Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1315 | Transmitters of Money; Check-Cashing Businesses
Section 1315.121 | Administrative Powers of Superintendent.

Effective: April 6, 2007
Latest Legislation: House Bill 454 - 126th General Assembly
(A) In administering sections 1315.01 to 1315.18 of the Revised Code and fulfilling the duties imposed by those sections, including the duty imposed by section 1315.12 of the Revised Code, the superintendent of financial institutions may do any of the following:
(1) Participate with financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries in any of the following:
(a) Programs for alternate examinations of the records and affairs of licensees and other money transmitters over which they have concurrent jurisdiction;
(b) Joint or concurrent examinations of the records and affairs of licensees and other money transmitters over which they have concurrent jurisdiction;
(c) Coordinated examinations of the records and affairs of licensees and other money transmitters over which they have collective jurisdiction.
(2) Conduct, participate in, or coordinate independent, concurrent, joint, or coordinated examinations of the records and affairs of licensees and other money transmitters and otherwise act on behalf of financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries having jurisdiction over the licensees and other money transmitters;
(3) Rely on information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of examinations conducted by financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries when both of the following apply:
(a) Pursuant to agreement and applicable law, the superintendent may receive and use the information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of the other regulatory authorities' examinations in administering sections 1315.01 to 1315.18 of the Revised Code and acting under the authority of those sections;
(b) In the superintendent's judgment the other regulatory authorities' personnel, practices, and authority warrant the superintendent's reliance.
(4) Authorize financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries to receive and use information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of examinations conducted by the division of financial institutions in the same manner and for the purposes they could use information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of their own examinations when both of the following apply:
(a) Pursuant to applicable law, information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of examinations the other regulatory authorities conduct is protected from general disclosure and may only be disclosed for purposes similar to those provided in section 1315.122 of the Revised Code, which are principally regulatory in nature, for disclosure of information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of examinations conducted by the division;
(b) Pursuant to agreement and applicable law, information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of examinations conducted by the division will, in the other regulatory authorities' possession or the possession of any persons to whom the other regulatory authorities disclosed the information as a part of examinations of those persons, be protected from disclosure to the same extent as information leading to, arising from, or obtained in the course of those regulatory authorities' examinations.
(5) Rely on the actions of financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, or other countries, or participate with them jointly, in responding to violations of law, unsafe or unsound practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, or other regulatory concerns affecting licensees and other money transmitters over which they have concurrent jurisdiction when the other regulatory authorities have adequate personnel, practices, and authority to warrant the reliance;
(6) Implement other cooperative arrangements with financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries consistent with safety and soundness.
(B) No person shall use any reliance by the superintendent, in whole or in part, on financial institution regulatory authorities of this or other states, the United States, or other countries in accordance with division (A) of this section to support any assertion of either of the following:
(1) Failure of the superintendent or division to properly administer sections 1315.01 to 1315.18 of the Revised Code or fulfill the duties imposed by those sections;
(2) Disagreement by the superintendent or division with any action taken by financial institution regulatory authorities of this or other states, the United States, or other countries.
(C) In conducting, participating in, or coordinating independent, concurrent, joint, or coordinated examinations of the records and affairs of licensees and other money transmitters, the superintendent may purchase services from financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, and other countries, including services provided by employees of other financial institution regulatory authorities in their capacities as employees of other financial institution regulatory authorities. The purchase of services from one or more financial institution regulatory authorities of this and other states, the United States, or other countries is the purchase of services from a sole source provider and is not the employment of any financial institution regulatory authority or any of its employees.
The authority to purchase services pursuant to this division does not impair the superintendent's authority to purchase services from any other source.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1315 | Transmitters of Money; Check-Cashing Businesses

Section 1315.01 | Transmitters of Money Definitions.

Section 1315.02 | Recipient of Money to Be Licensed or Authorized.

Section 1315.03 | Application for Money Transmitter License - Confidentiality.

Section 1315.04 | Determination on Application - Conditional Approval.

Section 1315.05 | Continuing Duties of Licensees.

Section 1315.06 | Minimum Amount of Permissible Investments.

Section 1315.07 | Satisfactory Security Device Maintained.

Section 1315.08 | Quarterly Reports - Annual Financial Statements.

Section 1315.081 | Written Report of Specified Events.

Section 1315.09 | Records Required to Be Kept.

Section 1315.10 | Application for Approval of Control Acquisition.

Section 1315.101 | Approval of Application for Control Acquisition.

Section 1315.11 | Conduct of Activities Through Authorized Delegate.

Section 1315.12 | Examination of Records and Affairs of Licensee.

Section 1315.121 | Administrative Powers of Superintendent.

Section 1315.122 | Examination Information Privileged and Confidential.

Section 1315.13 | Superintendent to Establish Fees.

Section 1315.14 | Implementing Rules.

Section 1315.141 | Criminal Records Check to Be Requested by Superintendent.

Section 1315.15 | Notice of Charges - Cease and Desist Order.

Section 1315.151 | Suspension or Revocation of License.

Section 1315.152 | Civil Penalties for Violation or Breach.

Section 1315.153 | Injunctive Relief for Violation of Rc 1315.02.

Section 1315.16 | Enforcement Powers of Superintendent.

Section 1315.161 | Service of Notice, Subpoena, or Order.

Section 1315.17 | Administrative Hearing - Judicial Review - Enforcement of Order.

Section 1315.18 | Termination of Business - Approval of Plan - Implementation.

Section 1315.21 | Check-Cashing Businesses Definitions.

Section 1315.22 | Application for License to Operate Check-Cashing Business.

Section 1315.23 | Investigation of Applicant for License - Issuance or Renewal of License - Hearing Prior to Suspension, Revocation or Refusal of License.

Section 1315.24 | Investigation of Violations - Hearings - Injunctive Relief.

Section 1315.25 | Conditions for Deposit of Checks Into Financial Institution.

Section 1315.26 | Limitations on Fees and Charges.

Section 1315.27 | Rules.

Section 1315.28 | Prohibited Acts - Damages for Violation.

Section 1315.30 | State to Solely Regulate Check-Cashing Business.

Section 1315.51 | Transaction Reporting, Money Laundering Definitions.

Section 1315.52 | Liberal Construction of Statutes.

Section 1315.53 | Reporting Transactions - Records.

Section 1315.54 | Investigations.

Section 1315.55 | Additional Prohibited Activities.

Section 1315.99 | Penalty.