Effective: September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) If a board of county commissioners, a board of township trustees, or the legislative authority of a municipal corporation wishes to permit the surface application of brine to roads, streets, highways, and other similar land surfaces it owns or has the right to control for control of dust or ice, it may adopt a resolution permitting such application as provided in this section. If a board or legislative authority does not adopt such a resolution, then no such surface application of brine is permitted on such roads, streets, highways, and other similar surfaces. If a board or legislative authority votes on a proposed resolution to permit such surface application of brine, but the resolution fails to receive the affirmative vote of a majority of the board or legislative authority, the board or legislative authority shall not adopt such a resolution for one year following the date on which the vote was taken. A board or legislative authority shall hold at least one public hearing on any proposal to permit surface application of brine under this division and may hold additional hearings. The board or legislative authority shall publish notice of the time and place of each such public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision at least five days before the day on which the hearing is to be held.
(B) If a board or legislative authority adopts a resolution permitting the surface application of brine to roads, streets, highways, and other similar land surfaces under division (A) of this section, the board or legislative authority shall, within thirty days after the adoption of the resolution, prepare and submit to the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management a copy of the resolution. Any department, agency, or instrumentality of this state or the United States that wishes to permit the surface application of brine to roads, streets, highways, and other similar land surfaces it owns or has a right to control shall prepare and submit guidelines for such application, but need not adopt a resolution under division (A) of this section permitting such surface application.
All resolutions and guidelines shall be subject to the following standards:
(1) Brine shall not be applied:
(a) To a water-saturated surface;
(b) Directly to vegetation near or adjacent to surfaces being treated;
(c) Within twelve feet of structures crossing bodies of water or crossing drainage ditches;
(d) Between sundown and sunrise, except for ice control.
(2) The discharge of brine through the spreader bar shall stop when the application stops.
(3) The applicator vehicle shall be moving at least five miles per hour at all times while the brine is being applied.
(4) The maximum spreader bar nozzle opening shall be three-quarters of an inch in diameter.
(5) The maximum uniform application rate of brine shall be three thousand gallons per mile on a twelve-foot-wide road or three gallons per sixty square feet on unpaved lots.
(6) The applicator vehicle discharge valve shall be closed between the brine collection point and the specific surfaces that have been approved for brine application.
(7) Any valves that provide for tank draining other than through the spreader bar shall be closed during the brine application and transport.
(8) The angle of discharge from the applicator vehicle spreader bar shall not be greater than sixty degrees from the perpendicular to the unpaved surface.
(9) Only the last twenty-five per cent of an applicator vehicle's contents shall be allowed to have a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure; therefore, the first seventy-five per cent of the applicator vehicle's contents shall be discharged under atmospheric pressure.
(10) Only brine that is produced from a well that is not a horizontal well shall be allowed to be spread on a road. Fluids from the drilling of a well, flowback from the stimulation of a well, and other fluids used to treat a well shall not be spread on a road.
If a resolution or guidelines contain only the standards listed in divisions (B)(1) to (10) of this section, without addition or qualification, the resolution or guidelines shall be deemed effective when submitted to the chief without further action by the chief. All other resolutions and guidelines shall comply with and be no less stringent than this chapter, rules concerning surface application that the chief shall adopt under division (C) of section 1509.22 of the Revised Code, and other rules of the chief. Within fifteen days after receiving such other resolutions and guidelines, the chief shall review them for compliance with the law and rules and disapprove them if they do not comply.
The board, legislative authority, or department, agency, or instrumentality may revise and resubmit any resolutions or guidelines that the chief disapproves after each disapproval, and the chief shall again review and approve or disapprove them within fifteen days after receiving them. The board, legislative authority, or department, agency, or instrumentality may amend any resolutions or guidelines previously approved by the chief and submit them, as amended, to the chief. The chief shall receive, review, and approve or disapprove the amended resolutions or guidelines on the same basis and in the same time as original resolutions or guidelines. The board, legislative authority, or department, agency, or instrumentality shall not implement amended resolutions or guidelines until they are approved by the chief under this division.
