Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 122 | Department of Development
Section 122.175 | Tax Exemption for Sale, Storage, Use, or Other Consumption of Computer Data Center Equipment.

Effective: July 18, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Capital investment project" means a plan of investment at a project site for the acquisition, construction, renovation, expansion, replacement, or repair of a computer data center or of computer data center equipment, but does not include any of the following:
(a) Project costs paid before a date determined by the tax credit authority for each capital investment project;
(b) Payments made to a related member as defined in section 5733.042 of the Revised Code or to a consolidated elected taxpayer or a combined taxpayer as defined in section 5751.01 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Computer data center" means a facility used or to be used primarily to house computer data center equipment used or to be used in conducting one or more computer data center businesses, as determined by the tax credit authority.
(3) "Computer data center business" means, as may be further determined by the tax credit authority, a business that provides electronic information services as defined in division (Y)(1)(c) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, or that leases a facility to one or more such businesses. "Computer data center business" does not include providing electronic publishing as defined in that section.
(4) "Computer data center equipment" means tangible personal property used or to be used for any of the following:
(a) To conduct a computer data center business, including equipment cooling systems to manage the performance of computer data center equipment;
(b) To generate, transform, transmit, distribute, or manage electricity necessary to operate the tangible personal property used or to be used in conducting a computer data center business;
(c) As building and construction materials sold to construction contractors for incorporation into a computer data center.
(5) "Eligible computer data center" means a computer data center that satisfies all of the following requirements:
(a) One or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, make payments for a capital investment project of at least one hundred million dollars at the project site during one of the following cumulative periods:
(i) For projects beginning in 2013, six consecutive calendar years;
(ii) For projects beginning in 2014, four consecutive calendar years;
(iii) For projects beginning in or after 2015, three consecutive calendar years.
(b) One or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, pay annual compensation that is subject to the withholding obligation imposed under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code of at least one million five hundred thousand dollars to employees employed at the project site for each year of the agreement beginning on or after the first day of the twenty-fifth month after the agreement was entered into under this section.
(6) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 5701.01 of the Revised Code.
(7) "Project site," "related member," and "tax credit authority" have the same meanings as in sections 122.17 and 122.171 of the Revised Code.
(8) "Taxpayer" means any person subject to the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code.
(B) The tax credit authority may completely or partially exempt from the taxes levied under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code the sale, storage, use, or other consumption of computer data center equipment used or to be used at an eligible computer data center. Any such exemption shall extend to charges for the delivery, installation, or repair of the computer data center equipment subject to the exemption under this section.
(C) A taxpayer that proposes a capital improvement project for an eligible computer data center in this state may apply to the tax credit authority to enter into an agreement under this section authorizing a complete or partial exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code on computer data center equipment purchased by the applicant or any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site and used or to be used at the eligible computer data center. The director of development services shall prescribe the form of the application. After receipt of an application, the authority shall forward copies of the application to the director of budget and management and the tax commissioner, each of whom shall review the application to determine the economic impact that the proposed eligible computer data center would have on the state and any affected political subdivisions and submit to the authority a summary of their determinations. The authority shall also forward a copy of the application to the director of development services who shall review the application to determine the economic impact that the proposed eligible computer data center would have on the state and the affected political subdivisions and shall submit a summary of their determinations and recommendations to the authority.
(D) Upon review and consideration of such determinations and recommendations, the tax credit authority may enter into an agreement with the applicant and any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site for a complete or partial exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code on computer data center equipment used or to be used at an eligible computer data center if the authority determines all of the following:
(1) The capital investment project for the eligible computer data center will increase payroll and the amount of income taxes to be withheld from employee compensation pursuant to section 5747.06 of the Revised Code.
(2) The applicant is economically sound and has the ability to complete or effect the completion of the proposed capital investment project.
(3) The applicant intends to and has the ability to maintain operations at the project site for the term of the agreement.
(4) Receiving the exemption is a major factor in the applicant's decision to begin, continue with, or complete the capital investment project.
(E) An agreement entered into under this section shall include all of the following:
(1) A detailed description of the capital investment project that is the subject of the agreement, including the amount of the investment, the period over which the investment has been or is being made, the annual compensation to be paid by each taxpayer subject to the agreement to its employees at the project site, and the anticipated amount of income taxes to be withheld from employee compensation pursuant to section 5747.06 of the Revised Code.
(2) The percentage of the exemption from the taxes imposed under Chapters 5739. and 5741. of the Revised Code for the computer data center equipment used or to be used at the eligible computer data center, the length of time the computer data center equipment will be exempted, and the first date on which the exemption applies.
(3) A requirement that the computer data center remain an eligible computer data center during the term of the agreement and that the applicant maintain operations at the eligible computer data center during that term. An applicant does not violate the requirement described in division (E)(3) of this section if the applicant ceases operations at the eligible computer data center during the term of the agreement but resumes those operations within eighteen months after the date of cessation. The agreement shall provide that, in such a case, the applicant and any other taxpayer that operates a computer data center business at the project site shall not claim the tax exemption authorized in the agreement for any purchase of computer data center equipment made during the period in which the applicant did not maintain operations at the eligible computer data center.
(4) A requirement that, for each year of the term of the agreement beginning on or after the first day of the twenty-fifth month after the date the agreement was entered into, one or more taxpayers operating a computer data center business at the project site will, in the aggregate, pay annual compensation that is subject to the withholding obligation imposed under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code of at least one million five hundred thousand dollars to employees at the eligible computer data center.
(5) A requirement that each taxpayer subject to the agreement annually report to the director of development services employment, tax withholding, capital investment, and other information required by the director to perform the director's duties under this section.
(6) A requirement that the director of development services annually review the annual reports of each taxpayer subject to the agreement to verify the information reported under division (E)(5) of this section and compliance with the agreement. Upon verification, the director shall issue a certificate to each such taxpayer stating that the information has been verified and that the taxpayer remains eligible for the exemption specified in the agreement.
