Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 101 | General Assembly
Section 101.15 | Public Committee Meetings.

Effective: September 5, 2001
Latest Legislation: House Bill 94 - 124th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Caucus" means all of the members of either house of the general assembly who are members of the same political party.
(2) "Committee" means any committee of either house of the general assembly, a joint committee of both houses of the general assembly, including a committee of conference, or a subcommittee of any committee listed in division (A)(2) of this section.
(3) "Meeting" means any prearranged discussion of the public business of a committee by a majority of its members.
(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (F) of this section, all meetings of any committee are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times. The secretary assigned to the chairperson of the committee shall prepare, file, and maintain the minutes of every regular or special meeting of a committee. The committee, at its next regular or special meeting, shall approve the minutes prepared, filed, and maintained by the secretary, or, if the minutes prepared, filed, and maintained by the secretary require correction before their approval, the committee shall correct and approve the minutes at the next following regular or special meeting. The committee shall make the minutes available for public inspection not later than seven days after the meeting the minutes reflect or not later than the committee's next regular or special meeting, whichever occurs first.
(C) Each committee shall establish a reasonable method whereby any person may determine the time and place of all regularly scheduled meetings and the time, place, and purpose of all special meetings. No committee shall hold a regular or special meeting unless it gives at least twenty-four hours' advance notice to the news media that have requested notification.
The method established by each committee shall provide that, upon request and payment of a reasonable fee, any person may obtain reasonable advance notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public business will be discussed. Provisions for advance notification may include, but are not limited to, mailing the agenda of meetings to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices in self-addressed stamped envelopes provided by the person who desires advance notification.
(D) Any action of a committee relating to a bill or resolution, or any other formal action of a committee, is invalid unless taken in an open meeting of the committee. Any action of a committee relating to a bill or resolution, or any other formal action of a committee, taken in an open meeting is invalid if it results from deliberations in a meeting not open to the public.
(E)(1) Any person may bring an action to enforce this section. An action under this division shall be brought within two years after the date of the alleged violation or threatened violation. Upon proof of a violation or threatened violation of this section in an action brought by any person, the court of common pleas shall issue an injunction to compel the members of the committee to comply with its provisions.
(2)(a) If the court of common pleas issues an injunction under division (E)(1) of this section, the court shall order the committee that it enjoins to pay a civil forfeiture of five hundred dollars to the party that sought the injunction and shall award to that party all court costs and, subject to reduction as described in this division, reasonable attorney's fees. The court, in its discretion, may reduce an award of attorney's fees to the party that sought the injunction or not award attorney's fees to that party if the court determines both of the following:
(i) That, based on the ordinary application of statutory law and case law as it existed at the time of the violation or threatened violation that was the basis of the injunction, a well-informed committee reasonably would believe that the committee was not violating or threatening to violate this section;
(ii) That a well-informed committee reasonably would believe that the conduct or threatened conduct that was the basis of the injunction would serve the public policy that underlies the authority that is asserted as permitting that conduct or threatened conduct.
(b) If the court of common pleas does not issue an injunction under division (E)(1) of this section and the court determines at that time that the bringing of the action was frivolous conduct as defined in division (A) of section 2323.51 of the Revised Code, the court shall award to the committee all court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by the court.
(3) Irreparable harm and prejudice to the party that sought the injunction shall be conclusively and irrebuttably presumed upon proof of a violation or threatened violation of this section.
(4) A member of a committee who knowingly violates an injunction issued under division (E)(1) of this section may be removed from office by an action brought in the court of common pleas for that purpose by the prosecuting attorney of Franklin county or by the attorney general.
(5) The remedies described in divisions (E)(1) to (4) of this section shall be the exclusive remedies for a violation of this section.
(F) This section does not apply to or affect either of the following:
(1) All meetings of the joint legislative ethics committee created under section 101.34 of the Revised Code other than a meeting that is held for any of the following purposes:
(a) To consider the adoption, amendment, or recission of any rule that the joint legislative ethics committee is authorized to adopt pursuant to division (B)(11) of section 101.34, division (E) of section 101.78, division (B) of section 102.02, or division (E) of section 121.68 of the Revised Code;
(b) To discuss and consider changes to any administrative operation of the joint legislative ethics committee other than any matter described in division (G) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code;
(c) To discuss pending or proposed legislation.
(2) Meetings of a caucus.
(G) For purposes of division (F)(1)(a) of this section, an advisory opinion, written opinion, or decision relative to a complaint is not a rule.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 1 | State Government

Chapter 101 | General Assembly

Section 101.01 | Regular Session of the General Assembly.

Section 101.02 | Election of Officers of the Senate.

Section 101.11 | House Called to Order - Appointment of Clerk Pro Tempore - Presentation of Certificates - Oath of Office.

Section 101.12 | Presiding Officer Designated by Party Caucus.

Section 101.13 | Election of Officers of the House.

Section 101.15 | Public Committee Meetings.

Section 101.21 | Majority Required to Tenth Voting.

Section 101.22 | Evidence of Membership.

Section 101.23 | Oaths.

Section 101.24 | Powers of Each House Compelling Attendance.

Section 101.25 | Resignation of Member.

Section 101.26 | Members Ineligible to Certain Appointments and Employment.

Section 101.27 | Compensation of Members.