(C) Any person, other than a political subdivision required to adopt a resolution under division (A) of this section or a department, agency, or instrumentality of this state or the United States, who owns or has a legal right or obligation to maintain a road, street, highway, or other similar land surface may file with the board of county commissioners a written plan for the application of brine to the road, street, highway, or other surface. The board need not approve any such plans, but if it approves a plan, the plan shall comply with this chapter, rules adopted thereunder, and the board's resolutions, if any. Disapproved plans may be revised and resubmitted for the board's approval. Approved plans may also be revised and submitted to the board. A plan or revised plan shall do all of the following:
(1) Identify the sources of brine to be used under the plan;
(2) Identify by name, address, and registration certificate, if applicable, any transporters of the brine;
(3) Specifically identify the places to which the brine will be applied;
(4) Specifically describe the method, rate, and frequency of application.
(D) The board may attach terms and conditions to approval of a plan, or revised plan, and may revoke approval for any violation of this chapter, rules adopted thereunder, resolutions adopted by the board, or terms or conditions attached by the board. The board shall conduct at least one public hearing before approving a plan or revised plan, publishing notice of the time and place of each such public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least five days before the day on which the hearing is to be held. The board shall record the filings of all plans and revised plans in its journal. The board shall approve, disapprove, or revoke approval of a plan or revised plan by the adoption of a resolution. Upon approval of a plan or revised plan, the board shall send a copy of the plan to the chief. Upon revoking approval of a plan or revised plan, the board shall notify the chief of the revocation.
(E) No person shall:
(1) Apply brine to a water-saturated surface;
(2) Apply brine directly to vegetation adjacent to the surface of roads, streets, highways, and other surfaces to which brine may be applied.
(F) Each political subdivision that adopts a resolution under divisions (A) and (B) of this section, each department, agency, or instrumentality of this state or the United States that submits guidelines under division (B) of this section, and each person who files a plan under divisions (C) and (D) of this section shall, on or before the fifteenth day of April of each year, file a report with the chief concerning brine applied within the person's or governmental entity's jurisdiction, including the quantities transported and the sources and application points during the last preceding calendar year and such other information in such form as the chief requires.
(G) Any political subdivision or department, agency, or instrumentality of this state or the United States that applies brine under this section may do so with its own personnel, vehicles, and equipment without registration under or compliance with section 1509.222 or 1509.223 of the Revised Code and without the necessity for filing the surety bond or other security required by section 1509.225 of the Revised Code. However, each such entity shall legibly identify vehicles used to apply brine with reflective paint in letters no less than four inches in height, indicating the word "brine" and that the vehicle is a vehicle of the political subdivision, department, agency, or instrumentality. Except as stated in this division, such entities shall transport brine in accordance with sections 1509.22 to 1509.226 of the Revised Code.
(H) A surface application plan filed for approval under division (C) of this section shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of fifty dollars, which shall be credited to the general fund of the county. An approved plan is valid for one year from the date of its approval unless it is revoked before that time. An approved revised plan is valid for the remainder of the term of the plan it supersedes unless it is revoked before that time. Any person who has filed such a plan or revised plan and had it approved may renew it by refiling it in accordance with divisions (C) and (D) of this section within thirty days before any anniversary of the date on which the original plan was approved. The board shall notify the chief of renewals and nonrenewals of plans. Even if a renewed plan is approved under those divisions, the plan is not effective until notice is received by the chief, and until notice is received, the chief shall enforce this chapter and rules adopted thereunder with regard to the affected roads, streets, highways, and other similar land surfaces as if the plan had not been renewed.
(I) A resolution adopted under division (A) of this section by a board or legislative authority shall be effective for one year following the date of its adoption and from month to month thereafter until the board or legislative authority, by resolution, terminates the authority granted in the original resolution. The termination shall be effective not less than seven days after enactment of the resolution, and a copy of the resolution shall be sent to the chief.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Chapter 1509 | Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management - Oil and Gas
Section 1509.01 | Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management - Oil and Gas Definitions.