(7) A provision providing that the taxpayers subject to the agreement may not relocate a substantial number of employment positions from elsewhere in this state to the project site unless the director of development services determines that the appropriate taxpayer notified the legislative authority of the county, township, or municipal corporation from which the employment positions would be relocated. For purposes of this paragraph, the movement of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall be considered a relocation of an employment position unless the movement is confined to the project site. The transfer of an employment position from one political subdivision to another political subdivision shall not be considered a relocation of an employment position if the employment position in the first political subdivision is replaced by another employment position.
(8) A waiver by each taxpayer subject to the agreement of any limitations periods relating to assessments or adjustments resulting from the taxpayer's failure to comply with the agreement.
(F) The term of an agreement under this section shall be determined by the tax credit authority, and the amount of the exemption shall not exceed one hundred per cent of such taxes that would otherwise be owed in respect to the exempted computer data center equipment.
(G) If any taxpayer subject to an agreement under this section fails to meet or comply with any condition or requirement set forth in the agreement, the tax credit authority may amend the agreement to reduce the percentage of the exemption or term during which the exemption applies to the computer data center equipment used or to be used by the noncompliant taxpayer at an eligible computer data center. The reduction of the percentage or term may take effect in the current calendar year.
(H) Financial statements and other information submitted to the department of development services or the tax credit authority by an applicant for or recipient of an exemption under this section, and any information taken for any purpose from such statements or information, are not public records subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code. However, the chairperson of the authority may make use of the statements and other information for purposes of issuing public reports or in connection with court proceedings concerning tax exemption agreements under this section. Upon the request of the tax commissioner, the chairperson of the authority shall provide to the tax commissioner any statement or other information submitted by an applicant for or recipient of an exemption under this section. The tax commissioner shall preserve the confidentiality of the statement or other information.
(I) The tax commissioner shall issue a direct payment permit under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code to each taxpayer subject to an agreement under this section. Such direct payment permit shall authorize the taxpayer to pay any sales and use taxes due on purchases of computer data center equipment used or to be used in an eligible computer data center and to pay any sales and use taxes due on purchases of tangible personal property or taxable services other than computer data center equipment used or to be used in an eligible computer data center directly to the tax commissioner. Each such taxpayer shall pay pursuant to such direct payment permit all sales tax levied on such purchases under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, and 5739.026 of the Revised Code and all use tax levied on such purchases under sections 5741.02, 5741.021, 5741.022, and 5741.023 of the Revised Code, consistent with the terms of the agreement entered into under this section.
During the term of an agreement under this section each taxpayer subject to the agreement shall submit to the tax commissioner a return that shows the amount of computer data center equipment purchased for use at the eligible computer data center, the amount of tangible personal property and taxable services other than computer data center equipment purchased for use at the eligible computer data center, the amount of tax under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code that would be due in the absence of the agreement under this section, the exemption percentage for computer data center equipment specified in the agreement, and the amount of tax due under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code as a result of the agreement under this section. Each such taxpayer shall pay the tax shown on the return to be due in the manner and at the times as may be further prescribed by the tax commissioner. Each such taxpayer shall include a copy of the director of development services' certificate of verification issued under division (E)(6) of this section. Failure to submit a copy of the certificate with the return does not invalidate the claim for exemption if the taxpayer submits a copy of the certificate to the tax commissioner within the time prescribed by section 5703.0510 of the Revised Code.
(J) If the director of development services determines that one or more taxpayers received an exemption from taxes due on the purchase of computer data center equipment purchased for use at a computer data center that no longer complies with the requirement under division (E)(3) of this section, the director shall notify the tax credit authority and, if applicable, the taxpayer that applied to enter the agreement for the exemption under division (C) of this section of the noncompliance. After receiving such a notice, and after giving each taxpayer subject to the agreement an opportunity to explain the noncompliance, the authority may terminate the agreement and require each such taxpayer to pay to the state all or a portion of the taxes that would have been owed in regards to the exempt equipment in previous years, all as determined under rules adopted pursuant to division (K) of this section. In determining the portion of the taxes that would have been owed on the previously exempted equipment to be paid to this state by a taxpayer, the authority shall consider the effect of market conditions on the eligible computer data center, whether the taxpayer continues to maintain other operations in this state, and, with respect to agreements involving multiple taxpayers, the taxpayer's level of responsibility for the noncompliance. After making the determination, the authority shall certify to the tax commissioner the amount to be paid by each taxpayer subject to the agreement. The tax commissioner shall make an assessment for that amount against each such taxpayer under Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code. The time limitations on assessments under those chapters do not apply to an assessment under this division, but the tax commissioner shall make the assessment within one year after the date the authority certifies to the tax commissioner the amount to be paid by the taxpayer.
(K) The director of development services, after consultation with the tax commissioner and in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section. The rules may provide for recipients of tax exemptions under this section to be charged fees to cover administrative costs incurred in the administration of this section. The fees collected shall be credited to the tax incentives operating fund created in section 122.174 of the Revised Code. At the time the director gives public notice under division (A) of section 119.03 of the Revised Code of the adoption of the rules, the director shall submit copies of the proposed rules to the chairpersons of the standing committees on economic development in the senate and the house of representatives.
(L) On or before the first day of August of each year, the director of development services shall submit a report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the tax exemption authorized under this section. The report shall include information on the number of agreements that were entered into under this section during the preceding calendar year, a description of the eligible computer data center that is the subject of each such agreement, and an update on the status of eligible computer data centers under agreements entered into before the preceding calendar year.
(M) A taxpayer may be made a party to an existing agreement entered into under this section by the tax credit authority and another taxpayer or group of taxpayers. In such a case, the taxpayer shall be entitled to all benefits and bound by all obligations contained in the agreement and all requirements described in this section. When an agreement includes multiple taxpayers, each taxpayer shall be entitled to a direct payment permit as authorized in division (I) of this section.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 1 | State Government

