Effective: September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The department of aging shall:
(A) Be the designated state agency to administer programs of the federal government relating to the aged, requiring action within the state, that are not the specific responsibility of another state agency under federal or state statutes. The department shall be the sole state agency to administer funds granted by the federal government under the "Older Americans Act of 1965," 79 Stat. 219, 42 U.S.C. 3001, as amended. The department shall not supplant or take over for the counties or municipal corporations or from other state agencies or facilities any of the specific responsibilities borne by them on November 23, 1973. The department shall cooperate with such federal and state agencies, counties, and municipal corporations and private agencies or facilities within the state in furtherance of the purposes as set forth in this chapter.
(B) Administer state funds appropriated for its use for administration and for grants and may use appropriated state funds as state match for federal grants. All federal funds received shall be reported to the director of budget and management.
(C) Review all proposed plans, programs, and rules primarily affecting persons sixty years of age or older, and shall be sent a copy of all proposed and final rules, as well as proposals for plans and programs that primarily affect persons sixty years of age or older and notices of all hearings on such rules, plans, and programs. Any state agency proposing a plan, program, or rule that primarily affects persons sixty years of age or older shall submit a copy of such proposal to the department for its written comments. No such proposed plan, program, or rule shall take effect until the department's comments have been requested. The department shall review the proposal and submit a written comment on such proposal to the agency making the proposal, within thirty days from the date the department receives the proposal. If the department does not agree that the proposed plan, program, or rule shall take effect as proposed, the department shall set forth in writing its reasons and its suggestions for changes in the proposed plan, program, or rule. If the agency making the proposal does not choose to comply with the suggestions of the department, the agency making the proposal shall send the department, no later than thirty days before the proposal becomes final, written notice of its intention not to comply with such suggestions and its reason for such noncompliance.
This section does not apply to plans or revisions adopted under section 5101.46 of the Revised Code.
(D) Plan, initiate, coordinate, and evaluate statewide programs, services, and activities for elderly people;
(E) Disseminate information concerning the problems of elderly people and establish and maintain a central clearinghouse of information on public programs at all levels of government that would be of interest or benefit to the elderly;
(F) Report annually to the governor and the general assembly on the department's programs;
(G) Have authority to contract with public or private groups to perform services for the department;
(H) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to govern the operation of services and facilities for the elderly that are provided, operated, contracted for, or supported by the department, and determine that those services and facilities are operated in conformity with the rules;
(I) Determine the needs of the elderly and represent their interests at all levels of government;
(J) Establish and operate a state long-term care ombudsman program pursuant to sections 307 and 712 of the "Older Americans Act of 1965," 42 U.S.C. 3027 and 3058.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 173 | Department of Aging
Section 173.01 | Department of Aging; Powers and Duties.
Section 173.011 | Planning and Service Areas.
Section 173.012 | Training Programs.
Section 173.02 | Administrative Rules.
Section 173.03 | Ohio Advisory Council for Aging.
Section 173.04 | Dementia Training and Respite Care Programs.
Section 173.05 | Acting Director.
Section 173.06 | Golden Buckeye Card Program.
Section 173.061 | Records of Card Holders.
Section 173.08 | Resident Services Coordinator Program.
Section 173.11 | System of Multipurpose Senior Centers.
Section 173.12 | Services Provided by Multipurpose Senior Center.
Section 173.121 | Bingo Games at Multipurpose Senior Center.
Section 173.13 | Continuing Care Facility Residents' Rights.
Section 173.14 | Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Definitions.
Section 173.15 | Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.
Section 173.16 | Designation of Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs.
Section 173.17 | State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Duties.
Section 173.18 | Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program - Duties.
Section 173.19 | Investigating and Resolving Complaints.
Section 173.20 | Access to Records; Subpoena Power.
Section 173.21 | Training and Certification Programs.
Section 173.22 | Confidential Information.
Section 173.23 | Immunity; False Complaint; Representation by Attorney General.
Section 173.24 | Protection for Disciplinary or Retaliatory Action.
Section 173.25 | Cooperation and Coordination With Agencies.
Section 173.26 | Payment of Fee per Bed to Department of Aging.
Section 173.27 | Criminal Records Check of Ombudsman Applicants.
Section 173.28 | Additional Fines for Certain Violations.
Section 173.38 | Criminal Records Checks.
Section 173.381 | Permissible Actions Based on Criminal Records Check.
Section 173.39 | Community-Based Long-Term Care - Provider Certification for Payment.
Section 173.391 | Requirements for Provider Certification - Disciplinary Action.
Section 173.392 | Payment of Noncertified Provider.
Section 173.393 | Provider Evaluation Records as Public Records.
Section 173.41 | Statewide Aging and Disabilities Resource Network.
Section 173.42 | Long-Term Care Consultation Program.
Section 173.421 | Periodic or Follow-Up Long-Term Care Consultations.
Section 173.422 | Certification to Conduct Long-Term Care Consultation.
Section 173.423 | Monitoring of Home and Community-Based Services Elections.
Section 173.424 | Compliance With Federal Law.
Section 173.431 | Administration of Budget.
Section 173.432 | Care Management and Authorization Services.
Section 173.434 | Adoption of Rules.
Section 173.44 | Survey of Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities.
Section 173.45 | Facilities Definitions.
Section 173.46 | Long-Term Care Consumer Guide.
Section 173.47 | Customer Satisfaction Survey for Long-Term Care Facilities.
Section 173.48 | Fees for Consumer Care Guide; Long-Term Care Consumer Guide Fund.
Section 173.49 | Implementing Rules to Be Adopted by Department.
Section 173.50 | Pace Administration.
Section 173.501 | Home First Component of Pace.
Section 173.51 | Definitions for Passport and Assisted Living Programs.
Section 173.52 | Medicaid-Funded Component of Passport Program.
Section 173.521 | Home First Component.
Section 173.522 | State-Funded Component of Passport Program.
Section 173.524 | Kosher Meals.
Section 173.54 | Medicaid-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.
Section 173.541 | Eligibility for Assisted Living Program.
Section 173.542 | Home First Component of the Assisted Living Program.
Section 173.543 | State-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.
Section 173.544 | Eligibility Requirements for State-Funded Component of Assisted Living Program.
Section 173.546 | Needs Assessments.
Section 173.547 | Staff Requirements for Assisted Living Program Facility.
Section 173.548 | Choice of Single or Multiple Occupancy Room.
Section 173.60 | Nursing Home Quality Initiative.
Section 173.70 | Programs for the Provision of Outpatient Prescription Drug Discounts.
Section 173.95 | Best Practices to Prevent Elder Fraud and Financial Exploitation.