Section 1509.02 | Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management; Chief; Oil and Gas Well Fund.
Section 1509.021 | Surface Locations of New Wells.
Section 1509.022 | Location of Wells Using Directional Drilling.
Section 1509.03 | Administrative Rules.
Section 1509.04 | Enforcement - Injunction Against Violation.
Section 1509.05 | Permit Required to Drill, Reopen, Convert or Plug Back Well.
Section 1509.06 | Application for Permit to Drill, Reopen, Convert, or Plug Back a Well.
Section 1509.061 | Request to Revise Existing Tract Upon Which Exists Producing or Idle Well.
Section 1509.062 | Temporary Inactive Well Status.
Section 1509.07 | Liability Insurance Coverage.
Section 1509.071 | Forfeiting Bond.
Section 1509.072 | Duty to Restore Disturbed Land Surface.
Section 1509.073 | Fluid Drilling Requirements.
Section 1509.08 | Determinations if Well in Coal Bearing Township.
Section 1509.09 | Changing Location of Well After Issuance of Permit.
Section 1509.10 | Well Log to Be Filed With Division - Contents - Form.
Section 1509.11 | Statement of Production of Oil, Gas and Brine.
Section 1509.12 | Defective Wells and Well Plugging.
Section 1509.13 | Permit to Plug and Abandon Well - Application.
Section 1509.14 | Report of Abandonment of Well.
Section 1509.15 | Rules for Methods of Plugging.
Section 1509.151 | Plugging at Expense of Operator.
Section 1509.16 | Disclosure Forms for Oil Country Tubular Goods.
Section 1509.17 | Encasing Wells.
Section 1509.18 | Well Drilled Within Limits of Mining Operation.
Section 1509.181 | Suspension of Drilling or Reopening of Well in Coal Bearing Townships.
Section 1509.19 | Well Stimulation.
Section 1509.20 | Prevention of Waste - Gas Flaring.
Section 1509.21 | Permits for Secondary or Additional Recovery Operations.
Section 1509.22 | Storage or Disposal of Brine, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, or Other Fluids.
Section 1509.222 | Registration Certificate and Identification Number for Transportation of Brine.
Section 1509.223 | Agreements for Transporting Brine - Duties of Transporters.
Section 1509.224 | Suspension or Revocation for Pattern of Negligent or Willful Violations.
Section 1509.225 | Surety Bond.
Section 1509.226 | Surface Applications of Brine by Local Governments.
Section 1509.227 | Permits for Operations in Existence Prior to 1/1/2014.
Section 1509.23 | Health and Safety Rules for Drilling of Wells and Production of Oil and Gas.
Section 1509.231 | Database of Information for Responding to Emergencies.
Section 1509.24 | Minimum Acreage Requirements for Drilling Units and Minimum Distances for Wells.
Section 1509.25 | Special Order for Drilling Unit Requirements in Particular Pool.
Section 1509.26 | Agreements to Pool Tracts to Form Drilling Unit.
Section 1509.27 | Mandatory Pooling Orders.
Section 1509.28 | Order Providing for Unit Operation of a Pool or Part Thereof.
Section 1509.29 | Order Establishing Tract as Exception Tract.
Section 1509.30 | Reports to Holder of Royalty Interest.
Section 1509.32 | Complaint Alleging Failure to Restore Disturbed Land Surfaces.
Section 1509.33 | Civil Penalties.
Section 1509.35 | Oil and Gas Commission.
Section 1509.36 | Appeal to Commission.
Section 1509.37 | Appeal to Court of Common Pleas.
Section 1509.38 | Technical Advisory Council.
Section 1509.40 | Limitation on Production.
Section 1509.41 | Anti-Trust Violations.
Section 1509.50 | Oil and Gas Regulatory Cost Recovery Assessment.
Section 1509.60 | Notice of Filing for Permit to Drill New Well.