Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1315 | Transmitters of Money; Check-Cashing Businesses
Section 1315.09 | Records Required to Be Kept.

Effective: April 6, 2007
Latest Legislation: House Bill 454 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Each licensee shall make, keep, and preserve with respect to the licensee the following books, accounts, and other records for a period of five years to be open to inspection by the superintendent of financial institutions:
(1) A record or records of each money transmission transaction;
(2) A general ledger containing all assets, liabilities, capital, income, and expense accounts, posted at least monthly;
(3) All bank statements and bank reconciliation records;
(4) A record of all outstandings;
(5) A record of all payments made;
(6) The names and addresses of all authorized delegates of the licensee;
(7) Any other records that the superintendent requires.
(B) For purposes of this section, a licensee may retain a document, paper, or other instrument or record by use of a process to record, copy, photograph, or store a representation of the original document, paper, or other instrument or record, if all of the following apply:
(1) The process correctly and accurately copies or reproduces, or provides a means for correctly and accurately copying or reproducing, the original document, paper, or other instrument or record with regard to both its substance and appearance, except that the copy or reproduction need not reflect the original paper or other medium, size, or color, unless the medium, size, or color is necessary to establish the authenticity of the original.
(2) The process does not permit the recording, copy, photographic image, or stored representation of the original document, paper, or other instrument or record to be altered or manipulated.
(3) The medium the process uses to record, copy, photograph, or store a representation of an original document, paper, or other instrument or record is a durable medium for retaining and reproducing records.
(C) A licensee may maintain its records described in division (A) of this section at a location other than within this state, so long as the licensee makes its records accessible to the superintendent on seven business days written notice.
(D) No licensee shall fail to comply with this section.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1315 | Transmitters of Money; Check-Cashing Businesses

Section 1315.01 | Transmitters of Money Definitions.

Section 1315.02 | Recipient of Money to Be Licensed or Authorized.

Section 1315.03 | Application for Money Transmitter License - Confidentiality.

Section 1315.04 | Determination on Application - Conditional Approval.

Section 1315.05 | Continuing Duties of Licensees.

Section 1315.06 | Minimum Amount of Permissible Investments.

Section 1315.07 | Satisfactory Security Device Maintained.

Section 1315.08 | Quarterly Reports - Annual Financial Statements.

Section 1315.081 | Written Report of Specified Events.

Section 1315.09 | Records Required to Be Kept.

Section 1315.10 | Application for Approval of Control Acquisition.

Section 1315.101 | Approval of Application for Control Acquisition.

Section 1315.11 | Conduct of Activities Through Authorized Delegate.

Section 1315.12 | Examination of Records and Affairs of Licensee.

Section 1315.121 | Administrative Powers of Superintendent.

Section 1315.122 | Examination Information Privileged and Confidential.

Section 1315.13 | Superintendent to Establish Fees.

Section 1315.14 | Implementing Rules.

Section 1315.141 | Criminal Records Check to Be Requested by Superintendent.

Section 1315.15 | Notice of Charges - Cease and Desist Order.

Section 1315.151 | Suspension or Revocation of License.

Section 1315.152 | Civil Penalties for Violation or Breach.

Section 1315.153 | Injunctive Relief for Violation of Rc 1315.02.

Section 1315.16 | Enforcement Powers of Superintendent.

Section 1315.161 | Service of Notice, Subpoena, or Order.

Section 1315.17 | Administrative Hearing - Judicial Review - Enforcement of Order.

Section 1315.18 | Termination of Business - Approval of Plan - Implementation.

Section 1315.21 | Check-Cashing Businesses Definitions.

Section 1315.22 | Application for License to Operate Check-Cashing Business.

Section 1315.23 | Investigation of Applicant for License - Issuance or Renewal of License - Hearing Prior to Suspension, Revocation or Refusal of License.

Section 1315.24 | Investigation of Violations - Hearings - Injunctive Relief.

Section 1315.25 | Conditions for Deposit of Checks Into Financial Institution.

Section 1315.26 | Limitations on Fees and Charges.

Section 1315.27 | Rules.

Section 1315.28 | Prohibited Acts - Damages for Violation.

Section 1315.30 | State to Solely Regulate Check-Cashing Business.

Section 1315.51 | Transaction Reporting, Money Laundering Definitions.

Section 1315.52 | Liberal Construction of Statutes.

Section 1315.53 | Reporting Transactions - Records.

Section 1315.54 | Investigations.

Section 1315.55 | Additional Prohibited Activities.

Section 1315.99 | Penalty.