Chapter 122 | Department of Development

Section 122.01 | Department of Development Definitions.

Section 122.011 | Department of Development Powers and Duties.

Section 122.012 | Regional State Agency for Jobs and Employment Opportunities.

Section 122.013 | Required Postings on Official Internet Site.

Section 122.014 | Financial Assistance for Gaming Activities.

Section 122.02 | Applying for Federal and Private Assistance and Contracts.

Section 122.03 | Duties of Department - Research Facilities.

Section 122.04 | Additional Duties.

Section 122.041 | Duties of Director of Development as to Encouraging Diversity, Growth, and Equity Program.

Section 122.042 | Foundation of Employment Opportunity Program.

Section 122.05 | Offices in Foreign Countries.

Section 122.051 | International Trade Cooperative Projects Fund.

Section 122.06 | Planning Duties.

Section 122.07 | Office of Tourismohio.

Section 122.071 | Tourismohio Advisory Board.

Section 122.072 | Tourism Fund.

Section 122.073 | Promoting State of Ohio.

Section 122.075 | Alternative Fuel Transportation Grant Program.

Section 122.076 | Alternative Fuel Vehicle Conversion Program.

Section 122.077 | Energy Star Rebate Program.

Section 122.08 | Office of Small Business - Powers and Duties.

Section 122.081 | Small Business Register.

