncertified Provider.

Section 173.393 | Provider Evaluation Records as Public Records.

Section 173.41 | Statewide Aging and Disabilities Resource Network.

Section 173.42 | Long-Term Care Consultation Program.

Section 173.421 | Periodic or Follow-Up Long-Term Care Consultations.

Section 173.422 | Certification to Conduct Long-Term Care Consultation.

Section 173.423 | Monitoring of Home and Community-Based Services Elections.

Section 173.424 | Compliance With Federal Law.

Section 173.43 | Interagency Agreement for Unified Long-Term Care Budget for Home and Community-Based Services.

Section 173.431 | Administration of Budget.

Section 173.432 | Care Management and Authorization Services.

Section 173.434 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 173.44 | Survey of Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities.

Section 173.45 | Facilities Definitions.

Section 173.46 | Long-Term Care Consumer Guide.

Section 173.47 | Customer Satisfaction Survey for Long-Term Care Facilities.

Section 173.48 | Fees for Consumer Care Guide; Long-Term Care Consumer Guide Fund.

Section 173.49 | Implementing Rules to Be Adopted by Department.

Section 173.50 | Pace Administration.

Section 173.501 | Home First Component of Pace.

Section 173.51 | Definitions for Passport and Assisted Living Programs.

Section 173.52 | Medicaid-Funded Component of Passport Program.

Section 173.521 | Home First Component.

Section 173.522 | State-Funded Component of Passport Program.

Section 173.523 | Appeals.

Section 173.524 | Kosher Meals.

Section 173.54 | Medicaid-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.

Section 173.541 | Eligibility for Assisted Living Program.

Section 173.542 | Home First Component of the Assisted Living Program.

Section 173.543 | State-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.

Section 173.544 | Eligibility Requirements for State-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.

Section 173.545 | Appeals.

Section 173.546 | Needs Assessments.

Section 173.547 | Staff Requirements for Assisted Living Program Facility.

Section 173.548 | Choice of Single or Multiple Occupancy Room.

Section 173.55 | Waiting List for Department of Aging-Administered Medicaid Waiver Components and the Pace Program.

Section 173.56 | Rules.

Section 173.60 | Nursing Home Quality Initiative.

Section 173.70 | Programs for the Provision of Outpatient Prescription Drug Discounts.

Section 173.95 | Best Practices to Prevent Elder Fraud and Financial Exploitation.

Section 173.99 | Penalties.