Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1713 | Educational Corporations
Section 1713.23 | Religious Educational Corporations - Trustees.

Effective: October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A corporation formed for the promotion of academic, collegiate, or university education, under religious influences, incorporated under the laws of this state, by special act or otherwise, may avail itself of section 1713.22 of the Revised Code, as a part of its articles or certificate of incorporation, and may confer on an ecclesiastical body of such religious sect, association, or denomination, which it is or proposes to be connected with, whether it is a conference, association, presbytery, synod, general assembly, convocation, or otherwise, all of the rights, powers, or privileges allowed to be conferred by such section on corporations organized under such section, and may accept the provisions of such section by a vote of the majority of its trustees at any regular meeting.
When so accepted, a copy of the acceptance, certified by the secretary or clerk of its board of trustees or directors, shall be sent to the ecclesiastical body with which it is or proposes to be connected. If such body agrees to accept the powers proposed to be conferred upon it, it shall certify its approval upon the certified copy, and the certified copy thereupon shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. When thus filed it will be a part of the charter of such corporation, and such ecclesiastical body shall exercise all the rights and powers set forth in the articles or certificate of incorporation.
After such acceptance the board shall certify it to the patronizing conference or other religious body having the right to elect or appoint trustees of such university or other institution of learning, at the next meeting of such conference or other religious body. Thereafter the board shall consist of twenty-one trustees elected or appointed, and the president of such university or other institution of learning, who shall be ex officio a member thereof. Such elected or appointed trustees shall be divided into three classes of seven members each.
At the first election or appointment after such acceptance, one of such classes shall be elected or appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. In subsequent elections or appointments each of the classes of trustees shall be elected or appointed for three years. No term of office of such a trustee shall expire during a meeting of the board which does not continue more than two weeks. Ten members of the board shall constitute a quorum. Vacancies which occur in any class of trustees otherwise than by expiration of the term of office shall be filled only for the remainder of the term.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 17 | Corporations-Partnerships

Chapter 1713 | Educational Corporations

Section 1713.01 | Institution Defined.

Section 1713.02 | Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.03 | Standards for Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.031 | Review of Application for Certificate of Authorization.

Section 1713.04 | Certificate Subject to Revocation.

Section 1713.05 | Rates for Loans to Students.

Section 1713.06 | Corporation May Be Restrained From Exercise of Its Franchise.

Section 1713.07 | Institution May Hold Donated Property in Trust.

Section 1713.08 | Faculty.

Section 1713.09 | Location May Be Changed.

Section 1713.10 | Endowment Fund Diverted.

Section 1713.11 | Temporary Loans Secured by Mortgage Authorized.

Section 1713.12 | Sections Applicable to Certain Boards of Trustees.

Section 1713.13 | Trustees to Be Divided Into Classes - President Ex-Officio Member - Limitations and Designations.

Section 1713.14 | Term of Office of Trustees - Vacancies.

Section 1713.15 | Term of Trustees - Expiration - Members - Vacancies.

Section 1713.16 | Reclassification and Reapportionment of Trustees.

Section 1713.17 | Alumni Association May Elect One Fifth of Board.

Section 1713.18 | Presiding Head of Conference May Be Trustee - Life Trustees.

Section 1713.19 | Conference May Become a Patron.

Section 1713.20 | Quorum of Trustees.

Section 1713.21 | Termination of Right of Representation.

Section 1713.22 | Colleges Under Ecclesiastical Patronage.

Section 1713.23 | Religious Educational Corporations - Trustees.

Section 1713.24 | Sale and Distribution of Property of Certain Corporations.

Section 1713.25 | Institutions May Change Name or Purpose.

Section 1713.26 | Procedure and Effect.

Section 1713.27 | Fees of Secretary of State.

Section 1713.28 | Organic Rules May Be Prescribed in Articles of Certain Corporations.

Section 1713.29 | Accounts of Receipts and Disbursements.

Section 1713.30 | Trustees Ineligible to Other Office.

Section 1713.31 | Attorney General May Enforce Duties of Officers.

Section 1713.32 | Mechanics' Institute May Borrow Money.

Section 1713.33 | Liability of Directors and Trustees.

Section 1713.34 | Medical Colleges or Embalming Board May Receive Bodies for Study or Dissection - Procedure.

Section 1713.35 | Body to Be Delivered to Claimant.

Section 1713.36 | Interment of Body or Ashes After Study or Dissection.

Section 1713.37 | Notification of Relatives.

Section 1713.38 | Bodies of Strangers or Travelers.

Section 1713.39 | Liability for Having Unlawful Possession of Body.

Section 1713.40 | Prohibition Against Detention of Corpse.

Section 1713.41 | Prohibition Against Refusal to Deliver Corpse.

Section 1713.42 | Prohibition Against Unlawful Possession of Corpse.

Section 1713.50 | Private College or University May Establish Campus Police Department.

Section 1713.55 | Meningitis and Hepatitis B Vaccination.

Section 1713.60 | Military Leave of Absence for Student on Active Duty.

Section 1713.99 | Penalty.