Section 122.082 | Low-Interest Loans to Small Businesses.

Section 122.083 | Shovel Ready Sites Program - Fund.

Section 122.085 | Job Ready Site Program - Definitions.

Section 122.086 | Job Ready Site Program.

Section 122.087 | Annual Competitive Process for Grants Under Program.

Section 122.088 | Annual Competitive Process Grant Application.

Section 122.089 | Grant Application Contents.

Section 122.0810 | Grant Application Evaluation - Prioritization - Notice of Deficiencies.

Section 122.0811 | Completeness of Application and Eligibility of Project.

Section 122.0812 | Discretionary Grants Outside Annual Competitive Process.

Section 122.0813 | Evaluation of Discretionary Grant Application.

Section 122.0814 | Approval of Grant - Agreement With Applicant.

Section 122.0815 | Project Requirements for Consideration for Grant.

Section 122.0816 | Project Priority Under Annual Competitive Process.

Section 122.0817 | Annual Program Report by Director.

Section 122.0819 | Allowance of Recovery of Committee Costs.

Section 122.0820 | Job Site Ready Development Fund.

Section 122.09 | Transformational Mixed Use Development Tax Credit.

Section 122.10 | Cooperation and Coordination With Other State Departments and Agencies.

Section 122.11 | Classified and Unclassified Employees.

Section 122.12 | Definitions.

Section 122.121 | Site Selection for Major Sporting Event.

Section 122.122 | Sports Event Grant Fund.

Section 122.13 | Definitions.

Section 122.131 | Employee Ownership Assistance Program.

Section 122.132 | Duties of Director of Development.

Section 122.133 | Boards to Assist Employee Ownership Assistance Program.

Section 122.134 | Feasibility Study.

Section 122.135 | Assistance in Studying Feasibility of Employee-Owned Corporation.

Section 122.136 | Annual Report.

Section 122.14 | Roadwork Development Fund.

Section 122.15 | Definitions for Sections 122.151 to 122.156.

Section 122.151 | Certification as a Rural Business Growth Fund.

Section 122.152 | Tax Credit.

Section 122.153 | Tax Credit Certificates; Recapture of Tax Credits.

Section 122.154 | Reports.

Section 122.155 | State Reimbursement Amount.

Section 122.156 | Written Opinion.

Section 122.16 | Economic Redevelopment of Distressed Area.

Section 122.17 | Grants to Foster Job Creation.

Section 122.171 | Tax Credits to Foster Job Retention.

Section 122.172 | Manufacturing Equipment Grant Program.

Section 122.173 | Grant Against Tax for New Manufacturing Machinery Purchase.

Section 122.174 | Tax Incentives Operating Fund.

Section 122.175 | Tax Exemption for Sale, Storage, Use, or Other Consumption of Computer Data Center Equipment.

Section 122.176 | Grants for Employers That Move Into a Previously Vacant Facility.

Section 122.177 | Career Exploration Internship Program.

Section 122.178 | Techcred Program.

Section 122.179 | Industry Sector Partnerships.

Section 122.1710 | Individual Microcredential Assistance Program.

Section 122.1711 | Report to Legislature.

Section 122.18 | Annual Payments to Landlord for Projects Creating New Jobs.

Section 122.19 | Urban and Rural Initiative Grant Program Definitions.

Section 122.20 | Urban and Rural Initiative Grant Program.

Section 122.21 | Urban and Rural Initiative Grant Program Definitions.

Section 122.22 | Grant Eligibility.

Section 122.23 | Rural Industrial Park Loan Program Definitions.

Section 122.24 | Rural Industrial Park Loan Program.

Section 122.25 | Administration of Program - Park Use.

Section 122.26 | Rural Industrial Park Loan Fund.

Section 122.27 | Eligibility for Financial Assistance.

Section 122.28 | Industrial Technology and Enterprise Advisory Council Definitions.

Section 122.30 | Powers and Duties.

Section 122.31 | Payment Sources for Expenses and Obligations.

Section 122.32 | Accepting Using Contributions.

Section 122.33 | Administration of Programs.

Section 122.34 | Purposes.

Section 122.35 | Depositing Receipts.

Section 122.36 | Confidential Information.

Section 122.37 | Steel Futures Program.

Section 122.38 | Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program.

Section 122.39 | Definitions for r.c. 122.41 to 122.62.

Section 122.40 | Definitions for r.c. 122.40 to 122.4077 - Residential Broadband Expansion.