Section 101.271 | Medical Insurance for Members of General Assembly.

Section 101.272 | House Reimbursement Fund - Senate Reimbursement Fund.

Section 101.28 | Joint Conventions.

Section 101.29 | Legislative Employees.

Section 101.30 | Maintenance of Confidential Relationship Between Legislative Staff and General Assembly Members and Staff.

Section 101.301 | Attorney-Client Testimonial Privilege Applies to Caucuses.

Section 101.31 | Duties of Certain Officers.

Section 101.311 | Sergeant at Arms of House and Assistants.

Section 101.312 | Authority of Senate Sergeant of Arms or Assistant Senate Sergeant of Arms.

Section 101.32 | Control of Assistants - Dismissal.

Section 101.33 | Temporary Officials.

Section 101.34 | Joint Legislative Ethics Committee - Fund.

Section 101.35 | Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review.

Section 101.351 | Goal of Rule Watch System.

Section 101.352 | Request for Appearance Before Joint Committee Regarding Agency's Reliance on Principle of Law or Policy.

Section 101.353 | Request for Appearance Before Joint Committee Regarding Agency's Failure to Adopt Rule.

Section 101.354 | Agency Inventories of Regulatory Restrictions and Report.

Section 101.355 | Regulatory Restriction Database and Website.

Section 101.36 | General Assembly Authority to Rescind Department of Health Orders or Rules.

Section 101.38 | Cystic Fibrosis Legislative Task Force.

Section 101.41 | Chairman of Committee Authorized to Subpoena Witnesses.

Section 101.42 | Subpoena.

Section 101.43 | Punishment for Disobeying Subpoena or Refusing to Answer.

Section 101.44 | Testimony Before Committee Not to Be Used in Criminal Prosecution of Witness - Exception.

Section 101.45 | Fees of Sheriffs and Witnesses.

Section 101.46 | Chairman or Member of Committee May Administer Oaths.

Section 101.47 | Deposition on Complaint.

Section 101.51 | Printing of Legislative Document Definitions.

Section 101.52 | Responsibility for Printing.

Section 101.521 | Internal Printing.

Section 101.522 | Contracts With Private Printers.

Section 101.523 | Participating in Public Printing Services Provided by Department of Administrative Services.

Section 101.524 | Director of Administrative Services to Let Contract for Printing.

Section 101.53 | Format for Printing Bills.

Section 101.531 | Printing Pamphlet Laws and Session Laws Line Numbering.

Section 101.532 | Separate Appropriations Bills for Industrial Commission and Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

Section 101.54 | Journals of General Assembly.

Section 101.541 | Appendix to House and Senate Journals.

Section 101.542 | Index of Journals and Appendix.

Section 101.543 | Printing and Binding of Daily and Final Journals.

Section 101.60 | General Assembly Identification Cards.

Section 101.62 | Expiration Date for Occupational Licensing Boards.

Section 101.63 | Review Hearings Regarding Occupational Licensing Boards.

Section 101.64 | Testimony From Common Sense Initiative Office.

Section 101.65 | Report of Findings and Recommendations.

Section 101.68 | Availability of Agency Reports.

Section 101.69 | Senate Miscellaneous Sales Fund - House Miscellaneous Sales Fund.

Section 101.691 | Excess or Surplus State Supplies Disposal by Director of Administrative Services.

Section 101.70 | Legislative Lobbying Definitions.

Section 101.71 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 101.711 | Contracts With Legislative Agents.

Section 101.72 | Contents of Initial Registration Statement.

Section 101.721 | Disqualification as Legislative Agent for Certain Offenses.

Section 101.73 | Statements of Expenditures.

Section 101.74 | Statement of Financial Transactions.

Section 101.75 | Filing Complaint With Joint Legislative Ethics Committee.

Section 101.76 | Efforts Excepted From Coverage.

Section 101.77 | Prohibition Against Contingent Fees.

Section 101.78 | Initial Registration, Statement of Expenditures and Financial Transactions to Be Public.

Section 101.79 | Investigation of Violations.

Section 101.81 | Contempt of the General Assembly.

Section 101.82 | Sunset Review Committee Definitions.

Section 101.83 | Expiration Date of Agencies - Renewal.

Section 101.84 | Sunset Review Committee.

Section 101.85 | Schedule for Review of Agencies.

Section 101.86 | Evaluating Usefulness, Performance, and Effectiveness of Agency.

Section 101.87 | Report of Committee's Findings and Recommendations; Cooperation by Other Agencies.

Section 101.90 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Definitions.

Section 101.91 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Registration and Filing Requirements.

Section 101.92 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Registration Statements - Fee - Review.

Section 101.921 | Disqualification as Retirement System Lobbyist for Certain Offenses.

Section 101.93 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Statement of Expenditures - Receipts to Be Retained.

Section 101.94 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Statement of Financial Transactions With Certain Board Members.

Section 101.95 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Complaint Involving Dispute With Certain Board Members.

Section 101.96 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Scope of Regulations.

Section 101.97 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Conflicts of Interest.

Section 101.98 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Statements as Public Records - List of Registrants - Form for Filings.

Section 101.981 | Retirement System Lobbyists and Employers - Attorney General May Investigate Compliance.

Section 101.99 | Penalty.