Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1713 | Educational Corporations
Section 1713.31 | Attorney General May Enforce Duties of Officers.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
On application in writing to the attorney general by five citizens of the proper county, verified by the oath or affirmation of one of them, setting forth specific charges against any of the fiscal or other agents or trustees of a corporation referred to in section 1713.28 of the Revised Code involving a breach of trust or duty, the attorney general shall give notice thereof to the trustees or agents complained of, and inquire into the truth of such charges. For this purpose he may receive affidavits or enforce, by process from the court of common pleas of Franklin county, the production of papers and the attendance of witnesses before him. If, on testimony or other evidence, he believes any of the charges to be true, he shall proceed by action in that court, in the name of the state, against the delinquent trustees, or fiscal agents, and, on the hearing the court may direct the performance of any duty or the removal of any agents or trustees, and decree such other and further relief as is equitable.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 17 | Corporations-Partnerships

Chapter 1713 | Educational Corporations

Section 1713.01 | Institution Defined.

Section 1713.02 | Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.03 | Standards for Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.031 | Review of Application for Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.04 | Certificate Subject to Revocation.

Section 1713.05 | Rates for Loans to Students.

Section 1713.06 | Corporation May Be Restrained From Exercise of Its Franchise.

Section 1713.07 | Institution May Hold Donated Property in Trust.

Section 1713.08 | Faculty.

Section 1713.09 | Location May Be Changed.

Section 1713.10 | Endowment Fund Diverted.

Section 1713.11 | Temporary Loans Secured by Mortgage Authorized.

Section 1713.12 | Sections Applicable to Certain Boards of Trustees.

Section 1713.13 | Trustees to Be Divided Into Classes - President Ex-Officio Member - Limitations and Designations.

Section 1713.14 | Term of Office of Trustees - Vacancies.

Section 1713.15 | Term of Trustees - Expiration - Members - Vacancies.

Section 1713.16 | Reclassification and Reapportionment of Trustees.

Section 1713.17 | Alumni Association May Elect One Fifth of Board.

Section 1713.18 | Presiding Head of Conference May Be Trustee - Life Trustees.

Section 1713.19 | Conference May Become a Patron.

Section 1713.20 | Quorum of Trustees.

Section 1713.21 | Termination of Right of Representation.

Section 1713.22 | Colleges Under Ecclesiastical Patronage.

Section 1713.23 | Religious Educational Corporations - Trustees.

Section 1713.24 | Sale and Distribution of Property of Certain Corporations.

Section 1713.25 | Institutions May Change Name or Purpose.

Section 1713.26 | Procedure and Effect.

Section 1713.27 | Fees of Secretary of State.

Section 1713.28 | Organic Rules May Be Prescribed in Articles of Certain Corporations.

Section 1713.29 | Accounts of Receipts and Disbursements.

Section 1713.30 | Trustees Ineligible to Other Office.

Section 1713.31 | Attorney General May Enforce Duties of Officers.

Section 1713.32 | Mechanics' Institute May Borrow Money.

Section 1713.33 | Liability of Directors and Trustees.

Section 1713.34 | Medical Colleges or Embalming Board May Receive Bodies for Study or Dissection - Procedure.

Section 1713.35 | Body to Be Delivered to Claimant.

Section 1713.36 | Interment of Body or Ashes After Study or Dissection.

Section 1713.37 | Notification of Relatives.

Section 1713.38 | Bodies of Strangers or Travelers.

Section 1713.39 | Liability for Having Unlawful Possession of Body.

Section 1713.40 | Prohibition Against Detention of Corpse.

Section 1713.41 | Prohibition Against Refusal to Deliver Corpse.

Section 1713.42 | Prohibition Against Unlawful Possession of Corpse.

Section 1713.50 | Private College or University May Establish Campus Police Department.

Section 1713.55 | Meningitis and Hepatitis B Vaccination.

Section 1713.60 | Military Leave of Absence for Student on Active Duty.

Section 1713.99 | Penalty.