Section 122.401 | Residential Broadband Expansion Grant Program.

Section 122.403 | Broadband Expansion Program Authority.

Section 122.406 | Authority Consideration of Program Applications.

Section 122.407 | Authority Duties.

Section 122.408 | Authority Hearings.

Section 122.4010 | Authority Annual Report of Findings and Recommendations.

Section 122.4013 | Grant Applications by Broadband Providers.

Section 122.4015 | Grants Only for Eligible Projects.

Section 122.4016 | Ineligible Projects.

Section 122.4017 | Funds for Grants.

Section 122.4018 | Grants Limited by Available Funds.

Section 122.4019 | Application Submission.

Section 122.4020 | Application Requirements.

Section 122.4021 | Conditions for Grants.

Section 122.4023 | Proprietary or Trade Secret Evaluations.

Section 122.4024 | Notification of Published Applications.

Section 122.4025 | Video Service Provider Fees Contributed to Funding Gap.

Section 122.4030 | Application Challenges.

Section 122.4031 | Evidence Sufficient to Successfully Challenge.

Section 122.4033 | Authority Actions Regarding a Challenge.

Section 122.4034 | Revision, Resubmission of Successfully Challenged Applications.

Section 122.4035 | Review of Resubmitted Applications.

Section 122.4036 | Sanctions for Challenging Provider's Failure to Provide Service.

Section 122.4037 | Disposition of Sanction Amounts.

Section 122.4040 | Weighted Scoring System for Applications.

Section 122.4041 | Weighted Scoring System Priorities.

Section 122.4043 | Grant Awards.

Section 122.4044 | Grant Disbursement.

Section 122.4045 | Speed Verification Tests.

Section 122.4046 | Noncompliance With Requirements.

Section 122.4050 | County Request Application Solicitation.

Section 122.4051 | Solicitation on Behalf of County.

Section 122.4053 | Response Application Compliance.

Section 122.4055 | No Responsibility for Lack of Response.

Section 122.4060 | Grant Required for Eligible Project to Proceed.

Section 122.4061 | Financial Responsibility Before Project Completion.

Section 122.4063 | Ownership or Transfer of Broadband Infrastructure.

Section 122.4070 | Annual and Operational Reports.

Section 122.4071 | Report Contents and Public Availability.

Section 122.4073 | Due Date and Extensions for Reports.

Section 122.4075 | Reports, Documents Confidential.

Section 122.4076 | Annual Program Report by Authority.

Section 122.4077 | Residential Broadband Expansion Grant Rules.

Section 122.41 | Director's Powers and Duties Under Chapter 122.

Section 122.42 | Director's Powers and Duties Under r.c. 122.41 to 122.62.

Section 122.43 | Lending Funds.

Section 122.44 | Terms of Loans.

Section 122.45 | Loans to Political Subdivisions.

Section 122.451 | Insuring Mortgage Payments.

Section 122.46 | Purchase, Sale, Improvement of Property for Industrial, Commercial, Distribution or Research Facilities.

Section 122.47 | Issuing Bonds.

Section 122.48 | Issuing Revenue Bonds.

Section 122.49 | Using Bond Proceeds.

Section 122.50 | Bonds Not a Debt of State.

Section 122.51 | Bonds Are Lawful Investments.

Section 122.52 | Issuing Revenue Refunding Bonds.

Section 122.53 | Bonds Secured by Trust Agreements.

Section 122.54 | Direct Loan Program Fund.

Section 122.55 | Purchase Fund of the Director of Development.

Section 122.56 | Mortgage Guarantee Fund.

Section 122.561 | Mortgage Insurance Fund.

Section 122.57 | Distributing Income to Separate Sinking Funds.

Section 122.571 | Revenue Bond Guaranty Fund.

Section 122.58 | Investing Funds.

Section 122.59 | Proceedings in Default.

Section 122.60 | Capital Access Loan Program Definitions.

Section 122.601 | Capital Access Loan Program Fund.

Section 122.602 | Capital Access Loan Program.

Section 122.603 | Program Reserve Account.

Section 122.604 | Recovering Delinquent Loan Amount From Program Reserve Account.

Section 122.605 | Annual Report.

Section 122.61 | Tax Exemptions.

Section 122.62 | Keeping Funds in Depositories Selected by Director.

Section 122.63 | Housing Needs.

Section 122.64 | Business Services Division.

Section 122.641 | The Lakes in Economic Distress Revolving Loan Program.

Section 122.65 | Brownfield Revitalization Project Definitions.

Section 122.651 | Clean Ohio Council.

Section 122.652 | Grant or Loan for a Brownfield Cleanup or Remediation Project.

Section 122.653 | Application Approval.

Section 122.654 | Determining Compliance With Applicable Cleanup Standards.

Section 122.655 | No Further Action Letters.

Section 122.656 | Grant to Pay Cost of Assessment for Cleanup or Remediation of Brownfield, or Public Health Project.

Section 122.657 | Establishing Policies and Requirements.

Section 122.658 | Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund - Revolving Loan Fund.

Section 122.659 | Effect on Other Provisions.

Section 122.6510 | Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund.

Section 122.6511 | Brownfield Remediation Program.

Section 122.6512 | Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program.

Section 122.66 | Office of Community Services Definitions.

Section 122.67 | Community Services Division.

Section 122.68 | Powers and Duties.

Section 122.681 | Confidentiality of Information.

Section 122.69 | Endorsement of Community Action Agency.

Section 122.70 | Board of Directors of Community Action Agency - Powers and Duties.

Section 122.701 | Designating New or Rescinding Former Designation.

Section 122.702 | Hearings on Use of Community Services Block Grant Funds.

Section 122.71 | Minority Development Financing Advisory Board Definitions.

Section 122.72 | Minority Development Financing Advisory Board.

Section 122.73 | Powers and Duties.

Section 122.74 | Director of Development - Powers and Duties.

Section 122.75 | Director of Development - Duties Regarding Minority Programs.

Section 122.751 | Certifying Loan Applicants.

Section 122.76 | Loan Criteria.

Section 122.77 | Loan Guarantees.

Section 122.78 | Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of Loans and Guarantees.

Section 122.79 | Tax Exemptions.

Section 122.80 | Minority Business Enterprise Loan Fund.

Section 122.81 | Default on Loan, Guarantee, or Lease.

Section 122.82 | Moneys, Funds, Properties, and Assets Held in Trust.

Section 122.83 | Prohibiting Misrepresentation.

Section 122.84 | Tax Credit for Investors in Multiple Qualified Opportunity Funds.

Section 122.85 | Tax Credit-Eligible Productions.

Section 122.851 | Certification as Ohio Venture Capital Operating Company.

Section 122.86 | Small Business Investment Certificate; Tax Credit.

Section 122.861 | Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant and Loan Programs.

Section 122.862 | Sellohio Global Initiative Fund.

Section 122.87 | Minority Business Bonding Program Definitions.

Section 122.88 | Minority Business Bonding Fund - Minority Business Bonding Program Administrative and Loss Reserve Fund.

Section 122.89 | Executing Bonds as Surety.

Section 122.90 | Guarantee of Bonds Executed by Sureties for Minority Businesses and Edge Business Enterprises.

Section 122.92 | Minority Business Development Division.

Section 122.921 | [Former r.c. 123.151, Amended and Renumbered by h.b. 110, 134th General Assembly, Effective 9/30/2021] Rules for Certification as Minority Business Enterprises; State Agency, Port Authority Reports.

Section 122.922 | [Former r.c. 123.152, Amended and Renumbered by h.b. 110, 134th General Assembly, Effective 9/30/2021] Encouraging Diversity, Growth, and Equity Program.

Section 122.923 | [Former r.c. 123.153, Amended and Renumbered by h.b. 110, 134th General Assembly, Effective 9/30/2021] Report on Programs.

Section 122.924 | [Former r.c 123.154, Amended and Renumbered by h.b. 110, 134th General Assembly, Effective 9/30/2021] Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program.

Section 122.925 | [Former r.c. 9.318, Amended and Renumbered by h.b. 110, 134th General Assembly, Effective 9/30/2021] Veteran-Friendly Business Procurement Program.

Section 122.93 | Accepting Gifts and Other Aid.

Section 122.94 | Rules - Annual Report.

Section 122.941 | Annual Report.

Section 122.942 | Project Information to Be Made Public.

Section 122.95 | Definitions - Industrial Site Improvement Fund Grants.

Section 122.951 | Grants From Industrial Site Improvement Fund.

Section 122.9511 | Siteohio Certification Program.

Section 122.9512 | Siteohio Administration Fund.

Section 122.96 | Delegation of Authority.

Section 122.98 | Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Technology Committee.

Section 122.99 | Penalty.